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Ключевые слова
globalization / borrowings / anglicisms / slang / jargon / speech / cultural linguistics / culture and language / глобализация / заимствования / англицизмы / сленг / жаргон / речь / лингвокультурология / культура и язык

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — A.S. Nabidullin, Ch.K. Ordabaev

This article is devoted to the issue of the influence of globalization and the evergrowing influence of the English language on the speech of young people and the appearance of Anglicisms in their language. In our turbulent age, the flow of new ideas, things, information, technologies require a clear and capacious name for objects and phenomena, makes us use already existing foreign names in the language, and not expect the creation of original words. The scientific, technical, military, financial, banking, sports and even cultural vocabulary around the world is striving for internationalization. The craving for scientific progress, for civilization is reflected in the language. Discussing the current situation, many philologists and linguists note that the intensity of borrowing foreign vocabulary has reached enormous proportions. Of particular concern is the fact that borrowed words from English slang and their derivatives are increasingly common in everyday speech of young people. It is easier for young people to express their thoughts and feelings through the means of a foreign language. People around you do not always understand what teenagers or students are talking about. They speak a different language of their generation. This article was written as a part of a scientific project which is financed by Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.

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Данная статья посвящена вопросу влияния глобализации и все растущего влияния английского языка на речь молодежи и появления англицизмов в их языке. В наш бурный век поток новых идей, вещей, информации, технологий требует ясного и емкого названия для предметов и явлений, заставляет нас задействовать уже существующие иностранные имена в языке, а не ожидать создания оригинальных слов. Научно-технический, военный, финансовый, банковский, спортивный и даже культурный словарь во всем мире стремится к интернационализации. Тяга к научному прогрессу, к цивилизации отражена в языке. Обсуждая сложившуюся ситуацию, многие филологи и лингвисты отмечают, что интенсивность заимствования иностранной лексики достигла огромных размеров. Особое беспокойство вызывает тот факт, что заимствованные слова из английского сленга и их производные все чаще встречаются в повседневной речи молодежи. Молодым людям легче выражать свои мысли и чувства с помощью средств иностранного языка. Окружающие не всегда понимают, о чем говорят подростки или студенты. Они говорят на другом языке своего поколения. Данная статья написана в рамках научного проекта финансируемого КазНПУ им. Абая.




A.S. Nabidullin, PhD student Ch.K. Ordabaev, Master, teacher Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Kazakhstan, Almaty)


Abstract. This article is devoted to the issue of the influence of globalization and the evergrowing influence of the English language on the speech of young people and the appearance of Anglicisms in their language. In our turbulent age, the flow of new ideas, things, information, technologies require a clear and capacious name for objects and phenomena, makes us use already existing foreign names in the language, and not expect the creation of original words. The scientific, technical, military, financial, banking, sports and even cultural vocabulary around the world is striving for internationalization. The craving for scientific progress, for civilization is reflected in the language. Discussing the current situation, many philologists and linguists note that the intensity of borrowing foreign vocabulary has reached enormous proportions. Of particular concern is the fact that borrowed words from English slang and their derivatives are increasingly common in everyday speech of young people. It is easier for young people to express their thoughts and feelings through the means of a foreign language. People around you do not always understand what teenagers or students are talking about. They speak a different language of their generation. This article was written as a part of a scientific project which is financed by Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.

Keywords: globalization, borrowings, anglicisms, slang, jargon, speech, cultural linguistics, culture and language.

There is not a single language without borrowing words from other languages. Borrowing words is a natural and constant process of linguistic development, which reflects relations (political, military, economic, cultural) between peoples at different periods of their history.

Knowledge of foreign words expands a person's horizons, introduces him to the world of other languages, helps him to better navigate in modern life. Borrowing foreign words is one of the ways of developing a modern language. Language always responds very quickly and flexibly to the needs of society. The main reason for borrowing a foreign language vocabulary is the absence of a corresponding concept in the vocabulary of the native language. Observing the transition of words and phrases from any foreign language to your native language helps you understand the history of your language, both literary and itsdialects.

Peoples, countries, states do not live and develop in isolation from each other, but entering into mutual contacts. The modern world is such that English is turning into a sign language with a high social status, expanding the scale of its functioning as a world language. The Kazakh media, especially television, contribute to the "Anglofication" of the native language. Such lexemes as briefing and talk shows have become widespread thanks to the media.

Borrowing foreign words is, first of all, a way of human development [1, p. 45]. Thanks to the development of international relations, language contact has a huge impact on the speech of young people and directly on the vocabulary of their native language. The appearance of new foreign words in the speech of young people, on the one hand, replenishes their vocabulary, and on the other hand, the language loses its unique beauty and originality. Linguists and philologists note that the

regular borrowing of foreign language vocabulary has reached an alarming rate. They are alarmed by the very fact that borrowings from English slang appear more and more often in the speech of young people, borrowed words make up to 25% of common vocabulary. With the help of foreign words, it is easier for young people to express their thoughts and feelings [2, p. 86]. This fact is alarming, since L.P. Krysin notes that ignorance of the terms of the native language speaks of a decrease in intellectual abilities and even a certain degradation of modern young people.

In the explanatory dictionary of Efremova [3, p. 11], you can find the following definition of borrowings from English language: "Anglicism" is a word, an expression borrowed from the English language, or a turn of speech built on a model characteristic of the English language.

Passion for Anglicism has become a kind of fashion, it is due to the stereotypes and ideals created in youth society. Knowledge of the English language is considered highly prestigious these days. Using anglicisms, we want to look fashionable, to win the respect of the interlocutor. Such a stereotype of our era is the image of an idealized American society, in which the standard of living is much higher, and the high rates of technological progress are leading the whole world. And by adding English borrowings to their speech, young people in a certain way approach this stereotype, become familiar with American culture and lifestyle.

By the beginning of the 20th century, English became the language of international communication. It is the English language that serves today as a kind of "lingua franca" -the language of international communication for people for whom it is not their native language, the language of the world community in the era of globalization [4].

In recent decades, scientists studying the processes of development of society talk about the process of globalization. There are diverging views on the origins of this process. Some of the researchers of this problem, historians, say that some features of globalization appeared already in the era of antiquity. In particular, the Roman Empire

was one of the first states to assert its hegemony over the Mediterranean and led to a deep intertwining of different cultures and the emergence of an interregional division of labor in the Mediterranean. Others -economists - find the origins of globalization in the XII-XIII centuries, when, simultaneously with the beginning of the development of market (capitalist) relations in Western Europe, the rapid growth of European trade began. Political scientists believe that as a special phase of international relations, globalization emerged several decades ago, but its formation was not completed by the beginning of the third millennium. However, it attracted public attention only in the 1990s. Due to the huge range of political biases in modern world science and politics, there is no single generally accepted definition of globalization, just as there is no consensus about the origin of the term. This relatively new term, which in recent decades has become widespread in the scientific and political literature, is used in each of the social scientific disciplines in its own special meaning.

In this article, we consider the concept of globalization as "a process of world economic, political and cultural integration and unification". The main consequence of glovolization is the world division of labor, migration throughout the planet of capital, human and industrial resources, standardization of legislation, economic and technological processes, as well as rapprochement and fusion of cultures of different countries.This is an objective process that covers all spheres of society. As a result of globalization, the world becomes more connected and more dependent on all its subjects.There is both an increase in the number of common problems for a group of states, and an increase in the number and types of integrating subjects [5, p. 6].

In this study, the process of cultural globalization is of greatest interest, since, from our point of view, the concept of "language" is inextricably linked with the concept of "culture". Modern films are released on screens simultaneously in many countries of the world, books are translated

and become popular with readers from different countries. The ubiquity of the Internet plays a huge role in cultural globalization.

On the one hand, this leads to the popularization of certain types of national culture around the world. On the other hand, popular international cultural phenomena can supplant national ones or turn them into international ones. Many regard this as a loss of national cultural values and are fighting for the revival of national culture.

Despite the controversy over the pros and cons of this process, it cannot be denied that the concept of globalization is most often associated with Americanization. This is how Hollywood releases most of the films for the world distribution. In the United States, the world's computer corporations originate: Microsoft, Intel, AMD and many others, which have a significant impact on the global economy. This process is associated with the dominant role of the United States in the world, which was finally established after the collapse of the USSR.

From our point of view, current globalization is based not so much on the American as on the Anglo-American model of society, its economy, politics and culture. This model of society and culture is closely related to the English language, which claims to be the first world language in the history of mankind.

The role and, accordingly, the status of the English language has been constantly changing. The history of its existence was constantly accompanied by both the processes of its spread - through conquest, colonization - and cases of the opposite effect, that is, rejection.

The language becomes international, and subsequently global, for the reason that the people who speak it have a certain amount of power. In the case of English, power should be understood as political, military, and in a more modern society - scientific and technical, economic, cultural leadership. All this led to the fact that English reached the world championship in a functional sense.

The importance of knowledge of the English language in modern society extends to many areas of life:

1. Knowledge of English is a criterion necessary for a successful career.

2. English is the language of international communication.

3. English is the language of business. All large businessmen wishing to enter the international market simply need to speak English at a high level

4. Knowledge of English makes it possible to study at prestigious foreign universities.

5. Most of the interesting and necessary literature is published in English. We have to wait for a translation, which, as you know, tends to distort information and does not convey the author's idea in full.

6. Most of the pages on the Internet with the necessary information are distributed in English [6, p. 204].

7. All international competitions and conferences are held in English

8. Most computer software and applications are written in English.

The role of borrowings in any language is great, since they are an integral part of the process of functioning and historical change of the language, one of the main sources of vocabulary replenishment. Borrowed vocabulary reflects the facts of ethnic contacts, social, economic and cultural ties between linguistic communities [4]. The borrowing process is at the heart of linguistic activity. globalization culture unification integration.

About 15% of the newest Anglicisms are borrowed due to the lack of a corresponding name in the receptor language: top model, virtual, investor, sponsor, spray, second-hand, hot dog, etc. Borrowings for some reason (easier to pronounce, shorter, more transparent in their etymology, more specifically in semantics) have displaced previously mastered or native Russian and Kazakh language units, for example, a "прайс-лист" instead of a "прейскурант", an "имидж" instead of "образ".

As for the youth of Kazakhstan, who most often uses Anglicisms, the reason for this is that young people react more quickly to various changes in the world and the emergence of a new one, they are most receptive and modernized, they do not like to look back, but on the contrary, they look forward, and fash-

ion often motivates her more than her native self-awareness and identity. This process cannot be stopped, but you can start with yourself and follow your speech, because no matter how much we want to look more significant and "cooler", we must not forget our native language, which can sometimes sound much more expressive and melodic.

In order to become a borrowing, a word that has come from a foreign language must gain a foothold in a new language for itself, firmly enter its vocabulary - as many foreign words entered the native language, many of which were so mastered by their native language that only linguists know about them foreign language origin.

Strengthening of information flows, the emergence of the global computer network Internet, the development of the world economic market, international tourism, cultural ties - all this led to the emergence of new borrowed words in the Russian and Kazakh languages, such as the Internet, laptop, disk, byte, website. The sources of the appearance of Anglicisms in the Russian and Kazakh languages include such media as:

- advertising is one of the main sources of English borrowing in other languages. Domestic advertisers copy English-language advertising by filling in advertising texts with foreign words: steamer, presentation, rating, branding, roster, trimmer, snooker, pool, squash, etc .;

- Internet. The increase in the number of Internet users has led to the spread of computer vocabulary. With the advent of a new social network called "Instagram", words such as: like; comment; followers -subscribers; asking on the forum; post, hashtag; selfie; repost; blogger; blog, vine, troll, loser, etc.

- Cinematography. The popularity of Hollywood films has led to the emergence of new words in our vocabulary: blockbuster, western, cyborg, terminator, premiere, etc.

- Music. Young people all over the world are singing lyrics from the songs of TheBeatles, U2, Maroon5, ImagineDragons, Michael Jackson, Madonna, etc. without fully understanding them. The perception of the United States as the center of musical fashion

led to the emergence of words such as: hit, superstar, single, remake, track, poster, etc.

- Sports vocabulary: bowling, diving, skateboard, snowboard, biker, match, time, timeout, playmaker, fitness, soccer, etc. [6, p. 110].

On the one hand, the emergence of new words expands the vocabulary of native speakers, and on the other hand, due to the use of a huge number of unjustified borrowings, the native language is clogged, its originality and unique beauty are lost. But the younger generation, including students, cannot help but use English words in their speech, since some of these words have long penetrated their language.

Modern information technologies are based entirely on the material of the English language; at international scientific conferences, reports are read and published mainly in English, which indicates that the English language has acquired the status of the first world universal language. The positive side of this process is obvious: universal knowledge of the English language provides a natural human need for mutual understanding "on a global scale."

In our turbulent age, the flow of new ideas, things, information, technologies requires a clear and capacious name for objects and phenomena, makes us involve already existing foreign names in the language, and not expect the creation of original words. The scientific and technical, military, financial, banking, sports and even cultural vocabulary around the world is striving for internationalization. The craving for scientific progress, for civilization is reflected in the language. In part, the alignment of the native language is taking place according to the international standard.

Nowadays, young people increasingly began to visit other countries, communicate with foreigners, listen to songs (most of them are performed in English), watch English and American films. And, of course, the younger generation cannot help but use English words in their speech.

Discussing the current situation, many philologists and linguists note that the intensity of borrowing foreign vocabulary has

reached enormous proportions. Of particular people to express their thoughts and feelings concern is the fact that borrowed words from using the means of a foreign language. People English slang and their derivatives are around you do not always understand what increasingly encountered in the everyday teenagers or students are talking about. They speech of young people. It is easier for young speak another language of their generation.


1. Слепцова Е.В. Заимствования, их роль и место в системе современного немецкого языка // Иностранные языки в школе. - М., 2009. - С. 45-47.

2. Ваулина Е.Ю. Давайте говорить правильно!: Новейшие и наиболее распространенные заимствования в современном русском языке / Е.Ю. Ваулина, Г.Н. Скляревская. - М., 2005. - С. 86-88.

3. Ефремова Т.Ф. Новый словарь русского языка. Толково-словообразовательный. - М.: Русский язык, 2000. - 289 с.

4. Брейтер М.А. Англицизмы в русском языке: история и перспективы. Пособие для иностранных студентов-руссистов. - Владивосток: Изд-во «Диалог», 2012.

5. Abdalgane, Mohammed. English Language and Globalization. - 2020. - P. 5-11.

6. Heather Murray, The Globalization of English and the English Language Classroom, ELT Journal, Volume 60, Issue 2, April 2006, P. 204-206.

7. Седых Д.В., Ершов В.К. Роль английского языка в современном мире информационной глобализации // Современные наукоемкие технологии. - 2013. - № 1. -С. 110-111.



А.С. Набидуллин, PhD докторант Ч.К. Ордабаев, преподаватель, магистр Казахский национальный педагогический университет (Казахстан, г. Алматы)

Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена вопросу влияния глобализации и все растущего влияния английского языка на речь молодежи и появления англицизмов в их языке. В наш бурный век поток новых идей, вещей, информации, технологий требует ясного и емкого названия для предметов и явлений, заставляет нас задействовать уже существующие иностранные имена в языке, а не ожидать создания оригинальных слов. Научно-технический, военный, финансовый, банковский, спортивный и даже культурный словарь во всем мире стремится к интернационализации. Тяга к научному прогрессу, к цивилизации отражена в языке. Обсуждая сложившуюся ситуацию, многие филологи и лингвисты отмечают, что интенсивность заимствования иностранной лексики достигла огромных размеров. Особое беспокойство вызывает тот факт, что заимствованные слова из английского сленга и их производные все чаще встречаются в повседневной речи молодежи. Молодым людям легче выражать свои мысли и чувства с помощью средств иностранного языка. Окружающие не всегда понимают, о чем говорят подростки или студенты. Они говорят на другом языке своего поколения. Данная статья написана в рамках научного проекта финансируемого КазНПУ им. Абая.

Ключевые слова: глобализация, заимствования, англицизмы, сленг, жаргон, речь, линг-вокультурология, культура и язык.

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