Научная статья на тему 'Transformation leadership and value-oriented public management: modern approaches'

Transformation leadership and value-oriented public management: modern approaches Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Semenets-Orlova Inna Andriivna

Проаналізовано роль трансформаційного лідерства в сучасній системі публічного управління. Зазначено, гцо широкі учасницькі практики у процесах вирішення проблем, спільна діяльність та делегування повноважень, властиві концепції good governance, є високорелеватними змісту трансформаційного лідерства. Еіаголошено, що для належного вирішення проблем в умовах демократії життєво необхідними є участь та забезпечення “переговорів з організованими мережами інтересів”. Контекст демократії уможливлює тисячі свідомих децентралізованих експериментів, що дають змогу апробувати нові моделі політичного прийняття рішень і нові форми розвитку. Частково делегуючи функцію вироблення політики “фахівцям з вирішення проблем” (експертам), держава покладає на них додаткові обов’язки щодо встановлення постійного діалогу із суспільством і сприяння його подальшому розвитку у напрямі самокерованості та самоорганізації. Здійснено порівняння змісту трансформаційного та трансакційного лідерства, співставлені їх основні характеристики. Ефективне лідерство, в тому числі у публічному секторі, все більше пов’язане з формуванням інтенсивного колективного розуму (intense collective intelligence). З’ясовано, що сучасна публічна політика позначає врегулювання тих аспектів людської діяльності, які вимагають спільних громадських дій. Проаналізовано поняття ціннісно-орієнтованого публічного управління з точки зору підходу стратегемності. Еіаголошено на тому, що трансформаційне лідерство може сприяти нарощенню інституційної спроможності органів публічної служби.Проанализирована роль трансформационного лидерства в современной системе публичного управления. Отмечено, что совместные практики в процессах решения проблем, совместная деятельность и делегирование полномочий високорелеватные содержанию трансформационного лидерства. Отмечено, что для решения проблем в условиях демократии жизненно необходимые участие и обеспечение “переговоров с организованными сетями интересов”. Контекст демократии позволяет апробировать новые модели политического принятия решений и новые формы развития. Частично делегируя функцию выработки политики “специалистам по решению проблем” (экспертам), государство возлагает на них дополнительные обязанности по установлению постоянного диалога с обществом и содействие его дальнейшего развития в направлении саморегулируемости и самоорганизации. Проведено сравнение содержания трансформационного и трансакционного лидерства, сопоставлены их основные характеристики. Эффективное лидерство, в том числе в публичном секторе, все больше связано с формированием интенсивного коллективного разума (intense collective intelligence). Выяснено, что современная публичная политика обозначает урегулирования тех аспектов человеческой деятельности, которые требуют совместных общественных действий. Проанализированы понятия ценностно-ориентированного публичного управления с точки зрения подхода стратегемности. Отмечено, что трансформационное лидерство может помочь наращиванию институционального потенциала органов публичной службы перед новыми вызовами.The conducted study concluded that good governance concept focuses on the worker’s management approach and also include broad joint practices in problem-solving processes, joint activities and delegation of authority. Participation and “negotiations with organized networks of interest” are vital to properly address problems in a democracy The context of democracy makes thousands of conscious decentralized experiments, allows new models of political decision-making and new forms of development to be tested. Partly delegating of the policy-making function to “problem-solving specialists” (experts), the state places additional responsibilities on them to establish a permanent dialogue with society and to promote its further development towards self-determination and self-organization. The article compares the content of the definitions of “transformation leadership” and “transactional leadership”, comparing the characteristics of these types of leadership. Effective leadership, including in the public sector, is increasingly linked to the formation of an intense collective mind (intense collective intelligence) and simultaneously with the creation of a caring and supportive culture in the organization; it is increasingly worth of using situations of leadership practices, that is, adapting the form of leadership to the nature of the problem that needs to be solved is important. The concept of value-oriented public management from the point of view of strategy approach is analyzed. Both practitioners and scientists are increasingly interested in the idea of public value as a way of understanding government performance, informing policy making and building service delivery. The further development of the study of “knowledge organization” was obtained. The special potential of transformation leadership in the Ukrainian society is emphasized.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Transformation leadership and value-oriented public management: modern approaches»

UDC 351.851:005.332.3

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2020-1(21)-277-285

Semenets-Orlova Inna Andriivna,

Dr. of Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Sociology, National Aviation University, 03058, Kyiv, Str. Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, tel: (044) 406 71 53, e-mail innaorlova@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426

Семенець-Орлова 1нна Андривна,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, доцент кафедри сощологи та полтологи Нащонального авiацiйного утверсите-ту, 03058, м. Кигв, вул. Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: (044) 406 71 53, e-mail: innaorlova@ukr.net.

ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426

Семенец-Орлова Инна Андреевна,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры социологии и политологии Национального авиационного университета, 03058, г. Киев, ул. Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: (044) 406 71 53, e-mail: innaorlova@ukr.net.

ORCID: 0000-0001-9227-7426


Abstract. The conducted study concluded that good governance concept focuses on the worker's management approach and also include broad joint practices in problem-solving processes, joint activities and delegation of authority.

Participation and "negotiations with organized networks of interest" are vital to properly address problems in a democracy. The context of democracy makes thousands of conscious decentralized experiments, allows new models of political decision-making and new forms of development to be tested. Partly delegating of the policy-making function to "problem-solving specialists" (experts), the state places additional responsibilities on them to establish a permanent dialogue with society and to promote its further development towards self-determination and self-organization.

The article compares the content of the definitions of "transformation leadership" and "transactional leadership", comparing the characteristics of these types of leadership. Effective leadership, including in the public sector, is increasingly linked to the formation of an intense collective mind (intense collective intelligence) and simultaneously with the creation of a caring and supportive culture in the organization; it is increasingly worth of using situations of leadership practices, that is, adapting the form of leadership to the nature of the problem that needs to be solved is important.

The concept of value-oriented public management from the point of view of strategy approach is analyzed. Both practitioners and scientists are increasingly interested in the idea of public value as a way of understanding government performance, informing policy making and building service delivery. The further development of the study of "knowledge organization" was obtained. The special potential of transformation leadership in the Ukrainian society is emphasized.

Key words: public management, value-oriented public management, transformational leadership, transactional leadership, distributive knowledge.


Анотащя. Проаналiзовано роль трансформацшного лщерства в сучаснш CTcreMÍ публiчного управлшня. Зазначено, що широк учасницью практики у процесах виршення проблем, стльна дiяльнiсть та делегування повно-важень, властивi концепцп good governance, е високорелеватними змюту трансформацшного лщерства.

Наголошено, що для належного виршення проблем в умовах демократа життево необхвдними е участь та забезпечення "переговорiв з оргашзовани-ми мережами штереав". Контекст демократа уможливлюе тисячi свiдомих децентралiзованих експериментiв, що дають змогу апробувати новi моделi полiтичного прийняття рiшень i новi форми розвитку. Частково делегую-чи функцш вироблення полiтики "фахiвцям з виршення проблем" (екс-пертам), держава покладае на них додатковi обов'язки щодо встановлення постiйного дiалогу iз суспiльством i сприяння його подальшому розвитку у напрямi самокерованостi та самооргашзацп.

Здiйснено порiвняння змiсту трансформацшного та трансакцшного лЬ дерства, сшвставлеш ix основнi характеристики. Ефективне лвдерство, в тому числi у публiчному секторi, все бiльше пов'язане з формуванням ш-тенсивного колективного розуму (intense collective intelligence).

З'ясовано, що сучасна публiчна полiтика позначае врегулювання тих аспек-тiв людськоi дiяльностi, як вимагають спiльних громадських дiй. Проаналiзо-вано поняття цiннiсно-орiентованого публiчного управлшня з точки зору тд-ходу стратегемность Наголошено на тому, що трансформацшне лiдерство може сприяти нарощенню iнституцiйноi спроможностi органiв публiчноi служби.

K^40bî слова: публiчне управлiння, цiннiсно-орieнтоване публiчне управлiння, трансформацiйне лiдерство, трансакцiйне лщерство, дистрибу-тивне знання.


Аннотация. Проанализирована роль трансформационного лидерства в современной системе публичного управления.

Отмечено, что совместные практики в процессах решения проблем, совместная деятельность и делегирование полномочий високорелеватные содержанию трансформационного лидерства.

Отмечено, что для решения проблем в условиях демократии — жизненно необходимые участие и обеспечение "переговоров с организованными сетями интересов". Контекст демократии позволяет апробировать новые модели политического принятия решений и новые формы развития. Частично делегируя функцию выработки политики "специалистам по решению проблем" (экспертам), государство возлагает на них дополнительные обязанности по установлению постоянного диалога с обществом и содействие его дальнейшего развития в направлении саморегулируемости и самоорганизации.

Проведено сравнение содержания трансформационного и трансакцион-ного лидерства, сопоставлены их основные характеристики. Эффективное лидерство, в том числе в публичном секторе, все больше связано с формированием интенсивного коллективного разума (intense collective intelligence).

Выяснено, что современная публичная политика обозначает урегулирования тех аспектов человеческой деятельности, которые требуют совместных общественных действий. Проанализированы понятия ценностно-ориентированного публичного управления с точки зрения подхода стратегемности. Отмечено, что трансформационное лидерство может помочь наращиванию институционального потенциала органов публичной службы перед новыми вызовами.

Ключевые слова: публичное управление, ценностно-ориентированное общественное управление, трансформационное лидерство, транзакционное лидерство, дистрибутивное знание.

Problem settings. In the 21st century the system of public management should increase the ability to respond to a number of conflicting challenges. Further development of democracy causes an increasing number of participatory practices, on the other hand, the com-

plexity of problems of social development causes the need for rapid response by public authorities, and it is difficult to associate with the time-consuming wide public discourses of certain questions.

Modern information technologies make it possible to provide numerous

administrative services in an automated mode. This simplifies the work of public administration bodies in a certain way. On the other hand, modern information capabilities create representations of the situation of "high-expertise" of the position of each citizen, who, using the feeling of simultaneous presence online with politicians, experts, scientists, claims equal reporting of his "protoexpertise" position on issues requiring narrow knowledge, to the general public.

In our view,.transformational leadership is a factor that can help to build the institutional capacity of public service bodies to face new challenges.

The analysis of recent publications on the issues. The problem of transformation leadership and value-oriented public management became the subject of works by foreigners (I. Adi-zes, W. Bennis, M. Weber, S. Covey, G. Minsberg, V. Pareto, F. Fidler) and ukrainian scientists (E. Afonin, R. Voitovich, I. Degtyareva, M. Logu-nova, S. Nestulya, T. Novachenko). In this paper, the problem of leadership will be considered in terms of a new concept of transformational leadership in the context of a value-oriented public management approach.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the value concept of public governance within the paradigm of transformational leadership.

Presentation of the main research material. Despite the fact that Ukrainian society, among other things, is on the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution, the management systems of our reality correspond more to the industrial era. As O. Balakireva noted in her speech on November 29 at the

opening of the Internet research portal, according to the results of monitoring studies (63,635 civil employ-eers in Ukraine were interviewed), it can be stated that the state of professional ethos of employees is currently generally blurred. On the one hand, it does not correspond to the Soviet bureaucratic system and the homogeneous nature of the employees of that era. On the other hand, the democratic model of public service has not yet developed although there is reason to speak of a certain heterogeneity and heterogeneity of this professional group. For example, an increase in negative attitudes towards corrupt benefits and the receipt of gifts is the positive development of public em-ployeer now. Although, on the other hand, there is a persistent gender imbalance. Responders define a woman less desirable in public service than man. We can approve that we do not have now sufficient working models for truly democratic management systems that meet the needs of employees in terms of decision — making autonomy and self-government.

According to A. Zamulin, educated people come in modern organizations to replace the employees aimed at carrying out orders come down "from above," highly [1]. Often, many subordinates know more about the activities of companies, they possess better analytical technologies and concepts than their leaders. In such a situation, "smart leaders realize the existence of this paradox of status, and effective leaders liberate and mobilize the knowledge of their subordinates".

The knowledge economy requires a new style of leadership.

Polish experts treat public service bodies as the knowledge organizations, the main purpose of which is to produce intangible goods. The value of such benefits is tied to creativity and initiative, beginning with motivated people [2, p. 319]. Therefore, the characteristic of successful knowledge organizations is based on the content of the most active knowledge workers the opportunity to build a career full of meaning. The public sector provides people with the greatest opportunity for meaningful creativity and influence. It is also about the true pleasure of intangible rewards (respect, inspiration, contributing to the realization of their own ideas about good life), which the public service provides, and about the assessment of employees of their life honestly and holistically.

The needs of the domestic civil servant are the manifestation of activities in the following areas:

• to coordinate the way of life with realities of public sector;

• to cultivate in itself interest in people;

• to be permanently hardworking;

• to develop the natural inquisitive-ness [2, p. 319].

Full professional life of a public servant, his initiative and integrity and the workplace depend to a large extent on the following conditions:

1) state of sweating — ability to be completely given to interesting professional activity (specialists who enjoy immersion in new ideas can find great internal motivation to work in the field for a long time);

2) content with meaning, that is, the need to be part of something "bigger";

3) real relations with people (formation of capital relations);

4) objective life achievements [2, p. 326].

The nature of the work of the public sector will be interesting for dedicated people who focus on public interest. Constantly strengthen the value foundations of the world view of public employ-eers, related to the request of citizens for virtue, ethics, patriotism, moral im-putability, responsibility, humanism, a culture of complicity of public employ-eers, their common participation and training in a culture of democracy will be important in order for such specialists to become more.

Public policy should become a space for the education of the general public, and the practical implementation of policy should be public learning based on the values of participation [3]. Their result is the formation of a so-called "good citizen" corresponding to the realities of the system of "good (proper) governance" (GoodGovernance). In a liberal democracy, the "space of public policy" is more populated, so the role of debates about the goals and means of making public policy is necessary.

Public policy focuses on what J. Dewey defined it as society and its problems. The term "public" refers to those aspects of human activity that require state or public regulation, intervention, or at least common public actions [4, p. 23]. The public sector, unlike the private sector, is characterized by complex and more ambiguous tasks, a considerable number of problems with the implementation of solutions, connected with stricter standards of commitment and legality [4, p. 28]. But the public sector employs more people

with a wider range of motivation and there are clearly more opportunities to respond to the problems of justice, that is, to act in the interests of society.

The development of public policy is the result of gradual knowledge by society of itself, learning from its own experience. Policy-making is more successful if it is related to specific contexts (e.g. historical), and the policy-making process itself should reflect high social justice and enhance human dignity and freedom.

In many sectors of politics, the process of implementing real communication of citizens is neglected in favor of management control, which simplifies decision-making. In such a case, however, political accountability and the need for consensus are offset. It is often argued that the public is not interested in participating. Usually, this is possible in cases of negative experience, when the initiative of social activity for a number of reasons worked against the essence of human behavior. Reducing inequalities in policymaking will lead to more motivated and thoughtful citizenship.

On this basis, not only the professionalism of management personnel, but also the value basis of this professionalism is important. Value judgments provide content with judgment of reality just as a ship's course gives meaning to compass readings.

Participation and "negotiations with organized networks of interest" are vital to properly address problems in a democracy. The context of democracy makes thousands of conscious decentralized experiments, allows new models of political decision-making and new forms of development to be

tested. Partly delegating of the policy-making function to "problem-solving specialists" (experts), the state places additional responsibilities on them to establish a permanent dialogue with society and to promote its further development towards self-determination and self-organization.

In a democratic country, the role of a policy analyst expert is similar to carrying out "policy analysis as advice," such a goal requires political, moral imagination, objective assessment, and a capacity for empathy [5].

Both practitioners and scientists are increasingly interested in the idea of public value as a way of understanding government performance, informing policy making and building service delivery.

Transactional leadership was built on the basis of machine logic, transformational — on the basis of bio-logic. It is therefore a Personal Organization-Fit (POF) approach in this context [6, p. 114]. The results of the research, based on a survey of 205 Israeli local government personnel, showed that within the POF, orientation toward high efficiency, transparency, innovation and orientation towards the achievement of the organization are positively related to satisfaction from work, organizational commitment and the climate of service, as reported by these public employees.

The good governance concept also focuses on the worker's management approach. These include broad joint practices in problem-solving processes, joint activities and delegation of authority [7]. According to Liang, there is a general shift in modern leadership concepts from outstanding single lea-

ders in collective leadership; leadership is no longer associated with individuals at the top of the hierarchy, but rather becomes more distributed (distributional) among all managers, including line managers; effective leadership, including in the public sector, is increasingly linked to the formation of an intense collective mind (intense collective intelligence) and simultaneously with the creation of a caring and supportive culture in the organization; it is increasingly worth of using situations of leadership practices, that is, adapting the form of leadership to the nature of the problem that needs to be solved is important [6, p. 117].

Leadership begins to depend more heavily on the characteristics and expectations of interacting subjects. Now its subtype of collective (organizational) leadership is formed at the basis of transformational leadership. So far, we cannot talk about their certain formality [8], but rather about a new category of transitional leadership [9].

Conclusions. The approach of "leadership development within" is another expressed trend in leadership development of recent decades. This trend is evident in the search by workers for the organization of its appointment, the maximum development of personal spiritual abilities, the development of the ability to lead on the basis of personal growth and the achievement of the authenticity of its existence. In such a case, followers will perceive the leader on the basis of reference power, based on respect for and capture of the leader, psychological identification with the leader, will identify the leader as honest, competent and capable of

inspiring. The workers themselves will be distinguished by a number of characteristics obtained in a self-managing environment (self-managing environment).

Collective leadership involves an approach of extensive use of the expert knowledge of workers, and therefore large-scale activity of leaders aimed at formation and development of special behavioural skills and qualities among members of their teams, which are basic for acquisition of knowledge in a dynamic knowledge society. Such leaders can be labeled as "leaders who endow knowledge". Such leaders encourage the development of special features among staff that enable them to learn and work effectively with knowledge. This type of leaders is characterized by high reliability in the eyes of its followers, that increases the positive effect of using power status.

The most important factor is the intellectual connection between the leader and followers, the leadership strategy of the future, in the context of the public authority body will reliably be highly intelligent in response to the requests of the knowledge society. Therefore, now the manager does not show intellectual dominance in the organization, but will be one of the intellectual workers who largely equally possess expert knowledge in the organization. The leader's ability to build the intellectual capacity of the organization through psychological factors, in particular to ensure appropriate conditions for joint activity and collective work will highlight him. Perhaps then we will have reason to talk about semi-latent/semi-virtual leadership.


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8. Semenets-Orlova, I. & Kyselova Y.

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