IMPROVING THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FINE ART TEACHERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yadgarov Nodir Djalolovich, Mamatov Dilshod Kodirovich, Shukurov Avaz Ruziboevich, Mamurova Dilfuza Islomovna

At present, scientific searches in the field of psychology, pedagogy and teaching methods have significantly intensified. An analysis of the main patterns of development, activation and improvement of effective creative teaching methods indicates the desire of scientists and teachers to put the entire process of teaching and upbringing on a solid scientific basis in accordance with the level of modern requirements of pedagogical theory and practice. Reasons for the successful artistic, professional and methodological training of students of the Department of Fine Arts are given.

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Yadgarov N.D.1, Mamatov D.R.2, Shukurov A.R.3, Mamurova D.I.4 (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: [email protected]

'Yadgarov Nodir Djalolovich — Professor;

2Mamatov Dilshod Kodirovich — Docent;

3Shukurov Avaz Ruziboevich — Teacher;



Abstract: at present, scientific searches in the field of psychology, pedagogy and teaching methods have significantly intensified. An analysis of the main patterns of development, activation and improvement of effective creative teaching methods indicates the desire of scientists and teachers to put the entire process of teaching and upbringing on a solid scientific basis in accordance with the level of modern requirements of pedagogical theory and practice. Reasons for the successful artistic, professional and methodological training of students of the Department of Fine Arts are given. Keywords: scientific, pedagogical, development teaching, methods.


'Ядгаров Надир Джалолович — профессор;

2Маматов Дилшод Кодирович — доцент;

3Шукуров Аваз Рузибоевич — преподаватель;

Мамурова Дилфуза Исломовна — доцент, кафедра изобразительного искусства и инженерной графики, факультет искусствоведения,

Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в настоящее время значительно активизировались научные поиски в области психологии, педагогики и методики обучения. Анализ основных закономерностей развития, активизации и совершенствования эффективных творческих методов обучения свидетельствует о стремлении ученых и педагогов поставить весь процесс обучения и воспитания на прочную научную основу в соответствии с уровнем современных требований педагогической теории и практики. Приведены причины успешной художественной, профессиональной и методической подготовки студентов отделения изящных искусств. Ключевые слова: научное, педагогическое, развивающее обучение, методика.

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In this regard, at the present stage of modernization of the education system in Uzbekistan, the problem of improving the professional training of teachers of fine and decorative arts is of great importance. This problem becomes especially acute when it comes to new areas of teacher training, caused by the realities of life. The trend towards the revival of traditional culture, the new socioeconomic needs of society urgently demanded an expansion of the training profile for teachers of the artistic and aesthetic cycle. In this regard, it became necessary to make significant adjustments to the methodology of teaching special subjects - drawing, painting, history of fine arts, etc.

The complexity of the tasks of professional training of the artist-teacher in pedagogical universities is conditioned, first of all, by the very specifics this profession. You can be a good artist, but this is how and practice shows that it is still not enough for successful pedagogical activity. On the other hand, it is impossible to conduct high-quality teaching of fine art at school without high professional artistic training. Within the framework of this report, we will allow ourselves to dwell on the problems of teaching visual literacy, and more specifically, on the process of forming professional qualities during classes in tonal drawing at the stages of training students of art and graphic faculties of pedagogical universities.

In artistic pedagogy, the problem of the formation of professionalism is very complex, relevant, difficult to achieve, at the same time, it is still insufficiently studied, although all artist-teachers

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indisputably recognize its importance. Any teacher who practically works with beginners, as soon as he is faced with the tasks of teaching the visual literacy of an unprepared student, is constantly convinced of the complexity and relevance of solving the problem of forming a tone and holistic vision, which is the basis in professional training. The restructuring of an ordinary perception into a professional artistic one is a very responsible and complicated process. Therefore, the problem of education, tonal-volumetric vision is one of the key problems of professional training of an artist-teacher, a future teacher of visual arts, since tonal-volumetric vision is the most important condition for students to successfully master the basics of visual literacy. And the sooner this problem is brought to the consciousness of students, the sooner they begin to consciously solve it in their practical activities, the more purposeful and effective the teaching will be.

In this regard, for the successful artistic, professional and methodological training of students of the Department of Fine Arts, the following is necessary:

- disclosure of the scientific and theoretical foundations of educational tonal

drawing and psychological patterns of drawing as a form reflections of the surrounding reality and expressions personality of the painter;

- pedagogical justification of the experimental program teaching educational tonal drawing in specific conditions departments of fine arts of a pedagogical university;

- determination of individual psychological characteristics in professional and artistic development of students of 1-4 courses at classes in tonal drawing;

- development of experimental and experimental verification of methodological ways and means of enhancing the learning process of educational tonal drawing of students of the department of fine arts of a pedagogical university.

In accordance with this, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

- Consider the history of the problem of teaching tonal drawing in a higher art and professional school.

- To reveal the scientific and theoretical foundations of tonal drawing as an academic subject.

- Reveal the psychological patterns of tonal painting as a specific form of reflection of reality and expression of the individuality of the painter.

- To develop an experimental methodological model of teaching tonal drawing at the department of fine arts of a pedagogical university

- Develop an experimental program for teaching the subject "Drawing" for 1-4 training courses and a system of effective methodological ways and means of enhancing the process of teaching tonal drawing of students of this department.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of professional thinking largely depends on the upbringing of students' creative attitude to their graphic activity, the formation of a conscious, sustainable interest in the main disciplines of graphics - drawing, descriptive geometry, etc. Creative approach creative attitude can arise only as a result of educational activities, that is, specially organized conditions that ensure a stable cognitive interest of students in graphic activities, which is associated, in turn, with the motivation of students, their interest in their future profession.

What are the criteria for the psychological assessment of the formation of professional thinking and spatial representations among students in the process of mastering a university course in graphic disciplines? As a toolkit, you can take as a basis the criteria for psychological assessment proposed by the researcher Boris Mendela:

The optimism factor is a measure of job satisfaction and commitment.

Index of activity - an indicator of satisfaction with the system of organizing student learning.

Monitoring of the system of psychological and pedagogical support - it, of course, should correspond to the goals of development, training and education at the university.

Several levels of monitoring are possible, the scientist writes, the content of the educational process has been analyzed.

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