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Abbasov S.B. d.g.s., prof.

Samarkand State University Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Ecology Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand

Jumayeva M.B. senior lecturer

Department of Geography and Basics of Economic Knowledge Navoi State Pedagogical Institut Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi



Introduction. The name of the Zarafshan oasis is derived from the name of the river of the same name that flows through the territory of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Zarafshan river has a great role in development and development of these areas. The "Zarafshan" river has been mentioned since the 18th century. In ancient times, this river was called "Polythemite" (honorable, great, great) by the Greeks, "Mosaf' or "Mosif' in the works of Arab historians in the Middle Ages, "Vadi us- Sug'd", "Nahr us Sug'd", "Nahr ul-Bukhara" and "Kohak". Toponym "Zarafshan" in Persian means "zar" - "gold", "afshon" - means scatterer. Tomdi district is a district in Navoi region. It was established on July 3, 1927. It borders Konimekh and Nurota districts in the south, Kyzylorda in Kazakhstan in the north, South Kazakhstan regions in the east, Jizzakh region in the southeast, and Uchkuduk district in the west. Muruntov gold mine, one of the largest gold mines in the world, is also located in Tomdi district. The territory of the district is located in the Kyzylkum desert, so the soil is red and sandy. The climate of the region is sharply continental, with hot and dry summers and cold winters. The topography of Tomdi district is represented mainly by lowlands and small rocks of medium height. Lowlands are spread over almost all regions of the district, in the western part of the region there are Muruntov and Tomditov mountains. The mountainous areas of the district are at an altitude of 200 to 900 meters above sea level. The hills are mainly composed of sandstone and sand. The average height of the region is 300 meters. The highest point of the region is the Oktov mountain of the Tomditov mountain range, with a height of 922 meters. The lowest point of the region is the Mingbulok basin, which is 12 meters below the sea level [4, 34-b]. Not a single river flows through the territory of the district, as almost the entire territory of the district consists of deserts and steppes. A number of very small streams flow from the southeastern

part of the district and flow into Aydarkol Lake. The largest lake and reservoir in the region is the large closed lake Aydarkol.

The main part. The territory of the province is divided into 3 parts according to its natural conditions: the northwestern part is occupied by the Kyzylkum desert, where there are closed bogs (Karakota, Mulali, Mingbulok), sandy plains and residual mountains (Ovminzatog, Yetimtog, Bokantov, Tomditov, etc.); the southeastern part is occupied by low and medium-height branches of the Nurota mountain range (Koratog, Oktog, etc.) and depressions between mountains (Nurota depression, etc.); In the middle of the Zarafshon river is the cotton growing zone of the region. The main water source of the region is the Zarafshan River. Konimex channel was released from Zarafshan. Kuyimozor and Todakul reservoirs are also important in providing water to the region.

Due to the large territory of Navoi region, its toponyms are also important. According to toponymologist S. Korayev, the 1:200000 scale topographic map of the region contains more than 5500 oronyms, hydronyms and oikonyms [6, p. 79]. There are about 40 villages and settlements included in the state register in Tomdi district of Navoi region. If we take a look at the etymology of the existing oikonyms, we can find oronymic and hydronymic oikonyms, place names based on the number and color of the place name, mainly according to the location and shape of the object.

In Tomdi district, there are not many names that have arisen depending on the geographical location, situation and characteristics of the place, and the following are examples of such toponyms: the name of Ortaquduq, Ayaqkuduq villages in Tomdi district means "the village at the foothills, the village on the lower side" or "the It is called in the sense of "the village in the middle, located in the center". The group of object names named on the basis of the size, appearance and shape of the object includes Jalpakhshi, Jeltumsuq, Uzunqum, Uzuntepa, Ushaqtepa, Dumalaqtobe - the names of the hills, - Darvoza, Tomditov - mountains, Kichioy, Uzunyalov - we enter urochishe names.

The territory of Navoi region is not rich in plant species because it is mainly a desert. Zootoponyms and phytotoponyms are rare among the toponyms of Tomdi district. For example, names such as Ajiriqti, Dala, Kokdala indicate that there is pasture for livestock. In the sandy deserts of the region, there are woodpeckers, sand mice, stilts, lizards, goat saddle, white snake, sand boll snake, wheel snake. Among the mammals, desert cat, gazelle, khangul, saiga, wolf, fox, rabbit are found. Insects include scorpions, caterpillars, grasshoppers, and grasshoppers. Animals such as wild boar, pheasant, red goose, and hornbill live in the forests on the shores of Amudarya. The Kyzylkum reserve was established on the banks of the Amudarya to protect the forest landscape and animals there.


Classification of Tomdi district oikonyms_


Names of the object named after its location are Ortaquduq, Ayaquduq

Phytooikonyms Ajiriqti, Tatirguduq, Dala, Kokdala

Zootoponyms Aristan, Kulonqoq

Oronymic names Keregetov, Pershe

Hydronymic Tomdibulaq, Ayakkuduq, Besbulaq, Jirik,

Anthropoonyms Aldabergen, Kulimbet, Nurmakhon, Yergesh, Begimbet, Utemurat, Moldaman

Etnookonyms Ogiztov Etnookonyms Ogiztov

The names given to the place when it was built are New Tomdi

Regarding the number of the name Togizbay

Names related to color are Aktov, Kyzilquduq, Aqqabaq, Aqtaqir

Zootoponyms are also found among regional land-water names: objects such as Ukulisoy, Qoplondi (well), Qoplontepa (mountain), Kulonqoq are named after ukki, kaplon or kulon. Kulonkok is a pond where kulons water. However, it is a bit difficult to explain that villages, areas, wells, mountains like Eshkili, Aristan, Aristantov, Julbars are named after these animals. Because Kazakhs had a surname called Aristan, Turkomans Arislan, Kazakhs Eshkili, Kyrgyz and Kazakhs had a clan called Julbars, and Kazakh-Korakalpaks also have the names Ariston and Julbars.

The least studied area in toponymy is color symbolism. Color names such as white, black, blue, yellow, red, gray, green are often found in toponyms; the colors white and black are repeated especially often: antipodal toponyms such as Oktov-Karatov, Aksuv-Korasuv, Aqkorgon-Karakorgon, Oktepa-Koratepa, Oqqum-Koraqum, Aqtosh-Qoratosh have a concept of color in a certain sense. In toponymy, the word red has many meanings: red color, blood, sun, east, etc. But according to H. Hasanov, Kyzylkum can be interpreted in two ways: Eastern desert or Golden desert. [8, p. 117]. Among the place names depending on the number and color of the district name, we include such names as Aktov, Kyzylquduq, Aqqabaq, Aqtaqir, Tog'izbay. Names associated with the object's color and hue are regional names such as Ko'kto'be, Akjontepa, Akshoho, Kiziloy, Karamulla, Karato'be; Kyzylkum sandbar; Oktov, Karatov, Ko'ktepa, Okjetpes, Karabulok, Kon'irtepa mountain names; Urochishe names such as Kokdala, Kizilkese, Kiziloykuduq, Karamulla, Karanayza, Kiziloy, Karamola also belong to this group.

Oronims are the names of not only mountains and hills, but also negative forms of relief, that is, ravines, valleys, valleys, low plains, gorges, dunes and other orographic objects. "Oronim" means (Greek Oros - mountain, onoma -name). Oronims are recorded differently in scientific literature. Oronim are interpreted as mountain names, and they include the names of mountains, peaks, hills, hills, passes, gorges, and ravines. Oronim is a Greek word for "oro" -mountain, anomi - a horse with a name, any high places that protrude from the surface of the earth, a mountain, a hill, a hill, a peak, a pass, etc. Oronyms, like oikonyms and hydronyms, are a set of independent separate types of Uzbek toponymy. One of the villages of Tomdi district, Oktaqir, was taken from it. Koranayza, a village located in Ayaquduq village assembly, was named Koranayza because the settled people of Tomdi district belonged to the Kazakh nationality. it was given this name because it was. Keriz - village, Nurota, Tomdi districts. Local pronunciation of the word Koriz. Coriz is a series of connected wells dug underground to bring underground water to the surface. Koriz is derived from the Persian words hok (soil) or kokh - "high" and rekhtan -"to pour, flow, pour", that is, "water network flowing from above".

There are not many names related to minerals, rocks and soil in the district. Navoi region is one of the regions of our country rich in natural mineral resources, where large industrial enterprises operate based on them. More than 200 mineral deposits have been identified in the region, of which 16 are uranium deposits, 37 are rare metal deposits, and 12 are sources of mineralized healing waters. Mineral resources are extracted from 78 mines identified in the region. Major mining enterprises of the region are located mainly in the cities of Zarafshan, Uchkuduq, and Tomdi, Nurota, and Konimekh districts. There are gold (Muruntov, Kokpatas), uranium (Uchkuduq), gas (Gazli, Koshkuduq, Khojakazgan), sulfur, mercury, graphite, phosphorus, asbestos, corundum, copper, and turquoise deposits.

Names related to water bodies (hydronyms). The main water source of the Navoi region is the Zarafshan river, from which the Konimekh canal was dug. Wells in the region are distinguished by their large number. In Tomdi district, the names of wells and springs are named after some of their features. There are wells, springs and village names such as Shorbulok, Karabulok, Saribulok, Kyzilquduq, Ortaquduq, Taldiquduq, Boymuratquduq, Bukhorboyquduq, Saparboyquduq, Shakirbekquduq. [2, p. 220].

Conclusion. The analysis of toponyms of Tomdi district of Navoi region shows that place names related to natural geographical features occupy a significant place, and among them, oronyms and hydronyms take a special place in terms of number and content. Due to the fact that most of the inhabitants of the district belong to the Kazakh and Karakalpak ethnicities, Kazakh names prevail in both the oronim group and the oikonim group. Many place names can be found with the indicators tobe, tov, sand, well: Muruntov, Oktov, Sangruntov, Tomditov, Toxtatov, Shushaktov, Kazoqtov, Karatov, Belgetobe,

Izbosartobe, Domaloqtobe., Sugurtobe, Karatobe, Yamonqum, Qizilqum, Oqqum and others.


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