Научная статья на тему 'Physical education and personal development of students on the history of Slavic martial arts "Ross, the feast, thunder"'

Physical education and personal development of students on the history of Slavic martial arts "Ross, the feast, thunder" Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
feast / martial arts / culture / system / personal safety competence

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Аnatoly А. Opletin

The article considers the question of martial arts systems using in the educational process of physical culture lessons for students personality patriotic, social-moral self-development formation. For training them to serve in the Russian Federation armed forces for the Motherland protection, for students upbringing on the best traditions established by our fathers and grandfathers. Material. This article is addressed to the issue of students Patriotic education social-moral mechanism formation at the physical culture lessons by means of martial arts. Research methods. Analysis of scientific and scientific-methodical literature on the research problem, pedagogical observation, questionnaire, experiment. Results. Developed and implemented in the educational process of students social-moral self-development patriotic education mechanism at physical culture lessons by means of martial arts, which gave positive results in the educational process of the University. Conclusion. The research confirms that the use in the educational process of the University students the Russian self-defense system helps to create a physical sport personal safety competence. Physical education goes beyond the only applied professional competencies but also creates interdisciplinary competence.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Physical education and personal development of students on the history of Slavic martial arts "Ross, the feast, thunder"»

8. Audrey R. Chapman. The Contributions of Human Rights to Universal Health Coverage. Zdorov'e i prava cheloveka [Health and Human Rights]. 2016, Vol. 18, No. 2 (SCOPUS).

9. Tracey Bushnik, Didier Garriguet, Rachel Colley. Parent-Child association in body weight status / Tracey Bushnik, Didier Garriguet, Rachel Colley.

Otchety o rabotosposobnosti [Health Reports]. 2017, June 21. (SCOPUS).

Submitted: 27.04.2017 Received:03.05.2017

Natalia S. Moshenko - senior lecturer, Kostanay Socio-Technical University Named After Academician Z. Aldamzhar, 27, Gertsen str., Kostanay, 110010, Kazakhstan, E-mail: ciassic-111@mail.ru

For citations: Moshenko, N. S. Sports managers communication skills development with the installation on trust in the implementation of game activity, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 99-104.

DOI 10.14526/01_2017_214


Anatoly A. Opletin — candidate of pedagogics, associate professor Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 29, Komsomolsky prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia

E-mail: opletin.a@yandex.ru

Annotation. The article considers the question of martial arts systems using in the educational process ofphysical culture lessons for students personality patriotic, social-moral self-development formation. For training them to serve in the Russian Federation armed forces for the Motherland protection, for students upbringing on the best traditions established by our fathers and grandfathers. Material. This article is addressed to the issue of students Patriotic education social-moral mechanism formation at the physical culture lessons by means of martial arts. Research methods. Analysis of scientific and scientific-methodical literature on the research problem, pedagogical observation, questionnaire, experiment. Results. Developed and implemented in the educational process of students social-moral self-development patriotic education mechanism at physical culture lessons by means of martial arts, which gave positive results in the educational process of the University. Conclusion. The research confirms that the use in the educational process of the University students the Russian self-defense system helps to create a physical sport personal safety competence. Physical education goes beyond the only applied professional competencies but also creates interdisciplinary competence.

Keywords: feast, martial arts, culture, system, personal safety competence.


Culture - a broad concept, representing the harmonious unity of many components, one of them is physical culture[4]. The Slavic

peoples original physical culture found expression in folk games, rites, and customs. Ancient national system of military martial arts "ROSS, FEAST, THUNDER" were

particularly spiritual, they were blessed with the light of humanism and patriotism. In contrast to the "East," "West" model of Russian forces never opposed themselves to the whole society but instead sought to identify themselves with it [1,2,3].

The names "RISTIISA, funeral FEAST," associated with the funeral rites of the pagan Slavs - a solemn farewell to the fallen in the battle, a knight in the militar, battle or game. About the nature of military custom, designed from the living to ward off death, who demonstrated their survival and viability, according to the ancient sources. "ROSS, FEAST, THUNDER" could grow and be born not only among soldiers, military life: it was customary to give farewell honor -military battle or a game only for the dead warrior; civilians engaged in agriculture did not know the system, "ROSS, FEASTS, THUNDER" and managed just a commemoration.

During feasts, the armor, the dead warrior was placed on a high mound on top that they inspired competing as military symbols. Military games were accompanied by songs, which glorified feats of deceased. Before the burial a solemn feast was made on a grave. Warriors funeral military games consisted of competitions in wrestling, hand-to-hand and fist combat, running, archery, throwing the discus, etc. Expensive prizes were intended for the winner in each kind of competition. The word "FEAST" is translated as "win", "overcome" (in the fight). In vocabulary related to the Slavs languages there is not still met etymologically close term, so the word is recognized as exclusively Slavic. In ancient books of Church Slavonic language (three(s)value) is used to mean a contest, a battle. Also, this word is listed in the ancient azbukovnik. The words "trezise", "FEAST", corresponded to the ancient Greek notions of "competition", "struggle". The Greek Olympic games were translated as "five-year Trizna". Trezise was equivalent sometimes to the field, to the space for upcoming events. The pagan rite was one of communication forms with the God Perun, who DAZHDBOG symbolizes the sphere of heavenly deities: Perun - the sword

and the fire horse - the God of lightning, thunder, fire, patron of the military; Give God with a sun sign - the sun deity, light, mythical ancestor of the Russian people, the wealth giver. Perun - one of the terrible deities, combatants-soldiers, armed with axes, which became symbols of the storm. Perun was made of oak wood, with silver head and with golden moustaches.

Slavs had not constant army in the epoch of the political entities. To fight the enemy were all the population, the ability to protect and carry various weapons. Features of the Slavic warriors training come from the conditions of hostilities at that time. Is primarily: 1) the protective ammunition; 2) the correlation of forces; 3) the duration of the battle; 4) the systematic participation in the wars; 5) the venue of the fight; 6) weapons; 7) climatic conditions. The main protection of the Slavic warriors always was considered the mail. But chainmail could not stand straight, stabbing, hard strike, that is why the warriors used their body mobility, to prevent direct punch and kick had slanting blow. The Slavs fought with the more numerous cavalry of nomads, and against the byzantines, the livonians, the teutons, who were much better protected and armed. Soldiers were able to fight with the enemy attacking from four sides, i.e., against the group, they had superiority in the individual training to achieve success. This was facilitated by the rite of feasts when one fighter on the mountain fought with the whole group. Later in the Christian period, after the prohibition of all pagan rites the fight on the mountain of the "feasts" was renamed "king of the hill". This kind of tradition reached our days. We had a number of references in Chronicles on the battle duration, which told that the battle went from dawn to dusk and sometimes continued at night. It was possible to withstand the battle with such duration only by using cost-effective technique of martial arts, not making any unnecessary movements and in the most optimal range of motion. Since the striking surface of the weapon was it fist, sword, spear, foot or otherwise was very small, there was no need to do protective amplitude movements as in martial arts. At low amplitude

the enemy had the impression that the fighter was nearly defeated and became vulnerable. Due to this false impression the enemy chose the wrong tactics of battle. Strike of the warrior from the enemy attack line was minimal on the striking surface of the weapon, the weapon slid along the surface of the armor. At minimum amplitude, it was possible to do greater frequency of movements, the care was done in the direction of rapprochement with the enemy and not for separation. It allowed the enemy to develop in the attack maximum power and the Slavic warrior at low amplitude had the opportunity to strike a fatal blow. The Slavic tribes were almost constantly at war with their geopolitical location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia and were forced to repel the attacks as "Western" and "Eastern" civilizations, military equipment movements worked out by them professionally [2]. The venue of the match was of great importance to the .individual fighting. Our ancestors tried to choose places where it was inconvenient to use the troops with a large number of soldiers that were difficult to maneuver and the setting was unusual for the enemy, where the numerical advantage and physical strength were meaningless and all was decided by the skill and agility of each fighter. The soldier who was more flexible, elastic, more stable usually won. Working on the mountains Slavs worked the best stability, insurance in falling, because they were dropping of tough hills with a slope of 30 degrees. Standing on a higher level it was more profitable to work with feet and standing below with - hands. On the plain it was better to strike blows above the waist, and not below the belt. In winter the fighting took place on rivers, lakes, and it should be taken into account the warriors training standing wide on a slippery surface. Rack width did not exceed the width of the shoulders, otherwise stability and maneuverability was lost. In the Eastern martial arts rack width was much greater because the struggle took place mostly on solid ground. There is a difference in the technique of a cold weapon possession. The weapon was heavier and more inert than that of the East peoples, so the movements were cyclic,

continuation of one was the beginning of another.

The aim of our research is the

development and introduction in educational process of students patriotic education social-moral self-development mechanism formation at physical culture lessons with the means of combat and to develop the competence of personal safety.

Center for Slavic martial arts "ROSS, FEAST, the THUNDER" at the Institute of art and culture aims to implement in the educational process of the university this kind of sport [1,2,3,4].

Methods and research organization. Students of the art and culture institute took part in the research, the experimental group of 63 people involved in the specially developed program of physical culture with the Russian domestic self-defense system inclusion.

Results and their discussion. Currently competitions in the HEI are carried out on one of the main sections: hand to hand combat. During the competition, tritnite, melee work in full contact, in leather gloves with a weight of 300 g. the 2 phalanges of the hands fingers are seen from the gloves. Blows to the head and side kicks are allowed. The limbs and body strikes are allowed with hands and feet. Possible Throws, holding, hooking, painful and suffocating receptions, bends of the arms are allowed; foul blows by open glove to the throat, face, groin are bumped. Students trained according to the system of self-defense "ROSS, FEAST, THUNDER" at the University for four years showed positive statistical changes in the competence of personal safety formation. At the beginning of the experiment, the level of competence formation was low- 87%, relative - 11%, average - 2%. At the final stage of the experiment, the relative level was 7% in the experimental group, an average - 45% high-40%, the highest excellent - 8%. According to the statistics of the Perm military enlistment office 86% of students involved in martial arts systems serve in the Russian Federation special armed forces.


The research confirms that the use in the educational process of the University students of the Russian self-defense system contributes to the physical-sports competencies personal safety formation. Physical education forms not only professionally applied competencies but also creates interdisciplinary competence in the field of Patriotic education.


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Submitted: 07.04.2017 Received: 10.04.2017e.

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7. Irene Esteban-Cornejo, David Martinez-Gomez, Laura Garcia-Cervantes, Francisco B. Ortega, Alvaro Delgado-Alfonso, José Castro-Piñero, Oscar L. Veiga. Objectively Measured Physical Activity During Physical Education and School Recess and Their Associations With Academic Performance in Youth: The UP&DOWN Study. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2017, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 275-282, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/jpah.2016-0192. (SCOPUS)

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Anatoly A. Opletin - candidate of pedagogics, associate professor Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 29 Komsomolsky prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia, E-mail: opletin.a@yandex.ru

For citations: Opletin A.A. Students physical education and personal development on the history of Slavic martial arts "Ross, the Feast, Thunder", The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 104-107.

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