PROVERBS AND SUBJECTS OF THE FOLK, USING THEM IN THE LESSON PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
genre / sayings / proverbs / intonation / listening-pronunciation / intonation / жанр / поговорки / пословицы / интонация / аудирование-произношение / интонация

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kayumova, Sayyora Topvoldi Kizi

This scientific article focuses on proverbs and sayings, which are one of the forms of folk art. At the same time, the advantages of using them in the course of the lesson were discussed.

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Данная научная статья посвящена пословицам и поговоркам, являющимся одной из форм народного творчества. При этом обсуждались преимущества их использования в ходе урока.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7



Kayumova Sayyora Topvoldi kizi

Fergana state university Master of the faculty of Linguistics (English Language), e-mail: shohrux771j a@gmail .com, +998911069597.


This scientific article focuses on proverbs and sayings, which are one of the forms offolk art. At the same time, the advantages of using them in the course of the lesson were discussed.

Keywords: genre, sayings, proverbs, intonation, listening-pronunciation, intonation.



Qayumova Sayyora Topvoldi qizi

Farg'ona davlat universitetti, Lingvistika (ingliz tili) mutaxassiligi magistranti, e-mail: shohrux771j a@gmail .com, +998911069597.


Ushbu ilmiy maqolada xalq og 'zaki ijodining shakllaridan biri bo 'lgan maqol va matallarga to 'xtalib o 'tiladi. Shu bilan birga ularning dars jarayonida qo 'llashning afzalliklari haqida muhokama qilindi.

Kalit so'zlar: Janr, hikmatli so'zlar, badiiy ifoda, so'z ustasi, eshitish-talaffuzli, ritmik-intonatsiyali ko 'nikmalar.


One of the most common types of folklore is the proverb. The proverb is derived from Arabic word "eloquent"- "to speak, to say" and it refers to the expressions and the idioms that is utilized. The proverb is one of the smallest genres of our oral creativity. The proverbs are short, often poetic words, fixed emphatic phrases, born in the context of life experience and expressing the wisdom of the people. The articles are based on a wide variety of topics and they cover many aspects of life. Proverbs are often characterized by morality and advice such as " Yer haydasang kuz hayda, kuz haydamasang yuz hayda" "Hunari yo'q kishing mazasi yo'q ishining", "Ish ishtaha ochar, dangasa ishdan qochar ", "Mehnatdan kelsa boylik, turmush bo'lar

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

chiroyli" in English " If you cultivate the land, do it in autumn or else do it hundred times", "The person without job is the person who can manage anything", "Work encourages to work again but the lazy person doesn't want to perform it anyway", " If you earn money with honesty, life will be good".

The proverb is one of the most ancient forms of folklore, with the use of means of expression and the repetition of harmonious sounds. The immortal lines and words of great masters who have great life and creative experience often resemble folk proverbs. For example, a number of wise sayings of Alisher Navai in his book "Mahbub- ul Qulub " are " If you learn something with patience slowly it will be enormous someday", " the person who does not appreciate his language is not careful about his culture". [1]


Although the proverbs are short in size, their ideas and content are comprehensive. Naturally, proverbs are one of the international genres. There are no people in the world who do not have their own sayings. The reason why is that each nation will pass on its experience to generations in the form of proverbs. The proverbs are usually devoted to children. [2] It educates children to observe the events of life, strengthens their memory and broadens their imagination. [3]

In our opinion, an educational event plays an important role in the emergency of every proverb. One of the wise man, who witnessed such a life story, summed up what he experienced and invented the sentence like proverb. Later, as a result of the repetition of the living situation, the first thought gradually became the proverb. Based on the life experience, there must be a viable basis on the proverbs in order to spread and remain among people.

Currently proverbs are called paremas. What does parema mean? Paremiology (paroimia is a wise word ... logic) 1) It is a branch of particular subject that studies the paremas in which proverbs, sayings and idioms appearing as a concise, simple, short meaningful and logically organized in a particular language. 2) A system of paremas is proverbs, sayings and aphorisms that are available in a specific language.

Paremas are a subject of literary study because they are passed from generation to generation only verbally, being the product of folklore, since many of them are often poetic forms and are similar to them. It uses a number of visual aids such as anaphore, alliteration, cynicism, allegory, as well as linguistic objects, in addition to this, they are the objects of Linguistics since the paremas are composed of words and expressions.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Language is the most important means of communication between people, a main source to exchange ideas with others. Language is the thing that expresses national culture, combination of characteristics that reflects the nation. Inheriting the reflection of the nature of the place of residence of each nation, its economic system, oral creativity, fiction, art, science and tradition is the national cultural semantics of the language. National-cultural semantics is found in all layers of the language such as vocabulary, grammar, and even in phonetics. However, national cultural semantics is more clearly manifested in the moving units of the language. Such language units are words, phrases and parems. Each language has its own words, phraseology and paremiology.

The people are the great power which create history, culture, material and spiritual wealth. Every nation gathers gradually a great life experience throughout the centuries and inherits these experiences to the next generation. Paremia that is, proverbs sayings and aphorisms are such valuable means. [4] The proverbs are the pearl of folklore that reflects the wisdom of the people, the spirit of the nation and its culture. Studying the proverbs, generally folklore is becoming important these days. This field of study has attracted the representatives of the other branches like ethnographers, folklorists, psychologists, philosophers and others. [5], [6] The abovementioned representatives of the particular branch, of course, investigates different aspects of the articles.

Naturally, the question arises: do proverbs in all languages have the same features as parems, or do proverbs differ in different languages? In order to answer these questions we will look at the properties of articles that are different from other paremiological units.

As a proverb, we understand the meaning of a phrase that has been created by the people basing on life experience with instruction, education.[5] Although the proverbs are in combination with other parems such as parables, aphorisms, they are disctinctive. These variety is because of nationalism, the ancientity of its origin and its symbolism.

As it is mentioned above, the proverbs show the wisdom of our people and their experience over centuries. The proverb are the basic unit of the experiences of the people like the breath, the cry, the joy, the enjoyment. the sorrow. The proverbs pass on the centuries old experience of the people to their generation through various means. As a main source of the wisdom of the ancestors over the years proverbs has orally been precise for the future generations. Reflecting the whole people, precisely proves that the proverbs never lose their meaning. Thus, the proverbs vary from the

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

aphorisms. The aphorisms are derived from the Greek word "ahorismos" meaning a word of wisdom. Aphorisms do not have any argument about anything, just like proverbs but they affect human mind.

They are distinguished from the proverbs by relating to specific author. It has been around for millennia and centuries. Mankind has come to think about the world society, politics, nature, economy and medicine since the prehistoric times. These thoughts and opinions are the basis for the development of concise and short proverbs. Despite the origin of the proverbs, they never get old.

The meaning of a proverb does not always come from the meaning of the words that make it up, but rather to its image. For example, "the original does not turn white, the white does not shine", that is "no matter how hard it works, the bad person does not turn out to be good". As we observe it in English and Russian, "Ne v svoi sani ne sadis'" meaning "do not do what you cannot do", "Every dog has its day" meaning "We still have luck someday." What distinguishes them from the words of the wisdom is that the meaning of the proverb is twofold. When the words of the wisdom are used only in their meaning, the proverbs are utilized in both the meanings and the portions.

In English lessons, it is important to use folklore and proverbs that help students master not only the pronunciation of foreign languages, but also the information about foreign languages' grammar and vocabulary. Students at all levels can be taught the skills of expressing ideas, portraying independent ideas, and summarizing in a compact manner. This is an additional source of knowledge of the country, while on the one hand it gives a chance to expand the knowledge of the language, lexical resources, and better knowledge of science. The proverbs and illustrations help to create a practical situation in the classroom by incorporating elements of the game into the process of acquiring a sound part of a foreign language. They can be used for learning and reinforcing new phonetic material at various stages of developing speech and verbal skills and in facilitating speech activities.

According to experience, high level students are also interested in pronunciation of the sounds presented in proverbs and parables that are difficult to learn and memorize. For instance, the following folk proverbs and sayings may be used as a m pronunciation exercise: so many me, so many minds. To make a mountain out of a molehill. Such exercises include listening and pronunciation and rhythm intonation skills, on the one hand, students learn to divide sentences into words, to identify logical accents. It is also possible to utilize the proverbs and sayings used in grammar study, as well as the grammatical forms and the means of automating and activating

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

constructions. In particular they can be used in the study of modal verbs. interesting illustrations on some topics such as "My family", "reading", "My friends" are suggested to encourage foreign language communication. National proverbs and sayings help to master foreign language and to expand the knowledge of the language.


In conclusion, proverbs lead both children and elder people to the good. Any person who reads and listens to the proverbs comes to conclusion and thinks about them. In Uzbek folklore, love for the motherland, protecting and saving it from all internal and external enemies is one of the main priorities. Showing of love and devotion to the country and its value is interpreted in figurative expressions.


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2. RaxmankulovaX. Kommunikativniy metod prepodavaniya inostrannogo yazika. Young scientist -2008 Proceedings of the conference. Uzbekistan State World Languages. T. 2008.

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5. Шоев, Д. А. (2019). Важные факторы повышения качества образования. Проблемы современной науки и образования, (12-2 (145)), 106-109.

6. Давлятшаев, А. А. (2021). Процессы Интернационализации и Их Роль в Развитии Межвузовских Отношений. CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF INNOVATIONS ON TOURISM MANAGEMENT AND FINANCE, 2(11), 48-55.

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