TOPONYMS OF KASHKADARYA REGION AND THEIR GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Khanakah / Gazar / Khazar / Navtak / Navtaka / Kat / Katob / Ob / Uzvi / Ordu / Toponomics. / Khanakah / Gazar / Khazar / Navtak / Navtaka / Kat / Katob / Ob / Uzvi / Ordu / Toponomics.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Mirzoyeva I.E., Yoqubova M.I.

Following article deals with the origination of the names of districts in Kashkadarya region, as well as geographical features of toponomic analysis. The analysis of the toponyms of the district shows that the main feature of the toponymy of Kashkadarya region the large number of ethnotoponyms in the place names and oikonyms named according to the profession is also significant for the studied area.

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Following article deals with the origination of the names of districts in Kashkadarya region, as well as geographical features of toponomic analysis. The analysis of the toponyms of the district shows that the main feature of the toponymy of Kashkadarya region the large number of ethnotoponyms in the place names and oikonyms named according to the profession is also significant for the studied area.


Mirzoyeva I.E. senior teacher Department of Ecology and Geography Bukhara State University Yoqubova M.I. a 2nd-year student of Geography sciences Bukhara State University


Annotation. Following article deals with the origination of the names of districts in Kashkadarya region, as well as geographical features of toponomic analysis. The analysis of the toponyms of the district shows that the main feature of the toponymy of Kashkadarya region - the large number of ethnotoponyms in the place names and oikonyms named according to the profession is also significant for the studied area.

Key words: Khanakah, Gazar, Khazar, Navtak, Navtaka, Kat, Katob, Ob, Uzvi, Ordu, Toponomics.

As a result of the improving of cultural relations on a global scale, the increasing volume of trade between countries and the exchange of tourists, the need for more practical use of geographical place names and the formation of a standardized system of toponyms at the international and national level is increasing. A number of reforms on standardization and normalization of geographical names, creation of the state register of geographical names, naming and renaming of geographical objects are being carried out in our republic and significant positive results are being achieved. In the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, that was adapted on October 21, 2019 № PF-5850 "On measures to fundamentally increase the prestige and position of the Uzbek language as a state language", "... the law on geographical and other toponymic objects, in accordance with the documents, systematic tasks have been defined in terms of monitoring and coordination of activities related to naming.21

Geographical place names are divided into several types by toponymists according to their appearance and characteristics. Since they are very diverse according to their origin, it is difficult to divide them into some types and to unite them into some groups. Any event, phenomenon, and process occurs under the influence of certain conditions and factors. The emergence of place names also occurs under the influence of certain conditions and factors. Such conditions and factors can generally be divided into historical, geographical and linguistic groups. The historical conditions and factors that give rise to place names can

21 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PF-5880 dated October 21, 2019 "On measures to fundamentally increase the prestige and status of the Uzbek language as a state language".

include the social system of the historical period and the events and phenomena that take place in it. The etymological analysis of place names in the territory of Kashkadarya region shows that the place names typical of each historical period reflect the social system of that period, the stratification of the population, events and incidents. For example, the name of the city and district in Kashkadarya region.

Chirakchi has long been a city of skilled craftsmen. Therefore, the name of the city of Chirakchi is related to the profession of "lamp-making artisans". According to T. Nafasov opinion, Chirakchi was a large and prosperous city in IV-X centuries. The city became a ruin during the Mongol invasion. There are two interpretations of the word "chirakchi", which is the basis of the name of the district: "chirakchi" is a craftsman who makes lamps.As well as, a lamplighter is a person who lights a lamp (candle) in a place such as a cemetery. Usually, a geographic object can be named if it attracts people's attention due to some feature or certain activity or events. [5]

Dehkanabad - the village was founded in 1981 by the initiative of Dehkonboy Boltaboyev, the head of the "Gulshan" State Farm in the district. The name of the village is taken from the name of this person. It is the name of the district within the Kashkadarya region. In 1925, the district was established under the name of Tangiharam. Dehkhanabad is a mountainous district, the terrain consists of medium-high mountains, low mountains and sub-mountain slopes. In the speech of the inhabitants of mountainous regions, tangi means a narrow gorge (in tajik language, tang means "narrow"). "Kambar" stream is a narrow, narrow part of the gorge, where water often flows. "Haram" is a holy place or a shrine. Tangiharam is a mountain in the gorge where the pilgrimage site is located. In 1935, the name of the district was officially changed to Dehkanabad. The name consists of two components: farmer and prosperous. A farmer works in the agricultural sector, owns land and conducts economic activities on it. Dehkanabad is a prosperous settlement that was taken over by farmers and newly established.

Ghuzor - it was a district in 1926, and became a city in 1977, in Kashkadarya region. The composition, meaning, and language of the name written in the style of Khuzar/Khuzar/Khazar in ancient Turkic petroglyphs, that are more uncertain. It is important that this name was written in the form of Khuzar/Khuzar/Khazar in the V-VII centuries old Turkic records and it was explained as the name of the city in the most remote area inhabited by Turkic peoples. It is interpreted differently in folk tales: "khuk+zor" - a place with pigs' tracks. It is known that the Khazar/Khazar confederation lived in the territory of Afghanistan in the recent past.

Kasbi - the name of the district within the Kashkadarya region. The ruins of the city of Kasba, Kasbi, which is the basis of the district's name, are located 35 km southwest of the city of Karshi. According to historical sources, Kasbi is bigger than the city of Nasaf in terms of territory. According to the scientist, this word has two meanings: first, big village, small town; the second is a pledge, a

reed. With these meanings, it was used in the past of the Tajik language in the XXIX centuries.

Kitob - the name of the city and district in Kashkadarya region. Kitob was originally the name of the city, and then the district was also named with the same name. The name of the district has nothing to do with the book ("kitob" is translated from Uzbek into English as a book), which is a means of preserving and spreading knowledge, forming socio-political, scientific, aesthetic views and a tool of education. In some toponymic literature, it is said that the name of the district is based on the Tajik words "kitf"- shoulder and "ob"- water. The city may have been named Kitfiob because the high Hisar and Zarafshan mountains around the city served as a watershed. Later, according to the rule of saving place names, the name was changed to Kitab. According to T. NafasoVs opinion, the city is located on the bank of Okdarya, and its ancient name is Katob. It is a Sugdian word, kat means "fortress, village". The last meaning of this word is village, city. Katob means "fort by the river or village, city by the water".

Koson - was a district center in 1926n, and became a city in 1972, in Kashkadarya region. The changed appearance of the ancient name "Kushan" (3rd BC and 4th AD centuries). The name of the ancient Kushan Empire comes from the name of the "Kushan" clan (ethnonym). Kosonsoi in Namangan region refers to the name of the ancient city of Kosonsoi in the Fergana valley. The Kushan Empire ruled Central Asia in the 1 st and 3rd centuries BC. The inhabitants were Kushans, a part of the Yuyechji tribe. The changed form of the Kushan ethnonym is Koson. In the middle of the word sh^-s, u/a^o sound change occurred: kushan^kusan^koson^Koson. Monument of the 9th century. In "Hudud al-Olam" the name of Kosan is mentioned in the works of Kason, Samani and Yakut. In some sources, its current name is also recorded as Kosonsoy (in Namangan region). This is described in detail in "Boburnoma".

Mirishkor - the name of a village in the Vabkent district, in the Kashkadarya region, as well as in Bukhara region. The word Mirishkor means "master of his work", "factor". It is also worth noting that there is an ancient tribe called Mirishkor (Merishkor), which is part of the Uzbek nation. The name of the tribe means "hunting governor". There is a village with the same name in Shurchi district of Surkhandarya region. The word mirishkar (Persian mirishikor) -"manager of hunters" ecame into the Uzbek language as mirishkor - "skilled, experienced, knowledgeable".

Muborak - city in Kashkadarya region since 1982. The meanings of the word "muborak" from the Arabic language means: bringer of happiness; goodness; blessed and holy. The name of a person is based on these meanings. The name of the village on the left bank of the Karshi-Bukhara road was Khojamuborak. Khojamuborak and Muboraktepa's house is there. The pilgrimage is named after Muborak person. The real name of this person was Abdullah ibn Mubarak al-Marwazi and was born in Marv. He studied in Bukhara and Arabia. He was the leader of jurisprudence. He wrote dozens of books and collected

hadiths. The name of this person was the basis for naming the village. The words "khoja" and "father" were added for sanctification. The name of the village and the shrine came from the name of the person. The name of the district and city is derived from the name of the village.

Nishon - a district (1975), town (2009), desert in Kashkadarya region. In the 30s of the 20th century, a new livestock farm was established in the Balkhiyak desert. Since it is a new type of state economy, the place symbolically and officially named as "Nishon". Meanings of the word "nishon" word: sign, trace, target, medal. Sometimes girls and boys were named like this. In the middle of the 70s of the 20 th century, a district was formed in this area, the name of the farm became the name of the district.

Qamashi - the name of the city and district in Kashkadarya region. The Karshi desert occupies part of the territory of the district. The name Qamashi is derived from the name of the Qamaichi clan of the Uzbek Kunhirot tribe. According to T. Nafasov, kamay is an ancient Turkic ethnonym. The Turkic tribe is named after the totem. For the representatives of this ethnic group, the kamay bird belonging to the family of falcons, the karchigai family, was accepted as a totem. The modern Uzbek name of this bird is kumoy, and it is found in the Hisar mountains in Uzbekistan. Kumoy is a rare species in nature. Uzbekistan is included in the "Red Book". According to the legend, the one whose shadow falls on the head of a hummingbird when it flies, will get the state, kingdom and happiness. The bird was originally a totem, and later became a clan name, a city name, and a district name.

Karshi - the center of Kashkadarya region. The name of the city of Karshi appeared in the 14th century. The city of Karshi, which has a history of 2700 years, was called by a different name in the past. The ancient name of the city of Karshi is Navkat. In the ancient past of Iranian languages, "nav" is new, and "kat" is kurghan. Synonymous with the Uzbek name of Yangikurghan. In written sources dedicated to the history of the peoples of Uzbekistan, the name of the city of Karshi is written as Navtak, Navtaka, Navtok. According to historical information, the name Navtak was applied to the city, and the name Navtaka was applied to the region. It is known that Navtak is a model of an ancient city that appeared on the site of the ruins of Yerkurgan. It was built about 8 centuries BC. Academician M. Y. Masson considered the word taka in the name Navtaka to be related to the Sugdian word "taq", "taqa". The word taqa is a construction term. The last syllable of the words chortoq, chordoq, and peshtoq in the modern Uzbek and Tajik languages is related to this word. Chortok is a space between the roof and ceiling of a building. The luxurious upper part of the front of the gabled building, arch. The word "taq" also meant the ancient market team. Tim means an attic with open sides and a closed top, intended for trade. Sometimes, it is known that the word "ti" also calls a domed building. It is known that there were ancient fortresses named Toghi Girra in Kurdistan, Toghi Boston on Besutun Mountain, and Toghi Kasra in Mesopotamia. It should be said that the word "tak", "taka" in

the ancient Navtak, Navtaka names of the city of Karshi in the written sources can be assumed to be related to the word "taq". A more reliable argument is that the name Navtak, Navtaka is related to the word Navkat. "Kat" is the most common word in the Central Asian system of place names. The name of Navkat was found in every region. The primitive meaning of the word "karshi" - "kharsh" is a wall that acts as a barrier. [3]

Shahrisabz - district in Kashkadarya region since 1929. Sources mention that this city of Southern Sughd, which has a history of three thousand years, was called Kesh in ancient times, and was called Shahrisabz from the 14th century. It is known from the description "... they call it Shahrisabz because of the desert and city of springs, and because it has many roofs and roofs, it is green". Natural features and qualities are the basis for naming the city. Shahrisabz is a city full of gardens, trees, green crops, grasses.

Yakkabogh - the name of the city and district within the Kashkadarya region. Yakkabogh district is located in the eastern part of Kashkadarya region. The name Yakkabog is not the only one in the toponymy of the republic, but geographical objects with the same name can be found in other regions. It should be noted that each geographical name has its own "load", because it contains various historical, linguistic and geographical information that has a specific meaning. The explanation will be convincing only if all its components are properly analyzed. In the words of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, "He who understands the true meaning of a name knows the place well". Yakkabogh is a name that reflects real reality. The name contains a word that means lonely and secluded. The conclusion is that the garden is located in a separate place from other objects of this type, so the singular word was used for it.

Kukdala- a district in Kashkadarya region. It was established on March 17, 2022 by dividing the territory of Chirakchi district into two. The center is Yettitom town. The area is 171 thousand hectares. Kukdala means "a field covered with green plants", "a field where grass grows thickly". The settlement, which was formed in the fields and steppes where grass grows thickly, was also named Kokdala due to the landscape and nature of the area. The toponym is based on the natural geographical features of the place. Some researchers also note this toponym as Kuk dala - green field.

First of all, knowing the meaning and the reason for the name of the geographical names that are heard not only in classes, but also in the mass media, is a requirement of today's information speed. At the moment, he respects the past and values of the people he belongs to, the country he lives in, and sees the ingenuity and wisdom of the people because the names embodying the dreams and hopes of the ancestors are a part of the history of the country. Geographical names show pride in the homeland.

Based on the above analysis, we would like to attach the following conclusions, suggestions and recommendations:

1. The names of villages, hills, graves, ditches are a subject that deserves to be carefully studied and researched. This is an invaluable source of information about our past, which tribe or clan we belong to, which language our ancestors spoke, and which nations they had economic and cultural relations with.

2. The analysis of the toponyms of the district shows that the main feature of the toponymy of the Bukhara region is the large number of ethnotoponyms in place names and oikonyms named according to their profession, which is typical for the region under study.

3. Explanation of place names, especially ethnotoponyms, in the course of geography, history and language lessons, there are not enough sources about ethnic groups formed in different historical periods.

4. At the same time, the occurrence of neotoponyms among the place names of the district is its unique feature. This is explained by the existence of territories that were appropriated in the recent past.


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