Научная статья на тему 'Psychological compatibility of female basketball palyers as the factor of competitive activity effectiveness'

Psychological compatibility of female basketball palyers as the factor of competitive activity effectiveness Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
basketball / pedagogical experiment / competitive activity / team content formation / psychological compatibility

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Berezina L. A., Bystrova O. L., Nemytov D. N.

Every year the level of sports results in female basketball increases, technical and biological resources are close to disappear and one of the ways of searching for the reserves is psychic reserves use. One of the most important training process objectives among female basketball players is not only the effectiveness of tactical interactions increase, but also taking into consideration individual-psychological peculiarities of partners during team composition formation. Material. A new approach is offered to training and competitive activity of highlyqualified female basketball players. The experimental methodology is formed, which is based on the complex of individual-psychological and personal peculiarities of female basketball players during team composition formation and which condition the success of playing activity. Research methods: scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis and systematization, progressive pedagogical experience of basketball trainers summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, statistical data handling. Results. The article offers the methodology of basketball team content formation, taking into account psychological compatibility. The content of the methodology provides the following items realization: female basketball players ’ individual-psychological and personal peculiarities revelation; the character study of female basketball players’ combination during interaction in game parts; compatibility criteria revelation between individualpsychological and personal characteristics of the athletes. Conclusion. The results ofpedagogical experiment showed the expediency and effectiveness of this methodology application, the use of which provides more integral approach to basketball team content formation and it helped to improve competitive activity indices among qualified female athletes.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Psychological compatibility of female basketball palyers as the factor of competitive activity effectiveness»

upbringing among young runners. Candidate's thesis. Moscow. 1970: 32.

13. Protasov E.S. Usloviya effektivnogo ottalkivaniya ot opory v bege na korotkie distancii [Conditions of effective push off from the support in sprint]. Siberian State Academy of Physical Culture. Omsk. 2008: 22.

14. Tyupa V.V., Arakelyan E.E., Primakov Y.N. Biomehanicheskie osnovy tehniki sportivnoj hod'by I bega [Biochemical technique basis of heel-and-toe walk and running]. Moscow: Olimpia. 2009: 64.

15. Umarov A.A. Osnovnye aspekty tehniki bega: uchebnoe posobie [The main aspects of the

Submitted: 28.05.2018

running technique: manual]. Tashkent: Publishingpolygraphic union named after Ibn Sin. 2003: 47-59.

16. Kuznetsova Z., Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Khalikov G., Zakharova A., 2015. Athletes training based on a complex assessment of functional state. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 156-160 (Scopus).

17. Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Kuznetsova Z., 2017. Diagnostics of Functional State and Reserve Capacity of young Athletes' Organism. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 111-115 (Scopus).

Author's information:

Anisimova E.A. - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov", Russia,432700, Ulyanovsk, the 100 Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth Square, House 4, e-mail: [email protected]

Novikova E.M. - Physical Culture Teacher, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov", Russia,432700, Ulyanovsk, the 100 Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth Square, House 4, e-mail: elenovik.73@,mail.ru

Katenkov A.N. - Postgraduate, Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov", Russia,432700, Ulyanovsk, the 100 Anniversary of V.I. Lenin's Birth Square, House 4, e-mail: [email protected]

DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-25-32


Berezina L.A.1, Bystrova O.L.1, Nemytov D.N.1

1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov», Russia, Ulyanovsk, [email protected], [email protected], nemytoff@,gmailcom

Annotation. Every year the level of sports results in female basketball increases, technical and biological resources are close to disappear and one of the ways of searching for the reserves is psychic reserves use. One of the most important training process objectives among female basketball players is not only the effectiveness of tactical interactions increase, but also taking into consideration individual-psychological peculiarities of partners during team composition formation. Material. A new approach is offered to training and competitive activity of highly-qualified female basketball players. The experimental methodology is formed, which is based on

the complex of individual-psychological and personal peculiarities of female basketball players during team composition formation and which condition the success of playing activity. Research methods: scientific and scientific-methodical literature analysis and systematization, progressive pedagogical experience of basketball trainers summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, statistical data handling. Results. The article offers the methodology of basketball team content formation, taking into account psychological compatibility. The content of the methodology provides the following items realization: female basketball players' individual-psychological and personal peculiarities revelation; the character study of female basketball players' combination during interaction in game parts; compatibility criteria revelation between individual-psychological and personal characteristics of the athletes. Conclusion. The results ofpedagogical experiment showed the expediency and effectiveness of this methodology application, the use of which provides more integral approach to basketball team content formation and it helped to improve competitive activity indices among qualified female athletes.

Keywords: basketball, pedagogical experiment, competitive activity, team content formation, psychological compatibility.

For quotation: Berezina L.A., Bystrova O.L., Nemytov D.N. Psychological compatibility of female basketball players as the factor of competitive activity effectiveness. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. (Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sport). 2018; 13(3): 20-25. DOI 10.14526/2070-4798-2018-13-3-25-32.


Urgency. Basketball is one of intellecttual kinds of sport. Competitive activity of the game takes place in extreme conditions, which demand great physical, moral and psychological efforts, made by a personality [2]. In this connection, one of the most important objectives of the training process is not only tactical interaction effectiveness increase, the search for the ways of more effective skills formation in actions organization, but also partners' individual-psychological peculiarities taking into consideration during interaction [3].

Until recently, studying the ways of playing activity increase was connected with taking into account anatomic-physiological, anthropometric and physical characteristics and also with technical-tactical readiness.

Nowadays it becomes more evident that these athletes' psychological characteristics study is one of the most determining factors during team content formation, depending on playing role [6]. The problem is in the following: there is a mismatch of actions in competitive activity in basketball, one of the reasons of which is the absence of psychological compatibility among the players. In this connection we revealed psychological compatibility criteria

among female basketball players. Taking criteria into consideration during basketball team content formation will improve the quality of game and its effectiveness.

The aim of this work is to create the methodology of psychological compatibility criteria revelation in female basketball team for a rational team content formation.


1. To reveal individual-psychological and personal peculiarities of the players and their combination between the partners.

2. To state compatibility criteria of female basketball players' individual-psychological and personal peculiarities, which condition teamwork.

3. To create and experimentally substantiate the methodology of female basketball team content formation, taking into account psychological compatibility.


In scientific and scientific-methodical literature the leading specialists [1, 4, 5, 6] consider players' psychological readiness as one of the most important parts of stability and team effectiveness in competitions. The activity of an athlete in basketball is realized

in terms of changing conflict situations, which are characterized by difficulty of making decision in different playing situations. Tactical and psychological characteristics of an athlete are the leading for playing activity and in terms of physical and technical readiness equality have dominating importance.

Individual-psychological and personal characteristics of female athletes were revealed during the research. These characteristics influence the process of team content formation (female basketball players' quickness and accuracy of intellectual operation estimation using A.V. Rodionov methodology, Eysenck test for visual-descriptive, verbal-logic and visual-activity based thinking revelation, Gorbov F.D. methodology for basketball players' attention redirection, the type of temperament and female athletes' psychological type determination). For the effectiveness of interaction confirmation between female basketball players during team content formation was defined according to the

following indices: duration of interactions mastering and stability of interactions realization.


In order to check the effectiveness of basketball team content formation methodology, on the basis of psychological compatibility criteria revelation, we held a pedagogical experiment. 24 qualified female basketball players at the age of 17-22 took part in the research. The control group (CG-12) and the experimental group (EG-12) were organized, which had almost the same level of technical-tactical readiness. Moreover, competitive activity indices were also estimated.

At the beginning of the pedagogical experiment it was revealed that the basketball players from the EG and CG showed results in quickness of intellectual operations indices, which correspond with results according to amount of time, spent on objectives solution for playing kinds of sport (table 1).

Table 1

Intellectua operations quickness among qualified female basketball players

Respondents Number of the objectives Number of moves Time of the decision (sec.)

Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University 6 9,0 6,05

Ulyanovsk State Technical University 6 9,6 6,4

The average data for games (according to A.V. Rodionov) 6 9,2 6,18

It one more time proved the fact that in basketball it is important to react quickly to situations change and also quickly make decisions or change them.

The received results of visual-descriptive, verbal-logic and visual-activity based thinking study helped to make conclusions concerning the intellect coefficient among female basketball players.

Test results are between 100 - 130 points and are within valid limits. Female basketball players from the experimental group had higher intellect level indices, than the girls from the control group (EG - 126 points, CG - 107 points). If we compare initial team content, we will see some advantage of the EG - 128 points and CG- 110 points.

The results of attention redirection test prove that the average indices of female basketball players from the EG in the first attempt are 1,27 s, among basketball players from the CG - 1,49s. The results of the second attempt were the following: in the EG- 2,41s, in CG - 2,6s. The received results prove that the female athletes from both groups have insignificant differences in indices and the revealed differences are statistically not valid in case p <0,05.

Tactical thinking study helped to reveal that female basketball players from the EG have a higher level of tactical thinking (7, 8 points) than female basketball players from the CG (6, 4 points). In our opinion this advantage can be caused by insufficient game experience, desire to follow the definite plan, insufficient flexibility in choosing operative decisions. We also think that the level of tactical thinking can be connected with the intellect of the players.

Temperament study revealed three types of temperament: choleric person

(62,5% of the players), sanguine person (l9,5%) and melancholic (18%). During psychological type study most female basketball players belonged to ambiverts (80%), not significant number of female basketball players are extraverts (15%) and (5%) introverts.

Preliminary research helped to reveal the necessity to take into consideration individual-psychological and personal characteristics of the players during team content forming, which is the base for the pedagogical experiment.

For the experimental substantiation of created by us methodology of female basketball team content formation, taking into account individual-psychological and personal characteristics of female athletes the effectiveness of interaction was determined according to the following indices: period of interactions mastering and stability of interactions realization (table 2).

Table 2

Teamwork indices in the E iG and the CG at t e beginning of the experiment

№ Teamwork indices EG CG P

1. Interactions mastering (number of lessons) 10,8 ± 1,2 10,6 ± 1,2 > 0,05

2. Stability of team interactions fulfillment (%) 60,6 ± 2,3 59,9 ± 2,9 > 0,05

The received results prove the absence of significant differences in EG and CG in team interactions mastering and realization at the beginning of the experiment (p>0,05).

At the stage of the offered methodology experimental substantiation we

analyzed the indices of teamwork in female basketball teams after the experiment and the results of technical-tactical indices in the EG and CG during the following period 20172018 (table 3,4).

Table 3

Teamwork indices in female basketball teams after the experiment

№ Teamwork indices EG CG P

1. Interactions mastering (number of lessons) 7 ± 2,7 10,8 ± 1,2 < 0,05

2. Stability of team interactions

fulfillment (%) 72,2 ± 3 60,1± 2,3 < 0,05

As a result of the observations the following results were received: 7 lessons were spent for team interactions mastering in the experimental group, in the control group 10 lessons were spent for combinations learning. Stability of team interactions fulfillment in the experimental group is higher and is 72,2%, in the control group 60,1% (table 3).

During the research we received the following technical-tactical indices results among the athletes from the CG and the EG:

Table 4

Technical-tactical indices dynamics among female basketball players from the CG and EG

female basketball players from the experimental group, in comparison with the players from the control group, were more confident both in defense and attack. That is why technical-tactical indices, such as offensive rebound and defensive rebound, driven balls, lost balls, attacking passes, ball tackling increased (> 0,05) (defensive rebounds 32,7 - 36,3%, offensive rebounds 21,8 - 24,8%, driven balls 72,7 - 99,8%, lost balls 21,3 - 18,3%, attacking passes 13,3 -5,7%, ball tackling 13,2 - 15,9%) (table 4).

before and after the experiment

Indices Stage EG CG Validity of differences between the groups


Attacking passes I 1,33±0,76 1,25±0,94 P > 0,05

II 1,57±0,81 1,37±0,94 P > 0,05

Tackling I 1,32±0,19 1,27±0,74 P > 0,05

II 1,59±0,48 1,33±0,74 P > 0,05

Defensive rebound (DR) I 3,27±1,2 3,12±2,27 P > 0,01

II 3,63±1,2 3,32±1,26 P > 0,05

Offensive rebound (OR) I 2,18±0,64 1,95±1,55 P > 0,05

II 2,48±0,84 1,95±1,68 P > 0,05

Lost balls I 2,13±0,64 1,93±0,84 P > 0,05

II 1,83±0,48 1,9±0,84 P > 0,05

Driven balls I 7,25±4,15 6,89±6,68 P < 0,05

II 9,98±5,25 8,88±8,05 P < 0,05

Notes: stages of the test I - before the experiment II - after the experiment.

In the control group technical-tactical indices also changed, but insignificantly: number of ball tackling 12,7 (13,3 %), number of driven balls 68,9 (88,8%), attacking passes 12,5 (13,7%). Such indices

as DR 33,2%, OR 19,5%, and lost balls didn't change 19,0%.

According to own psychological state subjective estimation among experimental group players during the competitions there was the sense of psychological tiredness

decrease (it was easier for the basketball players to cope with tense matches and competitions, when it was necessary to play several days on end).


Thus, the results of the pedagogical experiment showed that the methodology of team content formation among female basketball players, taking into account individual-psychological and personal characteristics of partners, helps to present the process of interactions change between the players and form the most favorable parts, which will provide favorable climate in the team in order to achieve sports result. The offered compatibility criteria of basketball players' individual-psychological and personal peculiarities, conditioning teamwork of the team, helped to get the results, which prove the effectiveness of created by us methodology.


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8. Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Kuznetsova Z., 2017. Diagnostics of Functional State and Reserve Capacity of young Athletes' Organism. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 111-115 (Scopus).

Submitted: 13.09.2018 Author's information:

Berezina L.A. Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education

"Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov», Russia, Ulyanovsk, [email protected]

Bystrova O.L. Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education

"Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov», Russia, Ulyanovsk, [email protected]

Nemytov D.N. Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Named After I.N. Ulyanov», Russia, Ulyanovsk, nemytoff@,gmail.com

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