Научная статья на тему 'Research of features of typical models of public administration'

Research of features of typical models of public administration Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Oliinyk Sofiia Rostyslavivna

Щоб українське публічне управління змогло виконувати свої функції щодо суспільних трансформацій суспільства, воно повинно зазнати принципово якісних змін, в основі яких мають лежати нові стратегії інноваційного розвитку системи публічного управління, зорієнтовані на потреби суспільства і громадян. Досліджено сутність, особливості публічного управління з погляду на процес становлення і розвитку моделей публічного управління та вказано основні характеристики існуючих трендів і прогностичного аналізу розвитку моделей публічного управління. Проаналізовано сучасний стан розвитку системи публічного управління та обґрунтовано необхідність її переорієнтації на інноваційний тип, зокрема через наявність сукупності проаналізованих негативних тенденцій. Зазначено, що перехід від традиційної управлінської парадигми до інноваційного типу публічного управління передбачає заміну жорсткого бюрократичного складника на інноваційну складову, що цілком відповідатиме завданню адаптації діяльності органів публічної влади до мінливого ринкового середовища його функціонування. Схарактеризовано онтологічні особливості моделей публічного управління та запропоновано основні принципи інноваційного розвитку, що презентують ідеологічно-демократичну основу публічного управління. Обґрунтовано широкий спектр інноваційних інструментів, підходів до управління, які можна використовувати в діяльності органів публічної влади в Україні. Зазначено та аргументовано необхідність та основні суттєві ознаки “ідеальної моделі” публічного управління, що приходить на зміну вже “традиційним” моделям публічного управління, які реалізуються системою органів публічної влади.Чтобы украинское публичное управление смогло выполнять свои функции по общественным трансформациям общества, оно должно понести принципиально качественные изменения, в основе которых должны лежать новые стратегии инновационного развития системы публичного управления, которые ориентированы на потребности общества и граждан. В статье исследована сущность, особенности публичного управления с точки зрения процесса становления и развития моделей публичного управления и указаны основные характеристики существующих трендов и прогностического анализа развития моделей публичного управления. Проанализировано современное состояние развития системы публичного управления и обоснована необходимость ее переориентации на инновационный тип, в частности из-за наличия совокупности проанализированных негативных тенденций. Отмечено, что переход от традиционной управленческой парадигмы к инновационному типу публичного управления предусматривает замену жесткого бюрократического компонента на инновационную составляющую, что позволит полностью соответствовать задаче адаптации деятельности органов публичной власти в меняющейся рыночной среде его функционирования. Охарактеризованы онтологические особенности моделей публичного управления и предложены основные принципы инновационного развития, которые представляют идеологически-демократическую основу публичного управления. Обоснованно широкий спектр инновационных инструментов, подходов к управлению, которые можно использовать в деятельности органов публичной власти в Украине. Указано и аргументированно необходимость и основные существенные признаки “идеальной модели” публичного управления, которая приходит на смену уже “традиционным” моделям публичного управления, реализуемых системой органов публичной власти.In order for Ukrainian public administration to be able to perform its functions in relation to social transformations of society, it must undergo fundamentally qualitative changes, that shoud be based on new strategies for innovative development of public administration, which are focused on the needs of society and citizens. The article examines the essence and features of public administration in terms of the process of formation and development of public administration models, and indicates the main characteristics of existing trends and prognostic analysis of the development of public administration models. The current state of development of the public administration system is analyzed and the necessity of its reorientation to the innovative type is substantiated, in particular due to the presence of a set of analyzed negative tendencies. It is noted that the transition from the traditional management paradigm to an innovative type of public administration involves the replacement of a rigid bureaucratic component with an innovative component, which is fully consistent with the task of adapting public authorities to the changing market environment. The ontological features of public administration models are characterized and the basic principles of innovative development are presented, which are the ideological and democratic basis of public administration. A wide range of innovative tools, approaches to management that can be used in the activities of public authorities in Ukraine are substantiated. The necessity and main essential features of the “ideal model” of public administration, which replaces the already “traditional” models of public administration, which are implemented by the system of public authorities, are indicated and argued.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Research of features of typical models of public administration»

UDC: 351-047.37


Oliinyk Sofiia Rostyslavivna,

postgraduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration National Academy of Public Administration Office of the President of Ukraine, 79491, Lviv-Bryuk-hovychi, Sukhomlinskoho Str, 16, e-mail: so-fiiaoliinyk2606@gmail.com, tel.: +38 (093) 842-64-36, https//orcid.org / 0000-00017519-1081

Олтник Софiя Pocmu^aeieHa,

аспирант кафедри державного управлт-ня, Льв1вський регюнальний 1нститут державного управлгння Национально! ака-демп державного управлгння при Прези-дентов1 Украгни, 79491, м. Львгв-Брюхо-вич1, вул. Сухомлинського, 16, e-mail: sofiiaoliinyk2606@gmail.com, тел.: +38 (093) 842-64-36, https//orcid.org/0000-0001-7519-1081

Олейник София Ростиславовна,

аспирант кафедры государственного управления, Львовский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 79491, г. Львов-Брюховичи, ул. Сухомлинско-го, 16 e-mail: sofiiaoliinyk2606@gmail.com, тел .: +38 (093) 842-64-36, https//orcid. org / 0000-0001-7519-1081


Abstract. In order for Ukrainian public administration to be able to perform its functions in relation to social transformations of society, it must undergo fundamentally qualitative changes, that shoud be based on new strategies for innovative development of public administration, which are focused on the needs of society and citizens.

The article examines the essence and features of public administration in terms of the process of formation and development of public administration models, and indicates the main characteristics of existing trends and prognostic analysis of the development of public administration models. The current state of development of the public administration system is analyzed and the necessity of

its reorientation to the innovative type is substantiated, in particular due to the presence of a set of analyzed negative tendencies. It is noted that the transition from the traditional management paradigm to an innovative type of public administration involves the replacement of a rigid bureaucratic component with an innovative component, which is fully consistent with the task of adapting public authorities to the changing market environment.

The ontological features of public administration models are characterized and the basic principles of innovative development are presented, which are the ideological and democratic basis of public administration. A wide range of innovative tools, approaches to management that can be used in the activities of public authorities in Ukraine are substantiated. The necessity and main essential features of the "ideal model" of public administration, which replaces the already "traditional" models of public administration, which are implemented by the system of public authorities, are indicated and argued.

Keywords: public administration, models of public administration, style of activity of public authorities, development of public administration system.


Анотащя. Щоб украшське публiчне управлшня змогло виконувати cboï функци щодо сусшльних трансформацш сусшльства, воно повинно зазнати принципово якюних змш, в основi яких мають лежати новi стратеги шновацшного розвитку системи публiчного управлшня, зорieнтованi на потреби сусшльства i громадян.

Дослщжено сутшсть, особливосп публiчного управлшня з погляду на процес становлення i розвитку моделей публiчного управлшня та вказано основш характеристики юнуючих трендiв i прогностичного аналiзу розвитку моделей публiчного управлшня. Проаналiзовано сучасний стан розвитку системи публiчного управлшня та обгрунтовано необхщшсть ïï переорieнта-ци на iнновацiйний тип, зокрема через наявшсть сукупностi проаналiзова-них негативних тенденцш. Зазначено, що перехщ вiд традицiйноï управлш-сько'1' парадигми до шновацшного типу публiчного управлшня передбачае замiну жорсткого бюрократичного складника на шновацшну складову, що щлком вiдповiдатиме завданню адаптацп дiяльностi оргашв публiчноï влади до мiнливого ринкового середовища його функцiонування.

Схарактеризовано онтолопчш особливостi моделей публiчного управлшня та запропоновано основнi принципи шновацшного розвитку, що пре-зентують щеолопчно-демократичну основу публiчного управлiння. Обгрунтовано широкий спектр шновацшних iнструментiв, пiдходiв до управлiння, якi можна використовувати в дiяльностi органiв публiчноï влади в Украшь Зазначено та аргументовано необхщшсть та основнi суттeвi ознаки "сально! моделГ публiчного управлшня, що приходить на змшу вже "традицш-ним" моделям публiчного управлшня, яю реалiзуються системою органiв публiчноï влади.

Ключовi слова: публiчне управлiння, моделi публiчного управлiння, стиль дiяльностi органiв публiчноí влади, розвиток системи публiчного управлшня.


Аннотация. Чтобы украинское публичное управление смогло выполнять свои функции по общественным трансформациям общества, оно должно понести принципиально качественные изменения, в основе которых должны лежать новые стратегии инновационного развития системы публичного управления, которые ориентированы на потребности общества и граждан.

В статье исследована сущность, особенности публичного управления с точки зрения процесса становления и развития моделей публичного управления и указаны основные характеристики существующих трендов и прогностического анализа развития моделей публичного управления. Проанализировано современное состояние развития системы публичного управления и обоснована необходимость ее переориентации на инновационный тип, в частности из-за наличия совокупности проанализированных негативных тенденций. Отмечено, что переход от традиционной управленческой парадигмы к инновационному типу публичного управления предусматривает замену жесткого бюрократического компонента на инновационную составляющую, что позволит полностью соответствовать задаче адаптации деятельности органов публичной власти в меняющейся рыночной среде его функционирования.

Охарактеризованы онтологические особенности моделей публичного управления и предложены основные принципы инновационного развития, которые представляют идеологически-демократическую основу публичного управления. Обоснованно широкий спектр инновационных инструментов, подходов к управлению, которые можно использовать в деятельности органов публичной власти в Украине. Указано и аргументированно необходимость и основные существенные признаки "идеальной модели" публичного управления, которая приходит на смену уже "традиционным" моделям публичного управления, реализуемых системой органов публичной власти.

Ключевые слова: публичное управление, модели публичного управления, стиль деятельности органов публичной власти, развитие системы публичного управления.

Formulation of the problem. In

today's globalized and differentiated society, the use of modern and adaptive models of public administration is

becoming a crucial task and a way to solve problems. The formation of public administration in accordance with the requirements of the time is one of the

main tools for the adoption of modern administration models, which provides: the need to change the bureaucratic mechanisms by socially-oriented market relations; modern methods of teamwork; goal setting and realization; focus on providing services to citizens; values of meritocracy and autonomy in the civil service. The style of activity of the public servants and public authorities should provide a clear, positive, simple and effective way of exercising powers (without bureaucracy and corruption, with trained and competent public servants, using the available communication capabilities of the information society and effective legislation).

That is why the study of the content and features of the public administration requires not only a retrospective look at the features of the formation and development of the models of public administration, but also the characteristics of existing trends and forecast analysis of the development of the models of public administration. In the period of reforming and developing many spheres of life of the Ukrainian society, issues of ensuring the effectiveness of public authorities of the state occupy a leading place in the general issues of research in various fields of knowledge.

Analysis of the recent research and publications. At the same time, it should be noted that in the science of public administration insufficient attention is paid to the analysis of new approaches to the development of public administration and the formation of appropriate innovative style of public authorities in the context of globalization and European integration, which actualizes the study of this topic.

It should be noted that the issues of public authorities are reflected in the works of many well-known Ukrainian and foreign scholars, including: V. Ave-ryanov, H. Atamanchuk, V. Bakumen-ko, V. Bodrov, E. Bolotina, M. Hordon, I. Dehtyareva, B. Melikhova, I. Orlov, M. Syomych, Ye. Ustynovych and others. Domestic scholars, in particular, have repeatedly substantiated the possibilities and legal basis for the implementation of modern Western models of public administration in Ukraine.

At the same time, the specificity of domestic conditions of the state formation, uncertainty and instability of the political situation do not allow to fully transfer Western theories and experience to the Ukrainian basis of the public administration. The awareness of the practical significance of solving the problem of forming effective public administration focuses on further search not only for a theoretical basis, but also for practical recommendations for adapting global models of public administration to the modern Ukrainian trends.

Formulation of the purposes (goal) of the article. The purpose of the article is to generalize the theoretical foundations of innovation of typical models of public administration and the possibilities of their application for the development of public authorities in the modern Ukraine.

Presentation of the main material. For domestic realities, public administration is a relatively new tool for the exercise of power, in which there is a meaningful combination of the public administration with local self-government, cooperation of the government agencies with various public associa-

tions, professional communities, etc. Therefore, at the stage of reforming the state system through the formation and implementation of the latest models of public administration, it is important to understand the value and content features with which the modern Ukrainian society identifies itself.

Public administration should be considered as a natural stage in the development of the state administration, due to the expansion of the scope of activities and responsibilities of the public administration bodies, the need to improve administration by bringing decision-making processes closer to the needs of the population [1].

The revolutionary changes in informatics and computer technologies, rapid growth of information and communication technologies, limited resources of the public power with a significant increase in demand for public (state and municipal) services, dynamic development of the public opinion and public consciousness, actively progressing changes in economic, social and political spheres actualized the need to change the paradigm of public administration from the modern "traditional" model to another, more democratic and efficient, but less expensive.

In the context of the above, there is a need for a thorough study of the current state of the public administration in Ukraine, as well as in the analysis and study of the elements of its innovative development.

The analysis of the current state of development of the public administration system allows us to conclude that it is necessary to reorient to the innovative type, in particular due to the presence of a set of negative trends [2]:

• inconsistency of the institutional structure of the apparatus of the public administration with the needs of the society, business, internal and external priorities of the state;

• high cost of the public administration, its lack of control;

• low quality and transparency of the public services;

• the current structure of the public authorities limits the opportunities for economic, social and human development;

• shortage of highly qualified specialists in the public authorities;

• insufficient application of research results in the development and implementation of the state personnel policy;

• high level of corruption in the public authorities;

• competitiveness of the country, in particular in terms of quality of the state institutions, internal and external security;

• lack of information on relevant practices (there is no information on the state of scientific and methodological support of the public authorities);

• bureaucratic obstacles to the introduction of innovations in the system of public authorities of Ukraine;

• low level of citizens' satisfaction with the activities of the public authorities;

• depopulation, population aging, poverty, migration of qualified labour abroad.

It is these trends and problems that determine the need for modernization and scientific rethinking of the conceptual approaches to development in the field of public administration. As world practice shows, only the innovative development of the public administration

system is a necessary component of ensuring the effectiveness of the country's political development, as well as an important element of the competitiveness of the national economy and all other spheres of the society.

The transition from the traditional administration paradigm to an innovative type of public administration involves the replacement of a rigid bureaucratic component with an innovative component, which is fully consistent with the task of adapting the public authorities to the changing market environment [3]. To this end, it is expedient to characterize the onto-logical features of the public and state administration models.

M. Weber, W. Wilson, A. Fayol, G. Simon can be considered as those who proposed a basic model of public administration — Old Public Management, the essence of which can be revealed by the following provisions:

• division of labour based on functional specialization;

• a clearly defined hierarchy of authority;

• a system of rules that establishes the rights and responsibilities of the officials;

• system of ways to overcome work situations (standardization of processes);

• impersonal nature of human relations;

• encouragement or promotion on the basis of professional competence and on the basis of career principles;

• principle of compliance with the requirements of business records.

Old Public Management is a classic bureaucratic form of organization, described by Max Weber as an ideal type

of rational form of government based on the principle of lawmaking, characterized by a high level of predictability for politics in general and for citizens. According to Owen Hughes, this is due to the fact that the traditional model of public administration has long been the most common and widely used, as well as the most effective model of public and state administration [4].

However, in recent decades there have been trends in the formation of new approaches to building models of public administration, which take into account the reorganization of the public authorities, increasing the productivity of their activities, expanding the range of public services and public functions while reducing resources, integration of new technologies and creation of administration structures.

The theoretical foundations of the latest, later, model of public — New Public Management are based on the theory of public choice and management theory, which takes into account the reform concept:

• in the direction of the theory of public choice, which provides for limiting the influence of bureaucracy on politics by increasing competitive pressure on the public administration and thus — strengthening the position of citizens and politics in general;

• based on management theories, which provides for the expansion of the bureaucracy's freedom of action by lifting restrictions and strengthening economic incentives.

Western countries have proposed their own ways of reforming the public administration in its essential dimension, claiming universality and generality of application. These are two

governance concepts — the already mentioned New Public Management and the newer Good Governance -which are fundamental to the modern Western administrative reforms and are often borrowed from other countries.

New Public Management (NPM) is a modern model of public administration reform. More than seventy countries around the world are reforming on the principles of NPM. Including most of the economically developed countries of the world that have a high level of organization of the public administration, both at the state and municipal levels. [5]. New Public Management is a set of administrative and political reform strategies, which are based on the interpretation of administrative activities through the prism of the private economy. The NPM reform model is not a dogmatic and complete list of measures, but most often involves the implementation of the following measures:

• privatization and elimination of excessive regulation;

• removal of a single structure or autonomy of individual administrative units;

• introduction of elements of competition in the administrative activities, as well as the borrowing of management methods from the private economy in the public administration sector.

The "Good Governance" model assumes that public administration is based on the principles of separation of powers, the exercise of democracy, the election and variability of senior officials, the accountability of executive institutions to the society, and political pluralism. In contrast to the practice of public administration on the basis of

hierarchy and functional execution of orders, the defining features of the new concept are understanding and agreement. We are talking about changes in the relationship between the civil society and the authorities. On the one hand, the "Good Governance" model is based on the broad involvement of the civil society in the governance process, the central element of which is the process of preparation and decision-making. On the other hand, the concept of "Good Governance" provides for the effectiveness of the public administration, which is understood as the achievement of goals in a timely manner and with minimal resource costs. In this sense, effective governance does not mean and does not require by large the democratic nature of the adoption and implementation of the administration decisions [6].

An important place within the considered models is occupied by the concepts of "Digital Government", "Network Model of Government", "Anti-Crisis Public Administration", "Open Government Partnership" and others. These concepts have already been partially implemented in some elements of the mechanism of public administration in Ukraine [1].

The dynamics of external and internal environment, the growth of threats that have a sudden and destructive impact on certain spheres of the society, for timely and effective response to their negative effects, along with stable basic elements of the mechanism of public administration, objectively requires the presence of the mechanism of public administration model of "Anti-Crisis Public Management" (APA). Since the source of threats is mainly not total,

but specific areas of the society, the application of the APA-model focuses on that part of the general mechanism of public administration that directly relates to certain areas: economy, ecology, demography, migration processes, constitutional and legal space, political system, financial and banking sector, budget federalism, state audit, etc.

Under the influence of large-scale introduction of modern information and communication technologies into the practice of public administration, a conceptual model was formed that justifies their application — "Digital Government" (DG). Distinctive features of the DG-model is that it includes such concepts as cooperation, participation, coordination of the society through information and communication technologies [7]. To ensure the effectiveness of public administration, the DG-model is focused on the efficient, fast and transparent provision of information to both citizens and authorities. It is a new element of the mechanism of the civil society involvement in the system of public administration, which provides a balance of rights and responsibilities of all participants in cooperation, creates real opportunities for participation in the public administration at all levels by discussing problems in different online communities increasing the influence of certain groups of the population on administrative and political decisions. The purpose of the DG-model is to improve the quality of governance, based on civic participation, transparency and accountability.

The essence of the OGP-model ("Open Government" model) reflects the concept of public administration based on supporting the right of the

citizens to access documents and monitoring the actions of the government to enable effective public control over government regulation, as a basis for dialogue between the society and the government.

The design of the OGP-model provides:

• open data infrastructure, covering all the branches of the government;

• free access to information, open dialogue between the public authorities and the citizens;

• approved standards and regulations establishing the procedure for information disclosure;

• conducting crowdsourcing (solving socially significant tasks by the volunteers who coordinate their activities with the help of information technology) and crowdfunding (public funding) [8].

It should be noted that in "pure" form these models of public administration are almost non-existent in any country in the world. In most foreign countries there is currently a tendency to diffuse different approaches to public administration (i.e. one or another set of elements of certain models has been introduced into the practice of modern government regulation).

Innovative development of the public administration is a qualitatively new type of administration, which is aimed at implementing modern administration approaches, technologies and tools, as well as the partnership style of the public authorities, business and citizens. This specificity necessitates the definition of a system of principles of innovative development of the public administration in the context of European orientation.

Basic principles of innovative development presenting the ideological and democratic basis of the public administration [3]:

• partnerships and cooperation (interconnection and community participation in the policy-making and implementation process);

• coherence of interests (authorities of different levels, business and public structures);

• equality;

• target orientation;

• systematicity;

• adaptability;

• government openness to public control;

• subsidiarity (delimitation of the sphere of competence of the public authorities of different levels with a corresponding reduction of the role of the state).

Thus, in our opinion, the process of development of the innovation component in the system of public administration is important and multifaceted, as it involves the introduction of innovative technologies, methods and tools, taking into account the relationship and interaction of different levels of the government, both among themselves and with the end user of the administration services — the society.

As foreign experience shows, the introduction of innovations and new technologies stimulates the innovative development of all spheres of the public administration, as well as reduces the cost of maintaining the state apparatus and improves its work.

Today, world practice offers a wide range of innovative tools, approaches to administration that can be used in the activities of the public authorities in

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Ukraine. Such innovations in the public administration are:

• outsourcing — the transfer of certain functions by an organization to another company specializing in the relevant field;

• benchmarking — using the best experience;

• governance — administration without government;

• e-government that covers the following components of "government to government"; "government to citizens"; "government to business";

• Balanced Score Card (BSC);

• concept of lean management;

• new public management;

• reinventing government;

• reengineering;

• management by objectives;

• management by results;

• project management, etc. [9].

The use of a tool in practice should

be based on the accumulated world experience and available financial resources, which will ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of administration in the government. In addition to satisfying the end users (society), public administration is aimed at ensuring a clear interaction of business, politics and society and making strategically important decisions based on the use of modern innovative administration tools and technologies [3].

From some elements of these concepts it is possible to form a theoretical basis for the "ideal model" of public administration, which could be further used to form the "ideal" style of public authorities in Ukraine. The main essential features of the "ideal model" of public administration, which replaces the already "traditional" models of public

administration, which are implemented by the system of public authorities, it is reasonable to highlight the following:

• introduction of the concept of "good" public administration, which is an element of the "Good Governance" model;

• systematic simplification of the legislation (as one of the elements and inherent tools of the "new" model of public administration);

• reduction of the total number and narrowing of segments of the subject-object area of the public administration with the transfer of public administration of an increasing amount of public functions and public powers, including those that have historically traditionally belonged to the exclusive competence of the state, to non-state operators, self-regulatory and others private, public-private organizations (self-regulatory organizations in the field of financial markets, in the field of sports, etc.);

• ensuring subsidiarity in the provision of public services, including the transfer of part of the total authority to provide public services to private operators;

• development of public-private partnership as an element and tool of the "new" model of the public administration;

• debureaucratization (restructuring of the administration in order to focus on results rather than processes), including expansion and structural and functional complications of decentralization of the public administration, unbundling and deconcentration of the public sector entities, their reformation and reformatting, first of all, deconcentration of the structures and bureau-

cratic system of the central public authorities;

• intensification of the interaction between the public administration and other types of social administration, expansion and complication of correlation and interaction of the public administration and self-government, correlation and interaction of the public order and autonomous, non-legal, normative orders, as well as development of guarantees and mechanisms of autonomous institutionalization (in other words, the areas of competence of the public authorities and non-state non-municipal organizations increasingly intersect);

• implementation and progressive development of the concept of "e-state", expanding the scope and diversity of the electronic public services provided by the public administration;

• a significant increase in the requirements for transparency and accountability of the public administration (public administration should become the object of increasingly intensive and permanent control by the society);

• development of the tools (measures, tools and mechanisms) of the public administration, increasing the variety of their modifications and complicating their combinations (including interference and multiplicity), including the use of public authorities business strategies and other approaches and tools in the fields of business management and corporate governance (strategic planning, performance measurement, etc.);

• introduction of the concept of results-based management, including a line of new mechanisms for recording

and evaluating the effectiveness of the public administration;

• increased receptivity and complementarity in relation to public interests and complex areas of public relations to social demands [1].

At the same time, we believe that the development of the public administration system becomes real due to the conceptual vision of the civil service, which would be able to develop and implement innovations in a changing environment, taking into account the existing trends and challenges.

The development of human resources in the system of public administration is one of the main factors in the formation of the latest model and style of activity, and the creation of opportunities to unleash the creative potential of the civil servants becomes the main systemic task of administrative innovation. The implementation of any innovation in the field of public administration requires the appropriate knowledge and skills of the personnel, which is one of the key strategic resources to achieve the goals of the public administration and provide quality administration services. There is a need to effectively encourage initiatives on new ways to solve the social problems, use the existing creative potential of its employees, improve the information environment and form a new administrative culture. In addition to motivating the creative activity of the public authorities, innovative changes should also address the benchmarks and performance indicators of the civil servants and managers, corporate culture issues with the formation of a new ethics of the public service.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. Thus, the priority

measures to ensure the innovative development of the public administration include:

• creation in the country of proper provision: normative-legal, personnel, scientific-methodical, informational, financial and motivational;

• creation of market conditions of competition and attraction of investments;

• ensuring privatization processes;

• creating appropriate conditions for the development and implementation of innovations, innovative solutions, tools and administration methods at various levels and branches of the government.

In our opinion, the latest "ideal model" of the modern public administration should be characterized by a high degree of complexity, a variety of participatory relations of the public authorities with the society. Relationship management based on the proposed model of the public administration should be aimed at establishing, developing and maintaining, as well as terminating, if necessary, the interaction of all involved units, which allows them to achieve goals through mutual exchange and fulfillment of commitments. For the population, the passage of a certain model of public administration provides an opportunity to defend their interests, protect their rights in the administration of open relations on a professional basis. For the public authorities the adoption of a model of interaction should be considered as a resource designed to better understand and solve a range of problems of both socio-economic nature and business environment.

It is necessary to form an innovative vision of a qualitatively new style of ac-

tivity of the public authorities. A style based on modern methods of teamwork, goal setting and implementation, focus on providing services to the citizens, the values of meritocracy and autonomy in the civil service. Appropriate style of the civil servants and public authorities should provide a clear, positive, simple and effective way of exercising powers (without bureaucracy and corruption, with trained and competent civil servants, using the available communication capabilities of the information society, and with effective legislation).

Thus, the need to encourage a progressive leadership style and the components of change-oriented competencies such as meritocracy, autonomy, proactivity and innovation, the ability of administration to accompany transformational organizational change are crucial for a new culture of successful and sustainable organizational change. The institutional efficiency and the balance of human relations require the development of an administrative culture based on trust on the part of leaders who are able to develop inclusiveness and effective cooperation with the rest of the organization.

In order for domestic public administration to be able to perform its functions in relation to the social transformations of the Ukrainian society, it must undergo fundamentally qualitative changes, which must be based on new strategies for innovative development of the public administration, focused on the needs of the society and the citizens. Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the public administration, strengthening the responsibility of the public authorities for providing quality services to the population is

becoming increasingly interconnected with the development of its innovative component, which leads to the use of a wide range of innovative methods, technologies and administration tools.


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