Научная статья на тему 'Parsing-featured patterning of stimulus-reaction entities: medium-term dynamics'

Parsing-featured patterning of stimulus-reaction entities: medium-term dynamics Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Морель Морель Дмитрий Александр

В статье показаны изменения в частеречном распределении реакций в ассоциативных полях, зафиксированных в разное время: в 1988-1990 гг. (данные «Русского ассоциативного словаря») и 2013-2014 гг. (авторский ассоциативный эксперимент). Отобранные стимулы являются именами универсальных концептов-слотов фрейма «периметр безопасности». Выявлены основные изменения и тенденции актуализации моделей синтаксических единств «стимул-реакция» за прошедшие 25 лет.

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The article shows differences in the parsing-featured distribution of responses in associative fields fixed at different times: 1988-1990 (“Russian Associative Dictionary” data) and 2013-2014 (author’s associative experiment). The chosen stimuli are the descriptors of corresponding universal concepts being slots of “security perimeter” frame. The main changes and trends in parsing-featured patterning of stimulus-reaction entities over 25 years are revealed.

Текст научной работы на тему «Parsing-featured patterning of stimulus-reaction entities: medium-term dynamics»


Дмитрий Александр Морель Морель,

кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и профессиональной коммуникации Белгородского государственного национального исследовательского


В статье показаны изменения в частеречном распределении реакций в ассоциативных полях, зафиксированных в разное время: в 1988-1990 гг. (данные «Русского ассоциативного словаря») и 2013-2014 гг. (авторский ассоциативный эксперимент). Отобранные стимулы являются именами универсальных концептов-слотов фрейма «периметр безопасности». Выявлены основные изменения и тенденции актуализации моделей синтаксических единств «стимул-реакция» за прошедшие 25 лет.

Ключевые слова: ассоциативный эксперимент, ассоциативное поле, синтаксическая модель, стимул, реакция.


Dmitry A. Morel Morel,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication Belgorod State University

The article shows differences in the parsing-featured distribution of responses in associative fields fixed at different times: 1988-1990 ("Russian Associative Dictionary" data) and 2013-2014 (author's associative experiment). The chosen stimuli are the descriptors of corresponding universal concepts being slots of "security perimeter" frame. The main changes and trends in parsing-featured patterning of stimulus-reaction entities over 25 years are revealed.

Key words: associative experiment, associative field, parsing-featured pattern, stimulus, response.

Associative experiment is an important stage of any cognitive study providing us with valuable information on means to verbalize a concept, on their interrelationship and relevancy (prototypicalness) for linguistic consciousness, and—through the analysis of the mentioned data—on the content and structure of the concept under study, its place and role in the conceptual sphere [4: 177-178].

Moreover, comparing the data of associative experiments carried out at different times allows to track dynamics of all aspects mentioned above [2].

For this purpose we undertook a comparative study of materials of the following associative experiments run under the same procedure: Yu. N. Karaulov's one (hereinafter referred to as RAD) hold in 1988-90 (period Tg) [5] and the author's one (AE) carried out in 2013-2014 (period T).

Analyzing associative fields of a number of stimuli (geroi (hero), napitok (drink), pit'yo (drink(ing)), poet, strakh (fear), student) we revealed distinct differences in the

актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики, 2015, № 4

parsing-featured distribution of Тg- and Т1-respondents' responses [3; 6; 7]. Thus, modern youth's responses show the share of nominative reactions is growing against the great drop of verbal reactions in frequency, and the decrease in frequency and variety of evaluative-adjectival and adverbial-reactions. The reduction of reactions giving nonpredica-tive collocations along with stimuli ("fear for smb", "fear of smth") should be also noted.

We suggested that the revealed changes in parsing-featured distribution within associative fields is a cognitive meaningful phenomenon reflecting some drifts in the world view and hence in the picture of the world of generation matured after the Soviet Union collapse.

To define the degree of regularity of the phenomenon as well as to reveal its peculiarities we have undertaken a specialized study concerning particularly the dynamics of parsing-featured distribution within T0- and T1-respondents' associative fields without getting into response classification issues (see: [1]).

Associative fields of stimuli bezopasnost' (security / safety), uyut (comfort), dom (home / house), gorod (city / town), rodina (homeland), sem'ya (family), odezhda (clothes) are the subject of the present study, whereas only formal, syntactic aspects of S-R entities were subject to analysis. The chosen stimuli are the descriptors of corresponding universal concepts being slots of "security perimeter" frame (see: [2]).

The revealed patterns are dual-indexed: in frequency (F, the total of reactions in percentage terms) and in representativity (R, the total of individual associations in percentage terms). Then the corresponding indices of accession rate (Ar=(Xt1-Xtg)/Xtg*igg%) are calculated.

The patterns which frequency does not exceed 1% in both periods are not taken into consideration.

The parsing-featured distribution peculiarities of bezopasnost' associative fields are as follow (see table 1).

Table 1

Bezopasnost' S-R entities patterning and dynamics of indices

F, % R, %

as of T0 as of T1 ArF as of T0 as of T1 ArR

security [is] smth/smb 24,7 87 252,2 41,2 75 82,0

security of smth/smb 48,7 4 -91,8 13,6 7,7 -43,4

security [is] adj. (long form) 4,8 4 -16,7 9,8 7,7 -21,4

security [is] adj. (short form) 3,8 0 -100 7,8 0 -100

security (as the subject) + V 3,8 0 -100 3,9 0 -100

V + security (as an object) 3,8 0 -100 7,8 0 -100

security + other predicatives 6,7 2 -70,1 11,8 3,8 -67,8

The predicative nominative of the first pattern can be expressed by a noun, abbreviation (both RAD and AE), enumeration of nouns, Adj+N combination (AE only).

The figures of parsing-featured distribution and its dynamics concerning uyut associative fields are given in table 2.

Table 2

Uyut S-R entities patterning and dynamics of indices

F, % R, %

as of ^ as of ^ as of ^ as of ^

comfort [is] smth/smb 31,7 78 146,1 40,8 73,3 79,7

comfort [is] adj. (long form) 25,7 7 -72,8 20,4 10 -51,0

comfort of smth 11,9 7 -41,2 10,2 3,3 -67,6

comfort [is] somewhere 16,8 5 -70,2 8,2 3,3 -59,8

V + comfort (as an object) 7,9 0 -100 10,2 0 -100

The predicative nominative can be expressed by a noun (both RAD and AE), Adj+N combination (RAD only), enumeration of nouns (AE only).

Dom associative fields' parsing-featured patterns as well as the dynamics of their indices are tabulated as follow (see table 3).

Table 3

Dom S-R entities patterning and dynamics of indices

F, % R, %

as of ^ as of ^ ArF as of ^ as of ^ ArR

home [is] smth/smb 34,6 69 99,4 42,0 63,3 50,7

home [is] adj. (long form) 35,6 21 -41,0 26,1 18,4 -29,5

home [is] prep.+N 3,8 1 -73,7 2,9 2,0 -31,0

someone s home 3,9 1 -74,4 1,4 2,0 42,9

home [is] somewhere 10,6 3 -71,7 11,6 6,1 -47,4

home (as the subject) + V 1,9 0 -100 2,9 0 -100

V + home (as an object or adverbial modifier) 5,8 3 -48,3 7,2 4,1 -43,1

home + other predicatives 1,0 2 100,0 1,4 4,1 192,9

The predicative nominative can be expressed by a noun (both RAD and AE) and Adj+N combination (AE only).

Gorod associative fields' patterns and their dynamics are given in table 4.

Table 4

Gorod S-R entities patterning and dynamics of indices

F, % R, %

as of ^ as of ^ as of ^ as of ^ ar

city [is] smth/smb 49,7 71 42,9 44,5 72,9 63,8

city [is] adj. (long form) 30,6 18 -41,2 24,9 13,6 -45,4

актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики, 2015, № 4

city [is] adj. (short form) 0,7 2 185,7 1,9 3,4 78,9

city [is] prep.+N 1,1 0 -100 2,9 0 -100

someone's city 2,2 2 -9,1 1,0 3,4 240,0

city of smth/smb 5,6 1 -82,1 8,6 1,7 -80,2

city [is] somewhere 1,3 0 -100 3,3 0 -100

city (as the subject) + V 5,1 0 -100 6,2 0 -100

The predicative nominative of the first pattern can be expressed by a noun, abbreviation, Adj+N and N+N combinations (both RAD and AE), enumeration of nouns (RAD only).

Parsing-featured patterns of rodina stimulus associative fields and the dynamics of their indices are represented below (see table 5).

Table 5

Rodina S-R entities patterning and dynamics of indices

F, % R, %

as of T0 as of T1 ArF as of T0 as of T1 ArR

homeland [is] smth/smb 67,4 79 17,2 60,6 61,9 2,1

someone's homeland 10,3 6 -41,7 2,8 7,1 153,6

homeland [is] adj. (long form) 7,3 4 -45,2 11,3 7,1 -37,2

homeland [is] adj. (short form) 2,9 1 -65,5 2,8 2,4 -14,3

homeland (as the subject) + V 3,9 1 -74,4 2,8 2,4 -14,3

V + homeland (as an object) 1,0 2 100 2,8 4,8 71,4

homeland + other predicatives 3,4 5 47,1 9,9 11,9 20,2

The predicative nominative can be expressed by a noun (both RAD and AE), abbreviation, enumeration of nouns, Adj+N combination (RAD only).

Parsing-featured patterns of sem'ya stimulus associative fields and the dynamics of their indices are given in table 6.

Table 6

Sem'ya S-R entities patterning and dynamics of indices

F, % R, %

as of T0 as of T1 ArF as of T0 as of T1 ar

family [is] smth/smb 41,8 65 55,5 47,7 62,2 30,4

family [is] adj. (long form) 36,0 21 -41,7 18,1 17,8 -1,7

someone's family 5,6 4 -28,6 2,5 4,4 76,0

family of smth/smb 4,3 0 -100 11,1 0 -100

family [is] predic. adv. 0,8 5 525,0 2,0 6,7 235,0

family (as the subject) + V 2,2 0 -100 2,5 0 -100

family + other predicatives 2,1 3 42,9 6,5 6,7 3,1

family and smth/smb 4,5 0 -100 3,0 0 -100

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The predicative nominative can be expressed by a noun, enumeration of nouns, Adj+N and N+N combinations (both RAD and AE), cardinal numeral + N, personal pronoun (RAD only).

Parsing-featured patterns of odezhda stimulus associative fields and the dynamics of their indices are tabulated below (see table 7).

Table 7

Odezhda S-R entities patterning and dynamics of indices

F, % R, %

as of т0 as of т as of т0 as of т

clothes [is] smth/smb 35,6 73 105,1 43,3 75,9 75,3

clothes [is] adj. (long form) 50,5 21 -58,4 37,7 16,7 -55,7

clothes of smth/smb 3,0 0 -100 4,5 0 -100

clothes (as the subject) + V 3,0 0 -100 4,5 0 -100

clothes + other predicatives 3,0 1 -66,7 4,5 1,9 -57,8

The predicative nominative can be expressed by a noun (both RAD and AE), N+N combination (RAD only), Adj+N combination, enumeration of nouns (AE only).

Thus, the undertaken analysis of Tg- and T}-fields of chosen stimuli revealed 12 parsing-featured patterns represented in table 8, where "X" represents a stimulus, and notations in italic correspond to responses.

Table 8

Revealed parsing-featured patterns: general characteristics

Patterns Patterns occurrences Patterns dynamics

T 0 T1

X [is] smth/smb 7 7 +++++++

X [is] adj. (long form) 7 7

X [is] adj. (short form) 3 3 +-x

X [is] somewhere 3 2 --x

X [is] prep.+N 2 1 -x

X [is] predic. adv. 1 1 +

X of smth/smb 5 3 —xx

someone s X 4 4 —

X (as the subject) + V 6 1 -xxxxx

V + X (as an object) 4 2 +-xx

X + other predicatives 5 5 +++--

family and smth/smb 1 0 x


Patterns dynamics conventional signs denote the growth (+) or reduction (-) in frequency, or complete loss of relevance (x).

As we can see from Table 8 the total representation of almost all revealed patterns in both Т0- and Т}-fields is nearly the same (except the patterns based on verbal responses).

Salient and crucial differences concern the dynamics of revealed patterns in their relevance. It should be noted here that the dynamics in frequency and in representativity of each pattern show little difference from one another. Cases of differently directed dynamics of frequency and representativity indices are uncommon (only three occurrences) and do not cover high-relevance patterns.

As a result of this study we can come to the following conclusions.

1. Seven examined stimuli gave eleven parsing-featured patterns of S-R entities which are somewhat regularly reproduced in both periods: X [is] smth/smb; X [is] adj. (long form); X [is] adj. (short form); X [is] somewhere; X [is] prep.+N; X [is] predic. adv.; X of smth/smb; someone's X; X (as the subject) + V; V + X (as an object); X + other predicatives. But only two first patterns are represented in all stimuli fields of both periods.

2. Noticeable changes in patterns productivity are proper to all associative fields under study; moreover, we observe the oblivion of some patterns in six fields out of seven. Thus, our suggestion on the regular, systematic character of changes in parsing-featured distribution within associative fields is corroborated.

3. The general trend in patterns dynamics over 25 years is partial (18 cases) or complete (13 cases) loss of patterns relevance for Т;-respondents (the growth of relevance is revealed in 14 cases). In every particular case a T0-field represents more parsing-featured patterns than its Т;-analog.

4. Being one of the most frequent kinds of responses in Т, a nominative became the predominant type of reactions in Т;-respondents' answers. The steady gain in share of nominatives occurs at the expense of shares of verbs and adjectives given as responses. Such a peculiarity can be treated as manifestation of a trend in progress towards some simplification, reduction as well as fragmentation of modern youth's picture of the world.


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3. Morel 'Morel 'D. A. K voprosu ob analize dinamiki kontseptov // Novye paradigmy v kognitivnoi lingvistike. Almaty - Kemerovo - Vitebsk - Bishkek: KGU, KazNU, KemGU, VGU, 2014. Р. 169-179.

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6. Morel Morel D. A. Existential concepts in the Russian naïve picture of the world: dynamics revealed through diachronic comparative study of associative fields // Papers of the 8th International Scientific Conference "Applied Sciences in Europe: tendencies of contemporary development". Stuttgart: ORT Publishing, 2014. P. 52-56.

7. Morel Morel D. A., Miroshnichenko N. S. Revealing frame dynamics through comparing associative fields in diachrony // Applied and Fundamental Studies: Proceedings of the 6th International Academic Conference. St. Louis, Missouri: Science and Innovation Center, 2014. P. 142-146.

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