PROVERBS AS A MEANS OF CROSSCULTURAL UNDERSTANDINGS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
sayings / meaning / symbol / definition / nation / culture / character

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Marhabo Turopova Sadullayevna

There are a lot of nations and every of them has their own identities and proverb are the most important of them. they carry in their meaning all about the nation that they belong to. Proverbs define the wisdom of a group of people and these become their tenets in life. However, a proverb is a short, generally known sentence of the folk which contains wisdom, truth, morals, and traditional views in a metaphorical, fixed and memorable form which is handed down from generation to generation. In this article, we provide information about crosscultural meanings of proverb.

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There are a lot of nations and every of them has their own identities and proverb are the most important of them. they carry in their meaning all about the nation that they belong to. Proverbs define the wisdom of a group of people and these become their tenets in life. However, a proverb is a short, generally known sentence of the folk which contains wisdom, truth, morals, and traditional views in a metaphorical, fixed and memorable form which is handed down from generation to generation. In this article, we provide information about cross- cultural meanings of proverb.

Keywords: sayings, meaning, symbol, definition, nation, culture, character

Proverb introducers in a cross-linguistic and cross-cultural perspective. Research on proverbs is impressively extensive: many books have been published on the use of proverbs by famous writers, on the employment of proverbs in advertising and psychological tests, as well as on the use and origins of individual proverbs. In linguistics, however, proverbs seem to be a marginal topic. The low profile of the proverb in linguistics may partly be explained by the general disinterest in relations between language and culture in much of modern linguistics and the low status of proverbs in contemporary learned culture.

European countries, where the development of science and technology was accompanied by the loss of importance of traditional wisdom. However, proverbs do continue to be important tools of communication in modern societies, and their usage provides valuable material for cross-linguistic and cross-cultural studies. It has been noted by linguists that when proverbs are quoted in English, they are rarely labelled as such, for example, metalinguistic tags used to introduce them rarely contain the word proverb. Instead, native speakers of English seem to prefer to use such tags as as the old saying goes or you know what they say1.

In other languages, such as Polish or Czech proverbs are more likely to be introduced by means of meta- linguistic tags containing the equivalent of the word proverb. Cerm'ak provides two explanations for the apparent avoidance of the word proverb in English:

1 Gotthard. H. H. "Introduction to Paremiology: A comprehensive guide to proverb studies" 2014.

Marhabo Turopova Sadullayevna

UzSWLU, a master's degree student


Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

1. language users are not able to assign proper labels to the forms they use;

2. they purpo-sefully avoid the word for a reason impossible to specify;

Somewhat ironically, the expulsion of proverbs from educated language was

accompanied by the appearance of new proverbs in English: proverbs which encapsulated the new values and ways of thinking, such as: Facts are facts, Facts are stubborn things, Facts don't lie. Obelkevich mentions that Romanticism witnessed a partial rediscovery of proverbs, and Lord Chesterfield's earlier critique of proverbs was then said to have been carried too far, but the renewed interest in proverbs soon declined. Naturally, proverbial wisdom has retained its authority outside educated circles, and has continued to be part of everyday communication, in particular in situations when audience was composed of "ordinary people", speeches of politicians, advertisements, popular literature and films.

Proverb has very different places in every nation and at the same time different meanings. Let us look at some English proverbs and sayings which do not have corresponding variants in the Russian language and need some special search and explanation:

"Many cooks spoil the broth" - У семи нянек дитя без глаза;

"A little rain stills a great wind" - Муравей невелик, а горы капает;

"A cat falls on his legs" - Правда восторжествует;

"Lying pays no tax" - Язык без костей;

In Uzbek tradition, proverbs in any century are considered to be one of the best communication tools as they make any speech more colourful and meaningful. Thus, we would like to cite some proverbs that present Uzbek culture:

" Mehnat, mehnatning tagi rohat"

"Yoshlikda olingan hunar- toshga o'yilgan naqsh kabidir"

" Yer haydasang kuz hayda - kuz haydamasang yuz hayda"

In above given proverbs describe about the character and personality of Uzbek culture. In Uzbek nation "hard- working " is always considered one pf the best peculiarities in people. Those proverbs challenge people work hard.

Oral folk art in the traditions of people reflects the specifics of the worldview. K. Jung analyzed proverbs and sayings and established typology, based on the principle of such characteristics thorny mental functions, such as sensation, laziness, intuition, emotions. These functions formed the basis psychological types such as emotional, thoughtful, intuitive and sensory. Important note that such a typology of mental types correlates with certain nationalities, so how the psychology of any ethnic group is based on psychologic of its individual representatives.

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=4.63) Passport: http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22230

To conclude, the details of everyday life are reflected mythological representations of peoples. Attitude to money also affects the features of the national characteristic: the British love money, wealth, therefore their main character trait is called entrepreneurial maternity. Russians compare the rich and the poor and come to the conclusion that spiritual wealth much more than material. Thus, the use of proverbs undoubtedly makes speech more beautiful and expressive better.


1. Gotthard. H. H. "Introduction to Paremiology: A comprehensive guide to proverb studies" 2014.

2. Jurayev N.D. Ingliz va O'zbek tillaridagi "til va nutq" tematik guruhiga kiruvchi maqollarning semantik va lingvostatistik xususiyatlari: Magistrlik dissertatsiyasi, Toshkent, 2016. - 91 p.

3. Lauhakangas, Outi (2004).''Use of Proverbs and Narrative Thought''. Available

4. Mieder, Wolfgang. (2004). Proverbs - A Handbook. Westport, CT; Greenwood Press.

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