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Ключевые слова
professiogram / pharmacy specialist / social and psychological characteristics

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Sahaidak-Nikitiuk R.V., Harkusha M.I., Velma S.V.

The article presents the research results of topical requirements for pharmacy specialists. Professiograms usage expedience for determination of requirements for pharmacy specialists is substantiated. Principles and requirements of professiogram development for pharmacy specialist are studied. Professiogram components are investigated. The professiogram for pharmacy specialist is proposed.

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Sahaidak-Nikitiuk R. V.

National University of Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor

Harkusha M.I.

National University of Pharmacy, Postgraduate Student

Velma S.V.

National University of Pharmacy, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences


The article presents the research results of topical requirements for pharmacy specialists. Professiograms usage expedience for determination of requirements for pharmacy specialists is substantiated. Principles and requirements of professiogram development for pharmacy specialist are studied. Professiogram components are investigated. The pro-fessiogram for pharmacy specialist is proposed.

Keywords: professiogram, pharmacy specialist, social and psychological characteristics.

The complex set of professional, socio-psychologi-cal and physiological characteristics for pharmacy specialists is practically absent nowadays. For instance, some scientists study the professional competence of specialists [1, 3], others their psychological characteristics [2, 5-6]. Studies of certain physical characteristics of specialists were conducted [7]. However, they all are separate researches, and there is no unified approach to consideration of complex of these characteristics. On the other hand, the lack of complete and qualitative set of specialist characteristics (competencies) is related to expensive costs of these characteristics determination, as well as with the necessity of different specialists' involvement in professiogram formation - pharmacists (as experts in the professional competence) and psychologists (as professionals in human psychology).

The professiograms acquire great importance in a case of ISO standards and due GxP practice implementation, and in the context of pharmaceutical institutions orientation to mistakes correction.

Professiogram for pharmacy specialist is a document, which contains the description of professional activity specifics. This description includes a set of scientifically based requirements for social, psychological and physiological features of a specialist; and his professional knowledge, skills and abilities for successful professional activity [1, 5-9].

Thus, professiogram summarizes the requirements to the traits of the profession taking into account qualities of pharmacy specialist, which allows performing his job effectively, and creates conditions for personal development. It provides information about the content of the work, social and psychological characteristics of specialist, but besides this, it turns to be a flexible basis, which is oriented to his development.

Distinguishing features of professiogram opposite to job description are: 1) the absence of rights and responsibilities of an employee ("Rights" and "Responsibility" are compulsory topics of job description); 2) the description of job conditions; 3) the large quantity of requirements to specialist. In addition, professiogram

must be constantly revised due to changes in the modern requirements to the specialty, legislation and market requirements, advances in science, etc. That is why each specialist must constantly improve his own characteristics taking into account current tendencies.

The following list of requirements for professiogram is recommended: definiteness (certainty, clarity, uniqueness); completeness; clear definition for subject and main results of the activity; possible directions of specialist's development, professional development prospects and focus on practical problems solving [4-5].

Professiogram development should be based on certain principles such as integrity of profession description; integration and dynamism of study; consistency; application of qualitative and quantitative methods [4].

The research gives the ability to determine that professiogram must consist of the following components:

I. Work characteristics - its types, professional orientation, fields of work, and abundance of specialty.

II. Job content - field of activity, production operations, forms of work organization.

III. Qualification profile - professional knowledge, skills and abilities (a list of knowledge, skills and abilities which are necessary for specialist, professional duties), socio-psychological and psycho-physiological characteristics (requirements for stress-stability, sociability, attention, intellection, business sobriety, emotional and volitional qualities, etc.).

IV. Working conditions (microclimate, working and leisure hours, traumatism, occupational diseases, events of occupational safety and health).

V. Medical contraindications.

VI. Training and professional development requirements (forms, methods and terms of learning, prospects of professional-qualification development).

The generalization of the conducted research allows determining of 4 main stages in professiogram development (Figure).

■ Stage I. Description of professional competences

I.1. Study of literary sources on world trends in pharmacy

I.2. Carrying out expert surveys to determine the professional competence

I.3. Testing the concordance of experts' thoughts

I.4. Analysis and systematization of information received

^ ;

Stage II. Study of socio-psychological and physiological characteristics of pharmacy specialist

II.1. Study of literary sources concerning to socio-psychological and physiological characteristics of pharmacy specialist

II.2. Carrying out expert surveys to determine the socio-psychological and physiological characteristics of pharmacy specialist

II.3. Testing the concordance of experts' thoughts

II.4. Analysis and systematization of information received



Stage III. Development of comprehensive professiogram of pharmacy specialist features

Stage IV. Development of special purpose professiogram

Figure. General algorithm of professiogram development for pharmacy specialist

Professiogram is expedient to be created as a table. Example of a professiogram is shown in the table below.


Pharmacy specialist professiogram

Pharmacy Specialist

1 2

I. Work Characteristics

Area of fundamental knowledge No. 1 and its level Area of fundamental knowledge No.2 and its level Work types Professional orientation Fields of activity Fields of work Interpersonal communication Dominant interest Additional interest Working conditions Natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology), level 3 high (theoretical) Medicine, level 2 medium (practical application of knowledge) Service / Health care / Manufacturing (production) / Researches / Control / Protection Man-to-Man / Man-to-Sign / Man-to-Nature Health care / Service Person / Information / Products / Natural Resources "Side by side" type (often) Research Business Indoor work, standing

II. Job Content

Prepares medicines (medications) by prescription (formula), ensures medicines storage, sells over-the-counter drugs, completes orders for medications, and gives first aid. Controls expiry dates and storage conditions of pharmaceutical products. Informs medical institutions and population about effects of medicines available. Accepts prescriptions in public drugstores. Supervises medications quality.

Must know

• Range of medical goods, their pharmacological properties and classification of medicines. • Technology of medicines formulation by individual prescription. • First aid organization methods. • Current legislation on health care and regulations governing the activities of health authorities and health care institutions. • Pharmaceutical service organization. • Law principles in medicine. • Provision organization of the population, health care institutions, retail pharmacy networks, wholesalers. • Indices of pharmacy institutions work performance. • Technology of drugs preparations and retention conditions. • Quality control system of medicines under development, manufacturing, distribution, transportation, storage, consumption and usage. • Methods of study and assessment of pharmaceutical market, pricing, income taxes regulations. • Documents execution rules. • Advanced information and Internet technology. • Actual professional scientific literature, theoretical and practical periodicals, methods of their analysis and synthesis.

Must • Provide appropriate pharmaceutical care for patients under OTC medications selling. • Conduct business transactions accounting and carry out accountability. be able to • Account inventory holdings. • Organize events of provision population with medicines.

• Take part in medical goods acceptance, their distribution to storage places, assure storage conditions according to their physical and chemical properties, and working regulations of storage. • Prepare medicines in keeping with features of technological process in drugstores and pharmaceutical plants. • Execute quality control of medications at stages of production, transportation, storage and selling. • Sell extemporal medicines prepared in drugstore, and complete medical goods. • Test compliance and correctness of prescriptions (prescribed dose compliance with patient's age, ingredients compatibility) for various medications including potent and poisonous drugs, taking into account current selling regulations. • Keep pharmaceutical order, and hygiene and sanitary conditions at the workplace.

Skills possession to: • Accept prescriptions; test compliance and correctness of prescription forms, prescription valid period, ingredients compatibility, matching of formulation and application method, prescribed dose of potent and poisonous drugs compliance with patient's age, one-time selling standards for medications. • Calculate the cost of extemporal medicines. • Prepare medical and homeopathic remedies, concentrated solutions according to current requirements. • Provide pharmaceutical care, determine patient's level and offer him the appropriate information about responsible self-treatment and the OTC medicines usage. • Supervise medicine prescriptions for patients; control the results of their treatment. • Control appropriacy of storage conditions and expiry dates for medications. • Advise visitors on diseases prevention and preventive health care, and health level improving. • Give first aid for patients. • Test biochemical and physiological indicators of patients' health level. • Accept medical goods; formalize them for release, merchandise medicines for storage. • Register medicines temporarily absent in drugstore and receive orders for their delivery. • Execute payment transactions.

III. Qualification Profile

Qualities are necessary for successful professional activity

Abili • Good condition of long-term memory (ability to memorize necessary information for a long time); • Picturesque memory high level (ability to remember and reproduce color, smell, taste, and other parameters of substances); ties: • Developed haptic and locomotory memory; • Manual dexterity; • Mathematical abilities; • Analytical abilities; • Fine olfaction; • Acute gustatory sense

Personality qualities:

Social • Attentiveness; • Self-discipline; • Patience; • Concentration; • TactfUlness; • Honesty; • Empathy; Psychological • Neatness; • Tidiness; • Responsiveness; • High self-control; • Responsibility; • Stress-stability; • Orientation to system of values

Table (continuation)

1 2

Qualities that impede effective professional activity: • Negligence; • Inattention; • Untidiness; • Irritability; • Unbalance; • Tactlessness; • Rudeness; • Nervousness; • Fussiness; • Indifference to people; • Rigidity; • Low level of communicative abilities

IV. Working Conditions

Indoor work, social contacts, working posture - standing, work with computer, work is strictly regulated by instructions, and work includes individual approach.

V. Medical Contraindications

• Hearing, visual, olfaction and tactile impairment; • Nervous and mental diseases; • Diseases of hand musculoskeletal system; • Allergies, asthma, all types of dermatitis

VI. Training and professional development requirements

Complete higher education (specialist, master's degree) in "Pharmacy" training course, "Pharmacy" specialty. Professional specialization "General-duty pharmacist" (internship, specialization courses). Additional requirements are scheduled training each 5 years (obligatory).

Thus, professiogram describes specialist's characteristics and requirements, takes into account current tendencies, and represents the results of analysis of front-rank specialists' professional activity, as well as vocational aptitude and relevant to particular profession. Professiograms cover all areas of professional activities - social, economic, technical, technological, legal, hygienic, psychological, psychophysiological, social-psychological, and so on. Conclusion about candidate vocational aptitude can be based on specialist's individual features and professiogram standards matching.


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