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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mamatov Dilshod Kodirovich, Sobirova Sharofat Umedullaevna, Aminov Akmal Shavkatovich

At the present stage of socio-economic development of society, the implementation of the reform of higher education, the replacement of old unproductive methods is taking place, a continuous search for new solutions. More attention is paid to the formation of creative individual abilities and the harmonious development of the younger generation. As a result of the analysis and generalization of the above psychological and pedagogical factors, it became possible to offer methods for the development of students' creative activity. It pays special attention to the productivity of stimulants of the creative process.

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PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF ARTISTIC AND CREATIVE ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS Mamatov D.R.1, Sobirova Sh.U.2, Aminov A.Sh.3 (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Mamatov458@scientifictext.ru

'Mamatov DilshodKodirovich - Docent; 2Sobirova Sharofat Umedullaevna — Teacher; 3Aminov Akmal Shavkatovich - Teacher, DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS AND ENGINEERING GRAPHICS, FACULTY ARTVISION, BUKHARA STATE UNIVERSITY, BUKHARA, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN

Abstract: at the present stage of socio-economic development of society, the implementation of the reform of higher education, the replacement of old unproductive methods is taking place, a continuous search for new solutions. More attention is paid to the formation of creative individual abilities and the harmonious development of the younger generation. As a result of the analysis and generalization of the above psychological and pedagogical factors, it became possible to offer methods for the development of students' creative activity. It pays special attention to the productivity of stimulants of the creative process.

Keywords: education, place, individual, psychological, pedagogical, creating conditions, different points, artistic, creative activity, development.



Маматов Д.К.1, Собирова Ш.У.2, Аминов А.Ш.3 (Республика Узбекистан)

'Маматов Дилшод Кодирович — доцент; 2Собирова Шафоат Умедуллаевна — преподаватель; 3Аминов Акмал Шавкатович — преподаватель, кафедра изобразительного искусства и инженерной графики, факультет искусствоведения, Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: на современном этапе социально-экономического развития общества происходит реализация реформы высшего образования, замена старых непродуктивных методов, постоянный поиск новых решений. Больше внимания уделяется формированию творческих способностей личности и гармоничному развитию подрастающего поколения. В результате анализа и обобщения перечисленных психолого-педагогических факторов стало возможным предложить методы развития творческой активности студентов. Особое внимание уделяется продуктивности стимуляторов творческого процесса.

Ключевые слова: образование, место, индивидуальный, психологический, педагогический, создание условий, разные точки, художественная, творческая деятельность, развитие.

UDC 398

The formation of the creative activity of young people in the system of higher education is acquiring particular relevance, including, first of all, in the art classes. However, many aspects of the artistic and creative process, including creative activity, are still poorly studied. Our comparison of different points of view on this problem shows their ambiguity. Moreover, in each of them intensity is seen as the main factor of active action. It follows from this that artistic and creative activity is an intense cognitive activity aimed at constant self-renewal and improvement of individuality.

Analyzing visual activity, we identified a number of factors involved in the process of creativity and determining the forms and methods of development of cognitive and creative activity.

The first factor can be attributed to cognitive and emotional-volitional processes, sensations, perception, ideas, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, emotions and feelings, will, motivation. Each of them is included in the self-developing basic structure of mechanisms that ensure the development of activity, in which creative thinking plays the main role. As they develop, they act as stimulators of the creative process.

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The next psychological and pedagogical basis of creative activity is made up of factors that characterize the state of the individual's creative activity, aesthetic need, interest, observation, the ability to innovate, inspiration, aesthetic focus, clarity of purpose, initiative, emotionality, independence, originality, leadership, the ability to interpret, adaptability , self-esteem, communication, reaction strength, work pace, experience of creative activity.

And, finally, the basis of creative activity is formed by pedagogical means and methods of teaching the fine arts, among which: orientation towards creativity, intersubject and intrasubject integration, exercise, use of visualization, use of game elements, use of methods and techniques of work, assessment, that is, innovative pedagogical technologies [1-30].

As a result of the analysis and generalization of the above psychological and pedagogical factors, it became possible to offer methods for the development of students' creative activity. It pays special attention to the productivity of stimulants of the creative process and the use for this purpose of the appropriate forms and methods of work: a) the development of cognitive and emotional-volitional processes; b) focus on a high end result; c) the use of impulses that cause the work of stimulants; d) creating conditions for the effective action of stimulants and the development of creative activity; e) reliance on the experience of active work as the initial basis for the development of artistic and creative activity. The existing system allows you to adjust the developmental principle of the methodology, the structure of the lesson and ensure the growth of its creative potential. We have defined its main provisions:

a) The content of educational tasks should be feasible for students of different psychological types;

b) Each study assignment provides for the satisfaction of an emotional and aesthetic need;

c) Compliance with the sequence in the complication of tasks and related knowledge, skills and abilities; the coordination of the complication of program tasks with problem situations and creative attitudes;

d) The use of special exercises, and the use of rational ways and techniques of work;

e) Implementation of systematic control (self-control) over the growth of creative activity and assessment of the final results.

Verification of the proposed methods for the development of creative activity confirmed its effectiveness in the educational process and the importance of its psychological and pedagogical substantiation. The set of its components is an algorithm "target setting - problem situation -sensorimotor reaction - skills - activity". Together with the content of the task, information about the structure of the artistic image being built is assimilated, artistic taste is improved, visual and motor information is encoded in the brain, which is fixed in memory and arises in the work on the image.

Therefore, using a variety of teaching methods, which form the basis of pedagogical technology, with the definition of pedagogical tasks in the teaching of drawing, to develop students' spatial imagination, thinking, speaking - debating, expressing their ideas through geometric spatial images. , taking into account the need to ensure interest in science in each subject, the methods of the educational process are selected according to their didactic tasks, implemented through the means, enriching the content of education.

In the process of implementation of modern teaching technology of the subject "Drawing" took into account the level of complexity of the curriculum, interdisciplinary relevance and didactic tasks of teaching methods. In addition, changes were made to the form of teaching without changing the number of hours of lectures and practical classes in the curriculum.

The principle of unity of theory and practice in the education system is first implemented in the learning process, depending on the content and specific nature of the subject. These classes will equip them with the experience they need to be able to put complex scientific theories into practice in the future [1-30].

The conclusion is that the implementation of computer-assisted learning technology in the teaching of the subject "Drawing" simultaneously increases the effective use of information and telecommunications, the ability to work with modern technical means.

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