Научная статья на тему 'ОТНОШЕНИЯ МЕЖДУ ПОКОЛЕНИЯМИ'

ОТНОШЕНИЯ МЕЖДУ ПОКОЛЕНИЯМИ Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Бочакова Ольга

В статье рассматриваются сожительство старшего и младшего поколений. Он описывает различные модели сожительства между поколениями. Очки с синдромом пустого гнезда, одиночество старше. Она сосредоточена на деятельности для пожилых людей, для их работы в обществе. Это задается заплатил ли пожилые достаточно внимания и уважения

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Текст научной работы на тему «ОТНОШЕНИЯ МЕЖДУ ПОКОЛЕНИЯМИ»

in the collection and evaluation of data were the same for all team members without some «exclusive» status of the leader. Organizational support for other phases of the community plan of social services will be used the same key as for the first phase. Priority will be given to cooperation between both parties, representatives of the municipality as well as representatives of the people.

In the process of creating a community plan of social services in a small municipality such as Vel'ka Luka arise many problems:

- the absence of providers of social services, view is without one of the relevant stakeholders,

- one team with only three members is responsible for all phases and parts,

- inadequate number of persons for questionnaire data collecting,

- inadequate funds from the municipality for the purpose of creating a community plan of social services,

- simplicity of the current law and the lack of methodological guidelines for the creation.


Community planning of social services belongs among the important tools of public administration. With community plan municipality can creates social services for their citizens and adapt the real needs. The creating process brings many problematic situations. In the case of municipality Vel'ka Luka we can describe as main problems: absence of providers of social services, very small team of creators, inadequate staff for questionnaires, inadequate funds or absence of methodological guidelines.

Contribution in its content described the some problematic aspects of community planinng of social services. The goal of contribution was to emphasize the main process problems which arise in municipality Vel'ka Luka. Short theoretical part described concepts that are related to community planning of social services. The main results of the contribution derived from interview with responsible person - team leader of creators of cummunity

plan of social services in the municaplity Vel'ka Luka.


[1] BOCAKOVA, O. - KUBiCKOVA, D. 2015. Uvod do socialnych sluzieb. Brno : Tribun. 158 s. ISBN 978-80-2630965-9.

[2] DAVIDEKOVA, M. (2014). Socialne sluzby. Trnava : Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, Fakulta socialnych vied, 2014. 180 s. ISBN 978-80-8105-579-9.

[3] KRAUSOVA, A. 2007. Komunitni planovani/ strategicke planovani. In.: JANOUSKOVA, K. 2007. Metodicke a koordinacne dovednosti v socialnich sluzbach. Ostrava : Ostravska univerzita v Ostrave. 2007. 349 s. ISBN 978-80-73-68-229-3.

[4] MATOUSEK, O. (2007). Planovani socialnich sluzeb. In.: MATOUSEK, a kol. (2007). Socialni sluzby. Praha : Portal, 2007. 184 s. ISBN 978-80-7367-310-9.

[5] MOLEK, J. (2011). Rizeni organizaci socialnich sluzeb. Praha : VUPSV, v. v. i., 2011. 254 s. ISBN 978-807416-083-7.

[6] OKALOVA, O. 2010. Komunitne planovanie ako nastroj verejnej spravy. In: PEKARCiK, L. - JANIGOVA, E. 2010. Socialna praca, manazment a ekonomia - s reflexiou na socialne sluzby. Ruzomberok : VERBUM, 2010. 287 s. ISBN 978-80-8084-619-0.

[7] PLAN OF THE MUNICIPALITY VELKA LUKA, 2014. [2015-11-05], [avalaible on-line], <http://www.velkaluka. sk/wp-content/uploads/UZEMNY-PLAN-OBCE-VELKA-LUKA-Z-A-D-A-N-I-E.pdf >.

[8] SKRiCKOVA, Z. 2007. Metodiky pro planovani socialnich sluzeb. Praha : MPSVCR, 2007.

[9] ZATLOUKAL, L. 2005. Strucny pruvodce pro komunitni planovani socialnich sluzeb. Olomouc : Univerzita Palackeho , 2005.

[10] ZATLOUKAL, L. 2008. Planovani rozvoje socialnich sluzeb metodou komunitniho planovani. Olomouc : Univerzita Palackeho. 2008.


doc. PhDr. Ol'ga Bocakova, PhD.

Associate professor Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Faculty of Social science in Trnava



Ольга Бочакова, Доцент, Университет св. Кирилла и Мефодия,Факультет социальных наук, Словакия АННОТАЦИЯ

В статье рассматриваются сожительство старшего и младшего поколений. Он описывает различные модели сожительства между поколениями. Очки с синдромом пустого гнезда, одиночество старше. Она сосредоточена на деятельности для пожилых людей, для их работы в обществе. Это задается заплатил ли пожилые достаточно внимания и уважения. ABSTRACT

В статье рассматриваются сожительство старшего и младшего поколений. Он описывает различные модели сожительства между поколениями. Очки с синдромом пустого гнезда, одиночество старше. Она сосредоточена на деятельности для пожилых людей, для их работы в обществе. Это задается заплатил ли пожилые достаточно внимания и уважения.

Ключевые слова: Пенсионеры. Старшее поколение. Молодое поколение. Между поколениями сожительство. Достойное жизнь.

Keywords: Seniors. The older generation. The younger generation. An inter-generational coexistence. A dignified life..

The status of the older person in the social system has fundamentally changed with the development of the society itself. There are tendencies of isolation of the younger generation from the older one, the social ties between family members are breaking, particularly between the grandparents and the loneliness of the elderly can be solved just by inter-generational coexistence. To show the respect to seniors, parents and grandparents are the fundamental ethical and religious principles of the society at any time. Inter-generational coexistence can be described by the following models:

• Equivalent coexistence: it's mutual well-being between generations inside the family life, the family members accept each other, including the members of older age

• Liberal coexistence: there are unclear or no rules in the family, the emotional ties are getting weak, the respect to the older member of the family is disappearing, especially in the period of his insufficient self-support

• Living in a favor with all: parents or grandparents can buy the favor of their children, grandchildren, because they do not show to them the natural interest

• Incompatible coexistence: there is a negative, egoistical, immoral attitude of the younger generation to the older generation or vice versa

• Forced coexistence: this is the situation, when the younger generation is forced for example to live together with seniors involuntarily, the parent or grandparent

• Dishonest coexistence: this is a disregard of children, who pretend an interest in their parents, grandparents. They use them, and sometimes even abuse in their favor.

At this time, the policy of the state is that the senior has to stay in the home, the natural environment as long as possible. But sometimes the family wants to, sometimes does not, sometimes they cannot take care of their senior. Social protection includes social benefits, includes all interventions from public or private organizations, which aim to relieve households and individuals from the burdens of the defined risks or needs. [3]

The rate of intergenerational coexistence - a cohesion measured by the readiness of the children, even grandchildren to give a helping hand to disabled or paralyzed parent, grandparent and this all without any demand for reward.

Seniors are an integral part of each city and village. I am glad that even many of them already at retired age are actively involved in the political, social, and cultural life. The very essence of individual pension schemes in developed countries currently represents one of the cornerstones of modern states. They include systems to ensure people in old age. [4] Seniors participate in the organizing of various activities which in a positive light represent our towns, communities and thus put a positive light and also create a space for high-quality inter-generational coexistence. A variety of events and competition cannot become reality without clever hands, and the recipes of seniors, traditional fairs, crafts, folklore, dance, theatre or singing choirs are organized by local senior people. The older people who have decided to actively engaged give a pleasure to their fellow citizens, stand behind all this. Many seniors work in the municipalities where they offer professional advice mainly in the preparation and presentation of projects, in some places they have have a patronage over the

parks, they take care of the monuments, public spaces, supervise the safety of children in schools, lead hobby groups, care for the socially disadvantaged. In general, they do the tasks of the volunteers. Also, here arises the space to help those who are not organized in the Unity of the pensioners, they are disabled, isolated, lonely. Talk to them and hear what's new and also to listen to them is a great thing that could be done for them. Educating their grandchildren if Priceless help of seniors. In many families, are the seniors who lovingly educate the new generation. The issue of relations between generations is one of the major factors of the dynamics of social development. Credit for today's moral and cultural state of the society in our country and the world have largely copper, which in his work is confirmed by several experts. Media education in Slovakia, unlike other countries in the European Union has no tradition. This topic discussed in the 20th century educators and experts on scientific forums sporadically. [5] We all know that relationships in today's world among the people are generally weak. In the past, people had closer to each other. What are the relations between grandparents, parents and grandchildren? Grandmas and grandpas are the survivors of the war and post-war years. Mothers and fathers grew up in the time of socialism. Daughters and sons were born after revolutionary time. Granddaughters and grandsons are today's youth. A modern democratic society requires the system of good governance. The transition countries and former Soviet Union member states created the bias to transform, extend and modernize the principles of democratic governance. While operating with the democratic and governance it is not questionable whether the power is derived directly from the people which is usually guaranteed by the constitution. It is therefore the application of citizens power to direct and influence the state power and principles of civic representation at all levels of public administration. If the latter shall be understood as the public service and interest, the policymaking and governance is then considered to by the subject of state decentralization. From this principle the public administration combines all interests and politics that serve and act toward the widest scope of citizens, providing for the general welfare [6] For the basic objectives of the renewed social agenda it is considered creation of new opportunities, further providing access to quality education, social protection, health care and services that can help to overcome inequalities in starting conditions. [2] The experiences of each generation shape the values and norms of every human being. A family has a great influence here. Suggestion of family members is more pronounced in those groups of youth who have a positive relationship in their families. In this case, there is a high probability that young people are allowe to influence their opinions, values and political orientation [7] To the social aspects of risk can be ranked and poverty. The word poverty in Slovakia until recently used in public policy debates very little. Before we meet with the notion of economic stress. [1] In the past all the relatives lived in the house, there were many generations, later on, there is a desire for privacy, to gain an independence, to have an own family. In the present, economic situation is forcing many people to live inter-generationally. There are several strong arguments that I have to say in connection with the development of emotional intelligence in adolescents. We meet with the loss of large extent of liability, inability to regulate their

behavior and a good deal of lax and apathetic approach to duty. As if young people are losing sensitivity to others, to situations that threaten others but tomorrow may be part of their own lives. [8]

The current characteristics of a modern and at the same time a successful man is based mainly on the material values, as particularly, the amount of his bank account, we become envious, very few of us appreciate each other, we do not share the happiness of the success of the other, ethics, morality, mutual support, functional interpersonal relationships, but as well the gratitude of recognition for our actions is becoming old fashioned and often the object of mockery.

The demands of the young people for life are high. Everyone wants to have a nice apartmentor house, a good car, exclusive clothes, they want to go for a holiday.

These characteristics, however, were not typical for our country. The nature of the family where there were more generations and were able to communicate with each other and enjoy mutual presence is changing under the influence of new trends in the society. They go along with positive and negative consequences. Communication, we share the experience and mutual teaching "old and young" is irretrievably gone. It was about the continuity of several generations, making it a benefit for everyone. For a long time, the connection of energy, vitality and vigor of the young people with the life experiences of the older results as the benefit for all. Unfortunately, the real fact is that this natural relationship is changing, but not to the better. We want state, city to take care of seniors but we do not want to see the role of the family. Even though, we cannot categorically conclude that reality is like that. Many of us can recognize that our duty is to take care of their families, they gave them a life and education, supported them when needed, helped always when they could. Because of these experience and facts we should make everything we could to make our loved ones to feel comfortable with us as much as possible. If possible let's create for them a real family background, and leave them in it, after all, they formed it for us the whole of their lives, so they deserve it. Let's make a change in our way of thinking. They are, however, situations that cannot be changed. If true, that the level of maturity of a society is measured by the level of care for the elderly, let's achieve that we are matured.

Even the retired age, the seniors are not passive. The seniors are represented in the Council of the government of the Slovak republic for the rights of seniors and the adaptation of public policies the process of aging of the population. The government of the Slovak republic transformed this council in January 2014 from the Committee for seniors of the Council of the government of the Slovak republic for human rights, national minorities and gender equality, in order to declare that the seniors are the part of the creation of social legislation. We know that the years 2014 - 2020 the National program for active aging is approved by the Ministry of labor, social affairs and family of the Slovak republic. It brings system solutions in the field of human rights protection, the support of active independence and civic participation of older people, the employment and employability of older people. A number

of national projects that are focused on ambulance social services to older people in the workforce as long as possible in their natural family environment are preparing. Currently, the National project Support for care services are being developed, further it is a humanization of social services associated against the institutionalization of social services. Social services are organized by the municipality, the higher territorial units or non-public provider. There is a large demand for care services. The risk of poverty should affect the minimum of pension. A lot of seniors attend the Academy of education or the University of the third age, they go to theaters, concerts, cultural and social events, and spend time also on the sporting activities.

In December 1990, month of October was proclaimed by the General assembly of the United Nations as the Month of respect to older and 1st of October as the International day of older people. This respect should be a natural part of our life, it should be nonviolent, because the older people deserves it. During their life, they have gained various experiences which they share with younger generation. Human life is like a book, it has its introduction, body and conclusion. Introduction is our childhood, body is our youthand the conclusion is the old age. The old age is not a disease.


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