Научная статья на тему 'Recommendations for the conservation of some rare arctic-alpine plant species in the Chornohora mountains (Ukrainian Carpathians)'

Recommendations for the conservation of some rare arctic-alpine plant species in the Chornohora mountains (Ukrainian Carpathians) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
rare arctic-alpine species / exogenous factors / the conservation of populations / Chornohora Mountains (the Ukrainian Carpathians) / рідкісні аркто-альпійські види рослин / екзогенні чинники / збереження популяцій / Українські Карпати

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — R. M. Cherepanyn

The influence of external factors on populations of rare arctic-alpine plant species was analysed. We revealed the negative impact of intensive trampling and grazing pressure on the structure of populations. We also found the positive effect of moderate trampling and availability of microsites in habitats oiLoiseleuriaprocumbens and Salix herbacea populations. We have proposed to protect populations of Pedicularis oederi and LloycUa serotina through controlling demutation processes in ecosystems and through conserving natural conditions in the habitats, and if it is necessary to carry out actions of the active protection. It is important to control the abidance of regime on the natural protected area to conserve the habitat oiSaussitrea alpina on the Petros Mountain. We revealed that it was necessary to eliminate recreational load on the population of Saussurea alpina on the Brebeneskul Mountain by creation of the main tourist route through the roundabout path. It was established that the reproductive parameters of populations, in particular, the number of generative shoots, the coefficient of generative reproduction and recovery index, could be used as a sensitive indicators of anthropogenic changes.

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Рекомендації щодо збереження деяких рідкісних аркто- альпійських видів рослин у Чорногорі (Українські Карпати)

альпійських видів рослин у Чорногорі (Українські Карпати) Розглянуто вплив зовнішніх факторів на популяції рідкісних аркто-альпійських видів рослин. Відзначено негативний вплив інтенсивного витоптування та пасквального навантаження на структуру популяцій. Встановлено позитивний вплив помірного витоптування та наявності вільних мікроніш в оселшці на популяції Loiseleuria procumbens та Salix herbacea. Запропоновано для охорони популяцій Pedicularis oederi і Lloydia serotiпа контролювати демутаційні процеси та зберігати природні умови в оселшцах, а за потреби здійснювати заходи активної охорони. В оселшці Saussurea alpina на г. Петрос важливим є дотримання заповідного режиму. У популяції Saussurea alpina на г. Бребенескул потрібно усунути рекреаційний прес шляхом облаштування основного туристичного маршруту через обхідну стежку. Встановлено, що репродуктивні параметри популяцій, зокрема чисельність генеративних пагонів, коефіцієнт генерування та індекс відновлення, можна використати як чутливі індикаторні ознаки антропогенних змін.

Текст научной работы на тему «Recommendations for the conservation of some rare arctic-alpine plant species in the Chornohora mountains (Ukrainian Carpathians)»

УДК 502.[13+5]:582.689.2(477:292.44/.45)


The influence of external factors on populations of rare arctic-alpine plant species was analysed. We revealed the negative impact of intensive trampling and grazing pressure on the structure of populations. We also found the positive effect of moderate trampling and availability of microsites in habitats of Loiseleuria procumbens and Salix herbacea populations. We have proposed to protect populations of Pedicularis oederi and Lloydia serotina through controlling demutation processes in ecosystems and through conserving natural conditions in the habitats, and if it is necessary to carry out actions of the active protection. It is important to control the abidance of regime on the natural protected area to conserve the habitat of Saus-surea alpina on the Petros Mountain. We revealed that it was necessary to eliminate recreational load on the population of Saussurea alpina on the Brebeneskul Mountain by creation of the main tourist route through the roundabout path. It was established that the reproductive parameters of populations, in particular, the number of generative shoots, the coefficient of generative reproduction and recovery index, could be used as a sensitive indicators of anthropogenic changes.

Keywords: rare arctic-alpine species, exogenous factors, the conservation of populations, Chornohora Mountains (the Ukrainian Carpathians).

Introduction. Arctic-alpine plants are a special group of organisms, which play an important role in ecosystems of Arctic and subarctic regions and also in mountains of the Northern Hemisphere. The nature of the distribution of these species caused by fluctuations in the levels of continental glaciers, climate changes and the formation of the landscape in the Holocene [18]. Arctic-alpine species in ukrainian flora distributed mainly in the Carpathians. Highland plants - organisms with characteristic morphology and physiology that are the result of adaptive evolution to the peculiar conditions of existence [20]. Arctic-alpine species take special place in the flora of the Ukrainian Carpathians. There are a large part of common, coenotic forming and rare species among them in the Ukrainian Carpathians [19]. There are also many relics and endangered species among the arctic-alpine plants. Arctic-alpine element of flora is presented of 67 species in the Ukrainian Carpathians, or it is about 7.4 % of the highland flora [14, 21, 22]. 55 species of them have Holarctic type of area, 3 species - with Eurasian area, 6 species - Euro-American area and 3 species - European area.

Many rare arctic-alpine plants are confined to the glacial landforms - ancient glacial boilers and rocky ridges of mountain ranges. Geographic massif that characterized of such landscapes, not so much in this region. Basically refuges for rare arctic-alpine plant species serve Chornohora, Svydovets, Marmarosh and Chyvchyny mountains. They also occur on other areas, but listed above areas are centers of their distribution in Ukraine.

Changes of natural conditions and active human exploration of subalpine and alpine zones lead often to the formation of an unfavorable environment for rare plant species and for self-regeneration of their populations. It is established that the viabi-

1 assistant R. M. Cherepanyn, PhD in biology - Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk

2. Екологя та довкшля


HamoHa^bHHH McoTexmuHHH ymBepcHTeT yKpaiHH

lity of populations of many species decreases due to anthropogenic pressure [5, 7, 8, 10]. Obviously, that the increasing of human impact in highlands affects on the populations of rare arctic-alpine species. Useful and aesthetic properties of many of them led to their extensive use by man. The result of this is reducing of the square of distribution, changes in population structure and other negative processes [1, 6]. There are a lot of populations among arctic-alpine plants that are represented by small number of individuals or small square of their habitats. These species are particularly vulnerable to exogenous disturbances and stochastic environmental changes [16].

Therefore the studying of changes of structure of such populations under the influences of natural and anthropogenic disturbances is actual. So the purpose of our research is to establish the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on populations of rare arctic-alpine species, and develop recommendations for their conservation.

Materials and methods. The objects of our investigation are population of the next rare arctic-alpine species, in particular: Anemone narcissiflora L., Bartsia alpina L., Cerastium lanatum Lam., Dryas octopetala L., Lloydia serotina (L.) Reic-henb., Loiseleuria procumbens (L.) Desv., Pedicularis oederi Vahl, Salix herbacea L., Saussurea alpina (L.) DC. Of these Anemone narcissifolia, Dryas octopetala, Lloydia serotina, Loiseleuria procumbens, Pedicularis oederi, Salix herbacea i Saussurea alpina are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine [23]. The remaining species proposed in the Red Book of the Ukrainian Carpathians [17]. The studied species belonging to 9 genus and 8 families.

The researches were realized in subalpine and alpine zones of Chornohora Mountains in the Ukrainian Carpathians. We used permanent research plots and a method of accounting on the route to obtain several years of data. Was applied the mapping method and method of labeling of individuals. Habitat area, altitude, slope exposition, density and number of individuals, projective cover, etc. were identified for populations. Much attention was paid to demographic aspects, including such parameters as age structure, ontogeny and vitality of individuals, reproduction and sexual structure during the study of populations [15].

Laboratory germination was investigated by germination of seeds for 120 days under room temperature and lighting. Seeds were germinated also after ultraviolet irradiation (wavelength (A) - 253,7 nm), which lasted for 1 minute, and after 60 minutes of irradiation with light red spectrum (A = 668 nm; density of irradiation P = 0.6-0.8 mW/cm2). Part of seeds were subjected to influence of cold stratification. Seeds were frozen in a freezer for 15 and 30 days at -10 ° C.

Were used passive experiments and methods developed for rare plant species during the research the reactions of the rarest species on impact of natural and anthropogenic factors [12]. We were used passive experiments with partial damage of individuals in populations, simulating the trampling, grazing or picking of plants. We also used experiments with point disturbances of soil and grass cover in populations for less rare species. Index of recovery in populations is calculated as relation of the number of pregenerative individuals to generative individuals. The coefficient of generative reproduction in populations defined as ratio of number of generative individuals to adults individuals and expressed in a percentage [11].


36ipHHK HayKOBO-TexHiHHHX npa^

HayKOBHH BicHiiK HJITV yKpai'HH. - 2016. - Bun. 26.8

Results and discussion. Established that coefficient of generative reproduction, density of species and seed production are reduced, but vegetative reproduction is activated under grazing and trampling in populations of Anemone narcissiflora and Bartsia alpina. In particular, the coefficient of regeneration in populations of Anemone narcissiflora not far from Nesamovyte lake (south-western slope, 1600-1800 m above sea level) amount 50-60 %, and in the population on Goverla mountain (southeastern slope, 1800-1900 m above sea level), which is exposed by human impact, coefficient of regeneration falls to 28,6 %. Left sided age spectrums and activation of vegetative regeneration are observed under conditions of human impact on populations. Intensive trampling has negative impact on populations of Loiseleuria procum-bens and Dryas octopetala - projective cover of individuals and indexes of annual growth of shoots, density of species and number of generative shoots are reduced in the populations (fig. 1). In a dense covering plant conditions with Juncus trifidus L. and Festuca airoides Lam. reduced density of species, projective covering and percentage of flowering shoots in rare arctic-alpine species.

But not always human pressure has a negative effect. For example, the reduction of grass and denudation of the soil surface due to moderate anthropogenic influences, can stimulate generative reproduction overgrowth of vegetative shoots in populations of Salix herbacea (fig. 1). Small local disturbances stimulate flowering of Saussurea alpina. In particular, in the population of Saussurea alpina on Brebeneskul mountain (north-western slope, 2000 m above sea level), which grows on meadows, over the past 15 years there was no observed generative reproduction [13]. Due to experiment with local point disturbances of soil and grass cover, we observed blooming of 10 individuals in the next vegetative seasons. Generative reproduction is not due to elimination of competition from other species, because plants bloomed at a distance of 6 meters from the places of experiment realization (fig. 2). Mechanisms of such reactions on mentioned above exogenous influences require further study.

Fig. 1. Projective cover of individuals in populations under different conditions:

1) Loiseleuriaprocumbens (L.) Desv. (conservation, Brebeneskul mt., north-eastern slope), 2) L. procumbens (trampling, Brebeneskul mt., north-western slope), 3) Dryas octopetala L. (trampling, Brebeneskul mt.), 4) D. octopetala (conservation, Pip Ivan mt.), 5) Salix herbacea L. (trampling, Brebeneskul mt., north-western slope), 6) S. herbacea (conservation, Brebeneskul mt., north-eastern slope), 7) S. herbacea (conservation, Petros mt.)

2. EK0.i0riH Ta goBKLMH


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Fig. 2. Experiment with point disturbances of soil and grass cover in populations of Saussurea alpina (L.) DC. on the Brebeneskul mt.: o - places of disturbances of soil and grass cover; A - generative individuals

The conservation of the natural conditions in the habitat is important in the highlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians. In accordance with the Berne Convention and Habitat Directive conservation of natural habitats of species and to ensure conditions for their reproduction is one of the important mechanisms for the protection of biodiversity [2, 3]. That's why conservation of subalpine and alpine habitats is also priority task in protection of rare arctic-alpine plant species.

The conservation of the natural conditions in the habitats is important for populations of Pedicularis oederi and Lloydia serotina. Contravention of ecotypes and changing of the properties of habitat are the most threatening factors for these species. For example, drying of mesophytic meadows and alpine bogs may result in a decrease the volume of a single ukrainian population of Pedicularis oederi between Brebeneskul and Munchel mountains (south-western slope, 1950 m above sea level). A narrow ecological-coenotical amplitude of Lloydia serotina and overgrowing of it ecotypes by Pinus mugo Turra due to the raising of upper limit of the forest, leading to reducing the number of individuals, index of recovery and narrowing of the square of small amount habitats of this species. In particular, population of Lloydia serotina on the Velyki Kizly ridge (north-western slope, 1710 m above sea level), which has about 30 individuals of which 15 is generative individuals, grows on poor rocky substrate and rocky areas. Recovery index in population is 0.6. Square of the habitat is 25 m2. Therefore, it is important to control demutation processes in unique ecosystems and populations to conserve endangered plants and if it is necessary to pursue active protection measures - to remove more competitive and aggressive species.

Also, it is important to compliance with applicable environmental regime established within protected areas for the conservation of endangered species. For example, population of rare Saussurea alpina on Petros mountain (Chornohora array, north-eastern slope, 1820 m above sea level), exposed by pastoral load. Grazing of cattles causes a decreasing number of individuals in population, aging of population, breaks in flowering of generative individuals and reducing their vitality. In particular, it was observed a weakening of flowering of individuals. We found only from 3 to 7 blooming individuals in 2015 and 2016 years. Whereas in previous vegetative seasons we observed 60 flowering individuals. Self-maintenance of population is due to vegetative reproduction now.


35ipHHK HayKOBO-TexHiHHHx iipam,

HayKOBHH BicHHK HJITy yKpaÏHH. - 2016. - Ban. 26.8

Hiking trail passes through the population of Saussurea alpina on Brebeneskul mountain in Chornohora. Considering the extraordinary value of the habitat where the only ukrainian population Callianthemum coriandrifolium Reichenb. exists and also grow rare Rhodiola rosea L. and Ranunculus thora L., recreational impact on this territory need to be reduced significantly. This can be achieved by furnishing of the tourist route through the roundabout path, which runs below the habitat.

It is important to determine the critical living conditions of populations during planning of nature protection measures. Suitable for this may be information about the regeneration niche of species, which is often much more narrow than ecological niche of adults individuals [4]. Therefore the possibility of realization of the regeneration niche can be a determining factor for the existence of populations [9]. During processing measures of reintroduction of species is necessary to consider information about their eco-coenotic strategy and spatial variability of regenerative niche because ecological niche of generative individuals may differ significantly from niche of posterity. For example, favorable conditions for reproduction of adults individuals may have negatively influence on the development of seedlings and vice versa [13].

High seed germination of populations Cerastium lanatum and Loiseleuria pro-cumbens established. Seed germination dynamics in spatial components significantly varies due to the different environmental and phytocoenotic conditions in populations of Loiseleuria procumbens (fig. 3). It can be expression of different ways of adaptation and realization of regeneration niches under the conditions of various factors in habitats. Revealed that cold stratification and ultraviolet radiation increases seeds germination of Dryas octopetala and changes the dynamics of germination Loiseleuria procumbens. Exposure of red light spectrum and ultraviolet irradiation have adversely affect on seeds germination of Saussurea alpina.


90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

4®4 444 4 4

% ■* aa A A

■ ■ ■ ■ m + m X m X

X # .+ + ++ + +

f + + A

x + ♦ ■ + a A a A X X *

+ ¿A * X

+ A

■ + AiF X

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101111121

-Shpyci mt., NE slope

—x—ice circus Kizly-Shpyci, NW slope

—+—Gutyn-Tomnatyk mt., NE slope

—x—Gutyn-Tomnatyk mt., SE slope

—■—Brebeneskul mt., NWslope

-Brebeneskul mt., SWslope

Germination period, days

Fig. 3. Dynamics of seed germination of Loiseleuria procumbens (L.) Desv. from

several habitats

It is important to conduct further monitoring of populations of rare arctic-alpine species in the highland of Ukrainian Carpathians to determine their viability, for creating the prognostic model of their future existence and identification measures of conservation under the different conditions of the environment and human impact. It is important to eliminate human impact on populations with low vitality and species

2. EKO.oria Ta goBKÎMH


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with significant level of rarity. This is especially concerns for grazing, trampling, picking and uprooting of plants.

For efficient assessment status of populations of rare arctic-alpine species it is necessary to conduct monitoring of major structural and functional parameters on concrete stationary plots. It is important to use the next indicators as a most informative criterias: the area of population, general and effective number of individuals in the population, coefficient of regeneration and index of recovery, density of generative and vegetative individuals, types of spatial distribution of individuals. Morpho-metric studies should be carried out in the field without removing individuals in order to reduce the negative impact on populations.

Conclusions. Thus, reproductive parameters of populations, in particular, the number of generative shoots, coefficient of generative reproduction and recovery index can be used as sensitive indicating signs of anthropogenic changes.

The results about seeds reproduction of Cerastium lanatum, Dryas octopetala, Loiseleuria procumbens and Saussurea alpina can be used for the cultivation of rare arctic-alpine species in culture and their subsequent reintroduction to natural localities. Information about factors that promote or inhibit the generative reproduction, for example local point disturbances or damages of soil and grass cover, can help managing the ontogenesis of species during their cultivation and conservation.

Considering that a large part of populations of rare arctic-alpine species in particular Anemone narcissifolia, Dryas octopetala, Lloydia serotina, Loiseleuria procum-bens, Pedicularis oederi, Salix herbacea, Saussurea alpina are extended on Chorno-hora array from the Brebeneskul mountain to the Pip Ivan mountain, it is important to expand the squares of protected areas in the south-eastern part of the ridge.

Acknowledgement. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to "The Rufford Foundation" for providing the opportunity of realizing the project "Status and structure of populations of rare arctic-alpine plant species in highland ecosystems of Ukrainian Carpathians" (RSG 19611-1). This article was prepared within the aforementioned project.


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Надшшла до редакцп 14.12.2016 р.

Черепанин Р.М. Рекомендацп щодо збереження деяких рвдккних ар-кто-альпiйських вид1в рослин у 4opHoropi (YKpaiHCbKi Карпати)

Розглянуто вплив зовнíшнiх факторiв на популяци рщюсних аркто-альп1йських видiв рослин. Вщзначено негативний вплив интенсивного витоптування та пасквального на-вантаження на структуру популяцш. Встановлено позитивний вплив щ^рного витоптування та наявност вíльних мiкронíш в оселищi на популяци Loiseleuria procumbens та Salix herbacea. Запропоновано для охорони популяцш Pedicularis oederi i Lloydia serótina контролювати демутацшш процеси та збертати природнi умови в оселищах, а за потреби здшснювати заходи активно! охорони. В оселищi Saussurea alpina на г. Петрос важ-ливим е дотримання заповщного режиму. У популяци Saussurea alpina на г. Бребенескул потрiбно усунути рекреацiйний прес шляхом облаштування основного туристичного маршруту через обхiдну стежку. Встановлено, що репродуктивш параметри популяцш,

2. Екологя та довкiлля

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Нащональний лкотехшчний унiверситет УкраХни

зокрема чисельшсть генеративних naroHÍB, коефiдieнт генерування та шдекс вщновлен-ня, можна використати як чутливi iндикаторнi ознаки антропогенних змш.

Ключовi слова: рiдкiснi аркто-альпшсью види рослин, екзогеннi чинники, збережен-ня популяцш, Украiнськi Карпати.

Черепанин Р.М. Рекомендации по сохранению некоторых редких ар-кто-альпийских видов растений в Черногоре (Украинские Карпаты)

Рассмотрено влияние внешних факторов на популяции редких аркто-альпийских видов растений. Отмечено негативное влияние интенсивного вытаптывания и пастбищной нагрузки на структуру популяций. Установлено положительное влияние умеренного вытаптывания и наличия свободных микронош в местообитаниях на популяции Lo-iseleuria procumbens и Salix herbacea. Предложено для охраны популяций Pedicularis oederi и Lloydia serotina контролировать демутационные процессы и сохранять природные условия в местообитаниях, а при необходимости проводить мероприятия активной охраны. В местообитаниях Saussurea alpina на г. Петрос важным является соблюдение заповедного режима. В популяции Saussurea alpina на г. Брэбэнэскул необходимо устранение рекреационного пресса путем обустройства основного туристического маршрута через обходную тропу. Установлено, что репродуктивные параметры популяций, в частности, численность генеративных побегов, коэффициент генерирования и индекс восстановления, можно использовать как чувствительные индикаторные признаки антропогенных изменений.

Ключевые слова: редкие аркто-альпийские виды растений, экзогенные факторы, сохранение популяций, Украинские Карпаты.


Збiрник науково-техшчних праць


УДК 66.047.45



В.М. Атаманюк1, М.1. Мосюк2, О. С. 1ващук3, О.В. Захартв4

Наведено результати експериментальних дослщжень кшетики i динамiки фшьтра-цiйного сушшня подрiбненого MicKaHTyca та отримано крив^ що описують змшу воло-гост матерiалу в чаи залежно вiд властивостей висушуваного матерiалу (за змши тем-ператури сушильного агента (40, 60, 80 °C), змши висоти шару (40, 80, 100, 120, 140 мм) та змши швидкост фшьтрацн сушильного агента (0,6, 1,14, 1,6, 2,05 м/с)). Результати дослщжень на ocнoвi теоретичних та експериментальних даних спрямовано на покращення процесу сушшня пoдрiбненoгo мюкантуса у cтацioнарнoму шарi.

Ключовi слова: кшетика, динамика, мккантус, швидюсть фшьтрацшного cушiння.

Постановка проблеми. Використання альтернативних джерел енергп е одним i3 найперспективнiших шляхш вирiшення зростаючих проблем енергоза-безпечення краши. Бюмаса е джерелом вiдновлюваноí енергií, здатне замшити Bci види викопного палива i е у необмеженiй кшькосп практично скрiзь. Бюма-са може забезпечувати виробництво теплово!', електрично!' енергп та рiзних ви-дiв твердого палива. Розвиток бюенергетичних технологiй зменшить залежнiсть Украши вiд iмпортованих енергоноспв, пiдвищить ii енергетичну безпеку внас-лiдок оргашзацп енергопостачання на базi мiсцевих поновлюваних ресурсiв, створить значну кiлькiсть нових робочих мiсць (переважно у сшьських районах), зробить великий внесок у покращення еколопчно! ситуацц.

Як вiдомо, у сферi бюенергетики для виготовлення твердого бiопалива ви-користовують швидкорослi дерева i багаторiчнi трави зi швидким вiдновленням шсля збирання та високими приростами врожаю бiомаси. Цi культури е малови-могливими до грунтово-ктматичних умов, внаслвдок багаторiчного вирощуван-ня покращують структуру та властивосп грунту. До таких рослин належать: енергетична верба, енергетична тополя, мiскантус, свiтчграс (просо лозоподiб-не), сiда багаторiчна тощо [1].

У крашах Центрально! та Захвдно! бвропи активно розвиваеться виробництво та використання енергетичних бiопаливних культур. Одшею з таких рослин е мккантус або т. зв. "слонова трава".

MicKaHTyc - багаторiчна злакова культура, що належить до групи рослин С4. Це рослина з чотириметровим стеблом i волосистим суцвiттям без насiння, що росте до 4 м у висоту та мктить 64-71 % мас. целюлози, а вмкт золи стано-вить 2,2 % мас. Теплотворна здатнкть - 17 МДж/кг [2]. Мккантус невибагли-вий до ктматичних умов, не потребуе додаткових удобрювань; збирати врожай

1 проф. В.М. Атаманюк, д-р техн. наук - НУ " Львгвська полггехшка";

2 асист. М.1. Мосюк, канд. техн. наук - НУ "Льв1вська полггехнка";

3 ст. наук. сп1вроб., асист. О. С. 1ващук, канд. техн. наук - НУ "Льв1вська полггехшка";

4 малстрант О.В. Захарк1в - НУ "Льв1вська полггехнка"

3. Технологи та устаткування лковиробничого комплексу


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