REASONS FOR BORROWING ANGLICISMS IN MODERN KYRGYZ LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
vocabulary / foreign words / borrowing / transcription / transliteration / tracing / vocabulary / etymology / international words / лексика / иностранные слова / заимствование / транскрипция / транслитерация / калька / словарный запас / этимология / интернациональные слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — G.J. Atchabarova, G.S. Nazarova, N.A. Aiylchieva, J.N. Tashieva

The article analyzes the functioning of English borrowings in the modern Kyrgyz language. One of the main reasons for borrowing as a phenomenon was the process of globalization, which caused an unprecedented convergence of countries and peoples at the turn of the century. The reasons for borrowing words from English into Kyrgyz are considered. One of the reasons for the borrowing and use of English words is the development of American culture in the country. The use of anglicisms is due to idealization of American life.

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В статье анализируется функционирование английских заимствований в современном кыргызском языке. Одной из основных причин появления заимствований как явления стал процесс глобализации, вызвавший на рубеже веков беспрецедентное сближение стран и народов. Рассматриваются причины заимствования слов из английского языка в кыргызский. Одной из причин заимствования и использования английских слов является развитие американской культуры в стране. Использование англицизмов связано с идеализацией американской жизни.



G.J. Atchabarova1, Lecturer G.S. Nazarova1, Lecturer N.A. Aiylchieva2, Lecturer J.N. Tashieva1, Graduate Student 1Osh State University

2Jalal-Abad State University named after B. Osmonov 1(Kyrgyzstan, Osh) 2(Kyrgyzstan, Jalal-Abad)


Abstract. The article analyzes the functioning of English borrowings in the modern Kyrgyz language. One of the main reasons for borrowing as a phenomenon was the process of globalization, which caused an unprecedented convergence of countries and peoples at the turn of the century. The reasons for borrowing words from English into Kyrgyz are considered. One of the reasons for the borrowing and use of English words is the development of American culture in the country. The use of anglicisms is due to idealization of American life.

Keywords: vocabulary; foreign words, borrowing, transcription, transliteration, tracing, vocabulary, etymology, international words.

The Kyrgyz language is always open to borrowings. A lot of words have been borrowed from Russian and Arabic. Recently, new words have penetrated into the Kyrgyz language from English. language with its development due to its large-scale use in the world. New terms and concepts have appeared in the sphere of economy, media, medicine, pedagogy and technology. For example: businessman, businesswoman, manager, globalization, office.

In the process of historical development, human languages constantly come into contact with each other. At the beginning of the XXI century, Kyrgyz-English language contact is characterized by the greatest dynamics and mobility. Today, anglicisms penetrate into the Kyrgyz language rapidly and in large quantities. And this is not accidental. Nowadays, the spheres of international contacts are constantly expanding, where English becomes the language of international communication.

The important political and economic role of English-speaking countries in the world and their superiority in some spheres of activity significantly intensify the appearance and use of anglicisms in the Kyrgyz language. What are the reasons for this huge flow of anglicisms in Kyrgyz speech? We will high-

light the most important reasons in our opinion [1]:

1. The collapse of the Soviet Union and, as a consequence, the intensification of business, scientific, trade, cultural relations of Kyrgyz-stan with Russia, also with other countries, the flourishing of foreign tourism, participation of Kyrgyz in Olympiads, international festivals, fashion shows, etc. The penetration of more and more English-language words into the Kyrgyz language through the Russian language has been noticeably intensified in recent decades, especially after 1990.

2. The development of the world market, economy, information technology has led to the emergence of new terminology (computer language, economics, finance, Internet). We have a lot of new subjects that require a name: e-mail, Internet, laptop, disk, byte, website. And it is easier for us to use existing words of another language than to invent new ones.

3. Fashion: these days, knowing English is considered to be highly prestigious. Modern Kyrgyz, using anglicisms, want to look fashionable, prestigious, to gain the respect of the interlocutor. fashionable, prestigious, to gain the respect of the interlocutor. They are sure that the word "market" sounds more attractive than the expression "bazaar, (market)", and

they also like to use in their words: presentation, rating, briefing, shop-tour, talk show, showman, brain-ring, etc.

4. Expressiveness of novelty: many firms and companies use anglicisms as their name to attract attention with novelty of sound Chickenshouse, Beeline, Beautiful, Oshoil, NewStyle, Aligarh, HighTime, IdeaShop, Pathword, Skyline, Wear black.

5. The most compelling reason is the undisputed world leadership of the United States in many spheres of modern life.

6. Lacking a more precise name, and therefore today 15% of the newest Anglicisms have made their way into the business person's vocabulary.

7. The need to express with the help of anglicism polysemous descriptive turns (awning - a canopy made of strong, waterproof fabric for protection from the sun), pilling cream that removes the top layer of skin, case - a small flat suitcase, diplomat.

The sources of appearance of anglicisms in the Kyrgyz language are no less important. These include:

MEDIA. Recently, the main source of linguistic material has become modern mass media. The intensive use of anglicisms generates a qualitatively new linguistic situation in which the use of one English term replaces an entire syntactic construction. In the language of print media, primarily in advertising and news texts, the concision and increased in-formativeness of the text is of great importance, so anglicisms have taken a firm place in modern media. Advertising is one of the main sources of anglicisms in the Kyrgyz language. Domestic advertisers often have no experience in creating advertisements and therefore copying English-language advertising, filling Kyrgyz-language advertising texts with Anglicisms: stimer, toaster, trimmer, pager, immobilizer [2].

- Internet. The increasing number of Internet users has led to a proliferation of computer vocabulary: homepage, e-mail, CDROM, chat-chat, bit, byte, disk, cursor, flash drive.

- Cinematography. The popularity of Hollywood movies has led to new words in our vocabulary: horror, blockbuster, western, prime time, cyborg, terminator, Batman...

- music. The perception of the US as a center of musical fashion has led to the emergence of words such as: hit, single, remake, track, soundtrack, poster, clip maker ...

- sports vocabulary: bowling, diving, skateboarding, snowboarding, biker, shaping, fitness ...

- cosmetic terms: lifting, scrubbing, peeling ...

Thus, we conclude that the number of anglicisms in the Kyrgyz language is large. Among them we can distinguish 2 main types of borrowings [3]:

1) Words that came into the language to name new subjects or terms that have an international character. Their use in speech in most cases is justified.

2) Words of foreign origin that have synonyms in the Kyrgyz language. Their penetration into the language creates lexical redundancy and can interfere with the understanding of meaning. But in many cases this can be avoided by using Kyrgyz synonymous words and expressions. H: ambition, verdict, concentration.

Many linguists studied the reasons for borrowing foreign-language words back in the early 20th century. However, the identification of the reasons for borrowing was carried out without a sufficiently clear differentiation of linguistic and external, non-linguistic, reasons.

In the work of L.P. Krysin it is pointed out that E. Richter considers the need to name things and concepts as the main reason for borrowing words [4]. Other reasons are also listed, different in their nature - linguistic, social, mental, aesthetic, etc., the need for new linguistic forms, the need to dissect concepts, the need for a variety of means and their completeness, brevity and clarity, convenience, etc.

The main reasons for borrowing words are the need to name things and concepts, the need to distinguish concepts that are close in content but still different, the replacement of descriptive turns, in a word, social and psychological reasons and factors of borrowing: the perception of the whole collective or its part - a foreign word as a more prestigious "scholarly", "beautiful sounding".

The range of new concepts and phenomena of Kyrgyz origin is limited. Therefore, borrowing an already existing concept or subject name is considered more effective.

For example, the great variety of cosmetics, unknown to man before, was the reason for borrowing from the English language words like: make-up, concealer (pencil corrector), peeling (pealing-cream), lifting-cream, vanish-cream. capillary networks). With the proliferation of American movies came borrowings such as blockbuster, thriller, cyborg.

Linguists point to the prestige of the English word in certain situations - English loanwords have the advantage of characterizing the speaker socially in certain spheres more highly, emphasizing the level of awareness and claiming superiority of a certain group of young people using this vocabulary.

M.A. Breiter and identifies the following reasons for borrowing [5]:

1. Absence of the corresponding concept in the cognitive base of the receptor language. Such Anglicisms as badge, classifier, notebook and its new varieties: notebook, organizer, pager, timer, scanner, tuner, printer and others have firmly entered the businessman's vocabulary of the 90s.

2. The absence of a corresponding (let us add - more accurate) name (or its "loss" in


1. Dyakov A.I. Reasons for intensive borrowing of anglicisms in modern Russian. language // Language and Culture. - Novosibirsk, 2003. - C. 35-43.

2. Thomas G. Linguistic Purism. - London, New York: Longman, 1991. - 252 p.

3. Crystal D. The Fight for English. How Language Pundits Ate, Shot and Left. - New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. - 239 p.

4. Krysin, L.P. Foreign-language words in modern life / L.P. Krysin // Russian language of the late XX century. - M., 1996.

5. Breiter, M.A. Anglicisms in the Russian language: history and perspectives: a manual for foreign Russian students. - Vladivostok: Dialogue - MSU, 1997.

competition with the borrowing) in the Russian language - about 15% of the newest Anglicisms - top-model, virtual, investor, sponsor, spray.

3. Among Kyrgyz speakers, there is a widespread perception that foreign technologies are more progressive than other ones, foreign banks are more reliable, and foreign goods are of higher quality. This attitude, in the author's opinion, is widely used in advertising.

Also, one of the reasons for borrowing and using English words is the development of American culture in the country. The use of anglicisms is due to the idealization of American life. A society that wants to get closer to the fashionable stereotype, style and culture of life. The young generation that often uses anglicisms in their speech "clogs" the Kyrgyz language. For example: follower, user, hacker, sticker. The introduction of loanwords causes great damage to the artistic and colloquial speech of the Kyrgyz language.

On the other hand, borrowings expand the vocabulary. Today, linguists should not abuse borrowings, it is necessary to eradicate, finding equivalents, synonyms in the Kyrgyz language to preserve the identity, color and beauty of the Kyrgyz language.



Г.Ж. Атчабарова1, преподаватель Г.С. Назарова1, преподаватель Н.А. Айылчиева2, преподаватель Ж.Н. Ташиева1, магистрант 1Ошский государственный университет

2Джалал-Абадский государственный университет имени Б. Осмонова ^Кыргызстан, г. Ош) 2(Кыргызстан, г. Джалал-Абад)

Аннотация. В статье анализируется функционирование английских заимствований в современном кыргызском языке. Одной из основных причин появления заимствований как явления стал процесс глобализации, вызвавший на рубеже веков беспрецедентное сближение стран и народов. Рассматриваются причины заимствования слов из английского языка в кыргызский. Одной из причин заимствования и использования английских слов является развитие американской культуры в стране. Использование англицизмов связано с идеализацией американской жизни.

Ключевые слова: лексика; иностранные слова, заимствование, транскрипция, транслитерация, калька, словарный запас, этимология, интернациональные слова.

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