BIOECOLOGY OF APPLE RED BLEEDING AND CONTROL MEASURES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Red apple aphid -Eriosoma lanigerum Hausm / Green apple aphid -Aphis pomi Deg / Pear aphid and control measures. / Red apple aphid -Eriosoma lanigerum Hausm / Green apple aphid -Aphis pomi Deg / Pear aphid and control measures.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Tolibjonov O.O., Tojimatova S.A., Bobojonova M.B., Ergashbotirov S

Pests of orchards reduce the growth, development and death of fruit trees and seedlings. They include green apple weevil, pear weevil, apple weevil, cherry weevil, red apple weevil, peach weevil. Leaves and branches affected by aphids stop growing and even dry up.

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Pests of orchards reduce the growth, development and death of fruit trees and seedlings. They include green apple weevil, pear weevil, apple weevil, cherry weevil, red apple weevil, peach weevil. Leaves and branches affected by aphids stop growing and even dry up.


Tolibjonov O. O. assistant

Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies

Tojimatova S.A. student

Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology

Bobojonova M.B.


Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology

Ergashbotirov S.


Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro-Technology



Abstract. Pests of orchards reduce the growth, development and death of fruit trees and seedlings. They include green apple weevil, pear weevil, apple weevil, cherry weevil, red apple weevil, peach weevil. Leaves and branches affected by aphids stop growing and even dry up.

Key words: Red apple aphid -Eriosoma lanigerum Hausm, Green apple aphid -Aphis pomi Deg, Pear aphid and control measures.

Enter. Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on further development of the fruit-vegetable and viticulture industry, on additional measures to create an added value chain in the sector. October 23, 2019 Ensuring the implementation of Decree No. PF-5853 "On approving the strategy for the development of agriculture for 2020-2030", production of high-value-added products in the field of fruit and vegetables and viticulture, increasing the export volume, The purpose of development of disused and dry lands, increase of planting of agricultural crops for export, as well as effective use of gardens, vineyards and greenhouses was adopted. Currently, people's demand for various vitamins is mainly satisfied by fruits and prevents diseases in the body. Fruits contain more than 60 mineral substances. One of the most common fruit crops is the apple (Malus Mill) family, which has about 50 species. Canned food, povidlo, lozenge, puree, marmalade, jam, juice, wine, compote, and other products are made from apples. It is also used in medicine and construction. Apple contains 80.5-86.5% water, 9.6-14.8% sugar, 0.31-0.91% There are acids, 0.27-0.48% soluble pectin, 0.025-0.060% additives, 0.10-0.45% mineral salts and vitamins.

Red blood sap without wings is dark red in color, 2.1-2.6 mm. If you crush this sap, red blood-like liquid comes out. That's why this aphid is covered with a waxy white fluffy dust like the aphid with this name, which is a defining characteristic. The body is cylindrical, 2.2 mm long, the head, chest and legs are

black, the belly is dark brown. Eggs are oblong, 0.5 mm, at first golden, then turn brown. Red blood sap is found in the roots, under the bark of apple trees at different ages in larval and adult forms in Central Asia. hibernates at the base of the branches. It wakes up and starts moving in March-April. It clings to the thin (open) parts of the tree trunk and forms a cluster. Such places seem to be covered with white cotton. Infected trees and branches have hollows, the branch bends and lags behind in development. The larvae of the red blood sap develop by molting 4 times. winged species begin to appear in their colonies to spread to other places. But this pest spreads from place to place mainly by seedlings.

Pear aphid - an adult pear aphid is up to 3 mm. The color is yellowish, light green-brown, and there are transverse lines on the belly. The wings of the pear aphid are clear, and the back wings are shorter than the front. Females have two round spots, the tip of the belly hangs down, and the male's is raised. The eggs are small and white, and the larvae turn yellow before hatching. thus it clings to the tree branch. The larva is wingless, yellow or green, leafy. The primary wing is visible in the large larva. The pear weevil hibernates as an imago under the skins of pears, on the branches. Before the tree buds, it leaves the village and mates and lays its eggs near the buds. Larva and imago feed on buds, leaves, flowers and thin branches of pear. In Uzbekistan, it gives birth 4-5 times.

The peach aphid causes great damage to peaches. It also damages almonds, plums, and apricots. It lives by sucking sap from peach branches and stems. It pollutes trees and fruits very much. One house. Very common. The mature form of wingless insects is pear-shaped, 4 mm in size, covered with dark-gray spots. Aphid tubes are very large and spherical, their holes are slightly smaller than the diameter of the eye. They have long legs and dark spots. Mustaches have 6 joints. From May, winged forms appear in the lice colony. It gives birth and reproduces throughout the summer, and lays eggs that hibernate in the fall. Eggs are 1.5 mm in size, elongated oval, black and shiny. In spring (March), larvae emerge from the eggs that have wintered. Larvae develop quickly, after reaching adulthood, they begin to give birth. In summer, the larva molts 4 times and turns into an adult insect. It will take 2-3 weeks. The female lives for a month and a little more. During this time, she gives birth to larvae 90 times. She lives in a group on the bark of the tree trunks in the places where the thick branches cast a shadow. Founders hatch very early. A comfortable temperature for the development of lice is 20-27C, the upper limit is 40-80C, the lower limit is 8C. Relative air humidity is 60-70%. Founding lice give birth to 80-90 larvae on average, wingless innocent lice give birth to 30 larvae in the next generation. Especially the third generation is growing rapidly. Often, the first generation appears later. In Crimea, it gives 10 generations. One amphigon female lays up to 14 eggs.

Measures to fight against sucking pests aphids.

In the fight against sucking pests, it is necessary to carry out chemical control measures if the damage is caused by an economically dangerous number of pests. When carrying out chemical control measures against insects, the pest's

way of life, its structure, biology, ecology, vitality, adaptation to the external environment, giving many generations in one season are factors that affect the effectiveness of chemical control. Sometimes drugs that enter the stomach through the intestine and affect pests do not affect the pests that are absorbed and feed, on the contrary, systemic drugs also affect the pests that are absorbed and fed. At the same time, the thyroid gland is affected by these drugs, i.e. contact. The drugs given in the list of approved chemical pest control are effective if they are used in moderation.


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