УДК 325
Тесленко А.Н., Абдилова А. С. Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова
(Кокшетау, Казахстан)
Аннотация. В статье рассматривается проблема взаимосвязи профессиональной социализации студентов с готовностью проявить профессионально значимую компетентность в образовательном действии.
Ключевые слова: социализация студентов, сельская местность.
Teslenko A.N., Abilova A. S. Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University (Kokshetau, the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Annotation. This article deals with the problem of the relationship of professional socialization of students with the willingness to show professionally significant competence in the educational action.
Key words: socialization of students, countryside
The concept of socialization. From the first days of its existence, a person is surrounded by other people. From the very beginning of his life, he is involved in social interaction. The first experience of communication a person acquires even before learning to speak. In the process of relationships with other people, he receives a certain social experience, which, being subjectively assimilated, becomes an integral part of his personality.
Socialization of the individual is a two-way process of assimilation by the individual of the social experience of the society to which he belongs, on the one hand, and active reproduction and building up of the systems of social ties and relations in which he develops, on the other.
A person not only perceives and masters social experience, but also actively transforms it into their own values, attitudes, positions, orientations, and their own vision of social relations. At the same time, the personality is
subjectively involved in various social connections, in the performance of various role functions, thereby transforming both the social world around it and itself.
A term used by sociologists to describe the process by which people are trained to observe social norms, the process that makes it possible for a society to exist and for its culture to be passed on from generation to generation. This process can be considered in two ways.
Socialization can be understood as the internalization of social norms: social rules become internal to the individual in the sense that they are no longer imposed by external regulation, but are imposed by the individual on himself, thus being part of his "I". Thus, the individual develops a sense of the need to comply with social norms.
Socialization can be understood as an essential element of social interaction. This understanding is based on the assumption that people strive to rise in their own eyes by achieving
a prestigious status and approval from others, while individuals are socialized as they bring their actions in line with the expectations of others. Both understandings of socialization can be combined, as is the case in Parsons ' research.
There are three stages of socialization: the initial stage-the socialization of the child within the family; the middle stage-school education and, finally, the final, third stage-the socialization of an adult, the stage of acceptance by social workers of those roles for which they could not fully prepare during the first two stages (for example, the roles of an employee, spouse or parent).
In accordance with this, the formation and development of personality, as a process of acquiring social experience by an individual and increasing it, can be represented by two conditional stages.
The first consists in the formation and consolidation of the basic social and psychological values of a person: labor, moral, aesthetic, political, legal, environmental, family and household values, etc. This is the stage of the general socialization of the individual.
In addition, the process of mastering a particular profession or specialty is also carried out. This is the stage of professional socialization of the individual. The stages are interrelated and complement each other.
Socialization is not the opposite of individualization. The process of socialization does not lead to the leveling of the personality, the individuality of a person. Rather, on the contrary, in this process of socialization, a person finds his own identity, but most often in a complex and contradictory way.
The assimilation of social experience is always subjective. The same social situations are perceived and experienced differently by different individuals. Therefore, they leave a different trace in the psyche, in the soul, in the personality of different people. Social experience, which is brought out by different people from objectively identical social situations, can, therefore, be significantly different. Thus, the assimilation of social experience underlying the process of socialization also becomes a source of individualization of the individual, who not only subjectively assimilates this experience, but also actively processes it
The personality acts as an active subject of socialization. Moreover, perhaps, even the process
of socialization of the individual should be considered as actively developing, and not only as actively adaptive. Socialization does not end when a person becomes an adult. It, figuratively speaking, refers to the type of processes "with an indefinite end", although with a specific purpose. And this process continues continuously throughout the entire human ontogenesis. It follows that socialization is not only never complete, but it is never complete.
The concept of adaptation, being one of the central concepts of biology, means the adaptation of a living organism to environmental conditions. This concept was extrapolated into social science and began to denote the process of adaptation of a person to the conditions of the social environment. Thus, the concepts of social and mental adaptation emerged, the result of which is the adaptation of the individual to various social situations, micro-and macro-groups.
With the help of the concept of adaptation, socialization is considered as the process of entering a person into a social environment and its adaptation to cultural, psychological and sociological factors.
The process of socialization of the individual is a universal phenomenon, which is studied by specialists of various branches of scientific knowledge. For many years, research has been conducted in different directions.
It should be noted that the category of "youth" is subjected to scientific analysis from several positions :
- representatives of the socio-psychological direction focus on the study of the transition from childhood to adulthood, highlighting a set of factors that affect this process;
- structural and functional direction (characterized by the analysis of youth as a social community through the categories of status and role, the development of theories of the conflict of generations;
- the cultural direction is associated with phenomenological aspects, its basis is the study of the process of socialization as a multi-faceted phenomenon.
Modern researchers interpret the socialization of the individual as the development and self-change in the process of assimilation and reproduction of culture, which occurs in the interaction of a person with spontaneous, relatively
directed and purposefully created living conditions at all age stages.
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Тесленко Александр Николаевич, доктор педагогических наук (РК), доктор социологических наук (РФ), профессор, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).
Абдилова Алма Сериковна, магистрант, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).
Дата поступленрия статьи: 24.03.2021
© Тесленко А.Н., Абилова А.С., 2021