PEDAGOGICAL BASES OF FORMATION OF ECOLOGICAL CULTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Sadykova A.K., Surovitskaya Yu.Yu., Baybusinova N.B.

In this article, we will consider the formation of ecological culture in children, as well as the formation of aesthetic education, at what age it begins and who can contribute to this.

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Садыкова А.К., Суровицкая Ю.Ю., Байбусинова Н.Б. Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается формирование экологической культуры у детей, а также формирование эстетического воспитания, в каком возрасте оно начинается, и кто может этому способствовать.

Ключевые слова: экологическая культура младших школьников, мировоззренческие основы, экологическое образование.


Sadykova A.K., Surovitskaya Yu.Yu., Baybusinova N.B.

Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University (Kokshetau, the Republic of Kazakhstan)

Annotation. In this article, we will consider the formation of ecological culture in children, as well as the formation of aesthetic education, at what age it begins and who can contribute to this.

Key words: ecological culture of junior schoolchildren, ideological basis, ecological education.

B. T. Likhachev reveals the content of the concept of " Ecology of personality and culture of society", which can be considered as a unity of developed consciousness, emotional and mental states, respectively. The core of such consciousness is a specially oriented mental analytical-synthesizing ability of a person, which guarantees a scientifically based inclusion in nature, in the life of society, in order to preserve their balance [1, 21].

Aesthetic education provides knowledge of nature in all its natural and aesthetic integrity. Imagination acts as the psychic progress of anticipating the consequences of interference in the life of nature and society. Feeling is based on the creative-unconscious desire for unity with nature. The content of ecological consciousness also includes utilitarian and practical behavior. Properly directed will implies the ability to decisively abandon the intended actions in the event of the possibility of unpredictable consequences.

The ecological culture of a person is organically connected with the personality as a whole, its various aspects and qualities, it arises as

a new mental formation. Natural science education provides knowledge of the laws of nature, the connections between it and man. Philosophical-makes it possible to understand the purpose of a person. Political-ensures a proper balance between economic activity and natural resources. Legal-keeps regulated interactions within the law. Moral-spiritualizes these relationships. Aesthetic-creates an opportunity for experiences of delight and pleasure. The culture of work and economic activity directs human efforts in the direction of environmental expediency.

Such a broad understanding of the culture of the individual, dictated by the realities of the late XX century, suggests the development of a number of related scientific areas. Among them, B. T. Likhachev distinguishes such as environmental psychology and pedagogy, environmental psychophysiohygiena. The first will find its specific subject in the study of the formation and development of mental states that provide awareness and a sense of being a part of nature, the formation of attitudes and motivations for mutually beneficial, mutually healing interaction. Perhaps it

will become the basis for environmentally oriented pedagogy as a special scientific discipline, a search direction that best meets the principle of natural conformity in its modern sound. On their basis, recommendations can be developed for organizing a child's lifestyle, overcoming crisis phenomena associated with a violation of the ecological balance (oxygen starvation, developmental delays, outbreaks of aggression and cruelty towards animals and each other, etc.). Teachers talk about the need for environmental therapy and the development of ways and means of returning the child to a biologically and psychologically favorable environment, to offer special play, creative, business situations of communication and activity that relieve tension, restore the normal functioning of the psyche and the body as a whole [1, 21].

Academician B. T. Likhachev notes that ecological consciousness requires reinforcement with a feeling, an emotionally integral, deeply moral attitude to nature, society, and people. The whole moral orientation of the child should be focused on the development of such feelings and states as love, the excitement of conscience, the experience of communication with nature and people as the highest happiness. Nature is immoral, it is on the other side of good and evil. Its grandeur and calmness help you realize your place in it. It is necessary to develop a sense of harmony, the ability of an enthusiastic attitude, the experience of the beautiful, delightful, sublime [1, 21].

Teachers note that the ecological culture of the individual is unthinkable outside of its practical relationship to reality, which is formed on the basis of joint efforts of teachers and students. It is about creating a reliable psychological attitude to an environmentally sound inclusion in nature, the noosphere, and society. This should be connected with the development of the child's own nature, his abilities, physical and intellectual strength, with the education of hard work, careful attitude, enterprise and economy. It is important to have the skills and abilities of protective and protective, psycho - and physiotherapy activities (forestry, gardening, gardening, etc.), in the field of animal therapy, auto-training, and establishing healthy communication.

The natural basis of the process of such education is objectively formed in different age periods of the child's relationship with the environment. In children of preschool and primary

school age, they are realized on an unconscious basis. Kids, without realizing it, do not separate from the external environment, feel like a natural part of nature. Between children, animals and plants, an intuitive mutual perception and even mutual understanding is established. The child is open to perceive and appropriate the environmental rules of these relationships, to turn them into their own habits. Thus, ecological culture in modern conditions is one of the leading components of personality. It can be considered as the main system-forming factor that contributes to the formation of genuine intelligence and civilization in a person.

In today's complex, diverse, dynamic world, full of contradictory trends, environmental problems (ecological problems) have acquired a global scale. They affect the very foundations of civilization and largely determine the possibility of human survival. Among the most important global problems are: the growth of the World's population, providing a growing population with food, protecting human health from particularly dangerous diseases and the negative consequences of scientific and technological progress, ensuring the growing needs of the world economy in energy and natural resources, protecting the natural environment from the destructive anthropogenic impact. Serious environmental problems have become pollution of the biosphere, changes in the physical, chemical, and biological qualities of the planet, changes in ecosystems, and deterioration of human health [2, 48].

The environmental situation has become so acute that there is a need for early action to save life on Earth. The main contradiction of the era that gave rise to these problems is that man is increasingly overcoming his direct dependence on the elements of natural forces and at the same time strengthening his ties with nature, as an increasing range of substances and energy is involved in the life of society. This manifests itself in the accelerated pace of transformation of the environment of life and the slow pace of natural evolution; the potential boundlessness of human spiritual progress on the basis of a social program and social inheritance and the comparative limitations of its physical change on the basis of a genetic program; the boundlessness of nature change and the limited biological capabilities of a person to adapt to changes in the natural environment.

It is necessary to take measures to protect the environment from pollution (physical, chemical, biological) and from destruction, to preserve the entire genetic diversity of living beings, to preserve the gene pool of the planet. This requires not only competent personnel, financial support, but also a change in the pragmatic thinking that is ingrained in the minds of people. It is necessary to reorient the value system of all the environment. Especially acute in this situation is the task of environmental education.

Environmental education and upbringing, continuous, comprehensive and mandatory, the formation of environmental ethics and culture on their basis, represent a condition and a way to humanize the relations of society and nature, reflect the need and need for the study and knowledge of their habitat, its protection and preservation. This should be formed in a person from the earliest years - the ability and vital need to perceive nature and its creations as a great and irreplaceable asset and the essence of our life. They should become the basis for the education and upbringing of every person, especially the younger generation. In the period of ecological crisis, when irreversible changes occur in the biosphere that limit the life possibilities of a person, environmental education also acquires a special

social meaning. Today, it is necessary to include consideration of environmental problems in all educational programs, since these problems are becoming so serious and specific that all channels of influence on the individual must be involved.

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Садыкова Айгуль Казихановна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).

Суровицкая Юлия Юрьевна, магистр педагогических наук, старший преподаватель, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).

Байбусинова Нурбике Булатовна, магистрант, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау). e-mail: ivanchenko-v@mail.ru

Дата поступления статьи: 24.03.2021

© Садыкова А.К., Суровицкая Ю.Ю., Байбусинова Н.Б., 2021

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