Научная статья на тему 'Отсутствие медиативных компетенций как фактор деструктивного риска в процессе обучения иностранному языку'

Отсутствие медиативных компетенций как фактор деструктивного риска в процессе обучения иностранному языку Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
межкультурная коммуникация / медиация / посредничество / психолингвистика / учебное взаимодействие / медиативная компетенция / intercultural communication / mediation / mediation / psycholinguistics / educational interaction / mediation competence

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Чубарова Ю.Е., Орлова Т.А., Резепова Н.В.

В статье рассматриваются психолингвистические аспекты медиации в методике преподавания иностранных языков. В работе дается методологическое обоснование подхода, характеризующего отсутствие посреднической компетенции как фактора деструктивного риска в процессе преподавания иностранного языка, предлагается краткий дефиниционный анализ понятия «медиация» и подход к его интерпретации, обосновывается психолингвистический подход к оценке посредничества, приводятся примеры необходимости формирования посреднической компетенции. Отсутствие посреднической компетенции можно интерпретировать как педагогический дефицит преподавателя и компенсировать его, преодолевая тем самым различные проблемы и риски, связанные со смысловым восприятием обучающимися педагогических речевых сообщений на иностранном языке. В качестве методологического обоснования исследователи предлагает психолингвистический подход, т.е. теорию языковой деятельности. Проведенный анализ раскрывает теоретико-методологические основы исследования посредничества как особого педагогического речевого акта преподавателя с целью создания оптимальных условий для взаимопонимания.

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Похожие темы научных работ по языкознанию и литературоведению , автор научной работы — Чубарова Ю.Е., Орлова Т.А., Резепова Н.В.

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Lack of mediation competencies as a destructive risk factor in the process of teaching a foreign language

The article examines the psycholinguistic aspects of mediation in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. The paper provides a methodological justification for the approach characterizing the lack of mediation competence as a pedagogical deficit of a foreign language teacher, offers a brief definitional analysis of the concept of “mediation” and an approach to its interpretation, substantiates a psycholinguistic approach to assessing mediation, provides examples of the need to form mediation competence. The lack of intermediary competence can be interpreted as a pedagogical deficiency of the teacher and compensate for it, thereby overcoming various problems associated with the semantic perception of pedagogical speech messages in a foreign language by students. As a methodological justification, the researchers suggest a psycholinguistic approach, i.e. a theory of linguistic activity. The analysis reveals the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of mediation as a special pedagogical speech act of a teacher in order to create optimal conditions for mutual understanding.

Текст научной работы на тему «Отсутствие медиативных компетенций как фактор деструктивного риска в процессе обучения иностранному языку»

Чубарова Ю.Е.

Доцент кафедры теории речи и перевода ФГБОУ ВО «Мордовский Государственный Университет имени Н.П. Огарёва», г. Саранск.

Орлова Т.А.

Кандидат филологических наук, доцент, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков ИОМ, Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации, г. Москва.

Резепова Н.В.

Доцент кафедры иностранных языков №2 ФГБОУ ВО «Российский экономический университет имени Г.В. Плеханова», г. Москва. Доцент кафедры русского и иностранного языков. ФГБОУ ВО «Всероссийский государственный университет кинематографии имени С.А. Герасимова (ВГИК)», г. Москва.

Отсутствие медиативных компетенций как фактор деструктивного риска в процессе обучения иностранному языку*

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются психолингвистические аспекты медиации в методике преподавания иностранных языков. В работе дается методологическое обоснование подхода, характеризующего отсутствие посреднической компетенции как фактора деструктивного риска в процессе преподавания иностранного языка, предлагается краткий дефиниционный анализ понятия «медиация» и подход к его интерпретации, обосновывается психолингвистический подход к оценке посредничества, приводятся примеры необходимости формирования посреднической компетенции. Отсутствие посреднической компетенции можно интерпретировать как педагогический дефицит преподавателя и компенсировать его, преодолевая тем самым различные проблемы и риски, связанные со смысловым восприятием обучающимися педагогических речевых сообщений на иностранном языке. В качестве методологического обоснования исследователи предлагает психолингвистический подход, т.е. теорию языковой деятельности. Проведенный анализ раскрывает теоретико-методологические основы исследования посредничества как особого педагогического речевого акта преподавателя с целью создания оптимальных условий для взаимопонимания.

© Чубарова Ю.Е., Орлова Т.А., Резепова Н.В., 2024.

Ключевые слова: межкультурная коммуникация, медиация, посредничество, психолингвистика, учебное взаимодействие, медиативная компетенция.

Chubarova Yu.E.

Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Theory and Translation of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogareva", Saransk.

Orlova T.A.

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages, IOM, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

Rezepova N.V.

Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages № 2, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov", Moscow. Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages. FSBEI HE All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimov (VGIK)", Moscow.

Lack of mediation competencies as a destructive risk factor in the process of teaching a foreign language

Abstract. The article examines the psycholinguistic aspects of mediation in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. The paper provides a methodological justification for the approach characterizing the lack of mediation competence as a pedagogical deficit of a foreign language teacher, offers a brief definitional analysis of the concept of "mediation" and an approach to its interpretation, substantiates a psycholinguistic approach to assessing mediation, provides examples of the need to form mediation competence. The lack of intermediary competence can be interpreted as a pedagogical deficiency of the teacher and compensate for it, thereby overcoming various problems associated with the semantic perception of pedagogical speech messages in a foreign language by students. As a methodological justification, the researchers suggest a psycholinguistic approach, i.e. a theory of linguistic activity. The analysis reveals the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of mediation as a



special pedagogical speech act of a teacher in order to create optimal conditions for mutual understanding.

Key words: intercultural communication, mediation, mediation, psycholin-guistics, educational interaction, mediation competence.


The intensity of intercultural communication between representatives of different professions is increasing nowadays. Flexibility and resistance to the influence of destructive factors can be attributed to one of the key characteristics of intercultural professional interaction in the conditions of socio-economic "turbulence". The key to success is conflict-free and barrier-free professional communication of joint activity subjects of a multicultural collective. The understanding of the subjects of each other (which based on the knowledge of the cultures (including linguistic cultures) of the partners) allows organizing effective joint professional activities. This circumstance dictates special requirements for intercultural communication, as well as the training of teachers who teach foreign languages. It is necessary to create optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions for the better assimilation of professional culture by students through a foreign language. It should be noted that it is the teachers at the stage of teaching a foreign language who perform an intermediary (mediation) function between another professional culture and the student. Moreover, while teaching another language a teacher may have some pedagogical gaps associated with ignorance of current cultural shifts. Thus, a teacher may unknowingly broadcast to students his previously established attitude to the culture of the language being studied, use outdated attitudes in teaching, etc. For example, to give affectively colored examples, which together can form a certain attitude to the culture of the language being studied. An unfavorable consequence of such pedagogical gaps of a teacher will be the formation of a cognitive discrepancy in the student, a dissonance of fixed knowledge with the real cultural situation of communication. It can be said that in this way the mechanism of translation of pedagogical gaps from the teacher to the student is realized, which in general leads to the emergence of semantic barriers in intercultural communication. As can we can see, the problem of pedagogical gaps of foreign language teachers is relevant for the present. It is not uncommon for previously successful teachers to enter into conflict interaction with students due to a lag in orientation in the cultural shift. The orientation of the teacher in the cultural shift reduces the destructive risks of both the process of teaching a foreign language itself and the organization of future joint professional activities by the students themselves.

For our study of pedagogical deficits of teaching a foreign language in the

context of a cultural shift, the methodological aspect of the learning process is really important. Currently, authentic professional texts are widely used as educational texts in the teaching of foreign languages for special purposes. Often their use becomes one of the main methodological techniques, revealing to the student the meanings of foreign professional culture. Both the student and the teacher, when perceiving a professional authentic text, often encounter cultural lacunae, i.e. parts of the text, the semantic perception of which is difficult or impossible. A chain of barriers of semantic perception arises: distortion of the meaning of a professional authentic text leads to the formation of a distorted professional picture of the world, on the basis of which ineffective models of professional interaction will be built and, finally, to the rupture of intercultural joint activity. In addition, barriers to semantic perception when learning a foreign language can demotivate a student in relation to learning, as well as the teacher himself.

Thus, it is relevant to build a theoretical and methodological basis of mediation in the methodology of teaching a foreign language.

Research objectives:

- to reveal the essence of the concept of "mediation" in pedagogical science;

- to substantiate the need for a psycholinguistic approach to the analysis of mediation in foreign language teaching;

- to identify the prospects for the study of specific educational speech actions of the teacher, suitable for mediation in the framework of teaching a foreign language.

Theoretical basis is the psycholinguistic approach (Leontiev, 1997; Myskin, 2021; Tarasov, 2022), the theory of speech activity (Leontiev, 1997), the theory of semantic perception of speech messages (Chubarova, 2007; Orlova, 2015;Winter, 1976;) and the work of O. Yu. Lankina (2018) on the content of the concept of "mediation" in teaching foreign languages are proposed as methodological justification.

Research methods incude theoretical analysis, comparative method and method of theoretical modeling.

Practical significance of the study is that the study results can be the basis for the development of methodological recommendations for the formation of mediation competencies by teachers of a foreign language.

Main part

The solution to the problem of semantic perception barriers can be the formation of special mediation competencies among teachers of foreign languages, which would fill their pedagogical deficits in relation to cultural shifts. Consequently, we will give a brief analysis of the essence of the concept of "mediation".

Mediation as a type of activity has emerged as one of the ways of legal settlement of relations between subjects of disputes and disagreements. Moreover, mediation was opposed to judicial proceedings and acted as an alternative to it, as pre-trial dispute resolution. As a scientific direction, mediation developed

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through conflictology, mainly in Western scientific schools. Gradually mediation became the object of research in other sciences. At the moment, the problem of mediation is quite widely represented in foreign scientific discourse: linguo-didactics, translation studies, cultural studies, sociolinguistics and psychology (Taft, 1981; Garzone, Rudvin, 2003; Zarate, Gohard-Radenkovic, Lussier et al., 2004). For the sake of brevity, we will give only some of the definitions of the concept of "mediation". According to the CEFR Companion Volume with New Descriptors (Provisional Edition), the goal of communicative mediation is to simplify mutual understanding and promote successful oral communication between students with different individual, socio-cultural, sociolinguistic or intellectual characteristics. In the pan-European context, mediation as a verbal activity was mainly understood as written and/or oral actions of a mediator, which provide communication between people who are unable for some reason to communicate directly with each other (Safonova, 2017, p. 182). Summarizing the variety of interpretations of the concept of "mediation », we can highlight the essence of this phenomenon in relation to communication. It is an activity aimed at overcoming various kinds of problems in the understanding of foreign cultural speech messages by recipients.

In pedagogical activity, mediation is the focus of special attention of researchers. This is explained by the mediative essence of the teacher's work itself. After all, during the training, the teacher operates with concepts, theories, ideas that other scientists have developed. The same applies to the techniques and methodological tools used by him. O. Yu. Lankina (2018) notes that the teacher's use of methodological tools in mediation is carried out not only within the educational process, but also in extracurricular contacts with students: "Interpretation of concepts, paraphrase, summary, report, retelling of the source, generalization of information, recording information in order to transfer it to another participant in speech interaction, annotation, abstracting taking notes are examples of mediation and can be carried out in the context of professional or personal communication. The skills of working with text are called cognitive and include paraphrasing skills; changes in the style and level of complexity of the language depending on the needs of the interlocutor or audience; explanations through examples, generalizations, etc.; explanations of details; summaries" (Lankina, 2018, p. 180). These grounds allow us to assert that the teacher in the educational process acts as an intermediary (mediator) between knowledge about the world (the picture of the world) and the student.

Despite the seeming validity of the mediative function of the teacher, there are conditions that contradict the essence of pedagogical activity. We will give explanations. The key characteristic of mediation (in the classical version) is the independence, neutrality, impartiality of the mediator in relation to the parties to the conflict, and in our case - the subjects of the educational problem (About the

alternative procedure ..., 2010). At the same time, the mediator uses the resources of the parties to the conflict to resolve it. The mediator's attitude to resources should be as objective as possible - this is a condition for effective mediation. With regard to the pedagogical activity implemented at the present stage in the paradigm of humane pedagogy (Amonashvili, Amonashvili, 2017), it is difficult to imagine the independence, disinterest, neutrality of the teacher in the personal development of students and the pedagogical influences that he carries out. After all, the basic laws of humane and personal technology include such as: to love a child, to understand a child, to be filled with optimism for a child, etc. Following the humane paradigm, the teacher should be personally involved in communication and joint activities with the student (Amonashvili, Amonashvili, 2017). And this, in turn, contradicts the essential component of mediation.

Taking into account the above, it can be confidently indicated that the non-use of mediation techniques and means and/or the lack of knowledge and skills of mediation in pedagogical activity belong to the pedagogical deficits of the teacher. Consequently, it becomes urgent to search and find such scientific approaches to the analysis of the mediation function of pedagogical activity that would be consistent and contain optimal methods for studying this phenomenon. In our opinion, a psycholinguistic approach can act as such (Chubarova, 2009; Leontiev, 1997; Myskin, 2021; Tarasov, 2022).

Taking into account the main provisions of psycholinguistics, in our work we will focus on the following definition of mediation - it is the speech activity of a teacher aimed at overcoming various kinds of problems of semantic perception of educational speech messages in a foreign language by students.

It should be noted that currently the psycholinguistic approach to the analysis of mediation is not systematically presented in the scientific pedagogical discourse. It is obvious that in order to overcome the problems of semantic perception and the construction of joint educational activities, it is necessary to rely on the basic postulates of psycholinguistics. The teacher's non-possession of psy-cholinguistic knowledge about the patterns of educational speech influence can also be considered as a pedagogical deficit. For example, often in the language consciousness of teachers there is such a stable image of the mechanism of assimilation of the taught knowledge by the student, as the translation of meaning or the transmission of meaning, or the transmission of information, content. This fact is observed in some interpretations of the concept of mediation: "... the transfer of the content of the text to another person" (Safonova, 2017, p. 182). From the point of view of psycholinguistics, this interpretation is incorrect, since direct transmission of the meaning of the text is impossible without distortion (Leontiev, 2005; Leontiev, 1997; Winter, 1976; Orlova, 2007; Tarasov, 2017).

A. N. Leontiev (2005) emphasizes the need to distinguish between the concepts of "sense" and "meaning". Meaning is a set of semantic connections that



characterize a particular subject, while it is historically established. The meaning is the same for all people and is presented in the word as a system of generalizations. Unlike meaning, sense is a personalized reflection of a person's real attitude to objects, to a situation, it is "meaning to me". Consequently, the "meaning" of the word objectively reflects the system of connections and relationships. And "sense" expresses the affective attitude of the subject, in other words, the moment and the situation attach to themselves the subjective aspects of meaning. Developing the idea of the correlation of sense and meaning, B. A. Silbert (1986) sees in the text "the phenomenon of the social-speech level, the product of the activity of the switchboard and the object of the addressee's activity" (Sil-bert, 1986, p. 54). Consequently, the author and the reader, the teacher and the student jointly create the text. At the same time, the first one defines, and the second one distributes the meaning in the text space. The process of understanding the text is determined by the ratio of the specifics of the recipient's (student's) thinking, the content of his individual picture of the world and the structural and content characteristics of the text itself.

An educational text is often used as a methodological means while teaching a foreign language. S. V. Myskin (2021) emphasizes the importance of the need to "create optimal psycho-linguistic conditions for understanding mediated pedagogical speech messages" (Myskin, 2021, p. 1). Comprehension takes place in the process of speech perception as the disclosure and establishment of connections between objects of reality. The educational text should not only be aimed at its adequate reconstruction in the course of interaction with the recipient's linguistic consciousness, but also at organizing joint educational activities. "Inadequate interpretation increases the risk of students not understanding the educational material in the course of independent development, compared with the perception of the same material, for example, in face-to-face contact with a teacher" (Myskin, 2021, p. 1). In educational practice, there are frequent cases when students show signs of understanding the material in person with a teacher, however, when studying independently, understanding may not to be achieved. This different perception in the interpretation of the educational text blocks the teacher's achievement of the set goal of educational speech influence.


The results of the theoretical analysis show that the methodology used for teaching a foreign language can be unconsciously implemented by a teacher on the basis of actual pedagogical deficits arising as a result of various socio-cultural factors. The key pedagogical deficits are the lack of knowledge, skills and mediation skills during teaching process. The psycholinguistic approach is optimal to fill pedagogical deficits in mediation. The psycholinguistic aspect of mediation consists in understanding the essence of the semantic perception of an oral or

written text and applying it in practice in order to break the barriers of semantic perception for the construction of effective joint educational activities. The meaning is not transmitted from the originator to the addressee, but is created by the addressee on the basis of knowledge existing in his consciousness. Orientation in the addressee and adaptation of the speech message are one of the main tasks of the mediator-teacher. The stimulation of creative speech technologies and the creation of psychological conditions for understanding educational material are one of the ways to solve the problem of this pedagogical deficit.

In summary, the formation of mediation competencies of a teacher is of great importance for building effective joint educational activities. Mastering the basics of mediation is especially necessary in the process of foreign language teachers training.

The prospects for further research are to identify, classify and characterize the educational speech actions of a teacher suitable for mediation through teaching a foreign language.

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