Научная статья на тему 'Phraseological units as indicators of national peculiarities'

Phraseological units as indicators of national peculiarities Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Godovannaya E., Litovchenko S.

The article investigates the usage of phraseological units as exemplified in the novels by Jeffrey Archer ‘Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less’ and ‘False Impression’. It draws the reader’s attention to the functioning of phraseological units in modern English and their role in identifying national peculiarities. The research mainly concentrates on phraseological unities as the most vivid and numerous group.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Phraseological units as indicators of national peculiarities»



рар 050 монологар ку^урдуу бэлиэтин хойуутук туттуута, ааптар дьиннээх KepAehyy KyyhyH, улахан ба§а санаа ситимээри гыммытын бэлиэтиир туоhу-та. О5050 кьЛал^алаах кэм ааннаабытын итэ^этэн, аа^ааччы сурэ^эр сы-тыытык киирэр, дууhаны аймыыр этиилэрэ - суруйааччы уран тыл маастара буоларын кердерер суол. Ойуунускай П.А. бу уус-уран айымньытын реализм суурээнигэр оло^уран суруйбута ете кестер.

Ойуунускай П.А. дирин иэйиини этии тутулунан уескэтэр албаЬа олус ба-ай. Кини суолталыыр тылын ураты охсуулаан, этэр санаатын чопчулаан, куу-hyрдэн, бигэргэтэн аа^ааччыны бэйэтин иэйиитин сабыдыалыгар киллэрэр.

Ааптар оччотоо^у буола турар бьЛыыны-майгыны, оло^у-дьайа^ы ийиттэн билэр буолан, баттабылы-ата^астабылы суох онорууга, баттыгаста-ах сокуону тердуттэн уларытыыга, оло^у кеннеруугэ, тупсарыыга дьулуhу-ута бу айымньы сурун идиэйэтэ диибит. Ону таЫшан, бу кэпсээн автобио-графическай буоларын быйыытынан, саха литературатыгар сурун миэстэни ылара сыаналанар.

Тумуктээн эттэххэ, П.А.Ойуунускай уус-уран айымньылара саха ому-гун муударайын, олоххо философиятын, еркен ейун туойулууллара саар-ба^а суох. Ойуунускай айылдаттан айдарыллан, норуот туhугар оло^ун анаабыт уйэ^э биирдэ бэриллэр сытыы кылыс тыллаах саха саарына буолар. Кини айар улэтэ итинник киэн энсиилээх, дирин тугэхтээх буолан, еруу кэ-рэхсэбиллээх.

Список литературы:

1. Кожина М.Н. Стилистика русского языка. - М.: Просвещение, 1983.

2. Афанасьев П.С. Саха билинни тыла. Лексикологията. - Дьокуускай, 1996.

3. Ойуунускай П.А. Талыллыбыт айымньылар. Иккис том. - Якутскай, 1975.

4. Харитонов Л.Н. Современный якутский язык. Фонетика и морфология. - Якутск: Госиздат ЯАССР, 1947.


© Godovannaya E.*, Litovchenko S.*

Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

The article investigates the usage of phraseological units as exemplified in the novels by Jeffrey Archer ‘Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less’ and

Candidate of Sciences, associate professor. Student.

Филология и лингвистика


‘False Impression’. It draws the reader’s attention to the functioning of phraseological units in modern English and their role in identifying national peculiarities. The research mainly concentrates on phraseological unities as the most vivid and numerous group.

Keywords: phraseological unit, peculiarity, identity, national, figurativeness, unity.

The English language has a very long history. During this time it accumulated a great number of expressions people considered apt, vivid and exquisite. So appeared a special layer of language - phraseology, a collection of fixed expressions having an individual meaning.

The subject-matter of our research was not chosen accidentally. Phraseology of any language is a real jewel box. And English phraseological units are of strongly marked national character. That’s why studying them can help to learn more about British culture and traditions and get the key to the national identity of the British.

Phraseological units often possess a distinct national character. But together with purely national ones we often come across many international phraseological units. English phraseological fund is a complex conglomerate of original and borrowed phraseological units with the former obviously predominating. Some phraseological units preserve archaic elements - representatives of preceding epochs.

There are a lot of different classifications of phraseological units. All of them are based on different principles - be it motivation, thematic belonging, part of speech correlation, etc. But, in our opinion, the best classification which we are going to follow in our article is the classification offered by academician VV Vinogradov. This classification has in its basis such an important principle of phraseological units as their semantic integrity. Vinogradov VV. singles out three groups of phraseological units: 1) phraseological fusions, 2) phraseological unities and 3) phraseological combinations.

Phraseological fusions are absolutely indivisible units whose meaning does not depend on the meaning of the words constituting them. Phraseological fusions appeared on the basis of figurative meaning of their components, but later these meanings became incomprehensible from the point of view of modern English. So, their figurativeness is purely historical. And they don’t lend themselves for literal translation into other languages.

In phraseological unities the components have both: a common figurative meaning and signs of their semantic separability. They are close to phraseological fusions regarding common for them figurativeness and metaphoricity. But if figurativeness of phraseological fusions becomes obvious only diachronically, figurativeness of phraseological unities is recognized in modern languages.

As for phraseological combinations, these are set expressions which include words with both free and phraseologically bound meaning. Unlike phraseological fusions and phraseological unities phraseological combinations are characterized by semantic separability. In this respect they are close to free combinations.



Vinogradov VV considered figurativeness a distinctive feature of only phraseological unities and we made them the focus of our attention in this article. We are going to give consideration to phraseological unities in the works by Jeffrey Archer - a purely British writer, intelligent and socially active, with much life experience, who is able to judge the British and to compare them with representatives of other nations. We decided to analyze examples of phraseological unities from two of his most famous novels - ‘Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less’ and ‘False Impression’.

As it has already been mentioned, phraseological units are a mirror where we can see the national character of the people, and the British are not an exception. And though national peculiarities of all people are enduring, they describe better no other nation than the English. So, the first and most obvious feature of this nation is stability and consistency of its individuals. They are not so much as others subjected to the influence of time, temporal fashions.

Englishmen’s curiosity enabled them to get familiar with the best of what other peoples have, but still they remained committed to their own traditions. Modern Englishmen consider self-control the main advantage of a human. Since childhood an Englishman is taught to bear stoutly cold and hunger, overcome pain and fear, restrain affections and antipathies. (After such a misfortune he had to live with his belt tightened but poverty made him even more active. [3, p. 6]).

The English are notable for moderation, which they never forget during both work and pleasure. A typical representative of this nation never shows off. They live first of all for themselves and most of all for themselves. Love for order, comfort and prudence are peculiar for their nature. (‘Don’t try to play for time and follow my instructions to the letter. ‘[2, p. 423]. ‘The British quickly lose patience with people who play games.’ [2, p. 237]. ‘I have always wanted to, but my old parent is against it. Those who live in expectation of a large inheritance have to toe the filial line.’[3, p. 186]. Why the hell did he put everything into one basket? [3, p. 74]. I put my shirt on Discovery Oil because it sounded like a surefire winner. Now I have lost everything I had and I don’t know where to turn. [3, p. 78].‘He swore under his breath.’ [2, p. 219]. Readily she agreed to let the matter drop, only too pleased to have her money back, and as it was in the form of a draft from the Morgan Bank, she had lost nothing. [3, p. 14]).

They respect justice and always follow it whether it is internal or external (‘Now all I have to do is to make sure it ends up in the right hands.’ [2, p. 261]. ‘Nice chaps, full of bright ideas, but I haven’t a clue where to begin and keep my part of the bargain.’ [3, p. 135]. The painting was in Harvey’s possession and the heavens had not fallen in. [3, p. 135]. Perhaps he shouldn’t have taken for granted someone he had helped at Harvard would automatically be right. [3, p. 74]).

Englishmen are very friendly, generous and always ready to help. (‘...But if you are willing to take such a risk, so am I, and I’ll back you to the hilt’ [2, p. 138]. ‘Perhaps I will throw him a ring for his troubles.’ [2, p. 390]. ‘No, Dr Petrescu, I am unable to accept your gesture of good will.’ [2, p. 240]).

Филология и лингвистика


The English are very industrious and are able to avoid obstacles. They do work quite calmly, so that even their nearest neighbour often does not even suspect that near him a lot of work is being done. (‘So Kranz will be able to kill two birds at one stone.’[2, p. 363]).

The English are very self-possessed and always censure those who do not have this quality (She wanted to say, please call me Anna: in your chosen field I know nothing - but she lost her nerve.’ [2, p. 231]. The most important thing for you, James, is to get a grip of yourself and let us know what you intend to do.” [3, p. 189]. ‘I knew you‘d come to your senses in the end,’ said Fenston, before putting down the phone.’ [2, p. 255]).

Money is the Englishmen’s idol. No other nation reveres wealth so much (‘And how much did he ask for? said Fenston. ‘I think, to use a British expression, an arm and leg. ’ [2, p. 252]. Metcalfe’s snatched the silver spoon out of his mouth all right. [3, p. 82]), no one is able to distribute money so well (‘So why didn’t you advise him to cut losses and leave the table.’ (about an auction) [2, p. 117]).

So, phraseological units can help us learn a lot of the nation, the British in particular. Each Englishman, wherever he / she may live, is strongly stamped by his / her nationality. Wherever he / she appears, they always introduce their traditions, manner of behavior; they never change their habits - they are always at home. It is an original, distinctive, highly consistent character. But, unfortunately, the sheer volume of this work does not allow us to explore other national peculiarities of the English, which are also connected with their culture, history and political life.


1. Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка. - М.: Флинта, Наука, 2012. - 376 с. - На англ. яз.

2. Archer J. False Impression. - London: Macmillan, 2005. - 499 p.

3. Archer J. Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less. - New York: St. Martin Paperbacks, 2004. - 306 p.


© Елкина Е.В.*

Евразийский лингвистический институт Московского государственного лингвистического университета, г. Иркутск

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