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Ключевые слова
Labor protection / concept / transformation / digitalization / systematic approach / industrial injuries / working conditions / modern economy / public policy / socio-economic development / economic security.

Аннотация научной статьи по технологиям материалов, автор научной работы — Askarkhujayeva Gulirano Abiddinovna

The article presents the author's position on the formation of promising directions for the development of labor protection in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the conditions of the modern economy. The subject of the study is labor protection in the conditions of the modern economy. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the special importance of labor protection, based on a new socio-economic platform and updated scientific principles, which makes it possible to form directions for the development of labor protection in the modern economy. The conducted research allows to expand the understanding of the process of transformation of labor protection in the conditions of the modern economy. The conclusions and recommendations obtained in the course of the study can be used in the development of programs and projects for the implementation of labor protection management at enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan in various areas of economic activity.

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Askarkhujayeva Gulirano Abiddinovna

Teacher of the department "Legal Sciences" at the National University of Uzbekistan


The article presents the author's position on the formation of promising directions for the development of labor protection in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the conditions of the modern economy. The subject of the study is labor protection in the conditions of the modern economy. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the special importance of labor protection, based on a new socioeconomic platform and updated scientific principles, which makes it possible to form directions for the development of labor protection in the modern economy. The conducted research allows to expand the understanding of the process of transformation of labor protection in the conditions of the modern economy. The conclusions and recommendations obtained in the course of the study can be used in the developmen t of programs and projects for the implementation of labor protection management at enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan in various areas of economic activity.

The relevance of the presented article is determined by the increasing importance of the issues of ensuring favorable conditions and labor protection aimed at preserving the life and health of workers. In connection with the transition of Uzbekistan to the era of digitalization of the economy, the complexity of the labor process, the rise in the cost of equipment, modern production requires employees to pay increased attention to labor safety, strict discipline, responsiveness, greater responsibility, as well as updating knowledge in this area. Today, labor protection is the most important component of the economic security of our state.

Achieving the goals of Uzbek's socio-economic development is impossible without a healthy nation. The state of health of the working-age population, which depends on working conditions, is of paramount importance for the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This is confirmed by the targets of national programs in the field of human capital conservation and state policy in the field of labor protection.

Preserving the health of the working population and reducing economic losses to the economy due to unfavorable working conditions is one of the priorities of state policy. In this


Received: 04th January 2024 Accepted: 10th January 2024 Online: 11th January 2024 KEY WORDS

Labor protection, concept, transformation, digitalization, systematic approach, industrial injuries, working conditions, modern economy, public policy, socio-economic development, economic security.

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regard, the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan continues to actively work to improve state regulatory requirements in the field of labor protection. The strategy for the socioeconomic development of Uzbekistan as a social state should be based on morally oriented legislation and on a more effective concept of ensuring security, which will contribute to the preservation and expanded reproduction of the Uzbek people - the main wealth of the country.

The socio-economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan is due to the presence of a number of factors, including the availability and condition of labor resources, their interaction with other elements of the labor process. There is no doubt that labor resources in the system of productive forces are the most important components of national security and the fundamental condition for the existence of the country in the present and future. The search for new approaches to management in the social and labor sphere at the federal, regional, municipal and corporate levels is due to ongoing changes in the economy and social sphere.

The current state of conditions and labor protection at work is one of the most important problems in the social and labor sphere of new Uzbekistan. The high level of injuries and the real situation with working conditions in a number of types of economic activity and industries encourages researchers to look for ways of optimal approaches to eliminating or reducing the impact of factors in the working environment and the labor process on workers.

Improving the culture of safe work in order to create working conditions that allow maintaining the working capacity of the working population throughout their professional career involves the introduction of occupational risk management into the labor protection system for all employers and the introduction of a labor protection management model based on advanced and most effective technologies in the field of protection labor, popularization and promotion of a culture of safe work. The analysis of scientific research allows us to identify the following approaches to the definition of the modern economy:

1) a complex of knowledge-intensive industries engaged in the production and maintenance of information and communication equipment, the creation and distribution of software products, the development of communication networks, as well as the entire system for the formation, storage, distribution and receipt of information, largely built on the Internet;

2) organizational and institutional innovations in the activities of various sectors of the economy;

3) financial business model, symbolizing the widespread use of information technology innovation tools in the monetary and financial system;

4) new economic reality created by information technologies;

5) a set of industries characterized by a greater proportion of human capital compared to material elements (in these industries, the technological implementation of knowledge plays a decisive role, and the production of knowledge is a source of economic growth). Thus, the most important production resource of modern society is knowledge, and the criterion for determining the modern economy is the degree of influence of the knowledge factor on labor productivity and economic growth.

The main planned event is the holding of a public education campaign aimed at popularizing labor protection and maintaining the health of workers, which will allow by 2030 to reduce the number of victims of accidents at work with a fatal outcome to 892 people, and

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the number of victims of accidents with disability by one working day or more and with a fatal outcome - up to 17,500 people.

The norms of the institute of labor protection are in constant development. This is primarily due to the search for ways to rationally organize the labor protection of workers, changing the approach to understanding and implementing labor protection, including the assessment of working conditions, identifying occupational risks and providing guarantees and compensation for work in harmful and (or) dangerous conditions. labor, as well as with the further expansion of the differentiation of labor relations, the manifestation of which was the norms governing labor in the context of the digital transformation of society [2, 3, 8, 9].

The modern economy is characterized by global changes that affect all spheres of human activity, including in the field of labor protection. The transition of the Uzbek economy to a new level of technological development is characterized by the formation of a modern society in which the mental strength of people and technology are of key importance. A distinctive feature of the modern economy is the increased attention to knowledge as a direct productive force and the main production resource. The modern economy determines the problems of the effective use of accumulated human knowledge, incentives and conditions for a significant expansion of demand for new technologies. The possibilities of the modern economy influence the social and economic reality of the development of our country. In the scientific literature, the concept of "modern economy" has a fairly large number of definitions, such as the new economy, digital economy, Internet economy, virtual economy, knowledge economy, information economy, innovation economy, global economy, human-oriented economy. Having conducted a study of topical aspects and analysis of problems, the author proposes the following directions for the development of labor protection in the conditions of the modern economy.

First direction. Due to the fact that labor protection in the conditions of the modern economy is a complex socio-economic system, special methodological tools are needed to study and describe it. The most productive, in our opinion, is a systematic approach, since other approaches (historical, structural, functional, process, etc.) are limited in terms of the ability to comprehensively comprehend this highly complex socio-economic phenomenon. Therefore, the perception of labor protection in the conditions of the modern economy as a system and the application of system methodology to it allows us to offer obviously more significant results of cognitive and descriptive processes.

The task of a systematic approach in the field of labor protection is determined by overcoming the limitations of traditional methodological tools, expanding it through methods that demonstrate their heuristic potential in many scientific fields, but have not yet found wide application in the subject area under study.

The presented study involves the formation of a comprehensive understanding of labor protection in the conditions of the modern economy as a systemic object in order, based on this platform, to proceed to the knowledge and understanding of its individual aspects, thus contributing to the expansion and refinement of the scientific understanding of the nature of the phenomenon " labor protection" in the conditions of modern economy.

Occupational safety, according to most modern researchers, is: a system; a set of measures aimed at preserving the life and health of workers, increasing their efficiency; system of social

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and labor relations; a system for ensuring the safety and health of workers; element of labor and production activity; the process of creating safe working conditions by the employer; identification of harmful and dangerous production factors. Many researchers focus on the need and importance of developing and applying labor protection measures aimed at creating safe and comfortable working conditions for workers, the formation of optimal social and labor relations, but do not single out the economic component of labor protection, which, according to the author, is one of them. fundamental aspects of this phenomenon, since labor protection is part of the modern economy with corresponding costs and results. It is also necessary to take into account the process of transformation of labor protection taking place in modern economic conditions.

The author of the study proposes the following definition of labor protection, which contributes to the formation of a systematic understanding of the phenomenon of labor protection in the framework of the development of scientific theory: labor protection is a complex multifaceted system of mandatory labor safety requirements and measures to improve working conditions that ensure the preservation of the life and health of workers activities (legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, treatment-and-prophylactic, rehabilitation) and determining the maximum social and economic efficiency with the optimal use of labor, material, intangible and information resources, providing these activities, undergoing a continuous and constant process transformations depending on changes in the external and internal environment.

Second direction. One of the urgent problems of the current stage of development of society is the introduction of digital technologies, including in labor protection (or digitalization of labor protection).

The digital economy, or information-type economy, is a system of social, economic and cultural relations based on the use of digital information and communication technologies. The digital economy and its development has a significant impact on the basic areas of human life and its social institutions, such as business, education and healthcare, social services and public administration, including in the field of labor protection. The key areas of digital transformation in the field of labor protection include the following:

- training of employees (interactive training and briefings through virtual reality and interactive tips in the process of production activities);

- use of innovative and high-tech personal protective equipment;

- conducting medical examinations using high technologies;

- application of smart technologies in the workplace;

- development of a professional risk management system;

- improvement of the regulatory legal framework in the field of labor protection;

- automation of business processes (digital document management system, goal-setting, control over the execution of tasks, management of the daily routine of employees);

- organization of objective control (repositioning of the employee, control over the indicators of the health and well-being of the employee, certification and assessment of the employee's competencies, use of personal protective equipment).

Third direction. The scientific problem under study includes key aspects of the concept of preserving the country's labor potential and increasing the efficiency of its use. Modern

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research shows that the problem of industrial injuries in most cases is in the field of the human factor. At present, the assessment of the influence of the human factor on labor safety is of particular relevance, theoretical and practical significance. The cause of most accidents is the human factor, as evidenced by the statistics on injuries. According to experts, in Uzbek the human factor initiates up to 90% of all man-made emergencies. The human factor becomes decisive in the event of accidents in technical systems.

A proper understanding of the human factor in the workplace is a critical aspect in accident prevention. The risks associated with the human factor may include features of professional activity, such as harmful and dangerous working conditions, overtime work, psycho-emotional stress, as well as the nature of status-role relations, the level and quality of life, the state of health, which lead to the formation of social fatigue and deviation, professional deformation, violations of labor discipline and, as a result, the threat of accidents at work. Despite a fairly deep analysis in studies on this issue, the definition of a clear conceptual, structural and causal aspect of such a phenomenon as the human factor is still out of sight of scientists, without which it is impossible to create a methodology for its identification in occupational risks. Also, insufficient attention has been paid to the development of effective measures to minimize the impact of the human factor on production safety.

According to the author, the optimal management of labor protection related to the human factor, through minimization of risk sources, requires state intervention at the legislative and executive levels. Despite the existing legislative framework in the field of labor protection, designed to protect the interests of the individual, society and the state, at present the labor protection management system remains ineffective. One of the reasons for this is the lack of due attention to the phenomenon of the "human factor".

Fourth direction. The study focuses on the need to adapt various groups of workers to new digital working conditions, changing certain aspects of professional identity during the transition to a new digital system. In the field of labor relations, the development of the information society is characterized by the following provisions:

1) changing the nature of labor (increasing the role of intellectual creative labor);

2) changing the nature of employment (working remotely, through modern information technologies);

3) increasing the general requirements for the level of education and professional qualifications.

In modern conditions, the nature of labor and labor relations is changing, first of all, knowledge and information, the ability to present them, process them in a timely manner and use them are beginning to be valued.

In the context of the digitalization of the economy, a modern person is the bearer of personalized knowledge, skills and abilities, a unique combination of abilities, talent and experience. Human values are formed depending on the cyclical nature of the economy, on those events that occur at the time of the formation and upbringing of the individual. This concept is proposed by the theory of generations. The theory of generations is a rather young direction in our country, which assumes that each generation has its own specifics, its own potential, based on the specific features of economic values in a certain period of time.

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The most important factor in the development of the economy involves the need to change the paradigm of human resource and intellectual capital management and adapt the approaches used in modern management and personnel management to changing conditions, as well as their orientation to new theoretical concepts in the field of economics, sociology, psychology that have appeared in recent decades .

In the process of developing the theory and practice of labor protection management in Uzbekistan, many researchers focus on the point of view that in most cases the causes of industrial injuries, accidents and emergency situations are the human factor. The desire of enterprise managers to reduce occupational risks can be based on the study of the characteristics of employees and their behavior in the process of managing labor safety from the point of view of the theory of generations, based on the perception of the value of life and health, as well as the motivation system.

Previous studies of employees' propensity to take risks revealed that the behavior in dangerous situations is not the same for different people, in most cases it depends on their individual characteristics, such as age, gender and social factors. Older workers are more cautious than young people, who most often underestimate the dangers in the process of production activities.

The application of the provisions of the theory of generations in the process of improving the labor protection management system can serve as the basis for developing a model for the involvement and motivation of workers of all generations to address occupational safety issues in order to save life and health. It is planned to develop a differentiated set of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of human resource management in the field of labor safety in modern conditions.

Fifth direction. The transition to a new type of social and labor relations, as well as the formation and development of labor potential, are complicated by the processes of reforming the economy, the lack of conditions and mechanisms for the country's transition to a new level of economic development. The real changes in the content of labor at the present stage, the features of the transformation of the social and economic activities of enterprises in the transitional economy, taking into account the development of new economic relations in the sphere of labor, remain outside the attention of researchers.

Today, the current legislation and regulations in the field of labor protection do not keep up with the revolutionary changes in society and practical experience in the application of digital technologies in the field of labor protection, ensuring production safety and human resource management. The mechanism of labor protection management in the conditions of the modern economy is not fully formed and requires significant improvement. It is proposed to form a modern model of labor protection management as a complex of industrial, technological, organizational, legal, social and economic measures aimed at ensuring the requirements of labor protection, prevention of accidents and occupational diseases established at the legislative level, with the possibility of expanding and supplementing them with taking into account industry and organizational norms of a particular enterprise (organization) in the conditions of the modern (digital) economy.

The relevance of the research topic is determined by new challenges dictated by modern conditions of the economy and aimed not only at ensuring safe working conditions for workers,

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but also at achieving high economic growth rates and increasing labor productivity to achieve the goals of national security of our country. The introduction of the latest technologies in the field of labor protection will make it possible to develop new approaches to improve working conditions, increase the level of labor safety, reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers.

The study showed that it is necessary to systematize the ideas about labor protection at Russian enterprises in various fields of activity in the conditions of the modern economy and the transformation of society in the direction of digitalization of business processes. The proposed directions for the development of labor protection make it possible to reveal the essence of this process and to identify its features, trends and patterns of development in the conditions of the modern economy. The results of the study can be used for further development of improving the mechanisms of state management of labor protection in order to increase the role and responsibility of employers in improving the efficiency of the labor protection management system, encouraging employers to introduce a preventive model of labor protection management, and increasing the level of compliance with labor protection requirements by employees.


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