Jahongirmirzo Jamoliddin o'g'li Ilhomjon Ihtiyorjon o'g'li Muhitdinov Mamatisakov
Fergana State University
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This article highlights the prospects for the development of ecotourism in the protected natural areas of Fergana region. Such as explained that ecotourism is of high importance in maintaining ecological balance in relations between nature and society.
Keywords: ecotourism, natural conditions, natural complex, tourist zone, desert landscape, karst caves.
The purpose of ecotourism is to ensure environmental security and stability through the use of nature in the tourist direction for the present and future generations and to study the ways of preserving and restoring landscapes in certain regions. Because protected areas are of great importance not only in preserving and restoring the unique characteristics of the landscapes in which they are located, but also in ensuring the ecological stability of other regions
Another important point of ecotourism is that they positively influence people to be educated and spiritual by giving them different information. World experience shows that in order to develop ecotourism, first of all, it will be necessary to establish ecotouristic science, education, upbringing and promotion. The second priority direction in the national strategy for biodiversity is defined as the provision of ecological education and training to the population. Because without the formation of ecological knowledge and culture in the population, other priority areas can not be implemented. Therefore, it is desirable to carry out explanatory and propaganda work among the population on the importance of using nature for scientific, ethnic-aesthetic, patriotism, health promotion, economic and other various purposes through the development of ecotourism. Through ecotourism, if foreign guests have a sense of comfort about the rich and unique nature of Uzbekistan, their citizens will get acquainted with their homeland, which creates a sense of national pride and pride in relation to their native land.
In terms of natural conditions of Fergana region is convenient to organize all manifestations of ecological tourism. Because in this region, in addition to strongly altered regions by man, it is possible to see unique creations in the natural state. The
possibilities of organizing ecotourism routes in the mountain region of the Fergana region are great. The mountain region is characterized by an abundance of unique and interesting natural creations, having undergone a weak transformation of geocomplexes. The mountain region includes the southern outskirts of Besharik, Uzbekistan districts, the Sox district and the surrounding areas of Shakhimardon and Yordon villages of Fergana district. These regions occupy the slopes of the low and middle mountains on the northern slopes of the Alai-Turkestan mountains and the valleys between the mountains. Hiking in mountain slopes and river valleys, taking samples for herbarium from mountain forest plants( plants such as beshbarg, bite, tillabash, Turkistan Adonis, Kara Zira, flying on mountain slopes have medicinal properties), swimming in boats in Mountain Lakes, watching karst caves etc.are the main factors in the organization of mountain travel interesting.
The structure of the territory and landscapes of Fergana region is quite diverse and peculiar. The change of climatic conditions on different hyprometric surfaces led to the formation in this region of landscapes such as Plains steppe, Adir steppe, Taiga-steppe and high mountain-forest. Attractive natural landscapes in the Fergana Valley, various unique plant and animal species, remarkable cultural and historical monuments are an important basis for recreation and ecotourism development. On the one hand, its diverse beautiful nature, on the other hand, makes it possible to develop ecotourism in this region with ethnography, culture and Customs, national craftsman, as well as rich historical, architectural and archaeological monuments that are not exactly found in any region of the world. Therefore, it is important to take into account and protect natural areas, natural, historical, architectural and archaeological monuments that are protected in the development of the ecosystem in this region.
Nature monument " Buvayda sands "in the north of Buvayda district, the area is shrinking, the fire-marza, the fire-Barhan Sands, the protection zones of the sanatorium" Bo'stonbuva", pistachios and architectural monuments" Sultan Boyazid " (XV-XVI century) are protected. The nature monument is made up of sand dunes with a total area of 5 ha in the villages of Zamanabad (5 ha), Yangihayot (6 ha) and Kokand-Namangan railway border (5 ha), located in the northern and north-eastern part of the District of Buvayda. The sands are located between the irrigated lands. Although this is a violation of the integrity of the geocomplexes, they are "living" witnesses of the sands that occupied a large area in the past. These sands are now protected as a monument of nature.
Paleontological monument" shells of fur Stones " is located in the south-west of the city of Quvasoy in the Moyan Adir. Under the influence of denudation, in its core, the Mesozoic deposits exited the Earth. In it, light pink limestone, yellowish corals, white plaster were formed in the place of the sea armpits of the chalk period of the Mesozoic Era. Here are the teeth of sharks and skates, which lived several tens of
millions of years ago, there are a lot of shells of various moles that have become stones. These include large and flat ustirisa-" Asian plantigen", huge and beautiful grypheas, ammonites, foraminifera (simple single-cell animals). It is necessary to protect a certain part of these deposits, which are rich in organisms, for the future generation.
The Paleontological monument" kamperkak " is located on the Kamperkak mountain (Besharik district), which is a south-west continuation of the Guzon mountain. Among the 160-180 million-year-old strata of the Jurassic period on the southern slope of the mountain are numerous plant remains, dinosaur vertebrae and two species, that is, fishes that breathe with both the larynx and the lungs threeraydi. Such unique finds can be used for scientific, educational and ecotouristic purposes.
The resort zone "Shohimardon-Yordon" is surrounded by slopes of the Paleozoic mountains, such as Almalyk, Ispisar, Kyzylgaza, Sandaltog, Belmazar on the northern slope of the Alai and is located in the Yordon marshes. Shahimardon and its surroundings are considered the most convenient place for the establishment of a nature garden. Indeed, Shahimardon is one of the favorite resorts of the population of our republic, as well as foreign tourists. This area includes the valleys of whitewash and creeping rivers and their slopes, which are etalon for the taiga, Taiga geokomplexes, and which have not undergone any changes as a result of anthropogen impact. Here are the picturesque Taiga, thick arches, Taiga, shiranch included in the "Red Book", Mountain Ash, areas where zira and other plants grow, Springs, picturesque lakes, caves, a cross-section of the Paleozoic deposits are clearly expressed slopes, morena deposits brought from the ancient glacier are threeraydi.
"Old morena" is a Kharsang Stone made of limestone and slates of Paleozoic, with a diameter of more than 5 meters, located on the western edge of the Yordon village, on a high terrace on the Right Bank of the dug'oba River. He is a "witness"of the morena fields, which brought a moving glacier in the ancient ice age that occurred during the Pleistocene. At present, morena is "shrinking" as a result of irradiation and antropogen exposure. In order to use it for scientific, educational and tourist purposes, it is necessary to protect it as a geological monument.
The geomorphological Monument "Valley of Yordon manzarali" is located in the valley of the Aksu River in the north-west of the village of Yordon. It is located on the steep slope of the Kyzyltag, whose North is 150 meters in height and 500 meters in width. It is made of marble-fired limestone of reddish color of the Paleozoic. In the middle and lower part, an open karst relief form-carriages were formed. At the bottom of the slope are conical spreads, karst hollows threeraydi. In this part of the valley, the river birch grows in the form of a lake. The floods that occurred on July 8, 1998 on the Aksu river significantly changed the release of the Valley. Based on research conducted in various geocomplexes, more than 100 unique natural areas and objects were considered as ecotouristic objects. They will perform an important task in the
ISSN: 2181-1601
development of ecotourism in the territory of Fergana region, as well as create a favorable opportunity for obtaining economic benefits in the future.
CONCLUSION. Taking into account the fact that international tourism in particular is an important network of ecotourism in the national economy and environmental protection, it should be remembered that in Uzbekistan both develop this sphere, lead the development of WI, effectively file the opportunities of ecotourism and formulate a model of National Tourism. Ensuring that Ferghana has its place in the world ecosystem, and through this provision of the foreign exchange flows necessary for the economy of the country, is one of the important tasks of ecotourism in the economy to have its place and improve the quality of service, export opportunities expansion. In general, ecotourism is the largest burden of our country in the future it becomes one of the profitable sectors.
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