Научная статья на тему 'Psycho-pedagogical conditions of education of tolerance and prevention of aggressive behavior of children and youth in innovative continuous Russian regional education system'

Psycho-pedagogical conditions of education of tolerance and prevention of aggressive behavior of children and youth in innovative continuous Russian regional education system Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dzhahparaeva Jamila Yusupovna, Omarov Omar Alievich, Omarova Naida Omarovna

In modern society, the role of spiritual and moral education in human development is particularly great. In recent years, researchers pay much attention to the search for new methods and approaches in education. The creation of a new concept of education has a paramount importance. The education system should be integrated into the global educational community and to respond to global trends in education.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Psycho-pedagogical conditions of education of tolerance and prevention of aggressive behavior of children and youth in innovative continuous Russian regional education system»

Section 5. Pedagogy

Section 5. Pedagogy

Dzhahparaeva Jamila Yusupovna, Institute of National Problems in Education, researcher E-mail: dgamka.84@mail.ru Omarov Omar Alievich, Academician of RAE, Doc. of Physics and Mathematics, prof., Institute of National Problems in Education, researcher, director

E-mail: inporao@mail.ru Omarova Naida Omarovna, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), prof., Institute of National Problems in Education, researcher, deputy director E-mail: n.omarova@yandex.ru

Psycho-pedagogical conditions of education of tolerance and prevention of aggressive behavior of children and youth in innovative continuous Russian regional education system

Abstract: In modern society, the role of spiritual and moral education in human development is particularly great. In recent years, researchers pay much attention to the search for new methods and approaches in education. The creation of a new concept of education has a paramount importance. The education system should be integrated into the global educational community and to respond to global trends in education.

Keywords: Youth, extremism, tolerance, education, innovation system, upbringing.

Modern Russia as a result of reforms faced with increasing social and economical problems. Economic and social instability leads to the problems of employment and lack of confidence in the prospects for the future. The youth is accompanied by the instability of motivationally value structure and manifestations of aggression, nationalist, racist, fascist, interfaith attacks.

The main causes of extremism and terrorism are the psychological discomfort experienced by people permanently under conditions of low living standards, the need for significant dissatisfaction vital ideological orientations in terms of ideological pluralism (the lack of clearly defined common national ideology).

Popular explanatory model of terrorism is a purely psychological, designated as a model of frustration — aggression. Adherence to terrorism in this model occurs due to prolonged blocking of the basic personal values (unemployment, impossibility to get a decent education, blocking career promotions, etc.). Researchers were embarrassed by the simplicity of this model, so that in recent years there was a more adequate explanation of the model. The negative personal identification has been declared as the main cause of psychological readiness for terrorist activity, which is expected to occur because the group identification of some person (ethnicity, denomination,

social stratum), usually referred to a minority is alienated from basic life values. Therefore a person elects negative forms of identification. Frustration in their social outlook makes this person to form motives value denial, to which she/he tended so much. This denial can be the basis of the transition from thought to aggressive actions relatively to one or another social institution [4, 3-15].

Violence and aggression of children and youth is of particular concern in this case, people defining the future of the state, its status and direction of development. Thus the prevention of aggressive behavior developing individual since the pre-school age becomes relevant.

The problem of aggressive behavior, quantitative and qualitative evaluation of aggression in children, the development of appropriate strategies for its prevention and reduction, the study of the causes of aggressive behavior, identification of conditions, methods and means of correction are not sufficiently explored in psychological — pedagogical sciences. In educational institutions, the problem at the present stage becomes relevant, since insufficient attention is paid to evidence-based systematic mechanism to reduce aggression in the behavior and the formation of readiness for positive communication of the person when you change the social situation, as well as the ability to resolve conflicts and to cope with


Psycho-pedagogical conditions of education of tolerance and prevention of aggressive behavior of children...

difficulties in learning, which serves as an indicator of positive attitudes to work.

In domestic science there is a wide range of scientific searches, which investigate the aggressive behavior of children, depending on the surrounding reality.

Prevention problems of aggressive behavior of children and young people are under the scrutiny of representatives of medicine, psychology and pedagogy.

Designating the social context of aggressive behavior, you should pay attention to the study of the factors forming the sensitive to various forms of environmental exposures, and in particular to social factors (the media, the family, educational institutions, etc.), where as defining isolated influence of the family as the reference an environment in which there is a complex multilateral process of education. It is assumed that children and adolescent aggression is a consequence of deformation and lack of positive impact on the developing personality [3, 59-62].

Social and economic instability, uncertainty about the future, mass unemployment — all of these reasons cause aggressive behavior ofyoung people, contributing to the growth of extremism and terrorism.

The school almost lost form of direct communication of teacher and student, and the figure of the teacher “covered" all sorts of controlling test forms that can detect only the most superficial aspects of intellectual readiness of the pupil. They do not provide for a deeper search for truth than to choose one object from several. As a result, understanding of the world and its properties are often based on religion and different kinds of superstitions, which in turn leads to the formation of an inadequate attitude of young people to science and its achievements [4, 3-15].

Young people get answers to the most urgent questions of life beyond from high school or the classroom. This source of information can become a publication of various sectarian and half sectarian organizations.

Hence it is natural to assume that the higher and secondary schools were outside the social and cultural space in which today forms part of a certain modern Dagestanians. Besides the actual problem of teachers — practitioners and researchers — teachers of the republic is the analysis of the reasons of such a depressing situation, the identification of new methods and means of influencing the mindsets, orientation and installation of students.

In this situation, there is a need to develop a system of preventive measures. This preventive work represents an innovative approach, the results of which could, if not completely resolve the contradictions between the individual and society, or at least take the edge off and tension of confrontation, a set of ideas that define the ideological foundations, ideology, purpose, content, objectives, basic forms and methods educational activity of education, as well as ways to engage educators and educability in this activity.

Today the society dynamic in time and rich with conflicting information, is constantly increasing the number

of minors with deviant behavior, manifested in the actions: (alcoholism, drug addiction, disturbing public order, hooliganism). Demonstrative and defiant attitude toward adults is also intensified.

Parents of highly aggressive children also often are hostile and inconsistent in matters of learning the rules and norms of behavior. If one of the family members react with hostility, others are beginning to do something that increases the likelihood of additional hostile manifestations, and the children have difficulties in behavior. It should be noted that parents unknowingly become an example of normative behavior, where most aggressive manifestations are your own unwillingness to share with each other, lack of privacy, tensions with non-native members of the family, jealousy, selfishness, differences of the characters, as well as unequal treatment to them by adults. If the parents are affectionate with their children, responsive to their needs the percentage of anti-social behavior goes down.

Thus, we can conclude that warm emotional, harmonious relationship of the child with the parents (especially with a parent of the same gender as the child), contribute to the development of humane attitude to the other.

In modern conditions, spiritual and economic revival of Russia makes new demands on education and training in the preparation of a harmoniously developed and spiritually rich personality. This is possible with daily enrichment of human and national traditions in the education of children and youth, which will affect the social intellectual potential approval and development of humanistic education [1, 200].

Innovations in the system of science and education today is the creation of the Dagestan Scientific and Educational Center of RAE (DSEC RAE) is a structure of continuous education institutions at various levels. A special place in DSEC RAE reserved to psycho-pedagogical conditions of formation of psychologically healthy and stable personality that determines the ability to counter any negative impact, to maintain stability and balance of the inner world and way of life, the creation of the Russian system of education of patriotism, friendship of peoples, tolerance, citizenship [5, 59-62].

Work in the area of search and creation a new concept of education is of paramount importance. The education system needs to adapt to the new market economy and integrate into the global educational community, to respond adequately to global trends in education. It is necessary to pay attention to the development of human capacity for innovation. The task of education is to help each individual to develop their skills and become a human being and citizen.

Today, conditions are updating the content of education, which focuses on the formation of the humanistic, socially significant values and patterns of civil behavior.

Organization of spiritual and moral education involves the creation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of young people feeling and consciousness of Russian patriotism, friendship of peoples, tolerance.


Section 5. Pedagogy

Youth upbringing in the system of continuous education is reduced to the process of formation of various social qualities, since education has a purposeful process of the collaboration with the student’s educational community.

At the same time in all educational work through the prism of folk customs and traditions disclosed universal values: the value of good, relation to another, as to himself, tact and consideration for people and nature, the value of harmony and friendship.

In this regard, the culture of inter-ethnic relations development in terms of multinational Dagestan is of great importance. Such education involves respect for another culture, another’s language, customs and religion, the ability to go beyond their nationality, are not confined to the narrow national interests.

The culture of interethnic communication depends on the general culture, communicating with each other people skills to put human values above narrow national.

Education culture of international relations is not a declaration, but one of the most acute problems of education in a multi-ethnic Dagestan, which is going through a difficult period of social development, complicated by the instability of the political situation in Dagestan [1, 224].

Educational work of DSEC RAE, perceived as a separate category, is guided by the aim of diversifying personality supported by his/her identity. This aim is realized in the process of learning, but only partially, as the limited scope of training curricula and program, specifics of the organization. The extracurricular educational work has all opportunities to achieve this goal, which is a complicated target complex, consisting of many interrelated specific pedagogical purposes.

DSEC RA.E is a center in the formation of the new spiritual and moral potential of society, the processes of revival and development of the cultures of the people of Dagestan. All organizers of the educational process need to gain knowledge about nations and ethnic relations, which are formed under the influence of children and young people towards people of different nations, their cultures and traditions [6, 78-80].

Culture education of interethnic communication (upbringing of Russian patriotism and citizenship, tolerance and friendship between the peoples) in DSEC RA.E is an organized, purposeful process.

Education is intended to ensure the formation of young people humanistic motives. Humanistic orientation based on the motives of international behavior (formation of young people needs to show attention and sensitivity to the national dignity, have the attention and respect for the culture of a different nationality, language, traditions).

Speaking of education and spiritual formation of young people, we can not say about the place and role of religion. This is particularly important in the general surge of religious fundamentalism and the dissemination of ideas in the Caucasus. Therefore, the organization of youth education in the spirit of peace and tolerance among peoples, and should be considered reasonable to use the influence of religion in the various spheres of social life, the state, law, culture, education, national and family relations.

The aim of the teacher while organizing educational process is to consider the humanistic side of religion, to determine its positive content from the standpoint of the human phenomenon of regulating cultural and ethnic and confessional relations people. Young people should be encouraged that the universal moral content are filled with cultural and ethnic and religious virtues: faith, abstinence, simplicity, humility, respect for human rights. Religion appeals to universal moral norms, clothe them in their canons [1, 225].

Systematically role approach in the education changes the structure, acquires a new meaning, filled with new sense and content. The criteria for the education of youth are indicators of their willingness and ability to carry out a system of social roles.

Education is a process of endless and boundless as well as the personality of any person. The starting point begins with the birth of kid, accompanying his entire adult life, providing him with the corresponding influence.


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