PESTS OF POLICE CROPS AND MEASURES TO CONTROL THEM (EPILACHNA CHRYSOMELINA) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
beetle / fungus / larva / polysis / biology / ecology / imago / oligophagous / upper hairs / kakana / paykal. / beetle / fungus / larva / polysis / biology / ecology / imago / oligophagous / upper hairs / kakana / paykal.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Turdiyeva M.

As with all representatives of the plant world, protection from pests, diseases, and weeds that disrupt the high productivity and physiological processes of rice crops in agriculture remains an urgent topic. In this article, information about dangerous pests of citrus crops (melon, watermelon, cucumber, pumpkin) and effective measures to fight against them are highlighted.

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As with all representatives of the plant world, protection from pests, diseases, and weeds that disrupt the high productivity and physiological processes of rice crops in agriculture remains an urgent topic. In this article, information about dangerous pests of citrus crops (melon, watermelon, cucumber, pumpkin) and effective measures to fight against them are highlighted.


Turdiyeva M. intern-teacher of the institute Andijan agriculture and agrotechnologies



Abstract. As with all representatives of the plant world, protection from pests, diseases, and weeds that disrupt the high productivity and physiological processes of rice crops in agriculture remains an urgent topic. In this article, information about dangerous pests of citrus crops (melon, watermelon, cucumber, pumpkin) and effective measures to fight against them are highlighted.

Key words: beetle, fungus, larva, polysis, biology, ecology, imago, oligophagous, upper hairs, kakana, paykal.

In the decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers, it was emphasized that special attention should be paid to the expansion of cultivated areas and increasing their productivity in order to continuously provide the population of the Republic with high-quality poliz products, and for the purpose of efficient use of the lands where poliz crops are grown.

Due to the fact that the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan are favorable for the increase of pests that harm the crops, various pests are observed in the crops. In some years, as a result of their damage, the weight and quality of melons, watermelons, pumpkins, and cucumbers are reduced to a certain extent in all regions of our republic. Such a group of dangerous pests is the polyz beetle, epilyachna, aphids, root-gnawing tundra, melon fly, nematode causing swelling, rotting nematode.

Polyz beetle or epilyakhna - oligophagous. (Epilachna chrysomelina) mainly belongs to the Coccinellidae family of the Beetle family.

It is found in Central Asian countries and in the Caucasus. Spread abroad in Afghanistan, Iran, Asia Minor, South Europe, and partly in Africa, the Uzbek beetle can be found in the Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, Bukhara, and Samarkand regions. This plant-eating coccinella beetle can be identified immediately because of its specific symptoms. The beetle has a semicircular shape and is 1.75 mm in size. The larva is yellowish in color, has three pairs of thoracic legs, and has five rows of branched black spines on its upper side, 9 mm long. The bulb sticks to the leaf with its back end typical of coxellids, the body is narrowed and widened, the top is covered with hairs, the color is yellow.

Forgiveness: The beetle hibernates in the place where it lives under the remains of various plants. It was also found in reed stalks. The awakening of the beetles in the spring is much longer and coincides with the period of flowering of poliz crops. Beetles fly to the crops and feed on them, they lay 20-50 eggs on the

upper side of the plant leaves. After another 3-5 days, larvae emerge from them and begin to feed on leaf tissue. After molting three times in 15-25 days, the larvae pupate between the leaves. After 8-10 days, new joints will be confused with each other, and it will be possible to meet different forms of the pest at the same time. The third joints are confused, and it is possible to meet different forms of the pest at the same time. Third instar beetles hibernate. The polyz beetle itself and its larvae are oligophages that damage melons, watermelons, pumpkins, and cucumbers. When the pest multiplies, not only the plant becomes leafless, but its young crop is also damaged.

As a result, it rots quickly. Pest control crops are very sensitive to pests and diseases, and if the necessary measures are not taken against them, a large part of the harvest of the crops may be lost or the plant may not produce at all. Dozens of sucking and rodent pests feed on sorghum crops, the most dangerous of which is the sorghum beetle. The biological and ecological characteristics of this pest have not been studied in the Zarafshan oasis, and effective and ecologically harmless control measures have not been developed.

Therefore, we believe that it is an urgent issue to study the biological and ecological characteristics of the beetle beetle in the Zarafshan oasis and to develop ecologically harmless control measures. For this, it is important to study the influence of environmental factors on the duration of the pest development phases. Poliz beetle, local name "Kakana", is an insect belonging to the genus Epilachna, family Coccinillidae. 37 species have been identified in the Zarafshan oasis.

The polyz beetle damages the above-ground organs of melons, cucumbers, watermelons, pumpkins, and other polyz crops from the time they germinate until the harvest.

The beetles and larvae of the pest gnaw the leaves of the plant, leaving only the veins of the leaves, they make pits in the fruit and the fruit rots, the yield decreases sharply.

The polyz beetle causes great damage to the saplings of polyz crops, the beetles of the pest completely eat the young saplings. It is often observed that the plant is completely killed when it is infected with the polyz beetle and its larvae during the peak of the plant's vegetation. The polyz beetle causes more damage to polyz crops planted in the evening. At this time, a large number of beetles are collected in the fields. In some plants, up to 43 beetles and 200-300 polyz beetle larvae can be counted. At the end of the harvesting period, the pest mainly feeds on young melon fruits. Damaged melon fruits become unusable for storage and transportation, and most of them rot immediately. Infected plants usually produce small and unripe fruit. The quality of fruits decreases and their weight decreases. Heavily infected plants do not bear fruit at all.

COMBAT MEASURES. It is necessary to remove the remnants of plants in the fields planted with polys crops, to deeply plow the land and to water it.

Carrying out these activities is important in preventing the mass reproduction of the beetle next year.

Planting polys crops early and harvesting healthy seedlings. In early spring (March-April) it is effective to carry out preventive measures against sucking pests (aphid, thrips, spider mite, spider mite) that have started to develop in the weeds around the field. BI-(58-0.2%) benzaphosphate-(0.3%), karate-(0.05%), cyperphos-(0.1%). This event is of great importance in the prevention of damage to cultivated crops by aphids and other sucking pests during the feeding period of the silkworm, as well as in increasing the number of useful insects in the fields. If the amount of aphids increases in June, and the ratio of beneficial insects to active forms is more than 1:15-20, chemical control is necessary. For this, karbofos (0.1%), BI-58 (0.2%), benzophosphate (0.25%), mospilan (0.02%) or confidor (0.03%) are used. it is necessary to stop 30 days before the harvest.


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