USE OF SYNTACTICAL STYLISTIC DEVICES IN PETER ABRAHAMS’ "PATH OF THUNDER" Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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syntactic / stylistic devices / “Path of thunder” / literature

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Fayziyeva A.A.

In this article highlights use of syntactical stylistic devices in Peter Abrahams’ “Path of Thunder”.

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6npra KypaMH3. -T.: Y36eKHCTOH, 2017.

3. Tulenov J. Qadriyatlar falsafasi. T., 1998 y.

4. Xayrullaev M. Madaniy meros va falsafiy fikr tarixi. T. 1985 y.

UDK 82-3

Fayziyeva A.A.

Teacher of Bukhara State University Uzbekistan, Bukhara city



Annotation: In this article highlights use of syntactical stylistic devices in Peter Abrahams' "Path of Thunder ".

Key words: syntactic, stylistic devices, "Path of thunder", literature.

According to professor Galperin stylistic device is a conscious and intentional intensification of some typical structural and or semantic property of a language unit (neutral or expressive) promoted to a generalized status and thus becoming a general model. It follows then that an SD is an abstract pattern, a mould into which any content can be poured. As is known, the typical is not only that which is in frequent use, but that also reveals the essence of a phenomenon with the greatest and most evident force.

As any author Peter Abrahams also had a great deal of stylistic devices in his novel "Path of thunder", with the help of which he tried to reveal social inequality, race discrimination and other social issues in Africa. In the following article we have analyzed the use of some syntactical stylistic devices and begin with rhetorical question used in the novel:

Example: Why should only the people who are not white suffer?

In the sentence above the author used the stylistic device rhetorical question. It is not the question asked only by Mako, but it is the question asked by each and every African, who suffered inequality, spending their lives as slaves for white people. They can't understand the reason why they should be slaves, is the reason the colour of skin? The question is like the nucleus of the novel, revealing all the meaning of it . Another example:

Why is love the one thing man cannot really control?

As the novel is set on the love between two people, Lanny and Sarrie, who are representatives of two different races, the reader can understand the purpose of asking this question. Both Lanny and Sarrie could not control their feelings and they fell in love with each other, knowing well that it was impossible and even forbidden. Lanny asked this question and didn't wait for answer, because it is clearly seen that nobody could answer this question. Here the rhetorical question is used to express the astonishment of the character.

Repetition is the mostly used one among the syntactical stylistic devices. By repeating one word, phrase or sentence the author made the reader pay attention to what he wanted to say, as those parts carried the main ideas the author intended to


Example: Home after seven years. Home. The word had meant so much to him. In Cape Town when others had spoken about home he had been silent. It was so hard to remember home. He had left when he was fifteen. And now there it was. The cluster of houses was home.

It is the example for the ordinary repetition. Here the word "home" is used five times, the author's purpose of using repetition was to make the reader pay attention to the fact that after being far from home for several years, returning was something exciting for Lanny . The repetition of the one and the same word gave additional emphasis to the sentences. The author achieved to attract the readers' attention.

Example: Soon now he would get there. Soon now he would here the simple Afrikaans of the oldfolk. Soon now he would see Mabel.

Here anaphora, a type of repetition, is used. "Soon now he would" is used three times at the beginning of the three sentences. The stylistic device is used to express emotive, excited state of the mind of the character, how he feels thinking about the nearest future. Thus it makes the reader feel what the personage feels.

Example: It was the lonely voice of all the Jew everywhere who had been made homeless wanderers over the earth's surface for more than two thousand years; the voice of a Jew who had to leave a home he had built with his own hands; the voice of a Jew who was in a landfar from that where a brother, a sister, a child, a parent, a wife was buried; the voice of a Jew who had suffered all insults and indignities and violences; the voice of a Jew who had given much and then received spittle on his face; a desolate voice that had gained a quiet resigned strength in submission, the voice of a homeless Jew

In the sentences "the voice of a Jew" is repeated five times, each time stressing on the historical fact that the Jews are spread around the earth, without constant place to live. Abrahams wanted to tell that the Jews' lives were no better than those of Africans. The stylistic function of repetition in the sentence is to intensify the utterance and attract the reader's attention.

Example for frame repetition:

"I can't believe it, Lanny. You are so big and you are a gentleman. And you are my son. I can't believe it."

The sentence "I can't believe it" is making frame to the passage. And it helps to make the whole utterance more compact and complete. The repetition of the sentence served to express the excited state of the old lady.

Example for root repetition:

The ticket collector stared at him, a cold hostile stare.

The word "stare" is used as verb in the first place and as noun in the second one. By repeating the word in the other form, the author gave emphasis to it.

Example for linking repetition( anadiplosis):

There was room. Room to breathe.

In the linking repetition the word is repeated immediately after the first usage, attracting the reader's attention to the importance of the word. If the sentence had

been used like "there was room to breathe" , the reader would not have noticed the importance of the word. Abrahams used great many of repetitions in the novel, each of the repetition carrying the ideas of the author, which were intended to make the reader think over.

Parallel construction also helped to make the novel stylistically colourful. Example for parallel construction:

He had won a scholarship and got a diploma, and then he won another grant and got an arts degree.

In the sentence two independent sentences possess identical syntactical structure. The author used parallel construction in the sentence to enumerate Lanny's achievements by creating rhythmic tone.

Another example for parallel construction:

Some asked her how the new arrival was, others wanted to know what he intended doing, others just told her what a lucky woman she was, and some, playfully, offered their daughters for consideration.

In the example above parallel construction carries emotive function. The connected sentences resemble one another, each of them referring to some people, who showed their different interests to the event. Besides, it shows Mrs. Swartz's situation, she is so excited and busy with her own thoughts, it is impossible to remember who said what, but remembers only some people asked about Lanny's future plans, others gave words of praise and so on. The author used this stylistic device in order to express old lady's emotional state.

One more example for parallelism:

I was thus with my father, and he was thus with his father, and so it goes back. So it will go forward, too. Your son will be thus with you.

It is taken from the speech of Isaac's father. When Isaac objected his father about some matters, the old Jew told his son this. Here parallelism served to show the continuity and repeated character of the situation. Old man wants to tell his son that Isaac's son also treat him as he treated his father, and to prove his words and to assure his son, he uses parallelism. Abrahams made good use from the stylistic device in the situation.

Chiasmus has the character of parallelism, but it is reversed parallelism. Let's see the sentences where the author used this stylistic device:

They understand us and we understand them.

It is example for lexical chiasmus, because the pronouns changed their places in the second part of the sentence. Gert says: they understand us and we understand them. The sentence has meaning of condition with some threatening tone, showing that the second part of the sentence is the result of the first. He wants to say if they don't understand us and support us, then it'll be bad for them too. The sentence is very simple, but the stylistic device added additional meaning to it.

Another example for chiasmus:

The cool breeze was still in the air. And the air was still fresh andfree. In this example the second sentence is the logic continuation of the first one and adding extra meaning to it.

Inversion is used by the author in those passages where he describes the nature or emotional state of the character.

Example: Behind him, and sloping down toward the sea and Cape Town, ran the railway line.

In the sentence both modifier and the predicate stand before the subject. Here the stylistic inversion is used to attach the logical stress to the first part of the sentence.

Another example for inversion:

How changed was she compared to the picture he had carried in his mind.

In this sentence the predicative stands before the link-verb and both are placed before the subject. The used stylistic inversion in the sentence is in the function to express the emotive state of the character, giving poetic feature to his thoughts.

Another example:

Too long have I been insulted to want to insult others.

In this example the modifier and the auxiliary verb stand before the subject of the sentence. The sentence has the form of emphatic construction, the stylistic device is used to show that the owner of the speech is too excited and shows his state by changing the order of the words.

Detachment (detached construction) used by Abrahams are mostly given as independent sentences, coming after the full stop. But they can't be independent, as they are connected logically to the sentence they are following.

Example: They killed your wife and two of your children. My mother, my brother, and my sister.

In the sentence the author detached that part of the sentence , to which he wanted the reader pay attention. The detachment is given after the full stop and it strengthens the importance of this part. At the same time it shows that the speaker is very excited, and thus , he stresses each word of the detached construction.

Another example for detached construction given in the novel:

There was space. Enough to live in and be free.

The author used detached construction in the sentence to produce a much stronger effect, by focusing the attention on this part. Abrahams gives the detachment after the punctuation full stop in order to increase the importance of it.

One more example for the detachment:

The old storekeeper, with his sad quick, sad eyes, greeted her.

In this example the detached construction is adding emphasis to the sentence and this was the purpose of the author.

So, in conclusion I want to say that all the stylistic devices used in the novel were created with the aim to make a great impact on readers, to make them see the imaginary world created by the author by means of his stylistic devices, to make them think over the issues the author wanted to tell. The stylistic devices were good means in the description of the inner thoughts, sufferings of the characters, which are familiar to any reader and thus make them believe and sympathize the characters.


1. Гальперин И.Р. О понятиях "стиль" и "стилистика". "Вопросы языкознания" , 1973, №3

2. Abrahams P. The Path of Thunder . M.: Higher school publishing house, 1971.

3. Galperin I.R. Stylistics , Moscow , Higher School , 1977.

UDK 94

Mahmudov A.

Assistant of department Social sciences Namangan engineering-construction Institute


Annotation: In this article highlights stages of history teaching methods in Uzbekistan

Key words: stages of history, methods, teaching, people, Uzbekistan.

Throughout the millenniums, people have enjoyed the historic works of the history of our Homeland. Historical sources were used. History and teaching in the schools and madrasas are among the main subjects of history. However, while the science of Europe was developing, the methods of reading during the khanate were very old. First of all, it is necessary to point out some of the shortcomings of the system for the period when the problem of teaching in schools and madrasahs is rising. It should be noted that there was no single standard of education in schools and madrassas. In each school or madrasah, the scholars have come from many years of experience in teaching. Secondly, the situation in the learning rooms of pupils and students was insufficient. Third, penalties that are inadequate to pedagogy have been applied to pupils who are unlucky, aggressive, or inactive. One of the authors explained: "The children who were sitting in their schools repeatedly screamed, so the school would always be a noise. The housewife watched it, and when the child was scared, he shouted and warned him, and he repudiated it with great rebuke. Approximately 1 m. It was a long wooden tree, with two rings. The boy's leg stuck to the heel and went up to the sky. By the order of Domla, two clergymen (great forefathers) carry the child's legs on the rim. In this case the teacher begins beating the child's legs ... ".

As for teaching history in schools and madrassas, there are some shortcomings in this area. There is no systematic training apart from the lack of a single standard of education. That is, there is no news that the same historical information was given since the emergence of man. On the contrary, only some stories and personal stories that have left a bright mark in our history were ignored.

After the invasion of Russia, great changes took place in education. Russian authorities have begun to introduce educational institutions such as gymnasium and Russian-language schools to create a subordinate layer among the local population. For their intended purposes, they planned to drastically reduce the history of local populations or teach Russian history.

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