Научная статья на тему 'Variety of landscapes of Tuva and the preservation of biodiversity for sustainable development'

Variety of landscapes of Tuva and the preservation of biodiversity for sustainable development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
biodiversity / mountain ecosystems / ecosystem diversity / Republic of Tuva.

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Anna D. Sambuu

The paper deals with the rich diversity of landscapes of Tuva, representing the ecosystem diversity of the AltaiSayan region. Also the solution of problems of biodiversity conservation as a basis for sustainable development of mountain regions.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Variety of landscapes of Tuva and the preservation of biodiversity for sustainable development»

природного аналога. Суммарное биоразнообразие за весь период сукцессионного восстановления в несколько раз превышает разнообразие нарушенной экосистемы. Сочетание сукцессионных процессов и уникальность посттехногенных территорий определяют их высокое биоразнообразие и повышает экологическую емкость всего ландшафта.

__Библиографический список

1. Шишикин А. С., Аб аимов А. П. |, Онучин А. А. Методология и принципы организации исследований природных экосистем в регионах с экстремальным техногенным воздействием // Сибирский экологический журнал № 6(2014). С. 863871.

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3. Шишикин А. С., Мурзакматов Р. Т., Ефимов Д. Ю. // Биологическая продуктивность отвалов угольных разрезов. Материалы международной научной конференции. «Природно-техногенные комплексы: современное состояние и перспективы восстановления» Новосибирск-Новокузнецк - 2016. С. 288-291.

Bibliograficheskij spisok

1. SHishikin A. S., Abaimov A.P. , Onuchin A. A. Metodologiya i principy organizacii issledovanij prirodnyh ekosistem v regionah s ekstremal'nym tekhnogennym vozdejstviem // Sibirskij ekologicheskij zhumal № 6(2014). S. 863- 871.

2. Manakov YU. A. Biologicheskoe raznoobrazie i gornodobyvayushchaya promyshlennost' v Kemerovskoj oblasti // Rekul'tivaciya narushennyh zemel' v Sibiri - Kemerovo: INT, 2005. Vyp. 1. S. 39-48.

3. SHishikin A. S., Murzakmatov R. T., Efimov D. YU. // Biologicheskaya produktivnost' otvalov ugol'nyh razrezov. Materi-aly mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii. «Prirodno-tekhnogennye kompleksy: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy voss-tanovleniya» Novosibirsk-Novokuzneck - 2016. S. 288-291.

УДК 504.75



Tuvan Institute for the exploration of natural resources SB RAS, Kyzyl, Russia Tuvan State University, Kyzyl, Russia

Abstract. The paper deals with the rich diversity of landscapes of Tuva, representing the ecosystem diversity of the Altai-Sayan region. Also the solution of problems of biodiversity conservation as a basis for sustainable development of mountain regions.

Keywords: biodiversity, mountain ecosystems, ecosystem diversity, Republic of Tuva.

The problems of biodiversity conservation, currently discussed at the global and regional levels in environmental, political and social circles, are closely related to the prospects for sustainable development of countries, regions and the planetary complex as a whole, as well as the problem of human existence as a species in the changing environment of its habitat - the biosphere of the planet Earth.

The conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity is an important environmental challenge for the modern world. Biodiversity, on the one hand, creates the necessary conditions for the functioning of the biosphere and thus serves as a life-supporting basis for the human economy, on the other - provides a high ability of the environment to counteract the negative environmental factors caused by human economic activity. At present, high rates of biodiversity loss persist all over the world, which is a significant negative factor for sustainable development [1].

Mountains and hills, occupying 1/5 of the land surface, are the largest ecological system of our planet. About 10% of the world's population lives in mountainous areas, more than 50% use mountain resources, the upper reaches of most of the world's rivers are in the mountains.

Geomorphologically unique mountain systems are complex and at the same time fragile: dynamic relief, soil erosion, volcanism, high seismicity, landslides, avalanches, rapid water flows, falling rocks cause changes in the terrain and, consequently, the conditions of human life, as well as the environmental situation in the regions. In addition, the traditional attitude of mankind to the mountains, only as a source of natural resources, has led to the fact that the socio-economic situation of mountain areas on all continents of the planet has become negative: poverty, depopulation, degradation of the environment and resources, the loss of ethno-cultural traditions, ethnic tensions, conflicts, migration and information problems [2].

Russia, where over 60% of the territory remains virtually untouched by anthropogenic impact, has a special role in biodiversity conservation. This factor contributes to the preservation of global biodiversity and the maintenance of global functions of the biosphere. Biodiversity and conditions for its preservation are characterized by the geographical position of Russia, the size of the mainland, geological history (relative youth of landscapes), the specifics of the terrain (a combination of mountains and plains), biogeographic

homogeneity (the entire territory is included in one Holarctic Kingdom), climatic and landscape mosaic, as well as the influence of economic activity [3].

Tuva is one of the unique places of Central Asia, closed by mountains, with fresh and salt lakes on the bottoms of the basins and rivers running down from the mountain ranges, here is a collection of amazing natural systems representing almost all natural areas of the Earth.

The richness and diversity of natural landscapes of Tuva are caused, first of all, by its geographical position in the center of Asia at the junction of Siberian taiga forests and Central Asian steppes and deserts, sharply continental climate, a peculiar combination of landforms. The structure of the altitudinal zonation reflects vertical landscape differences [4]. Among the landscapes of Tuva, the following main types were identified: glacial-nival, tundra, tundra-steppe, Alpine meadow, subalpine-sparse, mountain-taiga, forest-steppe, steppe, semi-desert and mountain-valley landscapes, which were divided into two types: forest and meadow-steppe. The greatest distribution in the Tuva mountain region, as in the Altai, have mountain-taiga landscapes occupy 49% of the total area, Alpine-tundra - 23%, 20% belongs to steppe landscapes, the rest -mountain-valley forest and forest-steppe.

The most diverse are the mountain-taiga landscapes will-you, among which are pine, cedar and fir, spruce and larch, larch, larch Park and light-coniferous-small-leaved forest community. High diversity in the steppe, among whom were allocated meadow, the real dry desert. Forest-steppe landscapes are divided into steppe larch forests in combination with meadow steppes, small-leaved forests in combination with meadow steppes and small-leaved light-coniferous forests in combination with steppes. The tundra is divided into moss, lichen, grass and shrubs.

Landscape features of the mountain basins of Tuva are the basis that predetermines the formation of various environmental situations, which are caused by a combination of natural trends in the evolution of the natural environment and various anthropogenic influences. The role of these impacts has been steadily increasing over the past centuries. At the same time, the consequences of human activity largely depend on the diversity of geocomplexes, the peculiarities of their structure, as well as inertia, plasticity and absorbability.

For the mountain-basin territory of Tuva, which is part of the Altai-Sayan mountain country, included in the world network of mountain areas, is characterized by a unique combination of rich diversity of landscapes, due to the combined action of a number of natural factors. At the present stage, the peculiarity of landscapes include:

• latitudinal zonality of the landscapes of Tuva;

• three-dimensional nature of mountain landscapes: steep slopes, high-altitude zones and rapid change of ecosystems at a short distance, differences in ex-positions and climate;

• mountain landscapes are highly dynamic, subject to rapid changes in topography, vegetation and land


• mountain-basin landscapes are rich in soil and plant resources, high - quality pastures are concentrated in the mountains- mountain meadows and steppes;

• in various landscapes of Tuva there are many rare species of animals and plants, important reservoirs of biodiversity;

• mountain areas are inhabited by indigenous ethnic groups with special spiritual and cultural values, keeping the age-old traditions of nature management;

• the use of unique landscapes by local residents and visitors inevitably changes the direction and intensity of natural processes. It is necessary to define the limits of change, i.e. what kind of load the landscapes can make without damage to the environment, to determine the "carrying capacity" of the landscape.

Bibliograflcheskij spisok

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The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research projects №№ 18-44-170001-«p_a», 19-29-05208.

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