PESTS OF CEREALS AND BREAD PRODUCTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
grain / pest / rodent / insects / damage. / grain / pest / rodent / insects / damage.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Niyozaliyeva M.I., Abduqodirova G.Q., Darveshova H.K.

From errors related to carelessness, we turn to more serious errors, which are probably related to a lack of knowledge. Because of this, this article provides information about pests of grain and bread products and how to fight against them.

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From errors related to carelessness, we turn to more serious errors, which are probably related to a lack of knowledge. Because of this, this article provides information about pests of grain and bread products and how to fight against them.

Текст научной работы на тему «PESTS OF CEREALS AND BREAD PRODUCTS»

Niyozaliyeva M.I.


Andijan Institute of Agriculture and AgroTechnology

Abduqodirova G. Q.


Andijan Institute of Agriculture and AgroTechnology

Darveshova H.K.


Andijan Institute of Agriculture and AgroTechnology PESTS OF CEREALS AND BREAD PRODUCTS

Abstract. From errors related to carelessness, we turn to more serious errors, which are probably related to a lack of knowledge. Because of this, this article provides information about pests of grain and bread products and how to fight against them.

Key words: grain, pest, rodent, insects, damage.

Grain pests have been known since ancient times. Man in ancient times used various measures to protect grain from pests. With the appearance of granaries for the first time, various rodents and insects began to gather there. For some species, this new ecological environment is acceptable, and they gradually adapted to live and develop only in these places. As a result, a whole group of "warehouse" pests began to appear.

It is known that various pests pose a great threat to the quality and quantity of grain. Even in the primitive society, people have supported the preservation guidelines against grain storage pests.

Barn weevil (Sitophilus granarius) (beetles - Coleoptera family, belongs to the weevil family) is the most important warehouse pest. It damages wheat, rye, barley, oats, rarely corn, rice, millet and sometimes flour and products made from it.

The seeds that fall with long nose lose their fertility partially or completely. The barnyard weevil is the most widespread, stocking pest, and it can be found everywhere. The length of the beetle is 2.4-3.5 mm, dark brown, sometimes black shiny. The second pair of wings is not well developed and it cannot fly.

The length of the egg reaches 0.71 mm, the color is grayish at first and becomes yellowish as it develops. A female beetle lays 50 to 300 eggs, on average 160. She lays her eggs one at a time on the thick end of the grain, in which she pierces the grain with her horn and lays the egg on it. Larvae emerge from the eggs in 8-12 days and eat the core of the grain. Damaged grains are lightened and shriveled.

Flour mite (Tenebrio molitor) (beetles - family of Soleoptera, belongs to the family of beetles.) The length of the beetle is 12-16 mm, it is dark brown and

shiny. The wing has a clearly defined saddle. The length of the larva is 25-30 mm, yellow-brown hard. The larva of the pest hibernates in the crevices of unheated buildings, piles of flour products and gives birth once. Beetles fly in the evenings and at night, laying up to 300 eggs on bags of flour and other products in wall cracks. The larva feeds on flour and bran, as well as starch, bread, dried bread. But he adapted to living hungry for a long time.

Cereal moth ( Sitotroga cerealella ). The front wings of the butterfly are narrow, and the gray-yellow scales are shiny. The back wings are gray like silver, elongated and sharpened with a notch at the tip. The worm is white or yellow, the body is short and thick, 7-8 mm long, the abdominal legs are not well developed. She lays 80-200 eggs on grains, one by one or in groups of up to 30, each female butterfly lays 80-200 eggs. Newly laid eggs are sticky and stick to grains easily. lays eggs on the flower petals of crops. Its embryonic development period lasts 514 days. Grain moth is the first and most dangerous pest of a number of legumes such as wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, buckwheat.

Warehouse moth. (Nemapogon granellus) (Lepidoptera family, belongs to the true moth family). The front wings of the butterfly are 9-15 mm pale white with dark brown spots. The length of the worm is 7-9 mm, the color is white or pale white, it has an orange shield in front of the chest. The border around the breathing hole is the same color. They can be found in granaries, elevators, mills, wood fungi and rotten wood in residential areas. The worm of the pest hibernates. They turn into cocoons in their porous cocoons in grain houses or wall cracks. The mushroom phase lasts 14-21 days. Butterflies fly in the evening and at night. Worms feed on grain, gnawing it and opening shallow grooves. Butterflies lay 12 eggs per grain, up to 100 eggs in total. The period of embryonic development is 10-14 days. The pest produces 2-3 offspring. One worm damages up to 30 grains. In addition to grains, the pest also damages confectionery products, dried mushrooms, fruits and other stored products.


1. Construction of improved warehouses according to the typical project.

2. Cleaning of warehouses, mills, pre-storage buildings and vehicles, tares and residues, grains.

3. Keeping the humidity and temperature of grain at the level required by the instruction and standard.

Countermeasures. Mechanical and physical measures of struggle.

1. Sweeping pests from walls, floors and equipment or collecting them with industrial vacuum cleaners.

2. Cleaning the grains.

3. Grain storage, cooling according to the instructions. When the temperature drops below 10 C, the development of pests slows down or does not develop at all, and when it drops below 0 C, they die.

4. Using high temperatures to disinfect dry fruits, dried bread and other products as indicated in the instructions.

5. Use of new achievements in the use of physical methods of combating pests, gamma rays, high-frequency currents, vacuum.


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"Экономика и социум" №6(121)-1 2024



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