PESTS OF OILY CROP AND THEIR CONTROL MEASURES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Makhsar weevil / Big Makhsar filcha / Makhsar root weevil / Makhsar root weevil / oil crops / pests. / Makhsar weevil / Big Makhsar filcha / Makhsar root weevil / Makhsar root weevil / oil crops / pests.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Kimsanboyeva Sh.O., Rustamova A.R., Darvishaliyev Q.K.

It is known that the demand for oilseed crops is increasing in our republic, and at the same time, the pests of oilseed crops are also increasing. Naturally, such problems cause enough problems for our farmers. Another characteristic of oilseed pests is adaptation to the drugs used against them. is to produce. In this article, effective methods of combating pests of oil crops are mentioned.

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It is known that the demand for oilseed crops is increasing in our republic, and at the same time, the pests of oilseed crops are also increasing. Naturally, such problems cause enough problems for our farmers. Another characteristic of oilseed pests is adaptation to the drugs used against them. is to produce. In this article, effective methods of combating pests of oil crops are mentioned.


Kimsanboyeva Sh. O.


Andijan Institute of Agriculture and AgroTechnology

Rustamova A.R. student

Andijan Institute of Agriculture and AgroTechnology

Darvishaliyev Q.K.


Andijan Institute of Agriculture and AgroTechnology


Annotation. It is known that the demand for oilseed crops is increasing in our republic, and at the same time, the pests of oilseed crops are also increasing. Naturally, such problems cause enough problems for our farmers. Another characteristic of oilseed pests is adaptation to the drugs used against them. is to produce. In this article, effective methods of combating pests of oil crops are mentioned.

Key words: Makhsar weevil, Big Makhsar filcha, Makhsar root weevil, Makhsar root weevil, oil crops, pests.

Oil crops are a group of crops grown for obtaining oil from their seeds and fruits. It includes annual and perennial plants belonging to Gulkhayrodash, Complexabguldosh, Labguldosh, Butguldosh, Dukkakdosh and other various botanical groups.

The origin of oil crops is different. Wild sunflower is native to North America. Hemp and sesame are from Africa, rapeseed and poppy are spread from the Mediterranean region, the homeland of peanut is South America. Soybeans, peanuts, sunflowers, olives, rapeseed, and flax are of great importance in world agriculture.

In the flora of Uzbekistan, 500 species of wild oilseeds have been identified. Also, the seeds of flax, soy, rapeseed, sesame, sorghum, etc. are processed. Types of pests of oil crops are the following; It includes Maxar Bit, Maxar Root Bit, Maxar Root File, Big Maxar File.

Definition of Makhsar louse - This louse is 2.5-1 mm without wings, 2.53.5 mm with wings, its body is dark brown or black, shiny; The suction tube is cylindrical, black in color. The plumage of winged lice is shorter than the body, and the plumage of winged lice is longer than the body. The body of a wingless louse is pear-shaped; There are hairy bumps on the abdomen.

Spread. The lice is one of the most common pests in Europe and Asia. Harm. As a result of this pest living on the leaves, stems and inflorescences of the mulberry plant, it sucks the sap of the plant, the mulberry buds fall off, the plant becomes very weak, and the yield decreases.

Control measures. In the fight against this pest, the same measures as against the weed are carried out, but since sorghum is grown in dry farming, the crop affected by lice is not sprayed, but dusted. It is very important to eliminate weeds with complex flowers.

Definition of the Makhsar root louse - The wingless female louse is 1.7-2.6 mm in size, the winged louse is 1.6-2.2 mm in size, and the body of the wingless louse is wide oval. The length of a wingless louse's whiskers is equal to one third of its body; and the mustache of the winged one is slightly shorter than half of its body.

The suction tube of lice is cylindrical in shape, and its length reaches the sixth joint of the whisker. The length of the tail of a wingless louse is equal to the length of the suction tube, and the length of the winged louse is shorter.

Living life. This type of lice has not been well investigated so far; louse lives on the leaves, stems, and roots of sedum and a number of complex flowering plants, including boztikan and sorghum. This aphid falls on the maksar crop in May. Winged lice appear in May and August (Nevsky).

The spread of this louse is often somewhat hindered by ants; an ant louse bites off its wing.

Countermeasures. The fight against lice on the above-ground part of plants is no different from the fight against other lice. Root lice removal activities are currently undefined.

Description of the Makhsar root beetle - this beetle is 4-4.5 mm long, black in color, covered with gray scales, with flowing hairs on the underside; the surface of the scales on the body of the beetle is covered with very thin flowing hairs and other parts of the body are covered with brown-black hairs; loss of hair on the legs; the thigh of the leg is black, the calf and paws are yellow. The body is elongated; the front part of the back is narrower than the bottom of the wing, and the two sides are rounded; the head protrudes a little forward and is united with a short, thick tail; the thigh of the leg is also thickened.

Living life. This pest appears in plants at the end of March - the first half of April; this filcha hibernates as an adult. During the flowering period of the Makhsar plant, this root filth lives and lays eggs in the field, and then disappears. Adult caterpillars gnaw and damage the plant; in this case, the plant dries up or falls off from the damaged area.

Spread. Makhsar root filcha is found in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and South Kazakhstan.

Harm. In 1932, the Makhsar rootworm was described as a pest in the literature (Rodd, Husakovskii and Antova).

This filcha lives by gnawing the root neck and the lower part of the stem of the sorghum plant in dry land, as a result, the plant dries up and the crop becomes sparse.

Countermeasures. Control measures against root rot have not been developed. But in places where this filth appears, it is necessary to plant the crop

a little thicker, when the beetle appears, spray the crop with drugs that damage the crop, for example, Paris blue (mix 1 g of Paris blue and 2 g of lime in 1/ water) gives good results; in this case, the drug is sprayed so that it flows down the stem and falls into the root neck.

The description of the large mullet beetle is 8-12 mm in size; the color is black; covered with gray hairs; that's why the lower side of the belly looks gray; the feathers on the wings sometimes form pale spots. The underside and both sides of the young beetles are often covered with yellow dust of the plant flower.

Living life. The life style of the Great Hornbill is not well defined; this beetle appears in fields planted with sorghum at the end of April, the first half of May, and during the budding and flowering of the plant, and gnaws and damages the bud and flower, bud band and flower band; as a result, the buds and flowers of the plant dry up and become sparse.

The adult filths of the new generation appear when the fruit is ripe. It takes a month for a larva to hatch from an egg to an adult elephant.

Spread. The large Makhsar filcha is found in Central Asia, behind the Caucasus and in the south of the European part of Russia.

Harm. The adult beetle and especially the larva of this pest cause a lot of damage to the crop. The adult beetle gnaws the bud and its band; and the larva eats the seed and destroys it.

Countermeasures. It is important to control these weeds as this pest can be transferred from wild sedum and possibly other weeds to sedum. When filcha maxar appears during the budding period (until the time of egg laying), the plant should be dusted with calcium arsenate mixed with soil dust or wood ash, in which 8-10 kg of calcium arsenate, 4-5 kg of wood ash or soil dust per hectare is taken.


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