PHONOTACTIC PHENOMENON IN ENGLISH AND ITS LINGUISTIC FEATURES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
linguistics / terminology / sociolinguistics / static linguistics / phonotactics / English phonotactics / dynamic linguistics / static linguistics Intralinguistics / paralinguistics / psycholinguistics / sociolinguistics. / лингвистика / терминология / социолингвистика / статическая лингвистика / фонотактика / английская фонотактика / динамическая лингвистика / статическая интралингвистика / паралингвистика / психолингвистика / социальная лингвистика.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mamurova, Khumora Akmaljon Kizi

This article discusses the phonotactic phenomenon in English and its linguistic significance. Phonological tactics are described. Vinogradov's statement was also mentioned.

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В данной статье рассматривается явление фонотактики английского языка и его лингвистическое значение. Описаны фонологические тактики. Упоминалось и заявление Виноградова.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7



This article discusses the phonotactic phenomenon in English and its linguistic significance. Phonological tactics are described. Vinogradov's statement was also mentioned.

Keywords: linguistics, terminology, sociolinguistics, static linguistics, phonotactics, English phonotactics, dynamic linguistics, static linguistics Intralinguistics, paralinguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics.

В данной статье рассматривается явление фонотактики английского языка и его лингвистическое значение. Описаны фонологические тактики. Упоминалось и заявление Виноградова.

Ключевые слова: лингвистика, терминология, социолингвистика, статическая лингвистика, фонотактика, английская фонотактика, динамическая лингвистика, статическая интралингвистика, паралингвистика, психолингвистика, социальная лингвистика.


English language phonotactic is a rule that limits the compatibility of phonemes in different positions in the composition of words or morphemes. The word phonotactic consists of two parts: background-, phoneme-, in which there is a Greek element. phone voice, + tactics-part one linguistics, which characterizes the harmony of language units in linguistics: in the composition of phonemes, morphemes, words, phrases, syntagms.

In the Chuvash language there are 8 vowels and 44 consonant phonemes. All of them are unique only the corresponding differential signs, and the second one: the constitutional feature, the minimum sound unit, the distinguishing feature, the independent side of the phoneme, the semantic distinguishing feature among these differential features, we distinguish the necessary two features: the constitutional (Basic, definition) and semantically differentiating, on this basis we denote V. A. Vinogradov's statement: "phoneme is the main insignificant unit language associated only with indirect semantic separation". To, V. A. To prove the opposite of what

Mamurova Khumora Akmaljon kizi

Master's degree of Fergana state university



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Vinogradov said, Let's apply chuvash materials, examples formed by the formula GHS, here

G-vowel, C-consonant phonemes.


Meaningful vowels of phonemes, distinguished by distinctive (differential) features, are determined in opposition, comparison. Here are examples from the formula GHS, in which vowels appear sound <p>, p and inlaut vowels are similar to each other:

steam I Pial. "iron", steam II "couple", steam III" give", Steam IV imitation word;

par i "ICE", par II" convert", a word that simulates par III;

Per "throw";

ppp i "single", ppp II "narrowing", PPP III mimic word;

I Holiday "Canvas", II holiday (rifler);

pur I (chalk), pur II "there", pur III "each";

ppr "pus", ppr"target";

pyr "throat", pyr"go".

Only on the basis of the replacement of vowels by vowels we determine the values vocabul, with the initial and final vowels <p> and < p> remain unchanged. This gives us the right to talk about the role of semantic differentiation sound phonemes.

The term linguistics is actively used in a number of European countries: English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and other languages, which means the science of language. The core of this word is lingua, which means language. Consequently, linguistics is an alternative, meaningful linguistics in the Uzbek language, and they enter into a synonymic relationship.

Linguistics, or linguistics, studies and analyzes the means of communication, which is a complex social phenomenon - language as a system - as a whole object. In the same process, it is observed in different forms, forms. This is due to the fact that the essence of the language, which has a social character, it is necessary to learn it from different sides, to check, and this is absolutely correct from the point of view of the point of view of science.

Linguistics is a powerful symbol of spirituality, which is reflected in the study of the language, which is the wealth of the nation, in the following ways.

1. Dynamic linguistics.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

2. Static linguistics.

3. Synchronous linguistics.

4. Diachron linguistics.

5. Intralinguistics.

6. Ekstralingvistics.

7. Paralingvistics.

8. Psycholinguistics.

9. Social linguistics.

10. Mathematical linguistics.

11. Computer linguistics.

12. Cognitive linguistics.

13. Realistic.

Dynamic linguistics. Dynamic linguistics mainly studies language in its real existence, in the active performance of various tasks in the communicative process, in "development" and change. Static linguistics. Static linguistics divides and describes a certain period (section) of fully synchronized language activity. This area of linguistics, unlike dynamic linguistics, is completely alienated from the process of development and change in the language, without approaching it, examines the state of a certain "hardened" part of the language associated with the present - day period.

Synchronous linguistics. Synchronous linguistics is inextricably linked with static and structural linguistics, serving to describe the "hardened", "stagnant" state of the language in a certain period of time.

Diachron linguistics. Diachron linguistics is inextricably linked with dynamic and atomic linguistics, studies the development of language and the laws and results of the development of language units.

Intralinguistics. Internal linguistics studies the system connection of language units, their relationship without dependence on extralinguistic verbs. The research source of internal linguistics is phonology, lexicology and grammatics.

Intralinguistics (internal linguistics). Internal linguistics studies the systematic relationship of language units, regardless of extralinguistic factors. Sources of research in internal linguistics include phonology, lexicology, and grammar

Paralingvistics. Paralingvistics is an area of study of a number of aspects, such as hand and face movements (gestures, mimics), the height of speech, the expressive-emotional coloring, which is directly related to the activity of speech, occurring simultaneously with the expression of thoughts in the process of speech, a constant companion of colloquial speech.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics as a generalization (synthesis) of psychology and Linguistics from the point of view of the content of the speech process, communicative studies in terms of importance, the direction of the speech act to a particular socio-practical purpose, its relevance. He pays special attention to the unity of form and content in speech - thought expression.

Psycholinguistics pays special attention to the formation and reception of speech units on the basis of linguistic possibilities, mental states in the speech process (exchange of ideas-expression and understanding), the conditions of the predicate (situation), similarity (analogy), differentiation (differentiation), affective, speaker and listener mental state.

Social linguistics. Sociolinguistics is formed from the necessary and logical linkages of sociology and Linguistics and deals with the question of the relationship between society and language (language and society). It Tal interprets as a social phenomenon in this regard, the most important problem of sociolinguistics is to study the nature of language as a social phenomenon, to determine its place and importance in society, in the science of linguistics. Sociolinguistics mainly studies the relationship between language and social relations, social life, development events, facts, and the reasons for this connection. It is interesting that this sphere analyzes the social life in the language, that is, the phenomena, processes, changes that are formed as a result of the influence of external-extralinguistic factors (factors) in the life and development of society. So, sociolinguistics studies how social interaction affects the language, how it manifests itself in the language system (structure), in what form it reflects, etc.

It should be noted that sociolinguistics expands its activities with the methodology of statistics, censuses and questionnaires.

Mathematical linguistics. Mathematical linguistics examines the application of mathematical methods (eg, statistical methods, information theory, etc.) in the study and description of language.

Computer linguistics. Computer linguistics is a branch of Applied Linguistics whose main goal is to solve problems related to linguistics it is a solution through a computer, directly under its "leadership". More precisely, computer linguistics actively serves in a number of processes, such as teaching (learning) languages, assessing knowledge of a particular subject, editing texts, translating from one language to another, conducting statistical research.

Cognitive linguistics. Cognitive linguistics is one of the newest trends in linguistics. This linguistics arose from the mutual necessary connection between the

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

sciences of cognitology (the science that studies human knowledge) and Linguistics, with the aim of working in cooperation.

Realistic. Pragmatic linguistics is the result of a new phase of scientific (empirical) research, research, formed on the basis of structural linguistic achievements, results. He takes the situation of the application of the linguistic unit, his speech activity as a Systems. Accordingly, he studies, examines, interacts with them, in cooperation with various non-zero factors and different levels in the manifestation of a particular unity in speech activity, eventuality, speech.

Linguoculturalogy. Linguoculturalogy was formed on the basis of linguistics, cultural studies, ethnography, Psycholinguistics. He studies the interaction and influence of culture, Ethnos, national mentalism on the principles of anthropocentric paradigm.

Well, the science of linguistics as a whole, as it is noted, studies the whole essence of the language system through its various peculiarities, spheres, with its complexity, with its communicative infinite possibilities. In the same process, he interacts with a number of disciplines, cooperates, actively participates in such pressing and extremely complex issues as language and society, language and history, language and development, language and thought, language and speech.


The science of linguistics serves to confirm and prove that one of the most important, most basic, tenacious criteria for the development, prosperity of society is the language-communication weapon. He also explained to the educator the possibilities of the native language-the same idea, thing-to express the phenomenon in hundreds of ways with the development of creative thinking in it, the originality of thinking in the native language and the construction of the native language, radically different from other languages, the integration of reflection of the universe "in its own way" serves as a solid foundation in the formation of national consciousness, national worldview, national pride and ideology.


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3. Sheikhislamav, N. Z. O. G. L. (2020). ON THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

CREATING A LANGUAGE CORPS. Science and Education, 1(Special Issue 3). 4. Shofkarov, A. M., Sheikhislamav, N. Z. O. G. L., & Alimova, E. B. (2020). EXPRESSION OF "FRIENDSHIP" CONCEPT IN UZBEK AND ENGLISH ARTICLES. Science and Education, 1(Special Issue 3).

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