Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
Nazarov Bekhzod Bakhtiyarovich.
- A teacher World Languages Department Kokand University. World languages department bnazarov1007@gmail.com
The purpose of the article is to discuss antonyms and their features in a literal text. Moreover, the article illustrates linguoculturology as a new branch of linguistics as well as antonyms are researched linguoculturologically
Keywords: antonyms, types of antonyms, cognition, linguoculturology, sociolinguistics, culturology.
Цель статьи - обсудить антонимы и их особенности в буквальном тексте. Кроме того, статья иллюстрирует лингвокультурологию как новую отрасль языкознания, а антонимы исследуются лингвокультурологически.
Ключевые слова: антонимы, типы антонимов, познание, лингвокультурология, социолингвистика, культурология.
Language and culture fulfill each other as the language represents the culture and culture can be described or illustrated by the help of the language. Many sayings like "Attention to language is attention to the people" are told in Uzbek language analyzing the importance of it. On the other hand learning a foreign language is not an easy matter as it seems. In the process of learning foreign languages, one can observe their similarities and differences. We can say that these differences and similarities are studied by "Linguoculturology", a new branch of linguistics. The new branch of linguistics, linguoculturology studies language and culture together.
Linguoculturology is a new branch that dealt with features of culture of different nations and countries. This sphere became fixed and reflected in the language. This new field of linguistics demonstrates a merger of two distinct subdisciplines of linguistics. They are:
1. sociolinguistics
2. culturology.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
The great upsurge of interest in culturology and its actual rise from the state of amateur speculation to a serious science date from the late 20th century. Researches in this field use sociolinguistic methods to explain various language phenomena. This approach is particularly useful when language internal data alone is unable to account for some seemingly inexplicable facts. Linguoculturology is aimed at scrutinizing linguistic units in connection with historical and social development of the country at different periods and thus ensures general broad comprehension of the language as a complex system. Byram thinks that when people are talking to each other their social identities are unavoidably part of the social interaction between them. In language teaching the concept of "communicative competence" takes this into account by emphasizing that language learners need to acquire not just grammatical competence but also the knowledge of what is "appropriate" language (2002). Linguoculturology as well as linguoculturological approach in teaching all languages focuses on the semantic concept. Concept is a set of ideas that express a number of different meanings but the same root of the word. Concept is based on the cognition and analyzing the idea differently. Through this angle the process of learning a foreign language requires not only traditional study of phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary but also the English language mastering through its national concepts. This enables the learners to get interrelated ethno-cultural knowledge of language, culture and history, resulting in formation of linguocultural competence, which is a set of special skills necessary to use in practice. In Dictionary of English Language and Culture it is defined as ability to do what is needed (2005). It means that a student should be able to develop an ability to recognize and connect a semantic content of a language symbol with associative motivation of choice of a word. In a number of works of Russian scientists the concept "competency" is defined as intellectual and personal ability of an individual to practical activities, and "competence" as content's component of the given ability in the form of knowledge, skills and aptitudes (Zimnyaya, 2003). In Zimnyaya's opinion competency always displays the actual competence (2003). [1.1013]
Reaseraching on antonyms linguoculturologically could be really effective as there some similarities and differences between the antonyms of both Uzbek and English.
Antonyms are units of language that have opposite meanings. For example, bigsmall, good-bad, friend-enemy, far-near.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
As can be seen from the examples, an antonym is a contradiction in a particular lexical meaning in a word pair. That is, the antonym is only between a couple of words. He can no longer fit the word into his scope, because any contradiction is between two things, a third "average" sign between the antonyms of good and evil. cannot be entered. In this respect the antonyms are similar to the two ends of a straight line located at points A and B. Compare again: big-small, low-high, young-old, bitter-sweet.
Contradictions between the meanings of words are more common in adjectives and adverbs, in part in nouns in both languages Uzbek and English (for example: vafo and jafo) and in verbs (such as kel and ket, tur and o'tir).
Looking at other side, the contradiction in antonyms seems to be the denial and affirmation of certain objects, signs, and actions, because denial, like antonyms, is also usually observed in words belonging to the category of adjectives and verbs. But there is a sharp difference between them.
It is known that all adjectives and verbs can be made into a negative form (such as good-not-good, not-high-come, come-and-go, read-read, type-prison), but not all adjectives and verbs can be made. cannot form anto-moisture. For example, the word paperless is not a mutual antonym, but a denial of each other, because if the word paperless is denied, the meaning of the word paperless, on the contrary, if the word paperless is denied, the meaning of the word paper comes from. This denial goes within a word, so they cannot form an antonym.
Antonyms vary according to semantic features:
1) by age: Yigitlikda yig' ilmning maxzanin,
Qarilik chog'i xarj qilgil oni (Navoiy).
2) by gender: Hurmatingni saqlar har bir o'g'il-qiz,
Muqaddas, mo"tabar, aziz Vatanim (Uyg'un).
3) indicates size, shape, quantity, dimension, degree:
Uzun aytma qisqa ayt - ko'p ma'no ber (maqol).
Yo'g'on cho'zilar, ingichka uzilar (maqol).
4) Represents the nature of a person and objects:
Chin so'zniyolg'onga chulg'ama,
Va chin ayta olur tilni yolg'onga bo'lg'ama (N.).
5) color means: Men ham sening jigar go'shang - bolangman,
Ko'zingdagi so'nmas oqu qorangman (folklor).
6) Taste adjective:
Ushoq qand oq tuzga monand erur,
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
Va lekin biri tuz, biri qand erur(Navoiy).
7) represents time:
Erta-yu kech fikru zikrim xayoling, Bir so'rmading, nelar kechdi ahvoling (Muqimiy).
8) expresses attitude:
Do'stga xor, dushmanga zor, Nomardga muhtoj aylama (folklor).
9) emotion means: vafo - jafo, rohat - azob; qayg'u - shodlik loyalty - betray, pleasure - suffering; sorrow is like joy.
In works of art, especially in folk proverbs, antonyms serve as an emotionally-expressive methodological tool for the expressiveness, conciseness, sharpness of speech: the friend speaks bitterly, the enemy laughs. Har kimki vafo qilsa, vafo topgusidir, Har kimki jafo qilsa, jafo topgusidir (Bobur).
Another manifestation of the expression of the oppositional relationship is the oxymoron.
Oxymoron is the creation of an antonymous relation to a person or object by applying to it a sign that is not specific to its nature and essence. An original stylistic combination is formed from logically inconsistent words of the QatatQot type: sweet pain, clever fool, bearded goat, bitter truth, sweet torment, like a dark day.
In short, antonyms have almost the same feature in these two languages. That is, they contradict each other. if we interpret this idea from a linguoculturological point of view, it is more important to look at the works of art of these two cultures. In works of art, antonyms are general (ie, specific to the whole work), related to words (ie, words with opposite meanings in the literary text).
Thus, the linguoculturological study of antonyms is to shed light on the specificity and similarities and differences of these two cultures. Linguoculturology is the study of the interconnectedness of language and culture. Some antonyms in literary text can be as following:
Mother = stepmother
Sister = stepsister
Good deed = bad deed
Yaxshi otga qamchi bossang kishnaydi, Yomon ot-chi, egasini tishlaydi (folklor) kabi.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
Palace = cabin, hovel
Far = near and many other words and expressions represent antonyms. REFERENCES
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