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Ключевые слова
high moral / spiritual / information technology / perfect man / raising children / harmony / our national pride / historical heritage and great ancestors / the Law "On Education" / "National Training Program"

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zaripova Gulbahor Kamilovna, Norova Fazilat Fayzulloyevna, Тo’rayev Mardon Farmonovich

this article is devoted to the education of young people in conditions of national independence using the works of our great scientists.

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этапе, но и для того, чтобы преподать им урок на всю жизнь о том, как брать на себя

ответственность за собственное здоровье.

Список литературы

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'Zaripova Gulbahor Kamilovna - Associate Professor; 2Norova Fazilat Fayzulloyevna — Lecturer; 3To 'rayev Mardon Farmonovich — Lecturer, DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, BUKHARA STATE UNIVERSITY, BUKHARA, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: this article is devoted to the education of young people in conditions of national independence using the works of our great scientists.

Keywords: high moral, spiritual, information technology, perfect man, raising children, harmony, our national pride, historical heritage and great ancestors, the Law "On Education ", "National Training Program".

In order to strengthen and develop its independence, our country carries out significant work and measures aimed at developing a person of high moral, spiritual and spiritual maturity of youth. In today's fast-paced 21st century, when the minds of young people are preoccupied with information and information technology, training them to become spiritually rich, perfect people remains an urgent problem. Solving this problem, teachers, educators and educational scientists conduct in-depth observations and research.

We have known for a long time that raising children has always been the main task of our ancestors, and one of the first tasks facing us is to educate the younger generation in a harmonious, healthy, sincere, spiritual and rational way of life. At present, the repertoire of the press and media, cinema, theater is organized in a national context. All their activities are aimed at deepening the study of the socio-economic aspects of our society, the formation of spiritual changes, the use of the sources of our spirituality, our national pride, historical heritage and the works of our great ancestors.

At the same time, our people have a high attitude towards the profession. After our country gained independence, this need has increased. Some aspects of the "Education Law" [2] and the "National Curriculum" [3] are proof of this. Today's training and education process, along with the restoration of our national profession, presupposes the development of modern professions. Since the process of teaching young people includes general education, as well as specialized subjects, industrial education, there are certain aspects of guiding this process.

Since the students of the continuing education system are mainly adolescents and young people, it is important to remember that management activities are organized with students who are in the most difficult age of crisis at a young age. In order to involve industrial enterprises, guardians and sponsors in the educational process, organize internships and vocational guidance, the "National Program" of personnel training [3] requires the education of an independent thinker, the attention of the leader should be in this area.

When teaching students, the following important guiding principles should be considered: achieving cooperation in the right direction of student independence; achieving democracy and self-government in the process of organizing the teaching staff; establish cooperation with professors, teachers, parents, guardians, sponsors; avoidance of formality; correct interpersonal relationships; democratization of education.

Yusuf Has Hajib In 1069, while studying the work "Qutadg'u bilig" [6] (knowledge leading to happiness), the poet wrote about morality, knowledge, raising children, how to behave in public, he thinks of himself as about the messenger of enlightenment about its importance and value, the rules of hospitality, its way of life, many issues of the spiritual world of man.

In the epic, the poet promotes the idea of struggle for a centralized state, wise, just government, for the time of the people, state, head of state and citizen, scientists and ruler, economic and cultural ties. As for neighboring countries, the duty of the ruling classes to the people caused very progressive socio-philosophical observations: he singled out peasants, artisans and shepherds as categories that create the material benefits of society.

Firdavsi, Ibn Sina, Beruni, Nasir Khisraw, Yusuf Has Hajib, who continued the tradition, in this work you can find ideas on mathematics, astronomy, geography, philosophy, logic, politics, medicine, in a word, all the knowledge of that time. This shows that they had deep and wide knowledge [10].

Our country is celebrating the 680th anniversary of the birth of the great commander, who is a symbol of deep respect and respect for our youth. When we study the life and work of Amir Temur, we are convinced that the work of our world-famous ancestor "Temur's Statutes" is a great work. In addition to the biography of Amir Temur, the play contains valuable information about the structure of the state and the army, as well as about the history of the Chigatay people for more than fifty years (1342-1405).

Amir Temur was an intelligent, experienced and political figure. He predetermined which central apparatus of the state he wants to form and on which social categories the local government will rely, officials and their qualities, as well as their duties and responsibilities. The role of ministers, emirs and provincial deputies in government was enormous. Therefore, Amir Temur paid special attention to their selection and appointment [9].

According to him, these should be loyal, morally pure, fair, peaceful and initiative people. According to the author of the Charter, for example, ministers should have four qualities: "1) originality, pure pedigree and greatness; 2) common sense; 3) know about the state of the army and the people, take care of them, treat them well; 4) willpower - endurance, tolerance and gentleness "[5].

According to the book "Tuzuklar", Amir Temur, as a result of the development of education, science, crafts, art, culture and architecture in his country, called on young people to be courageous, courageous, morally healthy people. Showed guidelines for parenting. That is why our ancestor Amir Temur was considered the most respected person in the world.

Considering that the classical heritage of our great ancestors can serve the development of our nation, the formation of national identity among young people and the upbringing and development of a harmoniously developed person, the Law "On Education" [2] and "National Education" [3] and a radical reform of the education and training system President of Uzbekistan, gives positive results in

the upbringing of a harmoniously developed generation, makes a significant contribution to the formation of an ideal person [7].

As the first President of our country Islam Karimov said: "Spirituality and enlightenment are the strength of a person, people, society, state. There is no happiness without this. Not only old history, but also modern history gives many examples of this "[1]. Pedagogy has long been concerned with the issue of ideal human education. Because the idea of an ideal person is a long-standing dream of humanity, and a number of factors are important in order to bring it to this level. These are: social environment, education, innate abilities, amateur performance [8].

The system of continuing education and training will be governed by the state through the structural transformation of state and non-state educational institutions and their gradual development. The competence of education authorities at all levels is determined in accordance with the "Law on Education" [2]. A legal framework for education will be developed.

The rights and independence of educational institutions in conducting financial and economic activities and organizing the educational process will be expanded. Educational institutions are certified and accredited in the manner prescribed by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and after accreditation, the right to work in the field of education is granted.


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2. Kadrlar tayyorlash milliy dasturi. // Barkamol avlod - O'zbekiston taraqqiyotining poydevori. Toshkent: «Sharq», 1997. P. 31-61.

3. Zaripova G.K., Baxronova Sh.Sh., Muxammedova M.M. The role of theory and application of information systems in the field of information technology SCOPE ACADEMIC HOUSE. 11th International Conference. «SCIENCE AND PRACTICE: A NEW LEVEL OF INTEGRATION. IN THE MODERN WORLD». November 30, 2020, Sheffield, UK. E. 101-102.// DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/UK_6Z11.47.

4. Zaripova G.K., Sayidova N.S., Abduakhadov A.A., Zhurakulov Zh.Zh. The use of electronic resources in history education and its protection. // Scientific-electronic journal "ACADEMIC PUBLICATION". № 2, 2020. 123-131 pp.

5. Zaripova G.K., Sayidova N.S., Zhuraev I.I., Zhurakulov Zh.Zh. Theory and practice of the systemic organization of spiritual and educational upbringing of students of professional colleges. "Problems of Science". Moscow: monograph, 2021. 48 p.

6. Zaripova G.K., Sayidova N.S., Norova F.F., Abduakhadov A.A. FEATURES OF THE CREDIT AND MODULAR SYSTEM IN HIGHER EDUCATION // Academy. № 10 (61), 2020. C. 25-29.

7. Zaripova G., Ramozonov J., Abduakhadov A. INFORMATION SECURITY (RESPONSIBILITIES)// Scientific-electronic journal "ACADEMIC PUBLICATION". № 1, 2019. P. 16-21.

8. Zaripova G., Ruzieva K. The use of interactive methods in the process of teaching students to computer technologies // "Problems of Pedagogy". № 7 (39), 2018. 5-8 pp.

9. Zaripova G.K., Sayidova N.S., Takhirov B.N., Hayitov U.Kh. Pedagogical cooperation between teacher and students in the credit-modular system of higher education // Science, Education and Culture. № 8 (52), 2020.

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