CULTURAL HERITAGE AS A FACTOR OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (ON THE EXAMPLE OF UZBEKISTAN) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Djuraeva D.D., Berdiyeva Z.M.

The article describes one of the problems of human potential, i.e., its development in the world today. Attention is paid to the development of human potential in terms of the cultural heritage of the nation. Emphasizes the role of historical heritage in the development and strengthening of human potential.

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В статье рассмотрено одна из проблем человеческого потенциала, т.е. ее развитие в сегодняшнем мире. Внимание уделяется на развитие человеческого потенциала в контексте культурного наследия народа. Подчеркнуто роль исторического наследия в развитии и укрепления человеческого потенциала.


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UDC 338.46: 331.101.26



D.D. Djuraeva1, Z.M.Berdiyeva2


The article describes one of the problems of human potential, i.e., its development in the world today. Attention is paid to the development of human potential in terms of the cultural heritage of the nation. Emphasizes the role of historical heritage in the development and strengthening of human potential.

Keywords: human development, potential, culture, traditions, history.

Present-day time, in the age of information and high technology, the term of "human potential" is found not only in researches of scientists, but also in phrases of media and ordinary citizens. The question immediately arises: what is the human potential in today's world?

In modern economic literature of foreign countries, there are various definitions of "human potential." In particular, the "Human Development Report 1997", which was prepared by the United Nations, states that "a person is a potential for different combinations of functional human qualities which it can provide, and reflects the freedom to acquire these functional qualities." In this case, "... the functional qualities of a person reflects something useful that this man can do or to secure, for example, eat well, live long and to participate in society" [1].

In connection with the transition of developed countries in the post-industrial stage of development, the beginning of the transformation processes of post-socialist countries, civilizational shift of globalizing world, in modern conditions sharply raises the question of finding new targets of development, that is, human development. If we recall the recent past, then society has always been a major issue for profit, and only recently began to change society's priorities. A true story of human development begins with the moment when the company directs its resources and efforts on the development of human potential.

The method of calculating the "Human Development Index" (HDI), according to which the United Nations since 1990, conducting cross-country comparisons. In calculating the HDI takes into account three types of indicators: life expectancy at birth; adult literacy rate and the combined share of the country's students; standard of living through rate of GDP per capita at purchasing power parity in US dollars.

It can be argued that countries with nearly equal values of per capita income can vary greatly according to the Human Development Index; At the same time, the index can be close to countries far removed from each other in terms of economic development. Obviously, this is largely dependent not only on the existing state of economic resources, but also on the direction of social policy on how society really defines and builds its own priorities.

In our opinion, in addition to human development indicators used by the UNDP, in the framework of a country like Uzbekistan, it makes sense to use a more detailed set of characteristics of human development, including:

• multinational (about 100 nationalities)

• health (physical and mental), which ensures the overall viability of man;

iDilnoza Davron kizi Dzurayeva - teacher, department tourism, Bukhara state university, Bukhara, Uzbekistan.

2Zulfiya Mukhitdinovna Berdiyeva - senior teacher department chemistry, Bukhara engineering-technological institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan.

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• mentality (friendliness, ethnic, cultural and religious tolerance and respect,


• commitment to family life, raising children and caring for parents (these elements are integral characteristics of the mentality of the Uzbek people, as well as secured by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Articles 63,64,66; chapter XIV);

• cultural value orientations.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the specific location of the country, its climate and other geographical factors, such as Uzbekistan is located in the central part of Central Asia and along with other neighboring countries do not have direct access to the sea.

To date, it is clear that human potential - is the main instrument of social and economic progress of the state and society. The purpose of development is to create conducive to a long, healthy and creative lives of people. In this connection, comes to the fore the problem of influence on the development of human potential.

In today's post-industrial world, no society can see their future without the development and strengthening of cultural and spiritual potential, spiritual and moral values in people's minds. Therefore, the problem of spirituality, the problem of spiritual and moral education becomes today, especially important. The future of every nation, first of all, it depends on himself, from the spiritual energy and creative power of its national consciousness. For example, T.I.Zaslavskaya describing human potential, writes that "it is secured in such physical and spiritual qualities of the citizens, many of whom depend on the gene pool of the country, the conditions of new generations and features of national culture. Character mentality structure of values, personality types are changed relatively little over the life of the people, largely passed on from generation to generation" [2]. I.V.Soboleva, defining this category, notes that "the human potential - that's accumulated stock of public physical and moral health, general cultural and professional competence, creativity, entrepreneurship and civic engagement, implemented in a variety of fields, as well as in the level and structure of needs" [3].

Given the various interpretations of human potential by different authors we can define it as follows, human potential - is the equilibrium set of complementary factors of physical and moral health of the population, its cultural, intellectual and spiritual level, national characteristics and technical and technological progress, psychological, professional and social settings, motives and behaviors, the extent of which corresponds to the socio-economic characteristics of the medium and is sufficient for the need to maintain and preserve the viability of the company, as well as its further development.

As we know, significant impacts on social relations have religious and cultural traditions. World experience demonstrates the process of constant change of social systems, their successes and failures, deep internal contradictions and even conflicts. However, the developed democratic countries are able to overcome these difficulties by implementing the main protective function of the state and civil society - to create decent living conditions of citizens.

Russian philosopher L.P.Karsavin in his discussion of the nation, its unity, wrote that "the idea of culture defines its statehood" [4]. That is, the culture - is the determining ground strategy of development of society and the world as a whole, it sets the framework and sets the horizon of this development, the horizon of personal development. That is why the question of the spiritual, cultural strength, the question of preserving cultural heritage of high culture - these are the questions that are now taken into account in the process of development of Uzbekistan.

Therefore, is essential to analyze what conditions are and what created for the development of human potential in terms of culture and spirituality. Human development and the economy through Uzbekistan have quite a rich history, spiritual, moral and cultural base. From the begin the first years of independence, reform and renewal of public life, opened up thick layers of spiritual culture, have sharply changed people's mentality towards patriotism and national pride, openness to the world. According to Article 7 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "Democracy in the Republic of Uzbekistan is based on universal principles according to which the ulti-

mate value is the human being, his life, freedom, honor, dignity and other inalienable rights". The country has made major reforms for human development in various areas of social life, including culture.

Alone objects of historical, cultural, architectural and archaeological value, in Uzbekistan there are about seven thousand. Of these, 545 architectural, 575 historical monuments, and art monument in 1457, more than 5,500 object of archaeological value. In addition, there are more than 300 museums and 1,200 enterprises of folk art in Uzbekistan [5].

The country has a great historical heritage, it is scientists and statesmen: Imam Bukhari, Nakshband, Biruni, Ibn Sina (Avicenna), At-Termezi, Khoja Ahmed Yasavi, Al Kharizmi, Amir Temur, Ulugbek, Babur and many others have made a huge contribution to the development of Uzbek national culture, have become truly the pride of nation. These names and their outstanding contribution to the development of world civilization known today throughout the world.

In the XXI century is particularly important significance of such qualities as high spirituality and culture, because they form their own opinions and outlook of each individual and in general society. As one know, today represent a great danger "destructive ideas" as terrorism, extremism and others, which are aimed at the destruction of the economic system, as well as from within the state itself. In this regard, it is necessary to emphasize the special importance of spiritual, moral and cultural ideas, because it is these qualities and will resist alien ideas and develop human potential, as well as, at the same time will be a platform for productivity growth and economic development.

In conclusion we can say that the cultural heritage, being the most powerful means of creating a national identity, national pride, and is a universal spiritual foundation of human development in any country in the world. It focused morals, law, customs and traditions, literature, history lessons and all that is connected with humanity. Natural desire for material well-being should not overshadow the need for spiritual and intellectual growth of the nation, for it is not only the guarantee of economic, but also human development.


1. Human Development Report 1997 // Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. - 245p.

2. Заславская Т.Н. Человеческий потенциал в современном трансформационном процессе // Общественные науки и современность. 2005. № 3. С. 12.

3. Соболева И.В. Человеческий потенциал российской экономики: проблемы сохранения и развития / И.В. Соболева. - М.: Наука, 2007. С.12.

4. Карсавин Л.П. Философия истории. С-Пб., 1993, С. 194

5. Тураев Б.Х. Развитие организационно-экономических механизмов управления региональным туризмом: автореф. дис. док. экон. наук: 08.00.13 / ТГЭУ. - Т., 2010. - 52 с.

© D.D. Djuraeva, Z.M. Berdiyeva, 2016

УДК 338.46: 331.101.26


Д.Д. Джураева, З.М. Бердиева

Аннотация. В статье рассмотрено одна из проблем человеческого потенциала, т.е. ее развитие в сегодняшнем мире. Внимание уделяется на развитие человеческого потенциала в контексте культурного наследия народа. Подчеркнуто роль исторического наследия в развитии и укрепления человеческого потенциала.

Ключевые слова: человеческое развитие, потенциал, культура, традиции, история

© Д.Д. Джураева, З.М. Бердиева, 2016.

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