Научная статья на тему 'Practice of public management of blood donation in foreign states: experience for Ukraine'

Practice of public management of blood donation in foreign states: experience for Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Dragomyretska Natalia Mykhailivna, Durharian Maryna Matevosivna

Висвітлено результати дослідження щодо доцільності запровадження в Україні практики публічного управління донорством крові зарубіжних держав. Виокремлено чотири площини розуміння ролі і місця публічного управління в донорстві крові: академічна, управлінська, експертна, фахова (на рівні практики роботи служб крові). Акцентовано увагу на управлінській складовій. В українській науці публічного управління ця проблематика не досліджується і не виокремлюється як важлива сфера науки. В практиці публічного управління донорством крові в Україні домінує організаційно-правовий аспект, а форми і методи роботи щодо залучення донорів та створення банків крові є обмеженими і застарілими. Наведено конкретний досвід зарубіжних держав у публічному управлінні донорством крові, а також розглядається питання про суб’єктів публічного управління та політику держав щодо донорства крові, про форми і методи залучення до добровільного і свідомого донорства крові. Для України запропоновано досвід кількох держав, який не потребує великих фінансових вкладень і може ґрунтуватись на традиціях публічного управління України та відношенні населення до донорства, зокрема: відповідальність суспільства; використання сучасних інформаційно-комунікаційних засобів; залучення громадських організацій; проведення інформаційно-пропагандистських кампаній; формування громадської думки; створення мобільних центрів; формування та розвиток системи стимулювання і вдячності від органів публічної влади; систематизація правових норм щодо донорства крові та кола донорів, а також розширення можливостей громадських організацій у сфері донорства крові; розвиток та підвищення активності асоціацій, клубів та ін. донорів. Роль публічного управління вбачається у створенні всіх умов для розвитку державно-приватного та державного-громадянського партнерства у сфері донорства крові. Зазначається доцільність зміни змісту державної політики у сфері донорства крові в Україні.Продемонстрировано результаты исследования относительно целесообразности внедрения в Украине практики публичного управления донорством крови зарубежных государств. Выделено четыре плоскости понимания роли и места публичного управления в донорстве крови: академическая, управленческая, экспертная, профессиональная (на практике работы служб крови). Акцентировано внимание на управленческой составляющей. В украинской науке данная проблематика не исследуется и не выделяется как важная сфера науки публичного управления. В практике публичного управления донорством крови в Украине доминирует организационно-правовой аспект, а формы и методы работы по привлечению доноров и созданию банков крови являются ограниченными и устаревшими. Представлен конкретный опыт публичного управления донорством крови зарубежных государств, а также рассматривается вопрос о субъектах публичного управления, политике государств относительно донорства крови, а также о формах и методах привлечения к добровольному и сознательному донорству крови. Для Украины предложен опыт нескольких государств, который не требует больших финансовых вложений, может основываться на традициях публичного управления Украины и отношении населения к донорству, в частности: ответственность общества; использование современных информационнокоммуникационных средств; привлечение общественных организаций; проведение информационно-пропагандистских кампаний; формирование общественного мнения; создание мобильных центров; формирование и развитие системы стимулирования и благодарности от органов публичного управления; систематизация правовых норм относительно донорства крови и круга доноров, а также расширения возможностей общественных организаций в сфере донорства крови; развитие и повышение активности ассоциаций, клубов и пр. доноров. Роль публичного управления рассматривается с позиций создания всех условий для развития государственно-частного и государственно-общественного партнерства в сфере донорства крови. Указывается на целесообразность изменений содержания государственной политики в сфере донорства крови в Украине.This article demonstrates the results of a study on the appropriateness of using the practice of public management of blood donation in foreign countries for Ukraine. Four layers of understanding the role and place of public management of blood donation were identified as a result of the study: academic, managerial, expert, professional ones (on the level of practice of the blood services work). Emphasis has been made on the managerial component of public management in the sphere under analysis. This problem is not studied and distinguished as important in the Ukrainian public management science. Organizational and legal aspects dominate in the practice of public management of blood donation in Ukraine, and forms and methods of work as to the involvement of donors and establishment, of blood banks are limited and outdated. The specific experience of foreign countries in the public management of blood donation is presented in the article. In addition, attention is focused on the subjects of public, management, and state policy regarding blood donation, as well as on the forms and methods of involvement, of voluntary and conscious blood donation. The experience of several states is proposed for Ukraine. Such experience does not. need large financial investments and takes into account, traditions of Ukrainian public, management, and the attitude of the population to blood donation, in particular: social responsibility; the use of modem informational and communication tools; involvement, of public, organizations; conducting informational and propaganda campaigns; formation of public, opinion; development, of mobile centers; the formation and development. of a system of incentives and bonuses from public, authorities; systematization of legal norms regarding blood donation and the circle of donors, as well as expansion of potential of NGOs in the field of blood donation; and development, and increased activity of associations, clubs and other donors’ associations. The role of public, management, is prospected in the perspective of creating all conditions for the development, of public-private and state-public, partnerships in the field of blood donation. The emphasis is made on the appropriateness of changes in the content, of public, policy in the field of blood donation in Ukraine.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Practice of public management of blood donation in foreign states: experience for Ukraine»

UDC: 351:61(612:577)


Dragomyretska Natalia Mykhailivna,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Professor of the Department of Humanities and Social and Political Sciences Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 65009, Odesa, Genoese Str., 22, tel.: +38048-705-97-88, е-mail: nataliaodessa@ukr. net, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5713-6724 Драгомирецька Наталiя Muxa^ieHa, доктор наук з державного управлтня, про-фесор, професор кафедри гуматтарних та сощально-полтичних наук, Одеський регюнальний гнститут державного управлтня Нащональног академп державного управлтня при Президентовi Украгни, 65009, м. Одеса, вул. Генуезька, 22, тел.: (048) 705-97-88, е-mail: nataliaodessa@ukr. net, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5713-6724

Драгомирецкая Наталия Михайловна,

доктор наук государственного управления, профессор, профессор кафедры гуманитарных и социально-политических наук, Одесский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 65009, г. Одесса, ул. Генуезская, 22, тел.: +38048-705-97-88, е-mail: nataliaodessa@ukr. net, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5713-6724

Durharian Maryna Matevosivna,

Master of Public Administration, Head of the clinical laboratory of the municipal nonprofit enterprise "Odessa Regional Blood Transfusion Station" of the Odessa Regional Council, Biskvitnyi Side Str., 2/3, Odesa, 65039, tel.: +38-048-776-19-69, е-mail: durgaran-marina4@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4340-7348 Дургарян Марина МатевоЫвна,

магктр публгчного управлтня та адмМстрування, завiдуюча клШчног лабораторг ко-мунального некомерцшного тдприемства "Одеська обласна станщя переливання кровГ Одеськог обласног Ради, 65039, м. Одеса, пров. Бкквтний, 2/3, тел.: (048) 776-19-69, е-mail:durgaranmarina4@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4340-7348

Дургарян Марина Матевосовна,

магистр публичного управления и администрирования, заведующая клинической лабораторией коммунального некоммерческого предприятия "Одесская областная станция переливания крови" Одесского областного совета, 65039, г. Одесса, пер. Бисквитный, 2/3, тел.: +38-048-776-19-69, е-тай: durgaranmarina4@gmail.com, https://orcid. аг^0000-0003-4340-7348


Abstract. This article demonstrates the results of a study on the appropriateness of using the practice of public management of blood donation in foreign countries for Ukraine. Four layers of understanding the role and place of public management of blood donation were identified as a result of the study: academic, managerial, expert, professional ones (on the level of practice of the blood services work). Emphasis has been made on the managerial component of public management in the sphere under analysis. This problem is not studied and distinguished as important in the Ukrainian public management science. Organizational and legal aspects dominate in the practice of public management of blood donation in Ukraine, and forms and methods of work as to the involvement of donors and establishment of blood banks are limited and outdated. The specific experience of foreign countries in the public management of blood donation is presented in the article. In addition, attention is focused on the subjects of public management and state policy regarding blood donation, as well as on the forms and methods of involvement of voluntary and conscious blood donation. The experience of several states is proposed for Ukraine. Such experience does not need large financial investments and takes into account traditions of Ukrainian public management and the attitude of the population to blood donation, in particular: social responsibility; the use of modern informational and communication tools; involvement of public organizations; conducting informational and propaganda campaigns; formation of public opinion; development of mobile centers; the formation and development of a system of incentives and bonuses from public authorities; systemati-zation of legal norms regarding blood donation and the circle of donors, as well as expansion of potential of NGOs in the field of blood donation; and development and increased activity of associations, clubs and other donors' associations. The role of public management is prospected in the perspective of creating all conditions for the development of public-private and state-public partnerships in the field of blood donation. The emphasis is made on the appropriateness of changes in the content of public policy in the field of blood donation in Ukraine.

Keywords: public management, public administration, subjects of public management and public administration, blood donation, regular donation, sphere of health care, foreign practice.


Анотацiя. Висвiтлено результати дослiдження щодо доцiльностi запро-вадження в УкраТш практики публiчного управлiння донорством кровi за-рубiжних держав. Виокремлено чотири площини розумiння ролi i мюця пу-блiчного управлiння в донорст кровi: академiчна, управлiнська, експертна, фахова (на рiвнi практики роботи служб кров^. Акцентовано увагу на управ-лiнськiй складовiй. В украТнськiй наущ публiчного управлiння ця проблематика не дослщжуеться i не виокремлюеться як важлива сфера науки. В практищ публiчного управлiння донорством кровi в УкраТнi домiнуе оргаш-зацшно-правовий аспект, а форми i методи роботи щодо залучення донорiв та створення банив кровi е обмеженими i застарiлими. Наведено конкретний досвщ зарубiжних держав у публiчному управлшш донорством кровi, а та-кож розглядаеться питання про суб'екпв публiчного управлiння та полiтику держав щодо донорства кров^ про форми i методи залучення до добровшь-ного i свiдомого донорства кровi. Для УкраТни запропоновано досвiд кiлькох держав, який не потребуе великих фшансових вкладень i може Грунтуватись на традищях публiчного управлiння УкраТни та вщношенш населення до донорства, зокрема: вщповщальшсть суспiльства; використання сучасних шформацшно-комушкацшних засобiв; залучення громадських органiзацiй; проведення шформацшно-пропагандистських кампанiй; формування гро-мадськоТ думки; створення мобiльних центрiв; формування та розвиток сис-теми стимулювання i вдячностi вiд органiв публiчноТ влади; систематизацiя правових норм щодо донорства кровi та кола донорiв, а також розширення можливостей громадських оргашзацш у сферi донорства кров^ розвиток та пiдвищення активностi асощацш, клубiв та iн. донорiв. Роль публiчного управлiння вбачаеться у створенш всiх умов для розвитку державно-приватного та державного-громадянського партнерства у сферi донорства кровь Зазначаеться дощльшсть змши змiсту державноТ полiтики у сферi донорства кровi в УкраТш.

Ключовi слова: публiчне управлiння, публiчне адмiнiстрування, суб'екти публiчного управлiння та публiчного адмiнiстрування, донорство кровi, регу-лярне донорство, сфера охорони здоров'я, зарубiжний досвiд.


Аннотация. Продемонстрировано результаты исследования относительно целесообразности внедрения в Украине практики публичного управления донорством крови зарубежных государств. Выделено четыре плоскости понимания роли и места публичного управления в донорстве крови: академическая, управленческая, экспертная, профессиональная (на практике работы служб крови). Акцентировано внимание на управленческой составляющей.

В украинской науке данная проблематика не исследуется и не выделяется как важная сфера науки публичного управления. В практике публичного управления донорством крови в Украине доминирует организационно-правовой аспект, а формы и методы работы по привлечению доноров и созданию банков крови являются ограниченными и устаревшими. Представлен конкретный опыт публичного управления донорством крови зарубежных государств, а также рассматривается вопрос о субъектах публичного управления, политике государств относительно донорства крови, а также о формах и методах привлечения к добровольному и сознательному донорству крови. Для Украины предложен опыт нескольких государств, который не требует больших финансовых вложений, может основываться на традициях публичного управления Украины и отношении населения к донорству, в частности: ответственность общества; использование современных информационно-коммуникационных средств; привлечение общественных организаций; проведение информационно-пропагандистских кампаний; формирование общественного мнения; создание мобильных центров; формирование и развитие системы стимулирования и благодарности от органов публичного управления; систематизация правовых норм относительно донорства крови и круга доноров, а также расширения возможностей общественных организаций в сфере донорства крови; развитие и повышение активности ассоциаций, клубов и пр. доноров. Роль публичного управления рассматривается с позиций создания всех условий для развития государственно-частного и государственно-общественного партнерства в сфере донорства крови. Указывается на целесообразность изменений содержания государственной политики в сфере донорства крови в Украине.

Ключевые слова: публичное управление, публичное администрирование, субъекты публичного управления и публичного администрирования, донорство крови, регулярное донорство, сфера здравоохранения, зарубежный опыт.

Formulation of the problem. Modern views of Ukrainian scientists in the sphere of public administration are mostly based on foreign scientific concepts and theories regarding the client-oriented approach in creating the interaction of authorities with the citizens and providing them with services, in particular in the field of health care and life preservation.

This approach allows moving to a new social model of governance in-

volving the citizens to the processes of public management. It influences the working out of public policy and its implementation in the field of blood donation for preserving the life of the population. Public administration plays a decisive role in changing the views on the responsibility for the development and formation of blood donation in many countries. Changes have been taking place in the system of the public management of blood donation. In

particular, this concerns the transfer of responsibility from the authorities upon NGOs, public associations, professional associations, federations, etc. The situation in Ukraine differs both at the level of organizational and legal aspects of blood donation and its public management, and at the level of social importance of blood donation and responsibility of the authorities and the population for its development. The experience of foreign countries such as Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Nepal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey (alphabetical list) concerning the making up of the system of public management of blood donation in the aspect of state-public partnership is interesting for Ukraine.

Analysis of the recent research and publications. Comprehensive studies of the problems of public management of blood donation are practically absent in the Ukrainian science. There are some publications in which blood donation is regarded in the context of the list of activities of the public authorities or legislative regulation of this activity. The scientists analysing the problem are: O. Volochenko wrote about models of organization of blood service [1]; B. Rudicov focused on ensuring the quality and safety of the donor blood and its components [2]; Yu. Yu. Derpak researched the role of 100 % blood donation in the formation of regular donation [3], H. Barmina analysed the centralization of the blood service in some foreign countries [4]; L. Shi, J. Wang, Z. Liu, et al. characterize the management of blood donors in China [5]; La. Sardi, A. Idri, J. M. Carrillo de Gea and others showed the results of studies on the use of trans-

theoretical model of blood donation among Spanish adults [6]; Y. Heper demonstrated blood bank monitoring results in Turkey [7]; S. Ozgür, H. Ürek, K. Kosal explore students' opinions on blood donation [8], etc. It is difficult to select the public component in the process of formation and development of blood donation the in Ukrainian science, because the notional category of "public administration/ management" has been studied for many years, but the conventional definition is still absent, which is covered in the scientific works of such scientists as: I. V. Al-Atti [9], O. Z. Bosak [10], N. L. Havkalova [11], K. O. Kolesny-kova [12], V. M. Martynenko [13], L. M. Novak-Kaliaieva [14], O. Yu. Obo-lenskyi [15], etc. Public administration is interpreted as: activities of the authorities; influences on the object of public administration which is understood as the community and civil society as a whole; relations as to the normalization of public affairs at all levels of public management; intermediate stage for the transition from public administration to public governance; transition from functional management to public and state development management; a process of non-hierarchical network management; joint activities of local self-government bodies and public administration bodies with the civil society; a system of civil and public administration; a kind of socially beneficial activities. Experience of public management in foreign countries is transferred to the Ukrainian practice without taking into account domestic peculiarities of the development of blood donation traditions, because there is no

clear understanding of the essence of public administration.

In Ukraine, responsibility for blood donation is also borne by the state and local authorities in accordance with the national legislation. Besides, blood donation issues are reflected in The Strategy for the development of the national blood system for the period up to 2022 (Ordinance of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 20.02.2019 № 120-r) (hereinafter referred to as The Strategy). [16] The results of expert assessments of EU experts showed insufficient changes and transformations in the field of blood donation in Ukraine. A separate section on the feasibility of changes in blood donation and management and regulation of these processes is available in the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union in 2017. Ways to reform blood donation are defined in this section and have declarative character. [17] Next year's report (2018) does not have a separate section on blood donation. [18] The importance of blood donation in the health care system is ascertained by only one line in it. Problems in this field are recognized, but the results are not demonstrated, as can be seen from these documents.

In foreign countries, blood donation has already become a part of the public sphere, and local self-governments and the public are responsible for it. The World Health Organization sets out a number of global goals that are characterized in A Global Strategy for Action: Towards 100% Voluntary Blood Donation. [19] Many states have already implemented these goals in line with public management tradi-

tions and health care peculiarities. But such goals are difficult to implement in Ukraine.

Hence, we distinguish four areas of understanding of the role and place of public administration in blood donation: academic; managerial; expert; professional (at the level of practical work of blood services). This article focuses on the academic and management fields.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of the study on the identification of the most expedient foreign experience for the Ukrainian practice of public management of blood donation.

Presentation of the main material. The results of studying the experience of several foreign countries have demonstrated a different approach and understanding of the role of public administration in the development of blood donation. Primarily, these differences relate to the number and function of subjects of public administration of the blood donation, including:

• subjects of public administration in Italy: The National Blood Centre (Centro Nazionale Sangue) is responsible for the blood service, carries out scientific and technical control over the donation system in the country, provides education to health professionals in this field and tests their qualifications and skills periodically. Four NGOs (AVIS, FIDAS, FRATRES, CRI), engaged in blood donation, and regional coordination centres inspect, authorize and accredit 21 blood transfusion points. Public hospitals collect blood and promote donation at the regional and national levels;

• subjects of public administration in Spain: The Ministry of Health provides coordination and a guarantee of blood safety. The Public Health Committee assists the Ministry of Health. The Scientific Committee on Blood Safety submits proposals to the authorities on donor blood safety and publishes its own research, reports and recommendations on how to organize the process. 17 regional blood transfusion centres collect, test, transport and distribute the blood needed for public and private hospitals within the regions independently. 24 blood collection points perform blood sampling. The Department of Transfusion at Hospitals carry out blood collection and transfusion; bloodmobiles collect blood;

• subjects of public administration in Poland: The Ministry of Health provides coordination and a guarantee of blood safety. The National Blood Centre is responsible for coordinating funding and donor control at regional centres. 21 Regional Blood Donation Centres and The Military Centre and Blood Transfusion Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are responsible for blood collection, storage, distribution, etc. The Institute of Hemato-logy and Transfusiology controls the activities of all centres. Hospital transfusion departments directly conduct blood transfusions;

• subjects of public administration in France: The Ministry of Health constantly monitors the quality of blood and the safety of patients that the relevant public authorities are required to provide services to patients. It controls the recruitment of highly qualified personnel for blood collection

and other blood procedures and monitors the work of each blood collection unit in compliance with international standards. The National Blood Service (EFS) is a non-governmental organization and is responsible for the entire transfusion system throughout France and has a monopoly on the collection, testing, preparation and distribution of blood products and possesses about 1900 blood collection facilities. The French Blood Institute conducts blood collection and biological assessment, preparation and distribution of blood samples. 17 regional centres, including 3 overseas, provide medical services, do scientific research, ensure the quality of blood, recruit medical staff, purchase medical equipment, manage finances, etc. 152 permanent blood collection points collect blood. 2750 voluntary non-governmental organizations, 1900 hospitals and clinics, 91 medical centres carry out blood collection and blood transfusions.

• subjects of public administration in Germany: The German Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (NGO) and The German Association for Transfusion and Immunohematology (DGTI) are involved in the development of transfusion medicine and conduct public health research. State and municipal blood transfusions services (seven blood transfusion services), and commercial blood transfusion centres conduct blood sampling, quality and logistic testing; plasmapheresis centres perform plasmapheresis.

• subjects of public administration in Israel: The National Blood Service (MDA) is responsible for the procurement, processing, testing and distribution of blood and its components for

the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and for all hospitals in the country. MDA blood stations collect blood samples and perform blood quality testing. Bloodmobiles stop in the places where there are many people, such as: business centres, shopping malls, military camps, universities, and at MDA stations. They can make blood tests and test the quality on site;

• subjects of public administration in Finland: The Finnish Red Cross coordinates procurement and blood quality testing from overseas partners. The Finnish Blood Centre performs administrative functions, does blood quality testing and control, organizes blood donation and processes it and transports it to hospitals.

Ukraine has its own structure of public management of blood donation which differs from foreign countries. This structure is appropriate for the state and has shown its effectiveness and stability for many years. However, some experience of practical activities of foreign states is useful for Ukraine. This experience may help to bring in new participants of the public administration in blood donation and create conditions for the formation of a new donor culture in the country. Thus, Germany's experience1 is useful in some aspects for Ukrainian public administration, such as: recognizing the responsibility of blood donors and the society at the legislative level; introduction of high technologies, e.g. the Blutspende-App smartphone addition (which contains all the relevant information and notifies when the donor is to donate again and allows to enrol in

1 https://donor.ua/pages/2036

a blood donation centre; to chat with like-minded people on the forum; put questions to the doctor, etc. It may be useful as to creation of mobile centres (buses) for blood collection and donation assistance promotion; keeping the donor's passport with on the donor personally.

The experience of Israel2 is interesting for certain areas of public-public partnership in Ukraine, in particular: creating mobile centres that can reach small communities, including inaccessible places; introduction of hematology insurance as a means of encouraging donations; informing and organizing blood sampling in educational establishments, armed forces, etc. The experience of Italy3 is appropriate in several processes of Ukrainian public administration activities, namely: the formation of volunteer associations to promote donation (where there can be engaged those persons, who are unable to serve in the armed forces for certain reasons and this practice should be allowed by law); conducting educational activities among young people aged 18-28 which can work in volunteer organizations for several hours a day in solidarity and can receive a reward. In Italy, they receive the reward of € 433,80 a month from the National Civil Service.

China's experience4 is important for some activities of public authorities in

2 https://donor.ua/pages/2099

3 https://donor.ua/pages/2188

4 https://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/ releases/2008/pr18/ru/;https://www.you-tube.com/watch?v=Vfzcyj4wTm4;https:// ekd.me/2019/11/v-kitae-donorstvo-krovi-predlozhili-uchityvat-v-socialnom-rejtinge/; http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-06/10/c_138131289.htm

Ukraine, including: creating all necessary conditions for the donor activity and understanding the importance of donation at all levels of governance; ensuring the safety of blood collection procedure; enlarging the donor circle; location of special blood collection buses on the squares and in the parks of cities, towns and villages; building a wide network of blood transfusion centres, which can be easily found online; forming the understanding of donation as a gift for other people's lives; creating a system of encouragement and appreciation for donors from the local authorities; creation of a "credit of blood" for donors and their relatives. Nepal's experience5 is good for some spheres of activities of public administration bodies in Ukraine, in particular: formation of mobile brigades for blood collection; conducting propaganda activities for voluntary blood donation; establishment of donors' associations and donors' clubs. The experience of France6 is interesting for Ukraine in the aspects of activities of The National Health Service as a subject of public administration and subordinate to The Ministry of Health.

Canada's experience7 is relevant in the field of formation of the public

5 http://www.nrcs.org/program/blood-servic-es; https://www.ifrc.org/what-we-do/health/ blood-services/world-blood-donor-day/ nepal-give-blood-save-lives-62510/;https:// kathmandupost.com/health/2019/05/01/ kathmandus-blood-banks-are-running-out-of-blood; https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb. int/files/resources/7F8F28FAFA08C069492 57620000AFC1D-Full_Report.pdf

6 https://donor.ua/pages/2193

7 https://www.blood.ca/en; https://www.can-



opinion on blood donation in Ukraine, namely: development of blood donation for doing research projects; boosting special honours for donors-beginners from the authorities; making a marker system for donors according to the number of donations with the numbers: "1" (a beginner), and correspondingly, "10", "15", "20"; formation of a blood donation system only by moral encouragement (badges, letters of thanks, etc.). UK experience8 is suitable for legal drafting in Ukraine on banning blood donation to people who have travelled abroad to some definite for the last six months. Spain's experience9 is favourable for some actions of the public authorities in Ukraine, such as: organisation of federations of blood donors; building cooperation between federations, donor associations with blood centres, hospitals and transfusion centres in the country; usage of SMS notifications to donors; implementation of donor marathons supported by the central authorities, local communities, NGOs to replenish blood bank.

--world-blood-donor-day.html; http://www. sportscardiologybc.org/donating-blood-in-canada-a-civil-duty/;https://www.straight. com/life/1265936/canadian-blood-services-calls-people-give-blood-number-donors-drop-summer

8 https://donor.ua/pages/2168

9 https://europeanbloodalliance.eu/coun-try/spain/; https://www.euroweeklynews. com/2018/11/22/donating-blood-in-spain/#.XnJXD9SLSt8;https://www.sh-barcelona.com/blog/en/donating-blood-barcelona/;https://www.citizensadvice.org. es/faq/can-i-donate-blood-in-spain/; http:// evangelicalfocus.com/cities/2787/Spanish_ Red_Cross_thanks_evangelicals_for_their_ blood_donation_in_the_500_anniversary_ of Refomation

The experience of Turkey10 is useful in the context of informational and advocacy activities of the public administration bodies of Ukraine, in particular: campaigning for donor involvement; application of the patriotic slogans, like "I donate blood for my country" on buses of mobile blood collection centres; creation of convenient mode of work of the points (open on weekdays and weekends from 9am to 7pm or 8pm); stimulating donors with medals for a certain amount of blood donations. Czech's experience11 is interesting for some operations of public administration of Ukraine, especially: developing procedures and rules for foreign citizens who can become donors if they have the state insurance and permanent residency status; no cash payments for donors; developing a donor reward system (the person who comes to donate blood for the first time receives the sign "blood drop"; who donated blood 10 times receives a bronze medal; who donated blood 20 times receives a silver medal; who donated blood 40 times receives a gold medal, who donated blood 80, 120 and 160 times receives state awards).

10 http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-top-ics/Health-systems/blood-safety/archive/ turkey/country-profile-blood-services-in-turkey; https://www.wyg.com/projects/ recruitment-of-future-blood-donors

11 https://www.uhkt.cz/blood-donors; https://www.vfn.cz/en/pacienti/kliniky-ustavy/fakultni-transfuzni-oddeleni/ informace-pro-darce-krve/;https://blog. foreigners.cz/blood-donation-in-brno/; http://www.euro.who.int/en/countries/ czechia/news/news/2014/07/world-blood-donor-day-in-the-czech-republic

Swedish experience12 is attractive in the aspects of organizational activities for the public administration bodies of Ukraine, namely: organization of work of mobile laboratories-buses; holding public actions together with large business centres; formation of donors' responsibility for the safety of their blood; sending to blood donor an SMS on a mobile phone about using the person's blood and gratitude for that. The experience of Japan13 is appropriate for definite processes in the activities of the public administration bodies of Ukraine, such as: creation of conditions for blood collection by different structures (there are the Red Cross, blood transfusion centres, small offices, mobile buses that can often be found at the stations and crowded areas); notification of the urgent need for a particular blood type; using a point card besides the donor card (the donor receives a memorable gift when he/she has accumulated the required number of points).

12 http://www.euro.who.int/en/countries/ sweden/news/news/2016/06/blood-con-nects-us-all-blood-donation-text-message-service-in-sweden; https://www.iflscience. com/health-and-medicine/blood-donors-sweden-get-text-whenever-their-blood-flows-another-human/; https://geblod.nu/ app/uploads/2019/09/blood-donation-in-sweden-engelska-1.pdf

13 http://www.jrc.or.jp/english/activ-ity/blood/;https://www.nippon.com/ en/features/h00215/tech-helps-main-tain-japan%E2%80%99s-blood-supply-as-young-donors-drop.html; https:// www.statista.com/statistics/1081487/ japan-number-blood-donors/; https://jp-guide.co/how-to-donate-blood-in-japan/; https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/ tv/72hours/20191217/4026126/

Conclusions. The practice of public management of blood donation in Ukraine is in many ways similar to the practice of foreign countries. However, comprehension of public-private and public-public partnership opportunities in blood donation is different. Many foreign countries have good experience for Ukraine. Implementation of this experience will provided an opportunity to expand the circle of donors. Civil society and its institutions should be involved in this process. NGOs are actively involved in the development of blood donation in some countries. These NGOs do many procedures for free but sell their products and services to hospitals and the state. This experience is interesting for Ukraine but it will take a long time for the implementation. The experience of foreign countries regarding the organizational aspects of the activities of public administration bodies can be introduced faster, namely: mobile labs, incentive and motivation systems for donors, creation of appropriate conditions for donor, etc. Nonetheless, progressive changes in blood donation do not occur because the public-private partnership and public-public partnership in this area are not developed. Ukraine has a nationwide policy on blood donation but there is a lack of the policy directed to the implementation of innovations. Further explorations will address the role of NGOs in the processes of public management of blood donation.

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