Научная статья на тему 'Communicative competence as the basis of professional activity of future pharmacists'

Communicative competence as the basis of professional activity of future pharmacists Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kolomiiets Tetyana Vyacheslavovna

Communicative competence is an essential part of professional education of future pharmacists. It plays the main role in a successful development of future specialists in their professional field.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Communicative competence as the basis of professional activity of future pharmacists»

Kolomiiets Tetyana Vyacheslavovna, tutor, Department of foreign languages National O. O. Bogomolets Medical University E-mail: Florencia77@ukr.net


Abstract. Communicative competence is an essential part of professional education of future pharmacists. It plays the main role in a successful development of future specialists in their professional field.

Keywords: pharmacists, communicative competence, professional education, foreign languages, communication skills.

A professional communicative competence has become one of the basic components of qualitative teaching of specialists in every sphere of human activity that demonstrates the level of formed key knowledge and skills in the field of individual co-operation on social and professional levels. However, as theoretical and sociological researches have shown, efficiency of formation of the professional communicative competence in students of higher educational establishments substantially restrains temper because of insufficient scientifically-methodical process of communicative teaching of future professionals [3].

The general meaning of the term "competence" includes semantic basis: knowledge that a person must have; wide range of questions in that a person must be well-informed; experience, necessary for successful implementation of work in accordance with the established rights, laws, status. In this interpretations the cognitive (knowledge) and regulative (powers, law, status) aspects of this concept are represented. One of the key senses of the concept of competence represents description of personal qualities, possession a competence.

Thus, the competence is a certain norm of the achievement that can testify the possibility of correct implementation of a particular task; moreover, the competence is an estimation of achievement (or unachievement) of this norm [3]. The term "competence" comes into the Ukrainian and Russian languages as a quality, description of a person, that allows him or her (or even gives a right) to solve established tasks, award judgement, judge in a certain industry. Basis of this quality is knowledge, awareness, experience of social-professional activity of a person. Integrative character of the concept "competence" underlines the same meaning.

The term competence comes as a condition of development and acquisition of mature form of ideas, reasons, values, orientation of personality, that aims to assert oneself in his or her own activity, realize creative potential, show the capabilities, purchase authority among colleagues and the person himself. It testifies the motivational-incentive function of the competence. The competence activates cognitive and intel-

lectual activity of a person. The competence shows also the capacity of a person to confront volitional tensions, mobilization of the forces during overcoming difficulties in the process of cognitive or professional activity, persistence, endurance, that testifies the emotionally-volitional function of the competence in the structure of a personality.

Functions of the competence provide the conscious, motivated behavior and self-realization of a personality, support an emotional background, force, orientation, and development of the ability to work out vital and productive problems.

It is traditionally considered that the concept of communicative competence entered into scientific world in 1972 by Noam Chomsky, who contrasted the achievements of theory of language competence to the American linguist Dell Hymes. He marked that formation ofthe language competence was possible in a homogeneous language environment, among those, who knows a language at the highest level and on whom psychological factors (features of memory and attention, application of knowledge are common) do not have influence. The researcher concentrated his attention on possibilities of "ideal" speakers to form the grammatically correct sentences [6].

In scientific literature a communicative competence is interpreted in such way: ability to communicate in specific situations (Valett); ability to consider in speech communication a contextual appropriateness and use of language units for realization of cognitive and communicative functions (N. Gez [1]); ability of a person to understand and reproduce a foreign language not only correctly but also in accordance with the social-linguistic situation of the real life (M. Finokkiaro); ability to use a language functionally and ability to speak, interpret and discuss values that embrace a communication between two people and more or between one person and written or oral text (S. Savignon [7]).

According to the European Recommendations of language teaching, a communicative language competences are such that provide possibility to a person to apply specific linguistic facilities. A communicative speech competence consists of such components, as linguistic competences,

Section 7. Pedagogy

sociolinguistic competences and pragmatic competences, that are realized in the different types of speech activity (perception, production, interaction or mediation) [2].

Such components of the communicative competence are distinguished: orientation in the various situations of communication, that is based on knowledge and life experience of the individual; possibility to co-operate effectively with surrounding world and people in it due to understanding a person or other people during permanent modifications of mental conditions, interpersonal relations and terms of the social environment; an adequate orientation of a person in his or her own psychological potential, potential of a partner or situation; readiness and ability to build up contacts with people; internal abilities to adjust communicative actions; knowledge, ability and skills of structural communication; internal resources necessary for the construction of effective communicative action in the particular situations of interpersonal co-operation.

The professional communicative competence of future pharmacists is an integrative formation, theoretical knowledge, practical abilities and skills, professional communicative skills that predetermine conscious attitude of a future pharmacist toward the dialogic co-operation with the subjects of professional communication. Such components constitute the main characteristics of the professional communicative competence. On the other hand, it provides ability of a specialist to perform effectively professional communicative activity in particular, and also the professional activity on the whole. Development of the professional communicative competence of future pharmacists is the system of internal resources, that includes the development of personal potential of future specialists, as the basic function of it.

The main feature of health care worker's activity is the ability to conduct a dialogue, organize the process of communication, perform a number of professional skills and duties. A professional health care worker must be able to hear and understand, to ask and answer questions clearly and correctly, to convince and persuade, to create the atmosphere of confidentiality and comfort, to find the psychological approaches to a client, to settle a conflict and take off the tension.

Consequently, it is possible under communicative competence of health care specialist to understand a basis of knowledge, principles and techniques of communication intellectually and professionally; difficult organized system that allows him to carry out effective communicative actions in the certain field of situations of interpersonal co-operation in professional activity independently and responsibly. The features of the communicative competence of a health care professional can be the following: 1) ability to conduct a business communication; 2) ability to be quickly oriented in the

conditions of exteriority of communication; 3) ability to plan the speech correctly; 4) ability to find adequate facilities for an information transfer; 5) ability to provide a feed-back with a client in the situation of communication [4].

Formation of communicative competence in higher educational establishments can be described as formation of the system of knowledge, abilities, skills of a personality in gaining or achieving the positive result in the process of educational-productive activity, i.e. as readiness of a specialist to professional activity. Pharmaceutical workers belong to the sphere of professional activity with an increased communicative responsibility. First of all, the main visitors of pharmacies are aged people, patients and other categories, whom it is necessary to make contact with, to be able to conduct a conversation, to give advices and recommendations about the choice and application of medical preparations, drugs and others. The choice of methods of study and teaching with the aim of formation of communicative competence in future specialists depends highly on: maintenance of preparation, requirements of educational standards, general and professional aims of education, features, maintenance, methods and forms of work; content and methodology of teaching of a particular educational discipline and specify its requirements with the methods of teaching; spending time on the study of the particular topic, module; level of material and technical base; professional competence and pedagogical mastery of teachers etc.

In a pharmaceutical labour collective it is possible to distinguish a few levels of communication: 1-st level - communication between pharmacists and visitors; 2-nd level - communication between pharmaceutical specialists and medical workers; 3-d level - communication between pharmaceutical workers. In the last level it is possible to distinguish a communication on a horizontal (pharmaceutical workers) and on a vertical line (communication with the leaders of departments, administration of pharmaceutical organizations, communication with packers and junior nurses) [5].

Communication on the second and third levels must be official and less emotional, especially when it takes place in front of the visitors of pharmacies. Communication "colleague - colleague" is characterized by professional ethics, attention, goodwill, trust and reasonable demand. Communication with packers, junior nurses must be characterized by politeness, correctness, absence of superiority etc.

We should investigate more precisely the specific features of communication on the first level: communication between pharmacists and visitors. It is always needed to remember that pharmaceutical service can be provided by a person with the necessary qualification. Safety of providing the pharmaceutical service is totality of requirements to the quality of professional actions of a pharmaceutical worker. A pharmaceutical worker

must possess knowledge about efficiency and safety of medications, know the wide assortment of medical preparations, render informatively-consultative service to the population, but also a pharmacist must be ready to protect the actions or justify

them, if it was necessary to choose another method of treatment in patient's interests. A pharmacist must also remember that by overloading patients with superfluous information, he can provoke them to purchase inadequate quantity of medicines.


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