Научная статья на тему 'The content and structure of readiness to professional foreign language intercourse'

The content and structure of readiness to professional foreign language intercourse Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Humenchuk A.J.

The content of the notion «readiness to professional foreign language intercourse», which determines the aim and result of professional language training, is considered, and its place in the structure of personality of a future professional is defined. The structure of the notion «readiness to professional foreign language intercourse» is established, the content of its main constituents is disclosed and the criteria of its formation are specified.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The content and structure of readiness to professional foreign language intercourse»

2. Arends R. Learning to teach / R. Arends. - New York: Mc Graw-Hill Inc, 1991. - 395 p.

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10.Kumardivelu B. The Postmethod condition: merging strategies for second / foreign language teaching / B. Kumardivelu // TESOL Quarterly. - 1994. - V. 28. - № 1. - P. 27-49.

11.Lado R. Language Teaching. A Scientific approach / R. Lado. - New York: Me Graw Hill, 1964. - 234 p.

12.Nation P. Group and Language Learning / P. Nation // Teacher Development Making the Right Moves / Ed. by T. Kral. - Washington D. C., 1996. - P. 160-169.

13.Norman F. Training Fluency: An essential factor in language acquisition and use / Norman F. Davies // RELC Journal, 1982. - V 13. - № 1. - P. 1-13.

14.Porter Michael H. Group work, interlanguage talk, and second language acquisition / Michael H. Porter // TESOL Quarterly, 1985. - V. 19. - № 2. - P. 207-228.

15.Richard-Amato P.A. Making It Happen / Introduction in the second Language Classroom. From Theory to Practice / P.A. Richard-Amato. - Longman, N. Y. 1988. - 358 р.

16.Shaw Marvin Е., Group Dynamics / Marvin Е. Shaw. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981. - 390 p.

17.Silberman M. Active Strategies. 101 Strategies to teach active learning / M. Silberman - Boston: Brown & Benchmark Publishers, 1996. - 179 p.

18. Smith Herm W. Small Group Behaviour. Group versus Individual Problem Solving / Herm W. Smith. -New York: Mc Graw-Hill Inc, 1989. - 374 p.

УДК 81'276.6:63+811.111



The content of the notion «readiness to professional foreign language intercourse», which determines the aim and result of professional language training, is considered, and its place in the structure ofpersonality of a future professional is defined. The structure of the notion «readiness to professional foreign language intercourse» is established, the content of its main constituents is disclosed and the criteria of its formation are specified.

Keywords: readiness to professional foreign language intercourse, structure of readiness to professional foreign language intercourse.




Розглянуто 3Micm поняття «готовтсть до профестного тшомовного стлкування», що визначае мету iрезультат профестног тшомовноi тдготовки, та встановлено iiмкце в cmpyKmypi особистостi майбутнього спецiалiста. Визначено структуру готовностi до профестного iншомовного стлкування, розкрито змiст ii компонентiв та уточнено критерй сформованостi.

Ключовi слова: готовтсть до профестного тшомовного спыкування, структура готовностi до профестного тшомовного спыкування.



Рассмотрено содержание понятия «готовность к профессиональному иностранному общению», что определяет цель и результат профессиональной языковой подготовки, и обозначено ее место в структуре личности будущего специалиста. Определена структура готовности к профессиональному иностранному общению, раскрыто содержание ее основных компонентов и уточнено критерии сформированости.

Ключевые слова: готовность к профессиональному иностранному общению, структура готовности к профессиональному иностранному общению.

Agriculture in Ukraine is one of the spheres, which is marked with rapid development of technologies, intensive implementation of the newest achievements in terms of machinery, chemicals, seeds etc. from around the world. This requires from future specialists to possess not only excellent knowledge and skills in terms of their professional activity, but also in terms of professional speaking, especially, by means of a foreign language. It enables an agronomist to quickly adjust to new conditions working with foreign equipment, make decisions, which are based on the analysis from a great amount of foreign sources, to communicate with colleagues from abroad what consequently makes them feel the need for self-improvement and self-realization.

In connection with the object of the article we should stress the importance of the works of such scientists as A. A. Dashkovskaja, N. M. Gubina, O. J. Ivanova, O. J. Iskanderova, О. G. Kaverina, B. F. Lomov, Z. V. Perepiolkina, V. A. Slastionin, N. L. Uvarova. The notion of readiness to professional foreign language intercourse in terms of training of future specialists of agronomy specialties is researched in the context of the following problems: theoretical-methodological basis of professional intercourse culture formation of students of higher agrarian educational establishments (S. M. Amelina), training of future managers-agronomists to managerial intercourse (K. O. Bogatyriov), improvement of the content of professionally oriented foreign language training of students of agronomic engineering higher educational establishments (A. N. Kuznietsov), training of students of agrarian specialties to professional intercourse in foreign environment (J. О. Nikolajenko). However, it should be emphasized that the problem of readiness to professional foreign language intercourse requires further analysis in terms of determining the criteria of formedness of its structural constituents and determining the ways of their forming.

Object of the article is to consider the notion «readiness to professional foreign language intercourse», which determines the aim and result of professional language training, define its place in the structure of personality of a future specialist, establish its structure, disclose the content of its main constituents and specify the criteria of its formedness.

The state educational standard and the specialty description determine readiness to perform corresponding activities in a definite industry to be the main goal and result of professional training, and they differentiate professional activity in accordance with the production functions that a future specialist is ready to perform [3, c. 1-2]. The management function refers to production functions, and it is aimed to provide functioning and development of a system by means of information interchange [11, с. 16]. This function implies that a specialist possesses commands of a professional foreign language in terms of specified practices and skills that ensure its performing [3, с. 57-59]. Consequently, we define using of a foreign language in professional activity as professional foreign language intercourse and find it necessary to specify the content of this notion in terms of our article.

Professional intercourse is understood to be a process of interaction of two or more people in terms of their professional activity, who solve production tasks. This process takes place in definite professional spheres, which in their turn include different situations that are determined by the aim, topics and conditions of the intercourse [4, с. 14]. It is defined as «communicative activity», as a more

complex kind of activity to compare with speaking one, which, on the one hand, implies the process of interchange of ideas, thoughts, information and, on the other hand, a definite communicative conduct [8, c. 61].

Professional intercourse is intended to solve professional tasks and takes place in such a lingual-cultural environment, where a foreign language is not native to at least one of the communicants [5, c. 14; 1, c. 8; 14, c. 10]. The scientists point out that professional intercourse has a special terminology basis that reflects the realia of this sphere of activity, and they emphasize that in the process of learning of «the professional culture» of native speakers of a foreign language the formation of a special thesaurus that determines professional intercourse takes place [15, c. 57-58].

J. O. Nikolajenko differentiates between «business intercourse» and «professional intercourse», stating that they correlate as general and partial [14, c. 10].

A. A. Dashkovskaja considers professionally oriented intercourse as the one, which models the intercourse of specialists in a definite industry. She emphasizes that it serves to organize and optimize this or that kind of subject activity. Among its main features she points out motivation, activeness, purposefulness, professionalism, flexibility, effectiveness, logicality, optionality, hierarchy and informativity [5, c. 8].

To conclude, we define professional foreign language intercourse as the process of interaction of two or more people, which means information interchange and a definite communicative conduct to solve professional tasks. It is partial to compare with business intercourse as general and it has terminological basis. Among its main features we emphasize motivation, purposefulness, informativity and optionality.

The analysis of the scientific sources shows that the problem of determination of the content and role of readiness to professional foreign language intercourse is considered in the works of such researchers as A. A. Dashkovskaja, N. M. Gubina, O. J. Ivanova, O. G. Kaverina, Z. V. Perepiolkina, V. A. Slastionin, N. L. Uvarova. Great contribution to establishment of the structure of professional communication of students of agronomic higher educational establishments was made by S. M. Amelina, K. O. Bogatyriov and J. O. Nikolajenko. In this context, we differentiate between the notions «intercourse» and «communication», and, following A. B. Zvierintsev, we understand communication as one of the forms of people's interaction in the process of intercourse, and as the informational aspect of intercourse [6, c. 6].

According to V. A. Slastionin, communicative readiness plays a great role in professional readiness of a modern specialist and is potential only at a sufficient level of general and professional speech culture, which is an inseparable condition of their personal and professional formation, which, in its turn, implies formedness of practices and skills of contact interaction with people, with professional environment, professional intercourse with colleagues etc. [16, c. 460-461]. In this connection, S. M. Amelina defines the culture of professional intercourse of agronomists as the system of communicative norms, knowledge, skills and values, which realizes itself in the process of interpersonal interaction of specialists, and is a factor that accompanies their professional activity and determines its professional-communicative direction [1, c. 19].

From the point of view of N. L. Uvarova, language personality of a specialist is a unity of speech readiness, which enable a person to express oneself by means of a foreign language in accordance with the level of one's intellectual, emotional and professional development [17, c. 123]. She stresses that a future specialist should learn to effectively realize in his or her professional activity such functions of intercourse as informational-communicative and affective-communicative ones [17, c. 204].

Readiness to professional communication is regarded as social-psychological phenomenon [14, c. 11]. Its formation is considered in terms of professional and communicatively directed training, which is integral by nature [10, c. 7]. It is seen as ability to foreign language intercourse in definite professional, business, scientific spheres and situations, and as a ground to successful professional self-realization and mobility of young specialists [4, c. 13; 14, c. 11]. We should point out the position of Z. P. Perepiolkina, who states that readiness to professional intercourse manifests itself both as integral, multilevel system, which develops dynamically and as state, which provides its productive realization [15, c. 12].

We should mention that such notions as intercourse and activity are very often identified, or, in other words, intercourse is often considered to be a constituent of activity or a specific kind of activity. In this connection we follow the point of B. F. Lomov, who says that such position does not disclose all peculiarities of the notion of intercourse. According to him, intercourse is an independent and

specific form of an individual activeness and, also, a specific form of individuals' interaction. It is not a mere summing of activities of its participants, but is their interaction proper, and they appear to be partners in it [13, c. 248-252]. He states that intercourse is a no less essential part of life style of an individual than activity. What is more, there are a lot of connection points for these notions to transit and transform into one another [13, c. 256-257].

In the structure of professional readiness of a future agronomist A. N. Kuznietsov distinguishes leading (actual) and auxiliary (perspective) qualities and refers communicative readiness to the last ones [12, c. 43].

To summarize, we understand readiness to professional foreign language intercourse as a psychological personal formation and as an auxiliary quality in the structure of professional readiness of a future agronomist. It manifests itself as a system that develops dynamically, and as a state that provides its productive realization. As a system, we define it as preparedness, which ensures ability to foreign language intercourse to solve professional tasks. Following V. A. Slastionin, we state formation of preparedness to be the aim of professional language training [16, c. 458-459].

Analysis of the structure of readiness to professional foreign language intercourse shows different approaches to its determination, and to establishment of criteria of its formedness.

K. O. Bogatyriov distinguishes such constituents in the structure of readiness of future managers-agronomists to managerial:

Substantive - provides competence as to the essence, directness, specifics of functional structure and style features of managerial intercourse; understanding of peculiarities of realization each of its functions on the integral and local levels of management; knowledge of the basis of culture and social-psychological mechanisms of managerial intercourse;

Operational - ensures knowledge of peculiarities of development of the microsystem «manager - subordinate», operations and algorithms of efficient thinking while realizing the functions of managerial intercourse; methods of diagnosing and correcting situations of interaction while implementing managerial decisions;

Motivational - stimulates interest to acquiring of techniques and culture of managerial intercourse; contributes to professional self-improvement in the sphere of realization of individual strategies and tactics of managerial intercourse [2, c. 17].

Besides motivational and operational components, J. O. Nikolajenko differentiates normative-reflective component in the structure of readiness to professional intercourse of students of agrarian specialties, besides motivational and operational ones. She defines it as ability of communicants to normative self-regulation and self-appreciation of their conduct in the process of intercourse. Consequently, she points out the following criteria of its formedness: a) motivational - need of professional foreign language intercourse, formed motivation to foreign intercourse, directness of a personality to interact; b) operational - possession of a complex of communicative speech competences; c) regulative - standardization of intercourse and reflexivity of a personality [14, c. 11]. According to her, formation of readiness to professional intercourse implies, on the one hand, acquiring of theoretical basis of future profession (professional training), and, forming of practical skills of foreign language intercourse on the other hand (foreign communicative training) [14, c. 17].

O. J. Ivanova distinguishes the following criteria of foreign language commands possessing:

Professional knowledge (professionally oriented vocabulary and grammar);

Readiness to professional speech interaction (possession of all kinds of speech activity, which are based on professionally oriented vocabulary, skills to realize one's own needs in foreign language intercourse by means of various language means);

Readiness to creative professional activity (motive-value attitude to a foreign language as a subject of study, creative application of acquired knowledge skills, ability to opt knowledge) [7, 245 c.].

According to N. T. Gubina, communicative readiness includes general readiness to communication and interaction, self-consciousness, self-appreciation, empathy, emotional stability, self-assurance, conflict-avoiding skills [4, c. 48].

Of great importance for our research is the point of view of O. G. Kaverina. She differentiates structural and functional constituents in the structure of readiness to professional communication.

Structural constituent includes integral communicative knowledge - professionally directed humanitarian knowledge, which is used for successful solution of communicative tasks, which have production nature.

Functional constituent includes integral communicative habits (automatized acts that ensure fast use of professionally directed humanitarian knowledge in terms of professional communication) and integral professional skills (a definite level of formedness of linguistic and professional competences), by means of which one can carry out analysis, planning and organization of one's studying-cognitive activity in terms of a chosen profession. While linguistic competence reflects the level of acquiring language knowledge, habits and skills, professional competence shows the level of formedness of special knowledge, habits and skills [10, с. 33]. She concludes that readiness to professional communication implies a high level of formedness of integral knowledge, habits and skills, and practical skills to carry out professional-communicative activity [9, с. 71].

Considering the structure of professional intercourse culture, S. M. Amelina distinguishes operational-active and language-speech constituents. The first implies acquiring communicative-technological skills. The second implies development of professional intercourse habits and skills, learning of a definite amount of general and terminological vocabulary, adequacy of self-expression, observance of language norms [1, с. 21]. Among criteria, which determine the level of formedness of culture of professional intercourse she points out positive motivation, readiness to intellectual collaboration and complex of developed communicative skills [1, с. 33].

In the model of readiness to use of a foreign language Z. P. Perepiolkina determines motivational, emotional-volitional, qualifying and communicative-intercultural components. It is necessary to specify the last two.

The qualifying component serves the core of the readiness and consists of special knowledge, foreign language skills and habits, capacities to learn a foreign language, which are necessary for the level, which is sufficient for communication. At that, she understands sufficient communicative competence as possessing sufficient speech skills.

The communicative-intercultural component implies developed communicative skills, knowledge of social-cultural peculiarities of native speakers, broad range of verbal and non-verbal communication, ability to establish feedback, orientation at partner's personality.

We should mention that she also differentiates the creative component, which means presence of creative capacities, a low level of rigidity, skills to express new knowledge by means of foreign language combining known speech connections, ability to be understood at a limited vocabulary and vision of alternative [15, c. 26-27].

The examination of the above mentioned sources proves that, in terms of structure, readiness to professional foreign language intercourse reflects the one of readiness to professional activity. However, the first has the components, which presence is conditioned by the peculiarities of learning a foreign language for professional purposes, and by the functions of intercourse in professional activity.

To consider the functions of intercourse, we follow the classification suggested by B. F. Lomov. The scientist points out the following ones: informational-communicative (receiving-transferring and forming of information), regulative - communicative (mutual stimulation and adjustment of conduct of the participants of communication and affective-communicative (exchange of emotions, emotional relaxation, need to change one's emotional state). According to the other approach he differentiates such functions as organization of common activity, cognition of each other, formation and development of interpersonal relations. He emphasizes that in the act of immediate communication the mentioned functions perform in unity. In this or that way they manifest themselves in connection to each of the participants of intercourse, though in different ways [13, с. 248; 13, с. 266-270].

We suppose it is important to point out the functions of intercourse, which play determinant role in the process of interaction to solve professional tasks. These are the informational-communicative function and the function of organization of common activity.

The study of the above mentioned sources and our conclusions make it possible to suggest the structure of readiness to foreign language intercourse in terms of students of agrarian specialties professional training. Among the constituents of the structure we differentiate motivational and operational components.

The motivational constituent includes understanding of motives and needs of using a foreign language in professional activity, realizing of aims and requirements to its using, interference resistance, prognosticating of manifestation of one's own intellectual, emotional and volitional processes. It is motivational sphere that serves as the precondition to readiness to professional foreign language intercourse. It is responsible for creation of the state of readiness and shows what a specialist is ready to in terms of professional activity.

The operational constituent reflects the level of preparedness to professional foreign language intercourse. It shows how a future specialist uses a foreign language to materialize his or her own motives and aims of professional activity. This constituent is of primary importance in terms of professional foreign language training. It includes theoretical and practical components. The first includes necessary professionally oriented foreign language knowledge, which ensures informational interchange to solve professional tasks. The second component consists of integral professional skills and habit, which are divided into subject-communicative and foreign language skills and habits. In terms of foreign language skills and habits lexical-terminological ones are most important. The skills to creatively vary known speech connections and skills to be understood at a limited vocabulary are essential in the realm of subject-communicative skills and habits.

Consequently, we distinguish the criteria, which determine the level of formedness of readiness to professional foreign language intercourse. These are positive motivation and the sufficient level of formedness of the above mentioned skills and habits.

The prospects of further research are connected with the analysis of foreign language and subject-communicative skills and habits, which ensure effectiveness of professional foreign language intercourse in terms of competence approach.


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