СОЗДАНИЕ ПЛАНА СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ УСЛУГ (ПРИМЕР МУНИЦИПАЛИТЕТA ВЕЬЛКА ЛУКА) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Гарай Михал

Эта статья фокусируется на организационные механизмы процесса планирования планa сообществa в области социальных услуг в муниципалитетe Веьлка Лука (Словакия). Основная цель статьи указывает на проблемы, которые возникают в организации плана социальных услуг. Теоретическое введение описывает основные понятия общественного планирования, описывает часть плана сообщества, сотрудничества между заинтересованными сторонами и текущее состояние планирования сообщества. Практическая часть описывает опыт лица, которие готовит план сообщества в муниципалитетe Веьлка Лука. Мeтода научного исследования стандартизированное интервью

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Contribution in its content focuses on organizational management of community planning of social services in a small Slovak municipality Veľká Lúka. The main aim of the contribution is to emphasize the most important problems which arise in the process of creating a community plan of social services. Short theoretical introduction defining the most important terms which are related to community planning, next clarifies different phases of a community plan, cooperation among stakeholders and the current situation in community planning. The practical part of the paper is based on practical experience and a structured interview with a person directly responsible for the creation of a community plan of social services in the municipality Veľká Lúka. The practical part used the primary documents: Plan for economic and social development of the municipality Veľká Lúka as well. The main used research method is a standardized interview.



Mgr. Michal Garaj

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava Faculty of Social Science Slovakia

СОЗДАНИЕ ПЛАНА СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ УСЛУГ (ПРИМЕР МУНИЦИПАЛИТЕТА ВЕЬЛКА ЛУКА) Михал Гарай, Университет св. Кирилла и Мефодия, Факультет социальных наук, Словакия


Эта статья фокусируется на организационные механизмы процесса планирования планa сообществa в области социальных услуг в муниципалитетe Веьлка Лука (Словакия). Основная цель статьи указывает на проблемы, которые возникают в организации плана социальных услуг. Теоретическое введение описывает основные понятия общественного планирования, описывает часть плана сообщества, сотрудничества между заинтересованными сторонами и текущее состояние планирования сообщества. Практическая часть описывает опыт лица, которие готовит план сообщества в муниципалитетe Веьлка Лука. Мeтода научного исследования стандартизированное интервью.


Contribution in its content focuses on organizational management of community planning of social services in a small Slovak municipality Vel'ká Lúka. The main aim of the contribution is to emphasize the most important problems which arise in the process of creating a community plan of social services. Short theoretical introduction defining the most important terms which are related to community planning, next clarifies different phases of a community plan, cooperation among stakeholders and the current situation in community planning. The practical part of the paper is based on practical experience and a structured interview with a person directly responsible for the creation of a community plan of social services in the municipality Vel'ká Lúka. The practical part used the primary documents: Plan for economic and social development of the municipality Vel'ká Lúka as well. The main used research method is a standardized interview.

Ключевые слова: социальные услуги, план сообществa, муниципалитет

Keywords: social services, community plan, municipality


Community planning of social services at local and regional level is an important tool for understanding the current situation and clarify the requirements of the recipients or providers of social services. The results are proposals how can develop concepts and strategies for different areas of public interest. It can be about the environment, health, education, service and many more. Community plans in Slovakia are focused exclusively on the area of social services.

Changes in perception of the social area in Slovakia after 1989 moves the solutions from the highest state level to the local level. By the transfer of powers, municipalities got the opportunity to create a conditions of their community. Members of the community prepares solutions mainly in terms of self-help and volunteering. An important role playing medium and long term plans of municipalities. That plan is a community plan of social services, which is created in each municipality or city in the Slovak Republic.

The obligation to create community plans of social services in the Slovak Republic is required by law no. 448/2008 about social services for all municipalities and cities. From the initial design phase, establishment of a coordination group to final evaluation. In municipalities, but also in cities are many problematic situations. Most often, the creators faced with the lack of staff members, material resources, or the inability to consult the different phases with professionalls.

1 Community, community planning and community planning of social services

The first related term to the community planning of social services is «community.» Its definition is difficult

because of the different approaches of authors to this concept. According Zatloukal [10] there are over 100 defining of «community». For our contribution, we will use the definition of community by Okalova [6] which states that the community is a social system and consists of individuals or groups with belonging to a region or locality.

The following term is community planning. The origin of community planning is in England, which were developed in 1996 - 2000. As regards England the community planning has been focused on all areas of interest not only on social services. According to Molek [5, p. 30] community planning is a „method, which allows to suggests materials for different areas of public life at the municipality or region level and significantly emphasizes the principle of representative democracy. Characteristic features are: participation of all stakeholders, dialogue, negotiation and achieve the desired result." The merger of community planning of social services has been in the Slovakia after reform of social services in 2006. The regions and municipalities in Slovakia got the opportunity to create their own community plans of social services. Bocakova and Kubickova argue [1] that municipalities are trying to create a document that is named a community plan of social services and includes an analysis of the current situation of social services with the determination of all kinds, forms and types that are generally needed most. Self-governing region creates document called Social Services Development Policy and its created from the community plans of social services of municipalities in related region.

Community planning of social services includes a number of cooperating subjects. Skrickova [8] Matousek [4] Molek [5] or Davidekova [2] argue on the participation

of three subjects: the sponsor (in this case the municipality or city), social service providers (subjects which provide social services) and users (people which are recipients of social services). The current law in Slovakia about social services, Act. 448/2008 Coll. says that its possible create community plan of social services in addition to the three subjects with other options. According to § 83, it is possible to work together with another citizens of a concrete municipality or city.

The main goal of community planning of social services in general is to strengthen the cohesion of the community in the municipality or city. In specific terms it is also important the inclusion of excluded individuals back into society and prevent situations that lead to their exclusion. Mission of community planning is based on access to social services for all segments of the population without any discrimination. In this case its the provision of all necessary forms of social services in a municipality or city that are necessary and are not filled [3].

According to community planning can be social services customized to meet a certain criteria. The criteria described Zatloukal [9] as follows:

- must fulfill local needs,

- must be effective,

- must be provide only useful services,

- must be created by the participation of all subjects in community planning,

- Must be created on the basis of responsible use of all available resources.

Required parts of each community plan of social services in Slovakia determines Act. 448/2008 about Social Services according to § 83 as follows:

- analysis of the current situation of social services in municipalities, cities or self-governing region,

- requirements analysis of users of social services in municipalities, cities of self-governing region,

- analysis of sociological and demographic data,

- identification of goals,

- a timetable for implementation and method of evaluation.

2 The process of creating a community plan of social services (the case of the municipality Vel'ka Luka)

Creating a community plan for social services is result of the Act. 448/2008 about Social Services. The process of creating a community plan in the case of the municipality Vel'ka Luka is analyzed in detail through mentioned example. Information was collected by interview with one of the responsible person - team leader of creators. Content of interview covered follow areas: basic information about the municipality Vel'ka Luka in terms of sociological and demographic data, the organizational structure of the municipal office and all liability related to community planning of social services and the definition of all issues that might arise in ensuring of the creation process. Due the extent of paper, we dont show full interview, but only main points.

Municipality Vel'ka Luka with a total population of 560 in 2013 [7] is located in central Slovakia in Zvolen district, region Banska Bystrica. Demographic statistics of municipality Vel'ka Luka shows facts which says about the decrease of the young generation and the increase of the older age groups of citizens, increasing the total population, the predominance of Slovak nationality (457 of 560), the predominance of Roman Catholic believers (49.3%),

increasing the number of working-age population and increase of the population having completed secondary or higher education [8].

The municipality consists of several relevant corporate bodies. The mayor, who holds the Office is the main representatives of the community. Performs functions associated with the management of the local parliament, representation in relation to other state bodies, entities or individuals. The local parliament, currently composed of 7 Members (3 independent MPs, 2 SMER-social democracy, 1 Christian Democratic Movement and 1 SIEÍ), aims on all fundamental issues in the village. The most important functions are approval of the budget, management of municipal property, adoption of regulations, directives or the status of the village.

Sectoral activities are ensured by committees. Each committee is lead by one Member of local parliament. In the current exist seven committees: financial, security, building, socio-health, sports, educational and cultural. Initiative phase of a community plan for social services comes from the action of socio-health committee, which is currently working in a three-member group. Head of the Committee is a Member of the municipal parliament and the other two members are citizens of the municipality who are related with social issues in their profession. For the community plan of social services was ensured political support from other members of parliament as well as the mayor. The main reason for creation is the absence of significant document that a community plan of social services represents. After determining the mission and goals which the document should fill, the next step was creating of organizational structure of collective preparers. Then were determined competences and responsibilities.

Organisational structure of preparers copies the structure of socio-health committee. Head of the Social Health Commission is also head of the collective preparers of a community plan of social services. The other two members of the Social Health Commission are in this case members of the public in the municipality, respectively recipients of social services. In the team of creators absent a represent of providers of social services. Because there is no social services provider in municipality.

The main person who has responsibility for the delegation of tasks and responsibilities in the organizational structure is the team leader of creators. Fulfillment the different phases of the community plan of social services (analysis of the current situation of social services, requirements analysis of users of social services, analysis of sociological and demographic data, identification of goals, a timetable for implementation and method of evaluation) is carried out in cooperation with all members of team of creators without significant team leader position.

In the current period were managed only the requirements analysis phase of the recipients of social services. To obtain relevant information has been used structured questionnaire with questions for the citizens of the municipality. Data collection took place in the form of personal contact, paper form and electronicall form which was located on the municipality website. To fulfill the representativity had to be carried out three rounds of data collection. Then data were statistically evaluated. The data will be used in a community plan of social services in the part needs of recipients of social services. The team of creators processed data in mutual cooperation. Tasks

in the collection and evaluation of data were the same for all team members without some «exclusive» status of the leader. Organizational support for other phases of the community plan of social services will be used the same key as for the first phase. Priority will be given to cooperation between both parties, representatives of the municipality as well as representatives of the people.

In the process of creating a community plan of social services in a small municipality such as Vel'ka Luka arise many problems:

- the absence of providers of social services, view is without one of the relevant stakeholders,

- one team with only three members is responsible for all phases and parts,

- inadequate number of persons for questionnaire data collecting,

- inadequate funds from the municipality for the purpose of creating a community plan of social services,

- simplicity of the current law and the lack of methodological guidelines for the creation.


Community planning of social services belongs among the important tools of public administration. With community plan municipality can creates social services for their citizens and adapt the real needs. The creating process brings many problematic situations. In the case of municipality Vel'ka Luka we can describe as main problems: absence of providers of social services, very small team of creators, inadequate staff for questionnaires, inadequate funds or absence of methodological guidelines.

Contribution in its content described the some problematic aspects of community planinng of social services. The goal of contribution was to emphasize the main process problems which arise in municipality Vel'ka Luka. Short theoretical part described concepts that are related to community planning of social services. The main results of the contribution derived from interview with responsible person - team leader of creators of cummunity

plan of social services in the municaplity Vel'ka Luka.


[1] BOCAKOVA, O. - KUBiCKOVA, D. 2015. Uvod do socialnych sluzieb. Brno : Tribun. 158 s. ISBN 978-80-2630965-9.

[2] DAVIDEKOVA, M. (2014). Socialne sluzby. Trnava : Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, Fakulta socialnych vied, 2014. 180 s. ISBN 978-80-8105-579-9.

[3] KRAUSOVA, A. 2007. Komunitni planovani/ strategicke planovani. In.: JANOUSKOVA, K. 2007. Metodicke a koordinacne dovednosti v socialnich sluzbach. Ostrava : Ostravska univerzita v Ostrave. 2007. 349 s. ISBN 978-80-73-68-229-3.

[4] MATOUSEK, O. (2007). Planovani socialnich sluzeb. In.: MATOUSEK, a kol. (2007). Socialni sluzby. Praha : Portal, 2007. 184 s. ISBN 978-80-7367-310-9.

[5] MOLEK, J. (2011). Rizeni organizaci socialnich sluzeb. Praha : VUPSV, v. v. i., 2011. 254 s. ISBN 978-807416-083-7.

[6] OKALOVA, O. 2010. Komunitne planovanie ako nastroj verejnej spravy. In: PEKARCiK, L. - JANIGOVA, E. 2010. Socialna praca, manazment a ekonomia - s reflexiou na socialne sluzby. Ruzomberok : VERBUM, 2010. 287 s. ISBN 978-80-8084-619-0.

[7] PLAN OF THE MUNICIPALITY VELKA LUKA, 2014. [2015-11-05], [avalaible on-line], <http://www.velkaluka. sk/wp-content/uploads/UZEMNY-PLAN-OBCE-VELKA-LUKA-Z-A-D-A-N-I-E.pdf >.

[8] SKRiCKOVA, Z. 2007. Metodiky pro planovani socialnich sluzeb. Praha : MPSVCR, 2007.

[9] ZATLOUKAL, L. 2005. Strucny pruvodce pro komunitni planovani socialnich sluzeb. Olomouc : Univerzita Palackeho , 2005.

[10] ZATLOUKAL, L. 2008. Planovani rozvoje socialnich sluzeb metodou komunitniho planovani. Olomouc : Univerzita Palackeho. 2008.


doc. PhDr. Ol'ga Bocakova, PhD.

Associate professor Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Faculty of Social science in Trnava



Ольга Бочакова, Доцент, Университет св. Кирилла и Мефодия,Факультет социальных наук, Словакия АННОТАЦИЯ

В статье рассматриваются сожительство старшего и младшего поколений. Он описывает различные модели сожительства между поколениями. Очки с синдромом пустого гнезда, одиночество старше. Она сосредоточена на деятельности для пожилых людей, для их работы в обществе. Это задается заплатил ли пожилые достаточно внимания и уважения. ABSTRACT

В статье рассматриваются сожительство старшего и младшего поколений. Он описывает различные модели сожительства между поколениями. Очки с синдромом пустого гнезда, одиночество старше. Она сосредоточена на деятельности для пожилых людей, для их работы в обществе. Это задается заплатил ли пожилые достаточно внимания и уважения.

Ключевые слова: Пенсионеры. Старшее поколение. Молодое поколение. Между поколениями сожительство. Достойное жизнь.

Keywords: Seniors. The older generation. The younger generation. An inter-generational coexistence. A dignified life..

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