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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Glinkowska-Krauze B., Górecki Ł., Chebotarova N.

In the course of previous comprehensive theoretical, methodological and empirical research of the authors, the main purpose of which was to identify ways of internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises. It was noted that a new model of business functioning is emerging, significantly different from the traditional model, in which the phenomenon of globalization underlies the process of internationalization of economic activity. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the problem of studying specific practices of interaction between business structures in Poland and Ukraine, paradoxically, as a whole, is given insufficient attention (both in Polish and Ukrainian economic science).This served as the inspiration for writing this study, the main goal of which is to identify the features of the modern business model on the background of identifying the differences between the traditional and the current model in the context of existing threats and to find out the main (one of the main) reasons for such differences. The introduction refers to the methodology used for this study (specific research methods are methods of unity of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction and comparative analysis, as well as methods of grouping and extrapolation). The study is the result of the authors' own empirical research and a comparative theoretical analysis based on the literature on the topic, and is a common characteristic of both models. In general terms, the main features of the modern business model and trends in the European economy are presented on the example of Polandand Ukraine. Thus, the study is aimed at identifying trends in doing business in the modern market and its characteristic features in the context of the predicted increase in the role of factors of intercultural (transcultural) interaction in business.

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UDC 339.9.01 doi: 10.12958/1817-3772-2020-4(62)-38-45

B. Glinkowska-Krauze,

DrHab (Economics), Professor, ORCID 0000-0002-6915-3297, e-mail: beata.glinkowska@uni.lodz.pl,

University of Lodz, Poland,

L. Gorecki,

ORCID 0000-0002-2347-6912,

Textile Institute, Lodz, Poland,

N. Chebotarova,

PhD (Economics), ORCID 0000-0002-0145-2821,

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Starobilsk


Introduction. The pace and unpredictability of market changes is the basic premise for the emergence of new concepts and management methods in modern enterprises, in connection with new institutional, economic and environmental requirements, which in turn requires the development of new features and managerial skills [1]. The extension of the cooperation to new markets, in a new, unknown and previously unprecedented scale, in a new reality, a different understanding of the innovation and investment policy, the search for new opportunities and factors of advantage or stabilization have resulted in "new" business models and a "new" management approach [2, p. 16]. All this overlaps with events such as extraordinary events: strikes, economic crises, epidemics. There are clear trends in the ways of doing business, which is the background for comparisons of the traditional model with the modern model of business management. On this basis, it is possible to present the characteristics of the "modern model" of running a business in a situation where more and more enterprises, directly or indirectly, go beyond the borders of their own country, defined as their home country, with their activities [3, p. 11-15]. More and more companies emphasize on flexibility, creativity and innovation.

Although the science of management does not directly specify the list of universal features of the contemporary business model, as it is simply impossible (there are many such models and they are very diverse and depend on conditions of different nature in a given country), there are some emerging trends in the functioning of enterprises. Analyzing the literature on the subject in the area of this issue and the results of the own research, this study focuses on showing the basic tendency in the functioning of modern business: internationalization of the enterprises activities in connection with the globalization of activities and the related threats, without taking into consideration the pandemic situation, as this requires separate research. The inspiration to write the article was a research carried out personally and directly in 2013-2019 on a sample of over a

hundred Polish enterprises and over thirty Ukrainian enterprises, which directly or indirectly expanded (or expanding) their activities beyond the home market. The selection of enterprises was deliberate and consisted of the following criteria: diversified size (from micro to large), location (Poland - 90% headquarters in Poland and location in the Lodz Voivodeship; Ukraine - 100% headquarters in Ukraine), various sectors (manufacturing, services and commercial), diversified time of running a business (from 1 to several dozen years), direct or indirect international activity (from 1 to several years). The research tools used were: a survey questionnaire and an interview questionnaire. One of the goals of the research was, among other things, to identify the features of the modern business model and the risks associated with the operating conditions of modern companies. The main aim of the research was to examine the ways of internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises, which was realized in the monograph entitled Internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises [4]. However, this study is to become an inspiration for further considerations and in-depth research, including, - in the context of understanding the impact on these processes of profiles of managers from different countries [1, p. 64], methodological aspects of cross-cultural differences in business [5, p. 30-31], comparative analysis of business activities by representatives of different countries [6; 7].

For this reason, it deliberately does not contain statements and statistics, but only a general characteristic of the modern business model, with particular emphasis on the challenges for the functioning of modern business and the phenomenon of globalization, creating specific conditions for setting up and running this business. On the basis of the conducted research, it was also made an attempt to compare the contemporary model with the traditional one of the business running.

Globalization as a background for contemporary/modern business. The wide range of processes accompanying the phenomenon of globalization still leads

to the intensification of economic, political and cultural ties, understood as those "across state borders" [8, p. 17]. This increase in links between enterprises, science (and other) organizations and countries is due to the variety and quantity of flows: services, goods, resources and technology diffusion [9]. A. Zorska notes that a multifaceted, interdependent global economic system is being created [10, p. 20]. The power of global competition is growing as a result of the increased and still increasing complexity of the national and international environment as well as and the constant volatility and increasing interdependence between enterprises.

For Polish and Ukrainian (especially Ukrainian) enterprises, the increasing number and strength of competition in their own country is the reason for looking for opportunities that globalization creates. The increase in the complexity of the environment and the dependence of entities as well as the flow and absorption (diffusion) of all resources contribute to the internationalization of activities, posing new challenges for entrepreneurs [11, p. 129]. The process of internationalization of enterprises has significantly accelerated in recent years, especially in countries with less advanced technologies and less equity than in Western Europe (eg Ukraine and Poland).

Acceleration of internationalization and the free flow of resources and capital also contribute to the growth of various types of threats at every stage of the functioning of modern companies. Therefore, economic activity in international markets requires the application of a new approach to management.

It is internationalization, based on innovative products and services, that is associated with the "new" business model, the essence of which is to build a cooperation network based on unique resources, especially human resources, and the horizontal ties of cooperation between enterprises. This model may not be completely opposite to the "traditional" business, associated pri-

The essence of the globalization process is similar in most countries of the world. For the same reasons, the essence of internationalization is often different. Therefore, it is difficult to identify these two concepts with each other. Globalization is a spontaneous process, while internationalization is a process of making rational decisions. Thus, it is "globalization that creates a field for action for companies that want to internationa-

marily with domestic business, whose aim is to generate profit based on price strategies and the value of financial capital, but it is certainly significantly different from it.

Indicating the differences in the perception of both processes it allows the authors of this study to conclude that the two processes should not be equated or their names used interchangeably. For example, according to B. Liberska, internationalization is a quantitative process related to foreign trade and capital flows, and globalization is a qualitative process related to international economic relations, interdependence and the transition from indirect to direct forms of relations [12, p. 18-19]. G. Kolodko describes globalization as "an economic game which results in specific opportunities and threats to economic and cultural ties with foreign countries [13]. According to K. Przybylska, "internationalization is synonymous with the geographical dispersion of the company's economic operations across the country's borders" [14, p. 15].

It is treated as a phenomenon that signifies the process of expansion into foreign markets [15, p. 11]. According to J. Misala, the theories of internationalization of enterprises are a component that includes theories of international trade and theories of international migration of production factors [16, p. 43]. Internationalization is interpreted as: a process, a change in the sphere of activity [17, p. 19] and any type of activity undertaken by an organization outside the country [18, p. 19]. There is a visible increase in the number and variety of material and non-material ties on a global scale. Not only material resources, but also cultural and civilization patterns are moving [19, p. 295]. The essence of globalization is the creation of conditions for the free movement, and the essence of internationalization - the use of these flows by searching for opportunities, possibilities and avoiding barriers and market limitations in the country. Referring to the above considerations, Table 1 shows the differences for the analyzed issues.

lize, not the other way around. Globalization creates opportunities for networking and internationalization creates networking opportunities. Globalization brings with it new solutions, new technologies, and in the process of internationalization companies use them for new solutions and innovations" [4, p. 22].

Challenges for modern business. The contemporary expression "traditional business" refers rather to the

Table 1

Statement ^ of differences between the processes of globalization and internationalization

Factor Globalization Internationalization

Essence An unforced, spontaneous, automatic process A rational, well-thought-out process

Purpose None Clear

Background Creates conditions, opportunities Uses conditions, opportunities

Flows Broadly understood, in unlimited way production factors for specific purposes

Direction Indefinite Specified

Business model any, not clear indistinct "New", flexible

Source: own study.

functioning of an enterprise on its own market, based on traditional, often outdated technologies, producing typical, standard, and repetitive products, rather than to an innovative enterprise, often changing its products and services and their features and functionality [4, p. 16]. The research carried out in Polish and Ukrainian enterprises (especially small and medium-sized enterprises) shows that the concept of a modern enterprise relates mainly to the readiness to create a cooperation network,

to enter into various interactions, to flexibility and to base operations on new technologies. The list of features of a traditional and a modern enterprise is presented in Table no 2. Summarizing comparing the business characteristics, the criteria developed during the own research and proposed by such authors as T. Sporek and S. Talar [20], J. Jennings and L. Haughton [21], C. Perez [22], J. McGee, H. Thomas and D. Wilson [23] were used.

Table 2

Features of the traditional and contemporary/modern business model - comparative analysis*

Criterion Traditional model Contemporary model

1 2 3

Time factor Industrial Era Innovation Era

Growth factors Financial capital (raw materials, Energy, natural resources) Human capital, (knowledge, Innovation, creativity, ability to change, employee loyalty)

Products/services/technology Standardized products, Long product/service/technology life cycle Short product/service/technology life cycle

Market Low market volatility; market determined by suppliers; mass consumption A volatile and dynamic market, shaped by customers Market segmentation due to strictly defined specific consumer characteristics. Individualization of needs

Nature of production Energy and material-intensive production; the main value for the company are material production factors Energy and material-saving production; the main value for the company are intangible production factors

The specificity of the production process Standardization of processes and division of tasks; specialization; individual work stations; mechanization and automation; periodic nature of the innovation process - when necessary Flexibility and adaptability; versatility, team and project nature of work; computerization, robotization, electroniza-tion; a continuous innovation process, embedded in the company's organizational culture

Learning Process Ad hoc, as needed; training - as a necessity; Continuous, included in the company's strategy; training as an investment, lifelong

Competition Price competition; rather local; important size of the company Non-price competition; global; significant speed of action

Sources of competitive advantage Cutting costs on business activities ; competing with price; Economies of scale Unique resources and capabilities; diversification strategy; competing with quality and technologies

Organizational structure and the nature of functioning Centralized and hierarchical structures; bureaucracy; lack of flexibility of communication channels; decisions often made by the headquarters; lack of permanent horizontal (cooperative) relationships between companies; striving for stabilization; advantage of large industrial companies Network structures, flexible, lean; decentralization, high autonomy of multitasking units; horizontal model of decision making; change management; tendency to permanent cooperation with other organizations (even competing ones); the advantage of innovative, knowledge-based companies

Success measure Profit Market value of the company (capitalization)

* Source: Own compilation based on: B. Glinkowska-Krauze (formerly B. Glinkowska), Internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises, Publisher UL, 2018, p. 17; T. Sporek, S. Talar (ed.), Internationalization and competitiveness of modern economic entities, ed. UE w Katowicach, Katowice, 2011, pp. 15-16 [after:] J. Jennings, L. Haughton, It's Not the Big That Eat the Small... It's The Fast Eat the Slow: How to Use Speed as a Competitive Tool in Business, HarperBusiness, 2001; C. Perez, Technological Revolutions, Paradigm Shift and Socio-institutional Changes [in:] E. Reinert, E. Elgar (ed.) Globalization, Economic Development and Inequality, an Alternative Perspective, Cheltenham, UK, 2004, pp. 217- 242; J. McGee, H. Thomas, D. Wilson, Strategy Analysis and Practice, McGraw-Hill Education, 2005, pp. 460-463.

Ending of Table 2

1 2 3

Employees A large share of employees with average qualifications; employees understood as variable cost (company liabilities); narrow specialization; matching employee qualifications to the position; stability of employment Large share of highly qualified employees; employees understood as human capital (company assets); adaptability of employees to various positions

Managers Discipline managers as a determinant of quality; confrontational relationships with management; controlling steering; stabilization Motivation, cooperation and initiative as a determinant of quality; cooperation between management and employees, horizontal relations; coaching; constant changes

Risk Moderate High and increasing along with the complexity of organizational and legal forms and forms of internationalization

When analyzing the data contained in Table 2, one can notice the tendencies of the surveyed companies to increase the flexibility of operation and such management that is focused on continuous learning in order to better meet individual consumer needs. Nowadays, man has become a valuable resource of the company, and his motivation, loyalty and knowledge are the basic premise for increasing creativity in order to innovate [20, p. 16]. In 2002, P. Drucker already emphasized that "innovation is becoming a common feature of all market behaviors and activities" [24, p. 144], and the principle of operation of enterprises is, first of all, to be aware of changes and adapt to them. In such circumstances, experience is "perceived as something that hinders change and innovation" [20, p. 17], because it is related to a certain routine of activities, and the basic skill is to get rid of old habits and patterns [20, p. 17], which is conducive to the broadly understood creativity of enterprises. Interviews with company managers showed that the actual skills of their employees are becoming more and more important, while documents confirming qualifications are losing importance, unless such documents are also the right to perform work. The importance of networks of horizontally integrated production and trade links is also growing. At the business level, strategies such as cost leadership and price leadership are slowly disappearing. Such "obsolescence of traditional advantages leads to the construction of a completely new set of them" [20, p. 18], based on resources and capabilities that are difficult to duplicate.

Threats for the functioning of modern enterprises. In the conditions of globalization, new situations

and new opportunities appear unexpectedly, causing challenges, the meeting of which may be the only chance to exist or stay on the market. Enterprises must even adapt quickly to the market, because what is effective today may not be as effective tomorrow. Changes in the economy have always occurred, but their current pace seems incomparable. A contemporary enterprise is an entity that is constantly looking into the future, searching for and solving problems that have not emerged yet. It is a company that thinks in terms of tomorrow [25, p. 507]. Modern enterprises feel the effects of the global crisis related to the uncertain nature and the depletion of mineral resources, which may disrupt their functioning [26]. The uncertainty of climatic conditions is a significant threat for agricultural enterprises based on processing. The fear of such disruptions in functioning is visible especially among entrepreneurs in Ukraine, where a large part of enterprises' income and national income comes mainly from cultivation and breeding.

The increased competitiveness is another factor that today's enterprises grapple with. Foreign competitors offer completely new, previously unknown products characterized by low prices and good quality [27]. The increase in the number of competition on the markets of the home country is a direct motive of the surveyed companies to look for opportunities outside their own country. Here there are numerous barriers and threats. Small enterprises of both countries are not able to be cost-effective, that it directly translates into higher prices of their products and services. Polish small enterprises are primarily looking for foreign business part-

ners for such simple forms of cooperation as export and import, which are carried out through an intermediary and usually in the home country (indirect form). They very rarely create foreign direct investment. Ukrainian small enterprises that want to legalize their business activity, from the very beginning, look for opportunities to operate on foreign markets through (most often) such simple forms of internationalization as export and direct import. The most serious competition for them, however, are not large companies, but small enterprises, which form a fairly large gray area. For this reason, Ukrainian small companies, statistically more often than Polish ones, internationalize their economic activity from the moment of their establishment. In the case of Polish small and medium-sized enterprises, it is more often an evolutionary action than a revolutionary one, i.e. first they look for opportunities on the home market, and then, for development reasons or exhausting the possibility of operating regionally or locally, they look for opportunities to operate outside their own country.

These conclusions, however, are not so obvious and very general, as the entrepreneurship of company owners and managers plays a significant role in overcoming threats or in finding opportunities. This was confirmed in all examined cases.

The functioning of enterprises is also greatly influenced by macroeconomic reasons, such as state policy and legal regulations. This factor determines the business opportunities both in the home country and in the host country. The existence of favor (or disfavor) of the broadly understood state policy, translated into legal provisions and government programs, is particularly visible in Ukraine. There is especially here the lack of support for small enterprises and the privileging of the large ones, having strategic importance for the country, or "clout" based on "acquaintances", is particularly noticeable. The situation of supporting enterprises in Poland looks better. There are more programs supporting business activity and their internationalization, but the research carried out, showed a situation in which, among a hundred surveyed enterprises, only a few of them benefited from such programs, and they were usually medium and large companies. Another few companies used the support of universities and scientific institutes in the field of joint innovative projects. Polish enterprises either do not know about the existence of such programs or they are overwhelmed by bureaucracy and unclear regulations. In Ukraine, entrepreneurs usually know the current programs, but they know that their chances of getting support are small, so they often do not even try. Moreover, small enterprises with little equity are not able to create positions for project acquisition or innovation (research and development) in their structures. In both countries, enterprises most often use competitive benchmarking, which provides ideas and solutions quickly and without cost.

Among the external factors that belong to threats to modern business, one should also mention the unstable situation related to inflation, the level of interest rates,

law and state interventionism. The possibility of shaping them by individual economic entities is minimal [28, p. 2].

Resume. The conducted research and analyzes showed that the concept of modern business relates mainly to the broadly understood internationalizing economic activity, which requires many changes in the structure and organizational culture of enterprises. As emphasized in the introduction, the studies cover the years 2013-2019, so they do not refer to a pandemic situation that requires separate, in-depth research. In such a situation, the process of internationalization of economic activity does not lose its importance, but its forms and methods are changing. There are still clear trends in the ways of doing business, consisting in the ability to take up challenges and risks, far-reaching flexibility and innovation, constantly made changes and search for innovative solutions, as well as placing the main emphasis on the human capital of the enterprise. Facing challenges and taking risks resulting from the premises of a globalizing world - rather than avoiding them - are essential features of today's companies. The phenomenon of globalization, as a spontaneous process, constitutes a specific background for all processes carried out by enterprises, including the processes of internationalization of economic activity. This, in turn, will require an application of certain new strategies and forms of operation of modern companies. The sectoral character of economic activity (its profile) may also fundamentally change, and new geographic directions may form for the internationalization of companies' activities. When analyzing the threats to the functioning of modern enterprises, it can be noticed that the uncertain climatic conditions will adversely affect all companies that live off agricultural and livestock crops, which in Ukraine, that is based on agricultural production, breeding and processing is of significant importance. This does not mean, of course, that in countries with a less important agricultural sector in the overall functioning of the economy, the changing climate will not matter. Moreover, the huge number of competitors, that offer new products at low prices and good quality, does not give smaller enterprises a chance to "break out", both in Poland and in Ukraine, therefore - especially in Ukraine - micro and small companies from the very beginning look for opportunities in the markets of neighboring countries. The smaller enterprises are the biggest threat, forming the so-called gray zone, which forces newly emerging companies to practically immediately internationalize their economic activity. Another important threat are macro-economic issues, such as unfavorable (unsupportive) state policy, unclear legal regulations, as well as rising inflation and rising interest rates. In Poland, small enterprises usually do not know about the existence of internationalization support programs, and in Ukraine, entrepreneurs know that they have no chance of taking advantage of them. On the other hand, large companies use them. The diversification of the conditions for running a business in one's own country necessitates the diversifi-

cation of forms and strategies for the functioning of modern companies, however, in this diversification, general tendencies can be distinguished, which allow the way companies operate to be called contemporary and from the traditional one.

Prospects for the further development of this problematics are a systematic analysis of intercultural differences between specialists in the economic profile and their manifestations in specific practices of entrepreneurial activity in an intentional business environment.


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1. Glinkowska-Krauze, B., Chebotarov, V. (2018). A Comparative Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Profile of A Modern Ukrainian Manager: the Imperatives of the Future in the Context of Internationalization, Comparative Economic Research Central and Eastern Europe, vol. 21(3), pp. 63-74. doi: https://doi.org/10.2478/cer-2018-0019.

2. Malara, Z. (2006). Enterprise in the global economy. Warsaw, PWN.

3. Glinkowska-Krauze, B., Kaczmarek, B. (2016). International management and internationalization of enterprises. Theory and Practice. Lodz, Publishing House of the University of Lodz,

4. Glinkowska-Krauze, B. (2018). Internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises. Lodz, Wyd. University of Lodz.

5. Chebotarov, Ie. (2019). National business cultures: research methodology, content and role in provision of in-

ternational entrepreneurship. Economic Herald of the Donbas, 4, pp. 30-33. doi: https://doi.org/10.12958/1817-3772-2019-4(58)-30-33.

6. Glinkowska-Krauze, B., Chebotarov, I., Chebo-tarov, V. (2020). Comparative Studies of National Business Cultures in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe: the Basics for Improving International Entrepreneur-ship in Poland and Ukraine, „Comparative Economic Research Central and Eastern Europe", vol. 23(1), p. 7-18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18778/1508-2008.23.01.

7. Glinkowska-Krauze, B., Chebotarova, N. (2019). Ways of internationalization of Ukrainian enterprises: the implementation of the resources concept as a possible additional competitive advantage. Pryazovskyi economic herald, 4(15), pp. 16-21. doi: https://doi.org/10.32840/2522-4263/2019-4-3.

8. Streeten, P. (2002). Globalization and Competitiveness. Implications for Development Thinking, quoted after: B. Liberska, Contemporary processes of globalization of the world economy [in:] Globalization. Mechanisms and Challenges, ed. by B. Liberska. PWE, Warsaw.

9. International Monetary Fund. (1997). World Economic Outlook. Washington. 25 p. Retrieved from https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/weo1097/pdf/ octweo01.pdf. DoA: 4.12.2020.

10. Zorska, A. (2002). Towards Globalization? Transformations in transnational corporations and in the world economy. Warsaw, PWN.

11. Penc, J. (2003). Management in globalization processes. Warsaw, Difin.

12. Liberska, B. (1995). New integration challenges. NAFTA and other regional initiatives on the American continent. Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Warsaw.

13. Kolodko, G.W. (2005). Blaski i cienie globaliza-cji. DZIS, 7, pp. 36-53. Retrieved from http://www.tiger. edu.pl/ kolodko/artykuly/blaski.pdf. DoA: 4.12.2020.

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Глинковська-Краузе Б., Гурецьш Л., Чебота-рьова Н. М. Передумови та характеристики «сучас-ного бiзнесу» - контекст глобалЬаци, штернащона-л1заци та загроз

У хода попередтх комплексних теоретико-мето-долопчних i емтричних дослщжень aBTOpiB, основною метою яких було виявлення шляхiв штернацюна-лiзацii польських i украшських щдприемств, вщзна-чено, що з'являеться нова модель функцюнування 6i3-несу, що ютотно вiдрiзняeться ввд традицiйноi модел^ в якш феномен глобатзацп лежить в основi процесу штернацюнатзацп економiчноi дiяльностi. При цьому слад брати до уваги, що проблематиц дослiдження конкретних практик взаемоди тдприемницьких структур Польщi та Украши, як це не парадоксально, в ць лому придiляeться недостатня увага (i в польськш, i в украшськш економiчнiй науцi).

Це слугувало натхненням для написания даного дослщження, основна мета якого - виявити особливо-стi сучасноi бiзнес-моделi на фонi виявлення ввдмшно-стей мiж традицiйною i нинiшньою моделлю в кон-текстi iснуючих загроз i з'ясувати головнi (однi з го-ловних) причини таких розходжень. Введення нале-жить до використаноi методологii даного дослiдження (конкретними методами дослвдження е методи eдностi анал1зу i синтезу, шдукцп i дедукци та порiвияльного анал1зу, а також методи угруповань i екстраполяцii). Стаття е результатом власного емтричного дослвд-ження авторiв i порiвняльного теоретичного аналiзу, заснованого на лiтературi з дано1' теми, i е загальною характеристикою обох моделей. У загальних рисах представлено основнi риси сучасно1' бiзнес-моделi i тенденци европейсько1' економiки на прикладi Польщi та Укра1'ни. Таким чином, дослвдження спрямоване на

виявлення тенденцiй ведения 6Í3Hecy на сучасному ринку i його характерних особливостей у контексп прогнозованого тдвищення ролi факторiв мiжкyль-турно! (транс-культурно!) взаемодп в бiзнесi.

Ключовi слова: бiзнес-модель, глобалiзацiя, шно-вацп, iнтернацiоналiзацiя, ринок.

Glinkowska-Krauze B., Górecki L., Chebotarova N. Premises and Characteristics of "Contemporary Business" - the Context of Globalization, Internationalization and Threats

In the course of previous comprehensive theoretical, methodological and empirical research of the authors, the main purpose of which was to identify ways of internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises. It was noted that a new model of business functioning is emerging, significantly different from the traditional model, in which the phenomenon of globalization underlies the process of internationalization of economic activity. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the problem of studying specific practices of interaction between business structures in Poland and Ukraine, paradoxically, as a whole, is given insufficient attention (both in Polish and Ukrainian economic science).

This served as the inspiration for writing this study, the main goal of which is to identify the features of the modern business model on the background of identifying the differences between the traditional and the current model in the context of existing threats and to find out the main (one of the main) reasons for such differences. The introduction refers to the methodology used for this study (specific research methods are methods of unity of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction and comparative analysis, as well as methods of grouping and extrapolation). The study is the result of the authors' own empirical research and a comparative theoretical analysis based on the literature on the topic, and is a common characteristic of both models. In general terms, the main features of the modern business model and trends in the European economy are presented on the example of Poland and Ukraine. Thus, the study is aimed at identifying trends in doing business in the modern market and its characteristic features in the context of the predicted increase in the role of factors of intercultural (transcultural) interaction in business.

Keywords: business model, globalization, innovation, internationalization, market.

Глинковская-Краузе Б., Гурецкий Л., Чеботарёва Н. Н. Предпосылки и характеристики «современного бизнеса» - контекст глобализации, интернационализации и угроз

В ходе предыдущих комплексных теоретико-методологических и эмпирических исследований авторов, основной целью которых было выявление путей интернационализации польских и украинских предприятий, отмечено, что появляется новая модель функционирования бизнеса, существенно отличающаяся от традиционной модели, в которой феномен глобализации лежит в основе процесса интернационализации экономической деятельности. При этом следует принимать во внимание, что проблематике исследования конкретных практик взаимодействия предпринимательских структур Польши и Украины, как это ни парадоксально, в целом уделяется недостаточное внимание (и в польской, и в украинской экономической науке).

Это послужило вдохновением для написания данного исследования, основная цель которого - выявить особенности современной бизнес-модели на фоне выявления различий между традиционной и нынешней моделью в контексте существующих угроз и выяснить главные (одни из главных) причины таких различий. Введение относится к использованной методологии данного исследования (конкретными методами исследования являются методы единства анализа и синтеза, индукции и дедукции и сравнительного анализа, а также методы группировок и экстраполяции). Статья является результатом собственного эмпирического исследования авторов и сравнительного теоретического анализа, основанного на литературе по данной теме, и является общей характеристикой обеих моделей. В общих чертах представлены основные черты современной бизнес-модели и тенденции европейской экономики на примере Польши и Украины. Таким образом, исследование направлено на выявление тенденций ведения бизнеса на современном рынке и его характерных особенностей в контексте прогнозируемого повышения роли факторов межкультурного (транс-культурного) взаимодействия в бизнесе.

Ключевые слова: бизнес-модель, глобализация, инновации, интернационализация, рынок.

Received by the editors: 07.12.2020

and final form 29.12.2020

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