ENGLISH BORROWING-NEOLOGISMS IN RUSSIAN AND KYRGYZ LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Berdibekova A.N., Turgunbaeva Zh.Zh., Toktomamatova G.T., Zaripbekova A.Z.

The languages of the globe influence various social situations, phenomena occurring in society. As in all languages of the world, the vocabulary of the Russian and Kyrgyz languages is also continuously updated with new words. Every day, changes occur in his vocabulary: new words appear, some of them become obsolete, some even go out of use, others undergo semantic changes in meanings, acquire new roles. In this article, the authors consider the problem of using borrowed vocabulary, in particular, neologisms that originated from the English language. The classification of the reasons for the emergence of anglicisms is given, the ways of their assimilation with the Russian and Kyrgyz languages are given.

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A.N. Berdibekova, Lecturer

Zh.Zh. Turgunbaeva, Associate Professor

G.T. Toktomamatova, Lecturer

A.Z. Zaripbekova, Graduate Student

Osh State University

(Kyrgyzstan, Osh)


Abstract. The languages of the globe influence various social situations, phenomena occurring in society. As in all languages of the world, the vocabulary of the Russian and Kyrgyz languages is also continuously updated with new words. Every day, changes occur in his vocabulary: new words appear, some of them become obsolete, some even go out of use, others undergo semantic changes in meanings, acquire new roles. In this article, the authors consider the problem of using borrowed vocabulary, in particular, neologisms that originated from the English language. The classification of the reasons for the emergence of anglicisms is given, the ways of their assimilation with the Russian and Kyrgyz languages are given.

Keywords: vocabulary, borrowed vocabulary, anglicisms, neologisms, assimilation.

In the context of the globalization of the modern world, cultures and languages have a significant impact on each other. English has become the leading language in many areas in the international arena, such as economics, science, and politics. One of the consequences of such a close interaction of cultures and languages is the change in the vocabulary of the language, in particular through the transition of vocabulary from one language to another. Such penetration of foreign words is called lexical borrowing.

The problem of using borrowed words in the speech of the younger generation is considered one of the most popular questions among linguists. Since the Russian language is heavily influenced by other languages, for many Russian speakers, modern speech is incomprehensible. With the acceleration of the pace of life and the growth of mass communication, vocabulary innovations are replenished so quickly that it becomes not noticeable how the culture of the recipient language takes on a different form. This is especially pronounced in youth speech, which is most prone to deformation of the language as a whole [1].

In modern Kyrgyz linguistics, the question of the scientific and theoretical solution of problems to preserve the traditional norms of the national literary language, the main trends

in its development, is also acute. As well as the development of foreign words and terms through the adaptation of the phono-morphological systems of the native language.

The interest of the younger generation in the English language is increasing every year. The use of anglicisms is becoming an increasingly fashionable trend, which is explained by the extent to which Russian and Kyrgyz youth seek to get closer to American culture. The use of words borrowed from English into the Russian and Kyrgyz cultures of communication creates a situation of rooting of English words in youth speech and the use of these words and expressions is already becoming commonplace [2].

The rapid development of political, economic, as well as cultural and humanitarian contacts of our country with the outside world and the process of globalization gave impetus to the enrichment of the lexical composition of the Russian and Kyrgyz languages with foreign words and phrases. After gaining Independence and until today, the main language of borrowed words in the Russian and Kyrgyz languages is English. It is English words that have firmly established themselves in terminology in all spheres of public life: from diplomatic relations to office work.

The role of borrowings (loan words) in different languages is not the same and depends on the specific historical conditions for the development of each language. In English, the percentage of borrowings is much higher than in many other languages. Since, for historical reasons, it turned out to be, in contrast to, for example, Icelandic, very permeable. English, more than any other language, has been able to borrow foreign words under conditions of direct face-to-face contact. First, in the Middle Ages from foreign invaders who succeeded each other in the British Isles, and later in the conditions of trade expansion and colonial activity of the British themselves. It is estimated that the number of native words in the English vocabulary is only about 30%, and borrowings in the English language can be found from almost 500 languages. Borrowing in English includes terms and neologisms [3].

The phenomenon of borrowing is given great importance in the formation of the modern vocabulary of the receiving language. According to L.G. Samotik the reasons for the emergence of borrowed words include several factors:

1. Introduction to the language of terms to designate new objects or concepts, such as player, arm wrestling, combine;

2. Replacing the original Russian and Kyr-gyz word with a foreign one: convenience -comfort, recreation - hobby;

3. Replacing the phrase with one word: hired murderer - killer, runner of short distance - sprinter;

4. Replacing or removing the connotation of the Russian word: bribery - corruption [4].

With all the influence that borrowed words have in the Russian and Kyrgyz languages, this phenomenon does not pose a threat to its identity. On the contrary, it contributes to the enrichment and progressive development of the language. So, for example, the synonymic series is enriched: creative, innovative or possible - permissible - potential. Many foreign words in the process of entering the vocabulary of the host language are assimilated by its phonetic and grammatical rules. Thus, the English diphthong "ng" loses its specific na-

sal sound in words such as pudding or meeting. Also, adjusting to grammatical norms, borrowings acquire word-building affixes and obey the norms of inflection: to google -googlit or a noun that came from the English language is automatically endowed with a gender: screen shot. Another important sign of mastering a foreign word is its wordformation ability, i.e. the ability to form derivative forms or parts of speech: to like -likat, like basuu (Kyrgyz) [5].

Borrowed words are often part of another lexical group. The concept of neologism can be considered as one of the specific concepts in relation to the term "innovation", used to denote the new at all levels of the language. Neologisms are the newest words that have not yet entered the active vocabulary. An active dictionary is understood as "a part of the vocabulary of the modern Russian and Kyrgyz languages, which is freely used in everyday communication in all spheres of human society; these are known to all, frequent words". However, it is not entirely correct to consider neologisms as an element of passive vocabulary, since its distinguishing feature is the understanding of a lexical unit during perception. Neologisms from the group of borrowed words are also distinguished. The principle of occurrence and use remains unchanged, with the only difference that neologisms are often used in a narrow circle of people and their meaning remains incomprehensible outside this group.

The vocabulary of the Russian language can change quickly. Today, the reason for the emergence of neologisms among young people is the constant use of the Internet and information technology, which helped to bring words from the English language into everyday life. Sometimes, these words are so firmly established in our minds that the words that were used in the literary correct language are no longer appropriate in colloquial speech and are forgotten over time.

In table. 1 "Common neologisms of the 21st century" presents the borrowed words neologisms that are most often used by the younger generation today [6].

- 0имомогинеские nayKU -

Selfie photo of oneself

Flash mob collective, pre-planned action of a crowd of people, can be expressed both in dance and at a rally

Sneack peeck cutting frames from the film, in order to advertise it and attract the attention of the audience

Coach trainer

IT-shnik information technology person

Prime time the most active time spent watching TV during the day

Testing test, trial

Flash back reverse shot, scene from the past

Cringe something terrible, disgusting, something that can cause even negative emotions, leaving no one indifferent.

Vibe Atmosphere, mood.

Bulling Hounding, mockery

Easy With no difficulties

Crush the subject of secret or unrequited love, and sometimes just about the one you like.

Prank joke

ROFL Abbreviation for Rolling On the Floor Laughing; laugh out loud

As with ordinary words, certain meanings of words are attached to neologisms. Over time, linguistic neologisms become the property of special vocabulary, which is fixed in dictionaries. In linguistic

In studies and dictionaries, they are often found as full-fledged synonyms, replacing each other. Neologisms are dynamically developing in the system of the modern Russian and Kyrgyz languages, allowing us to keep pace with the times and learn new meanings of the words of the language that we are studying. However, it should not be forgotten that the abuse of neologisms can lead to certain consequences, since using them in speech and replacing synonymous Russian and Kyrgyz words with English ones can lead to a blurred understanding of the meanings of these words. Thus, they make it impossible to use

exact words, which leads to vagueness of speech.

And when anglicisms are increasingly used in everyday life, the very meanings of the original words are gradually forgotten, as a result, Russian and Kyrgyz languages, acquiring words from English, loses its own. The achievements of modern science and technology, as well as the Internet, allow you to create a huge number of new words naturally and naturally. Borrowing English words is a way to replenish the vocabulary in the Russian and Kyrgyz languages. Many linguists believe that this phenomenon is a completely natural process of the development of the Russian and Kyrgyz languages, which will enrich and improve the growth of knowledge and human thinking and will serve incentive for further research on this topic.


1. Bragina A.A. Neologisms in Russian. Handbook for students and teachers. - M.: Enlightenment, 1973. - 425 p.

2. Dibrova E.I. Modern Russian language. Part I. - M.: "Word", 2003. - 189 p.

3. Fomina M.I. Modern Russian language. Lexicology. - M.: "Enlightenment", 2010. - 259 p.

4. Samotik L.G. Vocabulary of the modern Russian language. - M.: Flinta, 2012. - 510 p.

5. Dictionaries and encyclopedias at Academician. - [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/efremova/273396/barbarism.

6. Muller V.K. English-Russian Dictionary. - M.: "Ripol Classic", 2014. - 2106 p.



А.Н. Бердибекова, преподаватель Ж.Ж. Тургунбаева, доцент Г.Т. Токтомаматова, преподаватель А.З. Зарипбекова, магистрант Ошский государственный университет (Кыргызстан, г. Ош)

Аннотация. Языки земного шара влияют на различные социальные ситуации, явления, происходящие в обществе. Как и во всех языках мира, словарь русского и кыргызского языков также постоянно пополняется новыми словами. Ежедневно в его словарном запасе происходят изменения: появляются новые слова, некоторые из них устаревают, некоторые даже выходят из употребления, другие претерпевают смысловые изменения значений, приобретают новые роли. В данной статье авторы рассматривают проблему использования заимствованной лексики, в частности, неологизмов, происходящих из английского языка. Дана классификация причин возникновения англицизмов, приведены пути их ассимиляции с русским и кыргызским языками.

Ключевые слова: лексика, заимствованная лексика, англицизмы, неологизмы, ассимиляция.

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