Научная статья на тему 'Global marketing and advertising development based on cultural specificities in the world'

Global marketing and advertising development based on cultural specificities in the world Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Lisitsa E. S., Pavlovskaya S. V.

The object of the research: the connection of global marketing and advertising with cultural differences in the world economy. The main aim of the research: on the ground of revealing the global marketing approaches of TNC’s in the world to define main its elements based on cultural differences and to find driving and restraining forces, that affect global integration and global marketing. The methods: general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, methods of grouping, detailing, generalization and systematization of data, as well as economic and mathematical models. The results: The article contains analysis of main approaches to the development of global marketing and advertising of TNC’s, taking into account the cultural differences in the world economy, EPRG orientations (Ethnocentric, Regiocentric , Polycentric and Geocentric), and comparative analysis of internationalization and localization marketing strategies. Based on SWOT-analysis of main TNC’s global marketing in the world, the main existing combinations of strategic elements and main directions for national companies are identified. The results can be used to increase the quality of marketing strategies in national companies and could help in the process of internalization, to promote the international trade, competitiveness and national companies’ marketing strategies due to cultural differences. Conclusion: Globalization has led to the strengthening of foreign economic relations between states and the formation of a new global infrastructure. This predetermined the relevance of the creation of national companies’ marketing strategies, based on the global marketing strategies of TNCs with cultural differences of host countries. To take into account the cultural differences of countries’ domestic markets allows to avoid significant losses building an appropriate marketing strategy (for example, an EPRG system), to build an appropriate symbiosis of all the company's resources (including financial, labor, innovation, etc.), which allows to gain new niches in the market or keep competitive advantages. The regional trade agreements, the removal of tariff and non-tariff restrictions in world trade also influence. It allows to identify the driving and restraining key factors affecting global integration and global marketing strategies in modern conditions.

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Предмет исследования: взаимосвязь глобального маркетинга и рекламы с культурными особенностями стран в мировой экономике. Цель исследования: на основе анализа подходов транснациональных корпораций к формированию глобальных маркетинговых стратегий определить основные элементы с учетом культурных различий принимающих рынков и выделить движущие и сдерживающие факторы, влияющие на глобальную интеграцию и маркетинг. Методы: общенаучные методы анализа и синтеза, методы группировок, обобщения и систематизации данных, а также экономико-математические модели. Результаты работы: В статье содержится анализ основных механизмов построения глобальной маркетинговой стратегии и рекламы ТНК, сформированных с учетом культурных различий стран в мировой экономике, исследованы основные виды маркетинговых стратегий на основе EPRG-схемы, представлен компаративный анализ маркетинговых стратегий интернационализации и локализации, используемых различными ТНК (включая ТНК Китая). На основе SWOT-анализа основных элементов глобальных маркетинговых стратегий ТНК выделены основные сочетания стратегических элементов и направлений развития национальных компаний. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы при формировании маркетинговых стратегий национальных компаний при выходе на международный рынок, помочь в процессе интернализации компании, усилить положение компаний в международной торговле посредством построения учитывающей культурные различия маркетинговой стратегии и рекламы. Выводы: Процессы глобализации привели к усилению внешнеэкономических взаимосвязей государств и формированию новой мировой инфраструктуры. Это предопределило актуальность формирования маркетинговых стратегий национальных компаний с учетом мирового опыта маркетинговых стратегий ТНК и с учетом культурных различий принимающих стран. Учет культурных различий внутренних рынков стран позволяет избежать существенных потерь при построении соответствующей маркетинговой стратегии (например, EPRG-схема), построить адекватный симбиоз всех ресурсов компании (включая финансовые, трудовые, инновационные и др.), позволяющий завоевать новые ниши на рынке или удержать конкурентные позиции. Этому также способствует наличие региональных торговых соглашений, снятие тарифных и нетарифных ограничений в мировой торговле. Все это позволяет выделить движущие и сдерживающие ключевые факторы, влияющие на глобальную интеграцию и глобальные маркетинговые стратегии в современных условиях.

Текст научной работы на тему «Global marketing and advertising development based on cultural specificities in the world»

6. Hlobal'ni tsili staloho rozvytku 2016-2030. [Sustainable Development Goals 2016-2030]. URL: http://www. un.org.ua/ua/tsili-rozvytku-tysiacholittia/tsili-staloho-rozvytku [in Ukr.].

7. Trade Map: Trade statistics for international business development. URL: https://www.trademap.org [in Eng.]


Кушшренко Оксана Микола'тна, кандидат eKOHOMi4HMx наук, доцент, старший науковий сшвробггник вiддiлу промисловоТ полiтики

ДУ «1нститут економiки та прогнозування НАН УкраТни» вул. Панаса Мирного, 26, м. КиТв, 01011, УкраТна e-mail: [email protected] orcid.org/0000-0002-3853-584X Researcher ID: T-1063-2017

Зарудна Ольга CraHi^aBiBHa, молодший науковий спiвробiтник вiддiлу промисловоТ полiтики

ДУ «1нститут економiки та прогнозування НАН УкраТни»

вул. Панаса Мирного, 26, м. КиТв, 01011, УкраТна

e-mail: [email protected]


Researcher ID: S-5188-2017


Кушниренко Оксана Николаевна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, старший научный сотрудник отдела промышленной политики

ГУ «Институт экономики и прогнозирования НАН Украины» ул. Панаса Мирного, 26, м. Киев, 01011, Украина e-mail: [email protected]

Зарудная Ольга Станиславовна, младший научный сотрудник отдела промышленной политики ГУ «Институт экономики и прогнозирования НАН Украины» ул. Панаса Мирного, 26, м. Киев, 01011, Украина e-mail: [email protected]


Kushnirenko Окэапа Mykolaivna, Candidate of Economic Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Officer of Department of Industrial Policy

Institute for economics and forecasting NAS of Ukraine 26, Panasa Myrnoho, Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine e-mail: [email protected]

Zarudna Olga Stanislavivna, Junior Research Officer of Department of Industrial Policy Institute for economics and forecasting NAS of Ukraine 26, Panasa Myrnoho, Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine e-mail: [email protected]

Рецензент: Дейнеко Людмила Вiкrорiвнa, д.е.н., проф., завщувач вщдту промисловоТ пол^ики ДУ «1нститут економки та прогнозування НАН УкраТни»

Подано до редакци 27.03.2019 Прийнято до друку 19.04.2019

УДК: 339.138 https://doi.org/10.31470/2306-546X-2019-42-102-110


Лисиця К. С., Павловська С. В.

Предмет досл'дження: взаемозв'язок глобального маркетингу / реклами з культурними особливостями кран у с&товш економiцi.

Мета досл'дження: на основ анал'зу пЮход'ю транснацональних корпорацй до формування глобальних маркетингових стратегш визначити основн елементи з урахуванням культурних в'дм'тностей приймають ринкв / видлити рушiйнi / стримуючi фактори, що впливають на глобальну iнтеграцiю / маркетинг.

Методи: загальнонауков методи аналзу i синтезу, методи угруповань, узагальнення та систематизаци даних, а також економко-математичн модел¡.


Економiчний вюник ушверситету | Випуск № 42

© Лисиця К. С., Павловська С. В., 2019

Результати роботи: В статтi мютиться аналiз основних механ!'зм!в побудови глобально)' маркетинговой стратеги i реклами ТНК, сформованих з урахуванням культурних в'дм'нностей кран в св1'тов1'й економiцi, досл'джено основн види маркетингових стратегй на основ/ EPRG-схеми, представлений компаративний аналiз маркетингових стратегй '¡нтернал'заци та локал'заци, використовуваних р1'зними ТНК (включаючи ТНК Китаю). На основ/ SWOT-аналiзу основних елеменmiв глобальних маркетингових стратегш ТНК вид'теш основн сполучення стратег'чних елеменmiв / напрямк'т розвитку нацональних компанш.

Галузь застосування результат¡в: Результати досл'дження можуть бути викорисmанi при формуваннi маркетингових стратегш нацональних компанiй при виход/ на мiжнародний ринок, допомогти в процес iнmернацюналiзацu' компани, посилити положення компанiй в мiжнароднiй mоргiвлi за допомогою побудови враховуе культурн'1 в'дм'тност'! маркетинговой стратеги i реклами.

Висновки: Процеси глобал'заци призвели до посилення зовн'шньоеконом'чних взаемозв'язк'т держав ! формування ново)' с&тово)' нфраструктури. Це зумовило актуальнсть формування маркетингових стратег'!й нацональних компа^й з урахуванням свтового досв/'ду маркетингових стратегш ТНК / з урахуванням культурних в'дм'нностей приймаючих кра)н.

Облк культурних в'дм'нностей внутр'шшх ринюв кра)н дозволяе уникнути /стотних втрат при побудов вЮпо&дно)' маркетинговой стратеги (наприклад, EPRG-схема), побудувати адекватну симбоз вах ресурсв компани (включаючи фiнансовi, трудов!', /нновац/'йн/' та/н.), Що дозволяе завоювати нов/ нiшi на ринку або утримати конкуренmнi позици. Цьому також сприяе наявнсть регональних торгових угод, зняття тарифних / нетарифних обмежень у св1'тов1'й mоргiвлi. Все це дозволяе видлити рушiйнi / сmримуючi ключов! фактори, що впливають на глобальну iнmеграцiю / глобальн маркетингов/ стратеги в сучасних умовах.

Ключов'1 слова: глобальний маркетинг, глобальн стратеги, EPRG схема, багатонацональн корпораци, Китай, переваги, реклама, iнmернацiоналiзацiя, локалiзацiя.


Лисица Е. С., Павловская С. В.

Предмет исследования: взаимосвязь глобального маркетинга и рекламы с культурными особенностями стран в мировой экономике.

Цель исследования: на основе анализа подходов транснациональных корпораций к формированию глобальных маркетинговых стратегий определить основные элементы с учетом культурных различий принимающих рынков и выделить движущие и сдерживающие факторы, влияющие на глобальную интеграцию и маркетинг.

Методы: общенаучные методы анализа и синтеза, методы группировок, обобщения и систематизации данных, а также экономико-математические модели.

Результаты работы: В статье содержится анализ основных механизмов построения глобальной маркетинговой стратегии и рекламы ТНК, сформированных с учетом культурных различий стран в мировой экономике, исследованы основные виды маркетинговых стратегий на основе EPRG-схемы, представлен компаративный анализ маркетинговых стратегий интернационализации и локализации, используемых различными ТНК (включая ТНК Китая). На основе SWOT-анализа основных элементов глобальных маркетинговых стратегий ТНК выделены основные сочетания стратегических элементов и направлений развития национальных компаний.

Результаты исследования могут быть использованы при формировании маркетинговых стратегий национальных компаний при выходе на международный рынок, помочь в процессе интернализации компании, усилить положение компаний в международной торговле посредством построения учитывающей культурные различия маркетинговой стратегии и рекламы.

Выводы: Процессы глобализации привели к усилению внешнеэкономических взаимосвязей государств и формированию новой мировой инфраструктуры. Это предопределило актуальность формирования маркетинговых стратегий национальных компаний с учетом мирового опыта маркетинговых стратегий ТНК и с учетом культурных различий принимающих стран.

Учет культурных различий внутренних рынков стран позволяет избежать существенных потерь при построении соответствующей маркетинговой стратегии (например, EPRG-схема), построить адекватный симбиоз всех ресурсов компании (включая финансовые, трудовые, инновационные и др.), позволяющий завоевать новые ниши на рынке или удержать конкурентные позиции. Этому также способствует наличие региональных торговых соглашений, снятие тарифных и нетарифных ограничений в мировой торговле. Все это позволяет выделить движущие и сдерживающие ключевые факторы, влияющие на глобальную интеграцию и глобальные маркетинговые стратегии в современных условиях.

Ключевые слова: глобальный маркетинг и реклама, глобальные стратегии, EPRG схема, многонациональные корпорации, Китай, преимущества, реклама, интернационализация, локализация.


Lisitsa E. S., Pavlovskaya S. V.

The object of the research: the connection of global marketing and advertising with cultural differences in the world economy.

The main aim of the research: on the ground of revealing the global marketing approaches of TNC's in the world to define main its elements based on cultural differences and to find driving and restraining forces, that affect global integration and global marketing.

The methods: general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, methods of grouping, detailing, generalization and systematization of data, as well as economic and mathematical models.

The results: The article contains analysis of main approaches to the development of global marketing and advertising of TNC's, taking into account the cultural differences in the world economy, EPRG orientations (Ethnocentric, Regiocentric, Polycentric and Geocentric), and comparative analysis of internationalization and localization marketing strategies. Based on SWOT-analysis of main TNC's global marketing in the world, the main existing combinations of strategic elements and main directions for national companies are identified.

The results can be used to increase the quality of marketing strategies in national companies and could help in the process of internalization, to promote the international trade, competitiveness and national companies' marketing strategies due to cultural differences.

Conclusion: Globalization has led to the strengthening of foreign economic relations between states and the formation of a new global infrastructure. This predetermined the relevance of the creation of national companies' marketing strategies, based on the global marketing strategies of TNCs with cultural differences of host countries.

To take into account the cultural differences of countries' domestic markets allows to avoid significant losses building an appropriate marketing strategy (for example, an EPRG system), to build an appropriate symbiosis of all the company's resources (including financial, labor, innovation, etc.), which allows to gain new niches in the market or keep competitive advantages. The regional trade agreements, the removal of tariff and non-tariff restrictions in world trade also influence. It allows to identify the driving and restraining key factors affecting global integration and global marketing strategies in modern conditions.

Key words: global marketing and advertising, global strategy, EPRG system, multinational corporations, China, advantages, advertising, internalization, localization.

JEL Classification: M 31, M 37

Relevance: In international marketing, culture is an important factor that cannot be ignored. Cultural differences will bring about differences in consumer attitudes and consumer behavior. In other words, effective marketing in a particular cultural environment may not be effective in another culture, and may even cause misunderstandings, frictions, and conflicts. Only by adapting to different cultural environments and integrating them can local people recognize it. In the process of marketing, which involves the transition from one cultural environment to another cultural environment between countries, scientific analysis and research of cultural differences will be the prerequisite and guarantee for the success of international marketing activities.

Many enterprises in China have gradually shifted from «inward-oriented» to «extroverted», actively exploring the international market, and participating in all-round international business activities. Chinese experience of adaptation to cultural differences in marketing strategies is useful for companies from countries with emerging markets. They must pay attention to the influence of various cultural and environmental factors and analyze and adapt to these different cultural environments..

Object of the research: global marketing and global marketing strategies in the world.

Reference review: There are a lot research papers on global marketing and advertising (Czinkota, Kotler, Omi, Mariere de Mooij, Craig, Bradley, Hofstede, Levitt, Payne, Ronkanien, Fletcher, Brown, Jain, Jeannet and Hennessey, Johansson, Keegan, Green, Terpstra, Sarathy and oths.). Among Chinese and Asian authors could be mentioned Appiah-Adu, Amoako, Ahmed, Ullah, Ghanei, Liu Xisong, Yu Dengke, Li Wenqing, Dong Weiwei, Gou Haisha, Xiao Kang, Kun Qi, Sabhash Jain and oths.

The aim of the work: on the ground of revealing the global marketing approaches in the world to define main Chinese companies' strategies and to find some possible elements for national companies' marketing strategies due to cultural differences through the comparative analysis of multinational corporations' marketing strategies in Chinese market.

Targets of the research are the following:

- analysis of the main approaches to global marketing and global strategies;

- revealing the main components of marketing strategies with the basis of cultural differences;

- comparing marketing strategies of MNCs (globalization strategy) and Chinese companies' (localization strategy);

- indicate main elements for companies' strategies from countries with emerging markets.

The methods: general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, methods of grouping, detailing, generalization and systematization of data, as well as economic and mathematical models.

The content of the article: In global marketing organizations begin to develop and run operations in the targeted country or countries outside of the domestic one. The table 1 outlines a typology of terms which describes the characteristics of companies at different stages in the process of evolving from domestic to global enterprises.

Table 1. Stages of domestic to global evolution_

Management emphasis Stage one Domestic Stage two International Stage three Multinational Stage four Global

Focus Domestic Ethnocentric Polycentric Geocentric

Marketing strategy Domestic Extension Adaption Extension

Structure Domestic International Worldwide area Adaption creation matrix/mixed

Management style Domestic Centralised top down Decentralised bottom up Integrated

Manufacturing stance Mainly domestic Mainly domestic Host country Lowest cost worldwide

Investment policy Domestic Domestic used worldwide Mainly in each host country Cross subsidization

Performance evaluation Domestic market share Against home country market share Each host country market share Worldwide

Source: Adapted from [8].

Global marketing refers to the global layout and coordination of companies to integrate their marketing activities around the world in order to gain a global competitive advantage. Global marketing has three important characteristics: global operations, global coordination, and global competition. Therefore, companies that conduct global marketing must not be limited to national boundaries when assessing market opportunities and formulating marketing strategies, but should look globally. It adopts a unified and standardized marketing strategy in the world.

More recently the focus of marketing is shifting to embrace both customer acquisition and customer retention, ensuring that appropriate amounts of time, money and managerial resources are directed at both of these key tasks. Marketing involves competing through competencies and capabilities, and building value to customers through managing relationships that deliver value [4].

Terpstra and Sarathy [11] defined international marketing as «finding and satisfying global customer needs better than the competition, both domestic and international, and of coordinating marketing activities within the constraints of the global environment». This definition is still considered in the traditional context and reflects on how international marketing concepts are falling behind the developments in the mother discipline of marketing.

Most scholars on international marketing have agreed that the basic nature of marketing does not change from domestic to international marketing, but marketing outside national boundaries does pose special problems as it operates simultaneously in more than one kind of environment.

With the advancement of science and technology and the development of transport and communication, the exchanges between countries have become more frequent, and the trend of world economic and social integration has been further strengthened. The world has more and more commonality in many aspects, and the demand between countries' markets is also increasing.

Global marketing is largely a business philosophy. Based on EPRG-approach there are different marketing approaches: E (Ethnocentrism) - home centeredism; P (Polycentricism) - polycentricism, R (Regiocentrism) -regional centeredism, G (Geocentrism).

Figure 1. EPRG framework

Source: The author's research

Ethnocentric orientation leads to a standardized or extension approach. Foreign operations are typically viewed as being secondary or subordinate to the country in which the company is headquartered. Sometimes valuable managerial knowledge and experience in local markets may go unnoticed. Manufacturing firms may view foreign markets as dumping grounds with little or no marketing research conducted, manufacturing modifications made or attention paid to customer needs and wants.

I Ethnocentric orientation - home country - superior to others - similarities in other countries - products successfel at home will be successful evewhere - standardized approach Polycentric orientation - each country is unique - own unique marketing strategy of each subsidiary - product must be adapted to local market conditions - localized approach I

■ Regiocentric orientation - region is relevant - satisfy markets throught the world but on region basis Geocentric orientation - the world is a whole market - connection with headquarters country - extention and adaptation elements ■

Figure 2. EPRG orientations

Source: The author's research

For example, in Nissan's early days of exporting to the United States, the company shipped cars for the mild Japanese winters. Executives assumed that when the weather turned cold, Americans would put a blanket over their cars just like Japanese would. Nissan's spokesperson said, «We tried for a long time to design cars in Japan and shove them down the American consumer's throat. That didn't work very well.»

«Citicorp» used polycentric approach until the mid-1990s. Marketing directors try to instill a higher degree of integration among operating units.

Using regiocentrism marketing strategy, «GM», executives were given considerable autonomy in designing autos for their regions. One result was the use of 270 different radios being installed around the world.

Globally centralism and companies adopt different marketing strategies. Their business philosophy is also different.

As a result, in the above-mentioned EPRG system, the national center is adopting the strategy of market expansion; polycentricism adopts the multinational strategy; the regional centerism adopts the regional marketing strategy; and the global centerism adopts the global marketing strategy. And, global centralism treats the world market as a whole, not a combination of a series of country markets.

Cultural differences are widely used to refer to the cultural differences in different regions of the world. Regional differences refer to differences in geographical areas caused by geographical differences. Figure 3 shows an illustration from Usunier (2000) contextual scale of differing cultures.

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Arabs /

Latin Americans /



French y


North Americans /

Scandinavians y

Germans y

Swiss V

Figure 3. Contextual scale of different cultures

Source: [11]

The impact of cultural differences on international marketing include:

1. Cultural differences create more market opportunities for international marketing. Under different cultural backgrounds, different living customs and market conditions, technical conditions, and belief traditions can often create more market opportunities for enterprises.

2. Cultural differences are conducive to international marketers' market segmentation. Market segmentation is the basic method for companies to choose the target market. The target market is based on market segmentation and the premise, only according to a certain standard for market segmentation. In international marketing, culture is the most important influencing factor of corporate marketing activities, and market segmentation is based on cultural differences, which is beneficial for enterprises to identify cultures in different markets. Preferences to better meet consumer needs,

3. Cultural differences set barriers to the entry of international marketing. Cultural differences have increased the difficulty of the company's international marketing research.

From another side, culture affects people's behavior. The impact of these elements in international marketing is:

- language can be described as a reflection of culture;

- customs and habits should be strictly monitored because it is the difference between cultures (f.e. right-handed culture);

- technological progress has shifted towards cultural convergence;

- education includes the process of including skills, thoughts and attitudes, and training in a particular discipline;

- values and attitudes help determine who believes to be correct or appropriate, what is important, and what is desirable;

- religion can provide a basis for sharing similarities across shared beliefs, is very important in different countries. Consumption patterns may be demanded or banned by religions.

Based on cultural differences main characteristics of marketing advertising are:

(1) Advertising Powers Marketing Strategy. The role of advertising is to increase the brand's exposure and popularity, and to narrow the distance from consumers in order to provide conditions for further product promotion. The realization of marketing strategy or product promotion cannot be separated from advertising.

(2) The same place for marketing strategy and advertising is to create or maintain a brand. The formulation of the marketing strategy is to solve the problem and increase the sales of the product, and finally increase the brand awareness of the product. A product must establish a good image in the public, must rely on a certain brand, and then can be better accepted by the public, and companies invest in advertising to do marketing is also to win a good reputation in the public. As a result, this reputation is the brand. To maintain the brand and maintain the image of the brand in the public's mind, large-scale advertising is a good shortcut.

(3) Advertising helps to improve the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

Excellent example is «Procter & Gamble»'s advertising strategy, which include: localization of international brand advertising, P & G's media advertising strategy, the perfect combination of P&G advertising strategy and other promotional methods

Advertising as part of marketing mix 4P promotions, combined with other promotional tools will have a multiplier effect. P & G's advertising strategy is not used alone, but combined with other promotional measures to promote sales to each other.

Unfortunately, it could be the lack of advertising in the current marketing strategy. It will be:

1. Lack of innovation on its own. A good marketing strategy must be supported by good advertisements. A reasonable and effective marketing strategy must have a certain degree of innovation. With the rapid development of China's advertising, some problems have emerged (low level of advertising production, low professional quality).

2. There is no rational and correct use of media portfolio, resulting in low resource utilization (many enterprises in China didn't fully understand the advantages of various advertising media).

3. Lack of clear understanding of marketing strategies and advertising marketing.

At present, in China's large-scale enterprises and well-known domestic and foreign brands, the company has a high degree of internationalization due to its integration with the international market. Therefore, there are independent planning departments and professional marketing planners who are engaged in marketing planning and have high professionalism.

Global marketing has become a right hand tool of the global economy because it respects cultural differences, covers the barriers of cultural differences. For example, the distribution of goods (the 4th global marketing mix factor) is also dependent on the cultural differences. The transport systems, logistical systems, wholesale systems and retail systems differ across the European countries because of legal issues. The cultural differences in these systems across the world have a direct impact on the distribution of products. For example, in some countries a wide range of products can be sold in the retailing outlets, while in other countries the retailing outlets can sell only specialized products [7].

Due to this, global marketing and cultural differences cannot be separated, they have become inter-linked and inter-dependent. Many global opportunities have arisen because of the clustering of market opportunities worldwide. In short, Chinese enterprises must «go global» to enter the international market and actively participate in international competition in order to survive and develop.

Under the requirement of «go global», Chinese enterprises have the following advantages: policy support advantages (Chinese enterprises can effectively use various rules and policy support), location advantages (location of

resources, location of industries), market location (Chinese market is the same with the world market, but also the unique, creating a diversity of needs), many advantages of overseas, China's international relations and reputation advantages.

Under such circumstances, the needs of Chinese enterprises to «go global» need to achieve the following strategic objectives and requirements:

1. The company should have a strategy of international development, which include company's competitiveness and internationalization strategy. The company's core competitiveness includes product brands, technology systems, information networks, organizational management systems, and corporate culture. The internationalization strategy is the long-term goal that enterprises determine in order to adapt to changes [5].

2. The company will develop to scale and strengthen the competitive strength in the international market. They can achieve economies of scale by expanding production scale, reducing the cost of export products, improving the economic efficiency of enterprises.

3. A company moves from a domestic operation to a transnational operation.

4. Use high technology/innovations to transform traditional Chinese products and optimize product structure.

5. Implement brand strategy to improve the international image and competitiveness of Chinese products.

6. Realize the modernization of enterprise management and optimize the structure.

7. The choice of investment location. Chinese enterprises should consider the target market and investment location strategy according to their business objectives, technical level and strength [1, 3].

In short, I believe that «going global» to open up the international market is an important strategic choice for Chinese companies under the background of global economic globalization. Countries in the world have actively participated in international competition and cooperation

Using target market analysis and SWOT analysis of political and legal environment, and technical environment helps the determine the main elements for future marketing strategy planning (table 2).

For transnational companies to occupy the global market and promote global marketing strategies, internationalization and localization are two aspects of a problem. Multinational corporations must adapt to the different needs of the target consumers in each country's markets, maximize the integration of internationalization and localization. To do this, they must establish a marketing concept that integrates internationalization and localization.

The company's localization strategy is mainly reflected in its development stage and consolidation stage. There are many companies that have succeeded because of their localization, and many companies have achieved benefits because of globalization.

Table 2. SWOT analysis of TNC's global marketing in the world (main approach elements)

S Advantage Innovation, R & D capabilities Marketing capabilities Low prices, rapid response There are a number of loyal customers W disadvantage The overall market share should be extended. The need to strengthen internal management. The lack of international management talent.

O opportunities Internet and global expansion, maintain rapid growth Globalization has led to lower production costs SO strategy Adopt international strategy WO strategy Strengthen the management and service outside To introduce international talent

T threat The changing needs of consumers increasingly Industry could be more competitive The price is getting cheaper ST Strategy Improve existing product design WT Strategy Changing the mode of development

Source: Adapted from [2, 6, 9].

The reasons for the globalization of TNC's mainly lie in: the promotion of free trade (f.e. declining tariffs, establishment of regional trading groups), financial integration and capital market opening, advances in communications and technology make simpler and cheaper), general customer needs.

In order to meet the market requirements of the host country, companies can adopt localization strategies. The difference between this strategy and the globalization strategy lies in providing products and services that can better meet the needs of the local market according to different markets in different countries [10].

In short, enterprises should pay attention to in the process of internationalization.

(1) The duality of competition and cooperation in the relationship between enterprises.

(2) Integrate local resources and culture to realize the company's localization strategy.

Key factors that affect global integration and global marketing are:

- quality: global and domestic companies may each spend 5% of sales on R&D but the global company has much more revenue from its markets;

- world economic trends: economic growth in key developing countries equals major market opportunities. Slowing growth in developed countries has compelled managers to look abroad. Rapid economic growth, in a country such as China, has caused policymakers to open markets to outsiders. Competition can strengthen domestic companies. All-round trends to free market, liberalization, and «light» regulation are another driving forces;

- leverage: experience transfers, economies of scale, global strategy, competitive advantage, to focus resources to create superior value. Experience transfers mean that a company can leverage its experience in any part of the world. It can use management practices, strategies, products, advertising appeals, or sales or promotional ideas. Economies of scale can be gained in manufacturing and by centralizing functional activities. A global strategy is built on an information system that scans the world business environment to identify opportunities, trends, threats, and resources.

Among restraining key factors, that affect global integration and global marketing, could be:

- management short sight: ethnocentric companies will not expand geographically. Successful global companies have learned to integrate global vision and perspective with local market initiative and input;

- organizational culture;

- national controls: each country tries to protect its home industry through tariff and non-tariff measures. Through GATT, WTO, NAFTA, EU, EEU and other agreements and organizations, tariffs have been largely removed in high-income countries. Non-tariff barriers to trade include «buy local», food safety rules, and others;

- opposition to globalization: this term means the hostility toward trade agreements, global brands, or company policies. There are a lot of opponents to globalization, which include NGOs, labor unions, students. In developing countries, many researchers believe that free trade agreements benefit the world's most advanced countries.


1. Ahmed, M., Ullah, S., & Alam, A. (2014) Importance of culture in success of international marketing. European Academic Research, 1(10). PP. 3802-3816.

2. Appiah-Adu, K. & Amoako, G. K. The execution of marketing strategies in a developing economy: A case study of selected marketing leaders. African Journal of Economics and Management Studies, 7(1). PP. 2-29.

3. Ghani, N. (2014) Cultural movements and their impact on business and marketing. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5(2). PP. 10-17.

4. Golfetto, F. & Gibbert, M. (2006) Marketing competencies and the sources of customer value in business markets. Industrial Marketing Management, 35. PP. 904-12.

5. Iyamabo, J. & Otubanjo, O. (2013) A three component of strategic marketing. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 5(1). PP. 16-31.

6. Jiang, J. & Wei, R. (2012) Influences of culture and market convergence on the international advertising strategies of multinational corporations in North America, Europe and Asia. International Marketing Review, 29(6). PP. 597-622.

7. Kun, Q. & Lu, Y. (2004) Marketing Management: Tutorials and Cases. Beijing: Peking University Press, 217 p.

8. Lim, L. K., Acito, F. & Rusetski, A. (2006) Development of archetypes of international marketing strategy'. Journal of International Business Studies, 37. PP. 499-524.

9. Ocansey, E. (2017) The influence of culture on global marketing strategies: a confirmatory study. The international journal of business & management, 5, issue 10. Pp. 150-155.

10. Sabhash, J. (2010) Marketing Planning and Strategy. Beijing: CITIC Press, 145 p.

11. Terpstra, V. & Sarathy, R. (2014) International marketing. Orlando: The Dryden Press. 675 p.


Лисиця Катерина Сергпвна, провщний економют, канд. екон. наук, доцент кафедри фшанав УО «БДЕУ»

ГО «Бторуська залiзниця»

220118, м. Мшськ, вул. КрупськоТ 21, кв.17

e-mail: [email protected]

Павловська Свгглана Володимирiвна, канд. екон. наук, доцент, заступник декана факультету економки та менеджменту УО «БДЕУ»

220066 м. Мшськ, вул. Ташкентська 4/2-15


Лисица Екатерина Сергеевна, ведущий экономист, канд. экон. наук, доцент кафедры финансов УО «БГЭУ» ГО «Белорусская железная дорога» 220118, г. Минск, ул. Крупской 21, кВ.17 e-mail: [email protected]

Павловская Светлана Владимировна, канд. экон. наук, доцент, заместитель декана факультета экономики и менеджмента УО «БГЭУ»

220066 г. Минск, ул. Ташкентская 4/2-15


Lisitsa Ekaterina, leading economist, Ph.D. (economics), associate professor of Finance department of «BSEU» State enterprise «Belarusian Railways»

220118, Minsk, Krupskoi str. 21-17 e-mail: [email protected]

Pavlovskaya Svetlana, Ph D. (economics), associate professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management of BSEU

220066 Minsk, ul. Tashkent 4 / 2-15

Подано до редакци 20.03.2019 Прийнято до друку 15.04.2019

УДК 332.05:51 -7 https://doi.org/10.31470/2306-546X^019-42-110-121


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Шевченко О. В.

Диспропорц'йнють показниюв розвитку е чинником, що перешкоджае стабльному соц/'ально-економ'чному розвитку регюн1в та формуе низку загроз для створення консол'дованого економ'чного простору в межах краУни, тому Ух необх'дно оцнювати з метою вироблення '¡нструмент'т впливу на неУ. У робот! розглянуто проблему визначення чинниюв впливу на диспропорцУУ розвитку рег1он1в. Опублкован/ науков! роботи не в повнш м1р1 в'дпов'дають потребам досл'джень диспропорц1й через неврахування ступенв впливу окремих показник'т на розвиток рег1он1в у динам/ц/'. Метою досл'дження е визначення основних показник/'в, що е соц1ально-економ1чними катал'заторами нер1вном1рност1 розвитку рег1он1в, на основ комплексно)' оц1нки р'тня соц1ально-економ1чного розвитку рег1он1в. У досл'дженн'! використано методи: таксоном1чний, групувань, кластерного анал'зу, квартимакс, кореляц1йний анал'з. Запропоновано механ1зм, який дозволив виявити ключов/ фактори, що обумовлюють ступнь диспропорц1й соц1ально-економ1чного розвитку рег1он1в. Для Ух опису введен/ поняття соц1ально-економ1чного катал'затора та уповльнювача динамки диспропорц1й. Обчислен1 вагов! коеф1ц1енти для визначення сили впливу соц1альних та економ'чних катал'затор'т на ступнь нер1вном1рност1 розвитку рег1он1в. Виявлено, що р1зницю у розвитку рег1он1в у б'тьш'ш мр визначають економ1чн1 фактори та показники добробуту населення. Результати досл'дження можуть бути використан1 при формуванн1 стратег'!)' регулювання диспропорц1й соц1ально-економ1чного розвитку рег1он1в. Реал'зована методолог'я оц1нки та аналзу м1жрег1онально'У соц1ально-економ1чно'У нер1вном1рност1 та регональних диспропорц1й дозволяе виявити ключов/ фактори, що обумовлюють наявнсть диспропорц1й соц1ально-економ1чного розвитку рег1он1в. Досл1дження факторов формування диспропорц1й розвитку регоыв дозволяе сформувати системний '¡нструментарш впливу на них.

Ключов'1 слова: соц1ально-економ1чний розвиток рег1он1в, рег1ональн1 диспропорцУУ, комплексне оц1нювання, ¡нтегральний показник, кластерний анал'з, факторний анал'з, ранжування, динамка.


Шевченко О. В.

Диспропорция показателей развития является фактором, препятствующим стабильному социально-экономическому развитию регионов и формирующим ряд угроз для создания консолидированного экономического пространства в пределах страны, поэтому их необходимо оценивать с целью выработки инструментов воздействия на них. В работе рассмотрена проблема определения факторов влияния на диспропорции развития регионов. Опубликованные научные работы не в полной мере отвечают потребностям исследований региональной экономики из-за неучета учеными степеней влияния отдельных показателей на развитие регионов в динамике. Целью исследования является определение основных показателей, являющихся социально-экономическими катализаторами неравномерности развития регионов, на основе комплексной оценки достигнутого уровня в социально-экономическом развитии региональных систем Украины. В исследовании использованы методы: таксономический, группировок, кластерного анализа, квартимакс, корреляционный анализ. В работе предложен механизм, который позволил выявить ключевые факторы, обусловливающие степень диспропорций социально-экономического развития регионов. Для описания таких факторов введены понятия социально-экономического катализатора и замедлителя развития. Вычислены весовые коэффициенты для определения силы воздействия социальных и экономических катализаторов на степень неравномерности развития регионов. Выявлено, что разницу в развитии регионов в большей степени определяют экономические факторы и показатели, которые представляют благосостояние населения. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы при формировании стратегии уменьшения и регулирования диспропорций социально-экономического развития регионов. Реализованная методология оценки и анализа межрегиональной социально-экономической неравномерности и региональных диспропорций позволяет выявить


Економiчний вюник ушверситету | Випуск № 42

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