Научная статья на тему 'Применение инновационных технологий в индивидуальных уроках традиционной музыки на основе Восточной педагогики'

Применение инновационных технологий в индивидуальных уроках традиционной музыки на основе Восточной педагогики Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shomurotova Mokhichekhra

The article talks about the ideas, attitudes and approaches of Eastern scholars and sages, for example, Abu Ali ibn Sina, Abu Rayhan Beruni on education and training of students, and what qualities a professional performer should prevail. The article also speaks about the influence of national music in the spirituality of mankind. On the formation of future traditional performers, a new generation with the help of national music. Examples are given from Uzbek traditional music in particular by Shashmakam, such as Sarakhbor, Savti Ushshok, Muhayyari Irok.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Применение инновационных технологий в индивидуальных уроках традиционной музыки на основе Восточной педагогики»

Список литературы / References

1. Янов-Яновская Н.С. Творчество композиторов Узбекистана в аспекте теории интертекста // Узбекская музыка на стыке столетий (XX-XXI вв.): тенденции, проблемы. Т., 2008.

2. Ташматова А. Ижрочилик санъати тарихи. Т., 2017.


Шомуротова Мохичехра — преподаватель, кафедра традиционного исполнительства, Государственная Консерватория Узбекистана, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье говорится об идеях, взглядах и подходах восточных учёных и мудрецов, например, Абу Али ибн Сина, Абу Райхан Беруни по вопросам образования и подготовки учеников, а также, какими качествами должен обладать профессиональный исполнитель. А также в статье говорится о влиянии национальной музыки в духовности человечества. О формировании будущих традиционных исполнителей, нового поколения с помощью национальной музыки. Приводятся примеры из узбекской традиционной музыки в частности Шашмаком, такие как Сарахбор, Савти Ушшок, Мухайяри Ирок.

Ключевые слова: Восток, Абу Райхан Бируни, Абу Али ибн Сина, Бузрук, Рост, Наво, Дугох, Сегох, Ирок.



Abstract: the article talks about the ideas, attitudes and approaches of Eastern scholars and sages, for example, Abu Ali ibn Sina, Abu Rayhan Beruni on education and training of students, and what qualities a professional performer should prevail. The article also speaks about the influence of national music in the spirituality of mankind. On the formation offuture traditional performers, a new generation with the help of national music. Examples are given from Uzbek traditional music in particular by Shashmakam, such as Sarakhbor, Savti Ushshok, Muhayyari Irok. Keywords: East, Abu Raykhan Biruni, Abu Ali ibn Sina, Buzruk, Rost, Navo, Dugokh, Segokh, Irok.

УДК 781.7

Teaching in any subject, each teacher bringing up the next generation should remember skills of teachers and thinkers of the East. The East is considered a cradle of ancient civilizations and was delicate on questions education. There is a number of scientific and practical works which speak about rules of holding of the trainee and studied. The most important what, is developed various methods of training today is used by innovative technologies, despite it East pedagogics remains always relevant. But it should be noted that introducing in educational process of innovative technologies, teachers get many news, especially about the level of development of society, their secular knowledge grows in pedagogics, besides, students develop, skills in the musical industry improve, and, of course the training program gradually amplifies due to exchange of opinions and expansion of experimental knowledge.

The great thinker Abu Raykhan Biruni has proved such methods as, compliance of education with character, the soft principles of training and education. In knowledge of the nature and society I followed the motto: "Without having checked itself, I won't believe". He as the skilled teacher has developed a number of recommendations about questions of pedagogical skills. For example, to train

art in everything, to correspond to character, to consider features of children, etc. Biruni wrote: "The purpose is in to prolonging time, but not to allow to monotony. Because to see the same things during long time leads to exhaustion and kills patience. Periodically changing types a subject, the pupil will feel in different gardens which one before another opens the delights. Each new inspires the pupil and it helps to improve memory" [1]. If we pay attention to Biruni's ideas, then is understood that in training of students there is always a need for innovative technologies.

Now, let's talk about individual lessons of traditional performing art, one may say, that innovative pedagogical technologies are also important in this area. Also will make use more effectively of experience of East scientists in this direction. Will learn singing of traditional songs, strengthening of musical perception influences psychological and physiological emotions of the student, promotes positive activity, makes active a sound, an articulation and breath. His memory expands his views and also his speech and attention.

During individual lessons of course it is possible to use audio or video records, but live execution of the teacher or pupil influences more stronger. The most important, the teacher shouldn't forget about hygiene of voice. The scientist and Abu Ali ibn Sina philosopher in "A canon of medical science" have given advice on work of hygiene of the speech of the teacher. He has told that it is very dangerous to speak with a loud sound for a long time, damages health and the teacher and the pupil. Because shout requires a large amount of external air, and it is twice dangerous. Not to lose a voice and haven't refused respiratory it is necessary to begin reading in half-voices, and then to increase gradually, but with a strong voice of reading shouldn't last long too. The constant loud voice of the teacher, not only negatively influences hearing and also oppresses mental to a condition of the student. Also Abu Ali ibn Sina's scientist confirms: "The human character can be formed melodies of makom"[4]. That is, each part of Makom serves as educational and medical value. But as it is about training of traditional performers of makom, are recommended to students acquaintance of scientific books of the great thinker and scientist ibn Sina.

East makom has ancient, quite difficult philosophical and esthetic, musical and theoretical and practical bases. Now he is characterized by many national and local appearance, characters and attributes. Shashmakam is considered a charm of national Uzbek music and I was always an inspiration source for our musicians. Throughout centuries the Uzbek makoms many researches were gradually studied and conducted. Shashmakom consists of 6 parts: Buzruk, Rost, Navo, Dugokh, Segokh and Irok. Each of these parts consists of several work .[2]. These works are characterized by strong influence on spirituality, education, education of the person. In the same way we can use these works in formation of the professional performer. For example, Sarakhbori Buzruk is the first work Buzruk. The person who listens to him becomes self-assured, begins to perceive self-respect and is proud of himself. Sharp musical transitions are developed by resourcefulness. Sarakhbor's rhythm is as heartbeat and a step. It creates confidence in life and the future. Future performer begins to own methods of personal self-expression and self-development, means of opposition to professional deformations of the personality.

Savti Ushshok is executed in the second part of a makom Rost. Each of us has big purposes. And they can't be easily reached. Of course, on this way the patience, work and reason is required. These vital qualities are awakened by Savti Ushshok and the person begins to feel pleasures from work [3]. And it promotes love to the whole world and creates the new purposes. Possession of methods of self-realization and development of identity within a profession, readiness for professional growth, ability to individual self-preservation, not susceptibility to professional aging, ability to organize rationally the work without overloads of time and forces is a part of professionalism of future performer. Savti Ushshok develops the same qualities.

Mukhayari Irok is the most popular work of a makom Irok. Melody scale very wide and rhythm of a doira "nasr" [5]. This rhythm makes positive signals in a brain of the person. In turn signals provokes energy streams, the mood increases. The listener of this work always feels vigorous. We have given several examples. Each work Shashmakam is the whole world. We can use him more effectively in formation of the professional performer.

Studying, views and approaches of East scientists and wise men concerning education and preparation we see that they haven't lost the relevance and in the present. Today one of the most important questions facing the world is education as spiritually, and physically talented, intelligent youth with modern and healthy thinking. These, works of philosophers of the East it isn't reasonable to implement the recommendations of a research and practice.

References / Список литературы

1. Ayozy Mirzo Muhammad Haydar. Tarixi Rashidy. T.: O'zbekiston, 2011.

2. Razhabov I. Bases of a makom. Tashkent, 1992.

3. FitratА. The Uzbek classical music and its history. Fan. Tashkent, 1993.

4. Irisov А. Abu Ali ibn Sino. T.: Fan, 1980.

5. Razhabov I., Sagadeev A. Middle East. Musical esthetics of the countries of the East: The collection - "Music", 1967.

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