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Ключевые слова
pharmacist students / pharmacology / professional activity / professional competencies.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Drachuk Vira, Zamorskii Igor, Kopchuk Tamara, Shchudrova Tetiana Goroshko, Goroshko Оlexandra

The article considers the relevance of the integration of basic professional competencies in the course of pharmacology for students of pharmaceutical specialties in order to form a set of social skills necessary for future professional activity, creating a competitive pharmaceutical specialist that will improve the quality of service and promote the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine.

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УДК: 378.091

Drachuk Vira, Zamorskii Igor, Kopchuk Tamara, Shchudrova Tetiana, Goroshko Olexandra, Dikal Mariana, Tkachuk Olesya Bukovinian State Medical University DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-895-28-30 IMPROVEMENT OF SOCIAL SKILLS AS A KEY TO PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF A



The article considers the relevance of the integration of basic professional competencies in the course of pharmacology for students ofpharmaceutical specialties in order to form a set of social skills necessary for future professional activity, creating a competitive pharmaceutical specialist that will improve the quality of service and promote the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine.

Keywords: pharmacist students, pharmacology, professional activity, professional competencies.

The world experience of application of the newest information systems and technologies of training promotes formation of a complex of the social skills important for the future professional activity of any specialty, including medicine and pharmacy. The concept of "soft skills" has become quite popular and widely used in high school - social skills as an interdisciplinary socio-pedagogical phenomenon, which are based on the fundamental achievements of science in the modern educational and scientific space [1]. Information databases, navigation systems, Internet resources, software and other information and communication technologies that are widely used in higher education today, provide future professionals with such social skills as the ability to adapt and act in a new situation, show initiative and entrepreneurship; ability to use information and communication technologies, the results of analysis of independent search and synthesis of information from various sources to solve typical problems of professional activity; the ability of graduates to think abstractly, the ability to apply knowledge in practical situations, learn and be modernly trained. An important factor is that the social skills acquired during training allow graduates of higher education to be successful in professional activities, as well as in demand in the labor market, regardless of profession.

Domestic education in Ukraine, of course, needs to be reformed, the key idea of which is the formation of "stakeholders" - graduates of the new school, which are characterized by three main qualities: personality (holistic personality, fully developed, capable of critical thinking), patriot (patriot with active position, who acts in accordance with moral and ethical principles and is able to make appropriate decisions, respects dignity and human rights) and an innovator (specialist who is able to develop their field of activity, develop the economy on the principles of sustainable development, compete in the labor market and develop throughout life) [2].

The reform did not bypass the pharmaceutical education, and not in vain, as the medical industry and the

pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine are developing rapidly. The pharmaceutical business has gained significant momentum - the number of organizations involved in the distribution, storage and sale of medicines has significantly increased. Accordingly, it requires not only a high rate of increase in the number of skilled workers in the field of pharmacy, but also to improve the quality of their professional training [3]. It is no coincidence that today in Ukraine most medical universities have full-fledged pharmaceutical faculties, there are secondary pharmaceutical schools, which requires improving the material and technical base, expanding scientific and practical activities, improving the educational and methodological process.

Requirements for quality professional activity of a pharmaceutical worker are based on the standards of the EU Directive 2005/36, to which the Ukrainian legislation is gradually adapted, namely:

S manufacture of pharmaceutical forms of medicinal products;

S production and analysis of pharmaceutical products;

S analysis of drugs in the laboratory;

S storage, safety and distribution of drugs in the wholesale chain;

S manufacture, analysis, storage and distribution of medicines in pharmacies;

S providing information and advice on the correct use of medicines.

However, the reality is that most graduates of pharmaceutical specialties, the place of their employment in most cases, still find pharmacies, or as medical representatives of individual pharmaceutical companies, where knowledge of disciplines such as pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, pharmaceutical care becomes extremely important. organization of pharmacy economics, pharmaceutical management and marketing, etc.

The study of pharmacology is an extremely important stage of study for students of pharmaceutical specialties, because it is here that the foundations of un-


derstanding the principle of action of the drug, the impact of its pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters on therapeutic efficacy, the likelihood of adverse reactions, etc. [4]. Pharmacology is an integrated science that is closely intertwined and combines knowledge of other subjects acquired by students in previous courses. In addition, understanding the therapeutic use of the main groups of drugs is the basic basis for further study of clinical pharmacology, pharma-cotherapy or pharmaceutical care. Also, consideration of the main side effects specific to a particular group of drugs, allows you to expand your understanding of drugs, the main contraindications to use, and, of course, their safety in interaction with other drugs. This knowledge is extremely important for pharmacists who work "at the first table" of pharmacies, which conduct daily consultations, provide recommendations for the use of drugs, directly conducting pharmaceutical care [5].

Therefore, teachers of pharmaceutical schools are acutely faced with the development and proper formation of competencies of working curricula in disciplines, namely: integrated, general and professional, which, in fact, form the practical learning outcomes in the study of the discipline. The tendency to develop a competitive environment affects the quality of service for visitors to pharmacies, the pharmacist's professional duties. That is why the specialist must have formed all the relevant professional competencies that allow him to be confident in themselves, their strengths, knowledge, on which depends the competitiveness of the specialist and the pharmacy in which he works. Professional orientation arouses interest in future professional activity, the basis of which are: a set of competencies that involve the possession of knowledge, skills and abilities in a particular field of activity; ability to apply the acquired knowledge and skills to solve professional problems; readiness to analyze problem situations and find ways to solve them; ability to work independently and in a group, etc.

Returning to the topic of studying pharmacology, an important aspect is first of all awareness, first by the teacher, and then informing students of the professional competencies and actual learning outcomes that the student pharmacist needs in the study of pharmacology and which can be the basis of his professional activity. Thus, considering the general competencies in the study of pharmacology by a student pharmacist, we can distinguish the following: the ability to apply knowledge in practical situations, the ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis, learn and be modern, the ability to understand the subject area and understanding of professional activities. use of information and communication technologies, the choice of communication strategy, the ability to work in a team, the ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of work performed. In fact, the work of a pharmacist in a pharmacy is impossible without these competencies and professional qualities - the ability to respond quickly to visitor requests, format knowledge into practical skills, professional communication, this is what can demonstrate professional ability, high quality work, which in turn


will increase credibility pharmacist and pharmacy in general.

Considering professional competencies, first of all, an important aspect in the work of a pharmacist is knowledge and understanding of the main regulations, legislation of Ukraine and recommendations of good pharmaceutical practices. Today, the priority is to train mobile and competent pharmaceutical professionals aimed at personal and professional self-development, able to provide appropriate pharmaceutical services to various categories of the population and improve the quality of health care, in particular, which is impossible without understanding the legislation. This is stated in the legal documents governing the educational process of medical and pharmaceutical institutions of higher education, namely: the laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", "Fundamentals of Ukrainian legislation on health care", as well as in Concepts of development of the pharmaceutical sector of the healthcare sector of Ukraine, in the Code of Ethics of pharmaceutical workers of Ukraine, in international standards, guidelines, pharmaceutical practices of the World Health Organization and the International Pharmaceutical Federation [6].

The next, no less important professional competence that a pharmaceutical worker must meet is the ability to organize the activities of the pharmacy to provide the population and health care facilities with medicines, parapharmaceuticals, medical devices in accordance with the requirements of the National Medical Policy, Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP). and other organizational and legal norms of pharmaceutical legislation. Particular attention should be paid to the formation of the specification of the range of pharmaceutical products in pharmacies located in treatment and prevention facilities, to maximize the needs of visitors. Extensive pharmacological awareness, in this case, will offer visitors possible generic substitutions for drugs, or minimize the development of side effects [7].

The ability to ensure the rational use of prescription and over-the-counter drugs in accordance with physicochemical, pharmacological characteristics, biochemical, pathophysiological features of a particular disease and pharmacotherapeutic regimens for its treatment, is perhaps the most important part of a pharmacist's professional activity. The wide range of pharmaceutical products is constantly growing, and the introduction of new, highly effective, safer drugs into medical practice is gradually displacing existing ones in the pharmaceutical market, which, of course, is due to today's demands due to high morbidity and mortality due to various pathologies. The continuous flow of synthesis of new drugs by the pharmaceutical industry giants allows to operate a huge arsenal of drugs in various fields of medicine and the main task is to choose the right optimal drug with maximum therapeutic efficacy and minimum number of side effects [8].

Ability to provide counseling and pharmaceutical care when selecting and dispensing over-the-counter drugs by assessing the risk / benefit ratio, compatibility, indications and contraindications based on the patient's health status, taking into account biopharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and physicochem-ical characteristics is included in the list of professional

competencies of graduates of pharmaceutical specialties. A large number of over-the-counter drugs and their analogues will allow transparent pharmacies to provide pharmaceutical care and advice within their competence. And this is possible only with a thorough study of pharmacology, development of the general nomenclature, classifications of the main classes of pharmacological groups of drugs, and hence therapeutic classes, which provides a basis for the clinical use of medicinal agents. In this case, the value of studying pharmacology is to provide students with a scientific basis for therapeutic decisions, as well as to establish a benefit-risk assessment based on an understanding of the complex effects of drugs on the body, including how drugs affect the living system and how in turn, the body affects the drug. This is important when choosing treatments for not only the underlying but also concomitant pathology, which is often found in practice, while avoiding the phenomenon of polypragmatism. In addition, pharmacological identification of how the active substances of drugs interact with specific targets in the body lays the foundation for understanding the mechanism of action, which is essential to understand [9].

The communication system of pharmaceutical workers is no less relevant. The cornerstone of the pharmacist's communication with the pharmacy visitor should be informing the patient, and in any case not advertising for profit, increase turnover, etc. After all, the main goal of a pharmacy worker - as well as a doctor -is not to harm the patient, but to help him! And the pharmacy business should be based primarily on humanistic principles, and adherence to the principles of ethics and deontology for a pharmaceutical worker is no less important than for a doctor. Today, the concept of "providing patients with drugs" is used too widely. However, it should be understood that the term "provision" refers to the wholesale supply of medicines to medical institutions. With regard to the pharmacy unit, it is more acceptable to define "drug service" - ie the issuance of drugs to patients either on prescription or without a prescription with appropriate information about the drug and its use. It is necessary unbiased information, but not advertising.

The key to the communicative competence of future pharmacists is the successful personal development of the individual, his developmental and conscious interpersonal experience, which is organically connected with the forms of interpersonal behavior and abilities of the specialist. Communicative activity of specialists in the pharmaceutical industry requires certain knowledge of psychology, the ability to apply this knowledge in practice.

The main task of vocational training is to train "qualified competitive personnel with a high level of professional knowledge, skills and mobility that meet the requirements of scientific and technological progress and market relations in the economy, education of socially active members of society, formation of scientific worldview, creative thinking, the best human qualities, national consciousness.

Thus, the formation of professional competence of the future pharmacist is carried out through the content of education, which covers not only the list of subjects, but also professional skills and abilities that are formed in the process of mastering subjects and during practice. The professional competence of the future specialist is formed on the basis of theoretical knowledge,

practical skills, significant personal qualities and life experience, which determines his readiness to perform professional duties and ensures a high level of self-organization.

It should be noted that professional competence is an integrated, complex phenomenon and combines knowledge, skills and abilities, personal abilities, indicators of general culture, the ability to perform professional duties. According to the World Health Organization, emphasis is placed on the need to significantly change the acquisition of deep professional knowledge of pharmacy to improve personal qualities, which, along with acquired professional skills and abilities, will enable the specialist to take his rightful place among health care workers.


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