Научная статья на тему 'Analysis of the origin, modern characteristics and prospects of determining the profile of Ukrainian manager'

Analysis of the origin, modern characteristics and prospects of determining the profile of Ukrainian manager Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
manager profile / Ukraine / entrepreneurship / national business culture / characteristics / профиль менеджера / Украина / предпринимательство / национальная деловая культура / характеристики

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Glinkowska Beata, Сhebotarov Іеgor, Сhebotarov Viacheslav

The article is devoted to the development of the initial theoretical and methodological provisions for the study of profile of modern Ukrainian manager. The results of the corresponding applied empirical analysis carried out by the authors are presented. The characteristics of the features of modern Ukrainian manager in the context of existing models of national business cultures are given.

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Рассматривается разработка исходных теоретико-методологических положений исследования профиля современного украинского менеджера. Представлены результаты проведенного авторами соответствующего прикладного эмпирического анализа. Дана характеристика черт современного украинского менеджера в контексте существующих моделей национальных деловых культур.

Текст научной работы на тему «Analysis of the origin, modern characteristics and prospects of determining the profile of Ukrainian manager»

Beykent University Institute for Science and Technology, Istanbul., in Yulcin, N., Kose, U., 2010, What is search engine optimisation: SEO?, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 9, pp. 487-493

15. Yulcin, N., Kose, U., 2010, What is search engine optimisation: SEO?, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 9, pp. 487-493

16. American Marketing Association. Available at: http://www.marketing-dictionary.org/Content+marketing, accessed on June 15th, 2017.

17. Content Marketing Institute. Available at: http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/what-is-content-marketing/, accessed on June 15th, 2017.

18. American Marketing Association. Available at: http://www.marketing-dictionary.org/Email, accessed on June 15th, 2017.

19. https://www.marketo.com/lead-generation/, accessed on June 15th, 2017.

20. http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/romania-population/, accessed on June 15th, 2017.

Л. Думмтреску, канд. екон. наук, проф. Ушвесритет ¡мен Луч1ана Блага, Ci6iy, Румушя, М. ФучК канд. екон. наук, доц., Г. ГорськК канд. екон. наук, проф. Румуно-шмецький ушверситет, С1б1у, Румунт

21. http://www.zf.ro/business-hi-tech/statistica-numarul-de-utilizatori-de-internet-a-crescut-in-2016-cu-1-2-la-10-6-milioane-16016618, accessed on June 16th, 2017.

22. https://newsroom.fb.com/company-info/, accessed on June 16th, 2017.

23. https://zephoria.com/top-15-valuable-facebook-statistics/, accessed on June 16th, 2017.

24. http://www.facebrands.ro/demografice.html, accessed on June 16th, 2017.

25. https://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics, accessed on June 17th, 2017.

Received: 22/01/2018 1st Revision: 06/03/2018 Accepted: 20/05/2018

Author's declaration on the sources of funding of research presented in the scientific article or of the preparation of the scientific article: budget of university's scientific project


У KOHmeKcmi онлайн-середовища й тиску, створеного новими iнформацiйними та KOMyHÍKa^ÜHUMU технологiями, коли 1нтернетом користуеться понад 40% населення ceimy, коли рiвень проникнення в 1нтернет у £вропi досяг бльш нiж 75% (52% у РумунП) i майже 90% у П/'вн/'чн/'й Америц, i коли смартфон став поcтiйним супутником окремих осб, сьогодн/'шн/' компанУ повинн/' адаптувати або розроб-ляти новi маркетинговi стратег/У, якi допоможуть Ум вигравати i зберегти споживач/в, iнакше цi компани поволi щезнуть. Тому метою е представлення клькох важливих маркетингових cтратегiй, що базуються на викориcтаннi румунськими компанями таких iнcтрументiв 1нтернету, як оптимiзацiя пошуковоУ системи (SEO), контент-маркетинг, cоцiальнi мережi / cоцiальнi мереж/i в 1нтерне-тi, маркетинг електронноУ пошти, продажi тощо. Показано клька важливих переваг та недолiкiв цих маркетингових стратегй. Також наведено клька важливих статистичних даних стосовно використання 1нтернету та iнcтрументiв онлайнового маркетингу й тдк-реслено майбутш тенденцп, пов'язан з цими аспектами. Усе це призначено для тдтримки майбутнiх управлiнcьких рiшень i кращого розум/ння необхiдноcтi Ух упровадження та успшного використання компанями.

Ключовi слова: iнтернет-маркетинг, маркетинговi стратеги, /нтернет, со^аль^ мереж/\

Л. Думитреску, канд. экон. наук, проф. Университет имени Лучиана Блага, Румыния, М. Фучи, канд. экон. наук, доц., Г. Горски, канд. экон. наук, проф. Румыно-немецкий университет, Сибиу, Румыния


В контексте онлайн-среды и давления, созданного новыми информационными и коммуникационными технологиями, когда Интернет использует более 40% населения мира, когда уровень проникновения в Интернет в Европе достиг более 75% (52% в Румынии) и почти 90% в Северной Америке, и когда смартфон стал постоянным спутником отдельных лиц, сегодняшние компании должны адаптировать или разрабатывать новые маркетинговые стратегии, которые помогут им выигрывать и сохранить потребителей, в противном случае они постепенно исчезнут. Поэтому целью является представление нескольких важных маркетинговых стратегий, базирующихся на использовании румынскими компаниями таких инструментов Интернета, как оптимизация поисковой системы (SEO), контент-маркетинг, социальные сети / социальные сети в Интернете, маркетинг электронной почты, продажи и т. п. Показано несколько важных преимуществ и недостатков этих маркетинговых стратегий. Также приведено несколько важных статистических данных по использованию Интернета и инструментов онлайн- маркетинга, подчеркиваются будущие тенденции, связанные с этими аспектами. Все это предназначено для поддержки будущих управленческих решений и лучшего понимания необходимости их успешного внедрения и использования компаниями.

Ключевые слова: интернет-маркетинг, маркетинговые стратегии, интернет, социальные сети.

Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2018; 3(198): 43-48 УДК 316

JEL classification: F23, M12

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2018/198-3/5

B. Glinkowska, Doctor ORCID iD 0000-0002-6915-3297 The University of Lodz, Poland, le. Chebotarov, PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer, ORCID iD 0000-0001-5963-7637 V. Chebotarov, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor ORCID iD 0000-0003-1131-9116 SI "Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University", Starobil'sk, Ukraine


The article is devoted to the development of the initial theoretical and methodological provisions for the study of profile of modern Ukrainian manager. The results ofthe corresponding applied empirical analysis carried out by the authors are presented. The characteristics of the features of modern Ukrainian manager in the context of existing models of national business cultures are given. Keywords: manager profile; Ukraine; entrepreneurship; national business culture; characteristics.

The introduction. The socio-economic situation of any country, as well as the common level of its development, is, in many respects, predetermined by the nature and level of

development of its national management and directly - the level of professionalism of managers of this country. In the generalized categorical definition in modern economic

© Glinkowska B., Chebotarov Ie., Chebotarov V., 2018

science, the latter was formalized in the definition of "manager profile". In accordance with the epistemology of cognition, the phenomena and processes reflected in this category are derived from phenomena and processes reflected in the categories "national business culture" and "corporate culture" (and interdependent with phenomena and processes reflected in the categories "company profile" and "product profile").

The analysis of these aspects is of particular relevance for post-socialist countries, in particular - for Ukraine. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, some experience of market development of these countries has been accumulated in recent past: the thirty years from the beginning of market transformations in a number of former socialist countries will soon be fulfilled. On the other hand, the nature and pace of market reforms in some of the post-socialist countries (hence their current level of social and economic development, the place and role in the system of international division of labor) are far from not only the desired, but also the potential objective capabilities of these countries. This, first of all, refers to Ukraine.

In a more specific definition, the need to increase competitiveness of Ukrainian business structures necessitates the development of modern methods and technologies for making managerial decisions, building effective management systems for production and commercial processes by these business structures in the context of assessing the prospects for their entry into European markets. And this is already the mutual mediation of the problems of economic science and economic practices, the microlevel and the macro level, and with the "entrance" to the level of the international economy.

The review of the literature on the research topic and the analysis of the overall level of the problem's development. The general theoretical prerequisites for researching managerial problems are laid down in the framework of the study of social capital theory. Its founders were L. Hanifan [1] and P. Bourdieu [2]. In this respect, in the recent years, thanks to the works of O. Grishnova [3] and V. Elahin [4], significant theoretical breakthroughs have been carried out in Ukrainian economic science.

However, the subject of system research in Ukraine, as in other countries of the former USSR, the problem of manager profile has not yet become. There is not only a relatively well-established categorical determination of this definition, but also a classification of the profile characteristics of a manager, comparative evaluation of the profile of Ukrainian manager.

In modern conditions in the Ukrainian economic science, various aspects of manager's profile are developed as fragments of analysis of other socio-economic aspects. Thus, O. Grishnova explores them as a component of the formation of the modern level of organization of labor and personnel management [5]. V. Zaitsev - as a component of the rationale for the corporate culture of an industrial enterprise [6]. O. Kamenska - as an element of the development of the concept of human capital management in conditions of development of innovative development model by enterprises [7].

In the English-speaking economic science and the science of post-socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the profile of manager has received a deeper development. D. Kembel at the turn of the 80-90 years in its foundation laid the concept of "competence of a specialist" [8]. On this basis, somewhat later D. Bertram, I. Robertson and M. Kellinen substantiated the need to additionally take into account the potential abilities of the employee, the conditions of his activity and the corresponding results [9]. B. Glinkowska and B. Kaczmarek

study of a set of management profile problems brought to the level of organization and practical implementation of enterprises in the international sphere [10]. At the same time, B. Kaczmarek substantiated approaches in overcoming cross-cultural barriers in the managerial activity of a modern specialist [11].

At the same time, the profile of a modern manager is very far from its acceptable scientific and practical solution in the countries of the European Union.

The methodology of the presented research covers a set of specific methods of dialectics. In particular, consideration of the conditions for the revival of entrepreneurship in Ukraine is built using, to the greatest extent, methods of logical and historical unity, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis. In the process of questioning managers of Ukrainian enterprises and processing the collected material, economic and statistical methods (groupings, comparisons, extrapolations) were used. Identification and characterization of the profile of modern Ukrainian manager are based on the use of methods of system-structural analysis and concreteness of truth.

The purpose of the article is to develop the scientific and theoretical foundations of the "manager profile" category, the conceptual determination of this definition and the classification of the profile's characteristics of modern Ukrainian manager using empirical data of the research conducted by the authors on the problems and prospects of internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises.

The main material of the article. Proceeding from the canons of the methodology of scientific cognition of economic phenomena and processes, its starting point should be an analysis of the general prerequisites for the emergence of these phenomena and processes. To understand the content of the profile of Ukrainian manager, the necessary epistemological prerequisite is an analysis of the conditions for the revival of entrepreneurship in Ukraine in the late 80's and early 90's of the twentieth century.

The authors draw attention to the scientific incorrectness of the widespread thesis about the alleged emergence of entrepreneurship in Ukraine, as in most former socialist countries, within the specified time period (for details [12]). And from the historical, and economic, and from the gnoseological point of view, there is no doubt about the level of development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine in the last third of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century as one of the leading not only in the Russian Empire but also in Europe as a whole. Also the same is absolutely characteristic for Poland, and is mostly reflected in the modern economic science of the post-socialist countries [13]. Confirmation of this is the multifaceted activity in Ukraine of the tycoons-bankers-philanthropists of the dynasties Tereshchenko and Brodsky, the Alchevsky brothers, etc. In Poland, the same examples were I. Poznansky, S. Bartsinsky, K. Scheibler and others.

That is why in the 50-60s of the XIX century on the basis of the Department of Political Economy and Statistics of the St. Vladimir Imperial University in Kyiv emerged Kyiv school of political economy. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries it became one of the most authoritative in the world. Its representatives were world-renowned scientists, organizers of science and government leaders of the top magnitude S. Bulgakov, N. Bunge, I. Vernadsky, N. Sieber, S. Podolinsky, E. Slutsky, P. Struve, M. Tugan-Baranovsky, G. Tsekhanovsky and others.

Therefore, it is legitimate to speak about the revival of entrepreneurship in Ukraine, as in other post-socialist European countries, with the transition to market reforms in the 80-90s. XX century (however, it is necessary to

highlight the features of these processes in each of the post-socialist countries).

The most important essential characteristics of the revival of entrepreneurship in Ukraine in the late 80's and early 90's. of the twentieth century is as follows.

The first. Proclaimed "from above" (even in the framework of the former USSR) declarative transition to the market economy without adoption of appropriate state programs of market transformation.

The second. The official negative attitude towards entrepreneurship of the leadership of the then ruling Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the administrative and managerial economic apparatus and law enforcement bodies (moreover, representatives of these social groups through the opaque privatization mechanisms quickly concentrated huge material and financial resources of the former state and collective-farm cooperative property).

The third. The rejection of ideas of entrepreneurship, moreover - a negative attitude towards it, of overwhelming part of society (this was incomparably less characteristic for the western and southwestern regions of Ukraine, which were occupied and annexed by the USSR in the late 30's and early 40's of the 20th century, in which the custom, the connection of veneration and respect for the very idea of entrepreneurship wasn't lost).

At the same time, not only the economic reform of A. Kosygin, but also a number of manifestations of the shadow economy, very common within the socialist economies, especially in the 70-80s, became the original stimulating factors for the revival of entrepreneurship. (stealing, false accounting, later - the so-called "manufacturing" as a kind of illegal entrepreneurship, etc.)

The fourth. The opaque nature of the formation of the first business structures using corruption schemes and non-economic mechanisms (the overwhelming majority of these structures and in modern conditions play a leading role at the national, regional and local levels).

The fifth. Absence of real state programs to support entrepreneurship (first of all, small and medium business) and the displacement of small businesses by large monopolistic and oligarchic business structures.

Thus, the unfavorable characteristics of the institutional environment for the revival of entrepreneurship in Ukraine (and it is difficult to call positive) allow an unambiguous conclusion.

Entrepreneurship in Ukraine in the 80-90 was revived not because of, but in spite of the continued dominance of communist dogmas and after gaining independence. The civil legal society that had not been formed in subsequent years and the absence of a national idea that could be unifying (these phenomena were absolutely characteristic until the last three or four years) were additional aggravating factors for the next three decades.

Together, this predetermined the nature of the national business culture and corporate culture that had not been formed yet in modern conditions (in this case, objectively it should be reported that such phenomena, being institutional in nature, really "require" a long time of their maturation, registration and consolidation).

The above analysis of the institutional environment for the revival of entrepreneurship in Ukraine and the development of problems of the internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises (with a parallel survey and in-depth interviews of managers of Ukrainian and Polish business structures) done in 2016-2017 by the PolandUkraine Research Center give grounds to note the following.

The above generalizations of the analysis of the institutional environment for the revival of entrepreneurship in Ukraine are the general theoretical

basis for researching the manager profile. Such analysis is necessary, but it must necessarily be supplemented by empirical applied developments.

They were implemented by the authors in the context of researching the problems and prospects for the internationalization of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises with the prospect of their entry into world markets. This research was conducted by the Poland - Ukraine Research Center in 2016-2017 (this Center was established in 2016 on the basis of the Department of Management of the University of Lodz and the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Entrepreneurship of the Luhansk Taras Schevchenko National University (Starobil'sk) as the implementation of the Framework Agreement between the relevant universities, agreed in 2014).

The main methodological tool for carrying out the noted applied developments was the parallel identical questioning of managers of Polish and Ukrainian enterprises. The questionnaire developed by Polish scientists-practitioners included 28 questions with variants of answers in both closed and open forms (the number of answers to questions ranged from 3 to 12).

The questioning in both Poland and Ukraine was conducted on a face-to-face basis with direct interviews with interviewees (attempts to conduct questionnaires with electronic mailing of questionnaires in both countries were almost 100% unsuccessful).

The questions of the questionnaire concerned preparation, implementation and evaluation of both managerial components, as well as aspects of economics, finance, marketing and commercial communication technologies. The questionnaires in both countries covered the production and commercial structures of small, medium and large businesses (according to the legislative foundations of Ukraine and Poland, the classification parameters of the business structures of these countries are quite close in modern conditions [12]).

In Ukraine, the survey was conducted in Kyiv, Kharkiv, and in Luhansk and Donetsk regions (on the territories under the control of the state). It should be noted that Ukrainian managers in the questionnaires and surveys took an active part and gave real answers, however, as a rule, they did this on the condition of guarantee of anonymity (the latter, naturally, did not belong to the managers of the small business sphere).

In addition to the questionnaires of production workers, similar questions were discussed in the framework of in-depth interview surveys with representatives of government bodies, the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, research institutions and business coaches at the Kyiv-Mohyla School of Business.

Based on the study of epistemological aspects of the problem, the general theoretical analysis of relevant institutional and economic issues, materials applied empirical research managerial contents and their extensive practical experience of the authors categorical definition of the definition of "manager profile" can be explained as follows.

This - the system of structured management, common cultural and psychological requirements of the competences (and the requirements of the competencies associated with the management of the areas of economics, finance and marketing), disclosed by classifying characteristics and relevant assessments, the criteria to be met by manager a certain hierarchical level of the organization (enterprise, institutions, etc.) to fulfill these job responsibilities.

Based on the studies conducted, it seems legitimate to conclude that the features of the Western management

model are more typical for characterizing the profile of modern Ukrainian manager.

On the basis of the approach of one of the classics of management I. Watanabe in comparison of Western

and Eastern management characteristics of the profile of modern Ukrainian manager can be represented as follows in the table 1.

Table 1. Comparison of Western and Eastern management practices

Management practices Characteristics of the profile of modern Ukrainian manager

The approaches to the strategic management In the approaches to strategic management, the focus is on results (as a rule, it is understood as a financial result of the organization within the short, medium and long time periods, and due attention is not paid to the institutional and environmental aspects).

The order for the making of non-strategic decisions For the order of non-strategic decisions, the most common is the "top-down" approach; Management proposals in the opposite direction are not encouraged.

The information exchange system The information exchange system is highly formalized (but often - unclear) within the framework of rigidly established flows; the exchange of information at horizontal levels between the structural units of the various functional services of organizations is accompanied by bureaucratic misunderstanding.

The functioning of management systems The functioning of management systems is built on a clearly expressed individualistic basis; with the change of top managers, there is often a significant "readjustment" of these systems throughout the organization as a whole.

The distribution of functional duties The distribution of functional duties in the organization is formed on the basis of the principle "from activity to personnel"; the individual characteristics of the executive managers of the lower levels (especially creative ones) are rarely taken into account.

The nature of job descriptions The nature of job descriptions is characterized by a number of restrictive provisions, mandatory regulations, regulations and standards; these provisions often allow the possibility of their ambiguous understanding and subsequent implementation not in full.

The planning system The system of intra-firm planning is built according to the "op-down" model; this is characteristic of planning in different time dimensions.

Source: Developed by the authors on the basis of [14].

In a generalized characteristic, we note that for modern Ukrainian manager, the marked features of Western management are typical with a high degree of absolutization and a kind of "suppression". In contrast, the classical characteristics of oriental management (orientation to the behavior model, the widespread use of the system of planning business processes "from below upwards", the construction of the functioning of management systems on a group basis) in modern Ukrainian realities are poorly manifested.

At the same time, there are reasons to conclude that the marked features of the eastern management are no longer a rarity for Ukrainian vertically integrated holding structures. Moreover, in all sectors of the national economy: in the agri-food complex, in the mining industry and in the heat power industry, in the chemical industry, and so on.

If you characterize the profile of Ukrainian manager using the parameters of the most popular theories of national business culture in the modern management of F. Trompenaars, G. Hofstede and R. Lewis (all of them are not only authoritative theoretical researchers, but also practitioners of the top management of international companies in sphere of HR-management), then according to the results of our research it looks the following way.

According to the theory of F. Trompenaars [15] for modern Ukrainian manager the following characteristics are the most typical:

- particularism (as opposed to universalism of the same standards-rules in the implementation of industrial and commercial processes);

- collectivism (with a rather expressed desire to avoid own responsibility);

- neutrality (with a clear desire to hide one's own opinion);

- diffuseness (the boss-subordinate relationship permeates all spheres of the organization's life);

- ascription (the status of a member of a collective largely follows from belonging to a certain social and professional caste group).

According to the theory of H. Hofstede [16] modern Ukrainian manager is inherent:

- collectivism (with an explicit or implicit desire not to show self-actualization until a certain time);

- high power distance (honoring hierarchy within the organization is unshakable);

- "femininity" (the desire to resolve conflicts through compromises and certain mutual concessions);

- rather strong avoidance of uncertainty is the attraction to formalization and regulation within the organization).

According to the theory of R. Lewis [17], using his famous "triangles", the national business culture of Ukraine (the widely spread opinion Lewis mentioned it in his researches is unreasonable) could be placed on the cathetus on which Poland, Romania and the Russian Federation are located (according to the results of research, the tendency of strengthening the common features of the Ukrainian manager the younger generation with Polish and Romanian).

The theoretical and methodological developments of the Poland-Ukraine Research Center and the empirical scientific and practical studies supplementing them directly on the basis of Ukrainian enterprises of various forms of management give grounds for distinguishing the following typical characteristics of the profile of the modern Ukrainian manager.

To a large extent, one, especially in the first years of his/her professional career, is deprived of a sense of leadership as such (with a rather often inherent understatement of self-esteem). The desire to work proactively, to take personal responsibility for the organization and results of business processes is, rather, a rare case. For many managers, it is a challenge to implement business planning in practice (especially taking into account the industry specific features of enterprises and changing the world commodity and financial markets conjuncture), building a sound marketing policy and using cross-cultural communication technologies.

At the same time, Ukrainian manager for his general cultural and human qualities is a fairly efficient and communicative specialist, mastered (in principle) the

fundamentals of modern management technologies, which can successfully work on a team basis. For most managers, the desire to earn "much, fast and on everything", which was atypically widespread in the 1990s of the last century, the orientation toward a long and persistent career is becoming clear. More and more characteristic of modern Ukrainian manager is the orientation to the constant development and implementation of innovations both within the framework of production and technological activities, and directly in the organization and management of business processes. The trend of developing socially responsible entrepreneurship the among modern Ukrainian managers becomes widespread.

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The conclusions from the presented study. In Ukrainian economic science, the problems of manager profile have not yet become the subject of systematic research. Their theoretical and practical relevance caused the necessity and expediency of justifying the proposed concept definition of the definition of "management profile" and the outgoing (basic) classification of profile characteristics of modern Ukrainian manager. For these characteristics, a peculiar (and rather unexpected) interlacing of positive and negative qualities in professional activity is characteristic, with pronounced positive general cultural and psychological qualities.

The discussions and prospects for further development of the problem under analysis. Discussions in the study of these aspects are objectively determined by their general insufficient theoretical and methodological level of elaboration, the initial stage of analyzing the content of Ukrainian national business culture.

The prospects of the further development of the analyzed problem consist in conducting a comparative analysis of profiles of modern Ukrainian and Polish managers, and also in developing business methods for the effective adaptation of advanced cross-cultural technologies by Ukrainian managers.


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Received: 20/01/2018 1st Revision: 15/03/2018 Accepted: 15/05/2018

Author's declaration on the sources of funding of research presented in the scientific article or of the preparation of the scientific article: budget of university's scientific project

Б. Глшковська, д-р екон. наук Унтерситет м. Лодзь, Польща, Б. Чеботарьов, канд. екон. наук, В. Чеботарьов, д-р екон. наук, проф.

ДЗ "Луганський нацюнальний ушверситет ¡меж Тараса Шевченка", Старобшьськ, Укра'ша


Розглядаеться розробка вих/'дних теоретико-методолог/'чних положень дослiдження профлю сучасного украУнського менеджера. Представлено результати проведеного авторами вiдповiдного прикладного емпричного аналiзу. Охарактеризовано риси сучасного украУнського менеджера в контекстi iснуючих моделей нацональних длових культур.

Ключовi слова: профль менеджера; УкраУна; тдприемництво; национальна длова культура; характеристики.

Б. Глинковска, д-р экон. Наук Университет м. Лодзь, Польша, Е. Чеботарев, канд. экон. наук, В. Чеботарев, д-р экон. наук, проф.

ГУ "Луганский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко", Старобельск, Украина


Рассматривается разработка исходных теоретико-методологических положений исследования профиля современного украинского менеджера. Представлены результаты проведенного авторами соответствующего прикладного эмпирического анализа. Дана характеристика черт современного украинского менеджера в контексте существующих моделей национальных деловых культур. Ключевые слова: профиль менеджера; Украина; предпринимательство; национальная деловая культура; характеристики.

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13. Nasulea, C., Spínu, D. F., Moroianu, R. M., 2017. The Polish recipe. Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Ekonomika, 3(192), р. 34-38 [in Ukrainian]. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2017/192-3/7.

14. Watanabe I. (1999). World-Glass management practices Enduring Methods for Competitive Success. Crisp Publications, Inc., 85 р.

15. Trompenaars, F., Woolliams, р., 2003. Business across cultures. West Sussex, England: Capstone Publishing.

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Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics, 2018; 3(198): 48-53 УДК 519.85

JEL classification: C 610

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2667.2018/198-3/6

E. Ivokhin, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor,

ORCID iD 0000-0002-5826-7408 D. Apanasenko, PhD Student ORCID iD 0000-0001-8387-152X Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, V. Navrodskiy, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor

ORCID iD 0000-0002-0394-6593 Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine


In this study, the application of the production and transport task is considered to solve the problem of the distribution of the limited capacities of data transmission channels between different nodes of the computer network. A scheme is proposed for reducing the problem to a two-level continuous-discrete optimization problem. The model is formulated and numerical results are obtained to solve the problem of power distribution in the network of the information and computing center.

Key words: power distribution, production and transport task, discrete-continuous programming, two-level model, optimization.

Introduction. Many applied problems relate to the distribution of limited resources in hierarchical systems [17]. This, for example, can be the task of balancing the load in a homogeneous network [2], the distribution of work for parallel computers [3], the allocation of resources in the negotiation process [4], etc. The main problem here is the formalization of the problem in the form of multicriteria multi-index transport type problems with constraints in the form of linear inequalities [5-7]. In this case it is assumed that the system contains three types of elements: source, intermediate (transshipment) points and consumer (subscriber) nodes. These elements and their relations are subjects to the conditions of limited resources that affect the amount of resources circulating in the system. There are "managed" elements that determine the conditions for the "effective" functioning of the system. Each managed item defines binary relationships on a suitable allowable range of resource allocation values. Relationships are determined by the preference (goal) functions formulated for the controlled elements. Thus, in the most general case, the problem of allocating resources in a hierarchical system consists in determining the variant of the permissible

resource allocation, in which the target functions of the managed elements take extreme values. Such problems can be formally represented by multicriteria problems under linear constraints and criteria whose types depend on the type of goal functions. In [6], for example, functions of piecewise linear and quadratic form are investigated. Examples of such tasks are also the transport task with intermediate stations (warehouses) [8], distribution of the load on the data transmission channels of Internet providers [5], and production planning [7].

Block optimization principles [9] simplify the analysis, solution and meaningful conclusions of many planning and management tasks. Thanks to such methods it is possible to break up the complex production-transport task (PTT) into autonomous tasks of production planning and organization of delivery of products. At the same time, naturally, there is a need for iterative harmonization of interests of production and transport systems. On the other hand, the interpretation of the results obtained in meaningful terms often allows us to determine rational approaches to the functioning of different economic and technical systems [10].

© Ivokhin E., Apanasenko D., Navrodskiy V., 2018

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