STUDENT MOTIVATION TO LEARN FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Inspiration / Belief / Motivation / Mind Power / Life Happiness / Overcoming Fear / Spiritual Enlightenment

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mukhayyo Ruziyevna Mirzayeva

This article discussed about to give motivation to students or learners of language learners. Most students cannot obtain their goal as fluent speaker of the foreign languages. The article is illustrated clearly some examples of real life and motivational quotes which are helps to get every goals in our life and aid to find the right way in our path. We can acknowledge about thoughts of great academicians and vital motivational tips for language learners.

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Mukhayyo Ruziyevna Mirzayeva

Teacher of Foreign Languages Faculty, the department of Foreign Language in

Humanities, BSU

This article discussed about to give motivation to students or learners of language learners. Most students cannot obtain their goal as fluent speaker of the foreign languages. The article is illustrated clearly some examples of real life and motivational quotes which are helps to get every goals in our life and aid to find the right way in our path. We can acknowledge about thoughts of great academicians and vital motivational tips for language learners.

Keywords: Inspiration, Belief, Motivation, Mind Power, Life Happiness, Overcoming Fear, Spiritual Enlightenment


We often hear about motivational speakers and inspirational captains and leaders. Motivational speakers try to motivate us to think positively and rid negativity. On the other hand, there are characters that show greatness in adversity and prove to be an inspiration for their followers. As we know, motivation is what makes you work hard to get to the top of your sphere. You work hard in your class to get top grades and thus get the praise of your teachers, peers and parents. Their praise works as an incentive for you to work hard. A man works hard to earn the bread for his family so as to make ends meet, and happiness and comfort of the family members is what keeps him motivated. What do you say about a man who is at the helm of his career, in his chosen profession, and keeps on doing what he has been doing for years? What keeps him motivated? This is a question hard to answer, but one thing is certain, and that is the necessity of motivation to succeed in life. A man having no motivation in life is doomed to fail. Motivation often comes from outside though the motivation to excel in a hobby or profession is inherent or comes from within. At the most basic level, a man is motivated to do something to satisfy his basic needs like hunger, shelter, and clothes. A man's behavior and endeavors are directed by his motivation. This kind of usual but real examples aid us never give up during our every life obstacles.


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Student motivation naturally has to do with students' desire to participate in the learning process. But it also concerns the reasons or goals that underlie their involvement or noninvolvement in academic activities. Although students may be equally motivated to perform a task, the sources of their motivation may differ. A student who is intrinsically motivated undertakes an activity "for its own sake, for the enjoyment it provides, the learning it permits, or the feelings of accomplishment it evokes" (Mark Lepper 1988). An extrinsically motivated student performs "in order to obtain some reward or avoid some punishment external to the activity itself," such as grades, stickers, or teacher approval. The term motivation to learn has a slightly different meaning. It is defined by one author as "the meaningfulness, value, and benefits of academic tasks to the learner—regardless of whether or not they are intrinsically interesting" (Hermine Marshall 1987). Another notes that motivation to learn is characterized by long-term, quality involvement in learning and commitment to the process of learning (Carole Ames 1990).

Influencing factors of development Students' Motivation.

According to Jere Brophy (1987), motivation to learn is stimulated most directly through modeling, communication of expectations, and direct instruction or socialization by significant others (especially parents and teachers)." Parents and teachers should pay attention from the early age of the children. Home environment influences own life. Children's home environment shapes the initial constellation of attitudes they develop toward learning. When parents nurture their children's natural curiosity about the world by welcoming their questions, encouraging exploration, and familiarizing them with resources that can enlarge their world, they are giving their children the message that learning is worthwhile and frequently fun and satisfying. So this kind of attitude gives effectively cultivated for the young future life. If there positive atmosphere you can achieve all your targets that gives you motivation for the future. When children are raised in a home that nurtures a sense of self-worth, competence, autonomy, and self-efficacy, they will be more apt to accept the risks inherent in learning. Conversely, when children do not view themselves as basically competent and able, their freedom to engage in academically challenging pursuits and capacity to tolerate and cope with failure are greatly diminished. Once children start school, they begin forming beliefs about their school-related successes and failures. The sources to which children attribute their successes (commonly effort, ability, luck, or level of task difficulty) and failures (often lack of ability or lack of effort) have important implications for how they approach and cope with learning situations. The beliefs teachers themselves have about teaching and learning and the nature of the

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expectations they hold for students also exert a powerful influence (Raffini). As Deborah Stipek (1988) notes, "To a very large degree, students expect to learn if thei r teachers expect them to learn." Schoolwide goals, policies, and procedures also interact with classroom climate and practices to affirm or alter students' increasingly complex learning-related attitudes and beliefs. And developmental changes comprise one more strand of the motivational web. For example, although young children tend to maintain high expectations for success even in the face of repeated failure, older students do not. And although younger children tend to see effort as uniformly positive, older children view it as a "double-edged sword" (Ames). To them, failure following high effort appears to carry more negative implications—especially for their self-concept of ability—than failure that results from minimal or no effort. Every stages of our life connects to provide for the future. What Can Be Done to Help Unmotivated Students?

The first step is for educators to recognize that even when students use strategies that are ultimately self-defeating their goal is actually to protect their sense of self-worth. A process called attribution retraining, which involves modeling, socialization, and practice exercises, is sometimes used with discouraged students. The goals of attribution retraining are to help students to concentrate on the tasks rather than becoming distracted by fear of failure; respond to frustration by retracing their steps to find mistakes or figuring out alternative ways of approaching a problem instead of giving up; and attribute their failures to insufficient effort, lack of information, or reliance on ineffective strategies rather than to lack of ability (Brophy 1986). Other potentially useful strategies include the following: portray effort as investment rather than risk, portray skill development as incremental and domain-specific, focus on mastery (Brophy 1986). Because the potential payoff—having students who value learning for its own sake—is priceless, it is crucial for parents, teachers, and school leaders to devote themselves fully to engendering, maintaining, and rekindling students' motivation to learn.

A good dose of daily motivational quotes will do you good if you are the kind who runs out of motivation every day. Motivation works at work places and with motivation you can achieve the maximum potential out of an employee but to be inspired is something else, once you are inspired not only to you become all the more creative but you also are able to do things almost effortlessly.

Motivation, usually has a lot about fake growth which you will never need and will never be able to truly encourage whilst a few quotes to inspire success will not leave you charged but also empower you with a vision that you can follow and achieve goals



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that otherwise seemed long distanced.

Here are a list of motivational quotes by scholars for everyday life. Brevity is the soul of wit. William Shakespeare, Hamlet

It is delightful to transport one's self into the spirit of the past, to see how a wise man has thought before us, and to what glorious height we have at last reached. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Good sayings are like pearls strung together. Chinese Proverb A proverb is to speech what salt is to food. Arabic Proverb

Nothing gives an author so much pleasure as to find his works respectfully quoted by other learned authors. Benjamin Franklin

One must be a wise reader to quote wisely and well. Amos Bronson Alcott To select well among old things, is almost equal to inventing new ones. Nicholas Charles Trublet

I have gathered a posie of other men's flowers, and nothing but the thread that binds them is my own. Michel de Montaigne

Proverbs are mental gems gathered in the diamond districts of the mind. Peter Anderson

A short saying oft contains much wisdom. Sophocles

It often happens that the quotations constitute the most valuable part of a book.

Vicesimus Knox

A collection of rare thoughts is nothing less than a cabinet of intellectual gems. William B. Sprague

There is not less wit, not less invention, in applying rightly a thought one finds in a book, than in being the first author of that book. Pierre Boyle A proverb is much matter decocted into few words. Thomas Fuller A maxim is the exact and noble expression of an important and indisputable truth. Good maxims are the germs of all excellence; when firmly fixed on the memory, they nourish the will. Joseph Joubert

Why aren't more gems from our great authors scattered over the country? Great books

aren't within everybody's reach. S. T. Coleridge

Maxims are the condensed good sense of nations. Sir J. Mackintosh

A proverb is a wise saying, old yet radiant with novelty. Erasmus


To sum up our opinion, our discussion illustrated with real life events, tips and extraordinary examples which are help to motivate everybody and to stimulate for their target for the future. Especially, motivational quotes aids to open effectively


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future doors for everyone. The findings showed that this learner experienced a number of challenges in learning language, but there are some hindrances that can have a negative effect on all attempts to learn a foreign language. Some of these hindrances are behavioral or psychological and pertain to personality. Motivation is perhaps the key affective variable. Intrinsically motivated learners simply enjoy the process of second language learning and thrive in the environment of the second language classroom as well as in the target language learning environment.


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