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cross-cultural communication international dialogue / non-verbal means of communication

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Filimonova N.Ju., Romanyuk E.S.

The article draws attention to the need for pre-university training to acquaint foreigners with features of learning in a new country. The role of non-verbal means of communication in the process of organizing an international dialogue is analyzed.

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S.Nieto. - (3rd ed.).New York: Longman, 2000. - 449 P-

8. Olsen, L. Made in America: Immigrant students in our public schools / L.Olsen. - New York: New Press, 1997. - 112 p.

9. Walqui, A. Access and engagement: Program design and instructional approaches for immigrant students in secondary schools. McHenry, IL, and Wash-

ington, DC: Delta Systems and Center for Applied Linguistics, 2000. - 107 p.

10. Freemen R. Bilingual education and social change / R.Freemen: Multilingual Matters. Clevedon,1998. - 261 p.

11. Ovando, C. J., & McLaren, P. The politics of Multiculturalism and Bilingual Education/ C.J. Ovando & P. McLaren. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2000. - 258 p.



Filimonova N.Ju.,

Volgograd State Technical University, associate professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences

Romanyuk E.S. Volgograd State Technical University, senior teacher, the Department of Russian Langvich


The article draws attention to the need for pre-university training to acquaint foreigners with features of learning in a new country. The role of non-verbal means of communication in the process of organizing an international dialogue is analyzed.

Keywords: cross-cultural communication international dialogue, non-verbal means of communication.

Worldwide training of foreign students in the universities preceded by training in preparatory courses. During 6 - 12 months foreigners are not only learning the language and also getting acquainted with the special features of studying in a new country. In Russia pre-university stage is an obligatory component in system higher education for foreign students. At this stage, foreign students receive required level of language skills, prepare for number of general subjects and also adapt to training in educational and professional environment of Russian university [1].

The specificity of the adaptation period of foreign students is that one faculty, hostel and educational groups have people with variety of national cultures, ethnic and cultural traditions. Considering international structure of foreign groups, Russian teachers have the purpose to give in them some certain skills of intercultural communication.

Intercultural communication is purpose and way of social adaptation of foreign students. In addition, it is the form and the way of personal development of foreign students in new socio-cultural environment. If we consider cross-cultural communication as part of pedagogical communication, it is intercultural dialogue between its subjects. Training of foreign students should have a cross-cultural focus.

When organizing intercultural dialogue, non-verbal means of communication plays an important role. Nonverbal dialogue can essentially expand communicative possibilities of the foreign student who badly knows Russian, and to facilitate to him interpersonal contacts in an educational and not educational situation.

Researchers (Kendon A., Morris D., Cradlin G., etc.) consider the importance of nonverbal communications. Ones of them write, that it only supplements dialogue while others speak about autonomy of nonverbal communications from the text. From our point of view, nonverbal dialogue can serve as means of addition of

the sign maintenance and strengthen it, and can - on the contrary - to deny it. Unlike the verbal dialogue resulting in any time piece, nonverbal dialogue is limited by the present. It badly shares on components, unlike strict hierarchy of signs. It involuntarily while verbal dialogue is strictly regulated [2].

Through nonverbal means the person can express the feelings and emotions. With their help the teacher can support the weak student and encourage it, having smiled or approvingly having nodded it.

It is possible to result many examples of distinction of nonverbal means in different cultures. For example, consent gesture - a nod a head in Russian culture and its opposite value, negation gesture - in Bulgarian and Indian. Or: the big finger of a hand lifted upwards means in Russia a praise, "perfectly", and to Bangladesh - desire to take a fun with the woman [3, c.5]. Therefore the mimicry and gestures of the teacher should be clear to students and be perceived by them unequivocally.

Even silence can be the important extra linguistic communication medium. Americans hardly transfer pauses, Italians in general speak not closing a mouth, and in the east the pause is the main weapon of dialogue, let alone Finns and Indians, whose reticence was included into sayings! In Russian proverb «Silence is gold» also is reflected the relation of Russian people to silence.

Intonation is the most "difficult" nonverbal means for the foreigner studying the other language. Unfortunately, even at long residing at other country of the foreigner it is possible to learn on intonation though lexically and grammatically its speech is absolutely correct.

In teaching practice there are many examples of importance of nonverbal means of intercultural dialogue. S. G.Ter-Minasova tells, how students from Thailand have refused to attend lectures on the Russian literature because it seemed to them, that the teacher

shouts at them. Meanwhile, she spoke loudly, accurately and clearly, in full conformity with Russian and European pedagogical tradition [4, 22]. Thus, phonetic parameters of speech of the teacher (intonation, tone, a voice timbre) can be strange and unacceptable for students from the other country.

The important element of nonverbal communications is the sight of the person. And though during all dialogue people look against each other only from 30 to 60 % of time, the sight helps to support conversation. In their monograph the authors of given article pay attention that a sight we underline interest dialogue, approval, admiration and on the contrary - doubt, mistrust, contempt, the superiority. A sight of the teacher is capable to express that he does not wish to put into words. And at the same time, if its sight expresses nothing, approval words loose any sense for the student.

«As the expert the teacher, undoubtedly, should be competent» in all aspects of the work [5, 77]. Emotional expressiveness of his speech can be reached by means of intonation, rate, diction, force of a voice, a pause. The great value for the teacher has quality of a voice: its timbre, a range, a tonality, loudness, a rhythm, sound height. Tone of a voice should be quiet, not loud and not silent: if students from the Asian region as it has already been noted, negatively perceive a loud voice, accepting it for shout, Latin Americans or Arabs with their vivacity of character will not listen to a silent and measured voice of the teacher. The illegibility or monotony of speech are absolutely inadmissible. Intonation gives speeches various emotional colouring. To support attention of foreign listeners, speech of the teacher should be various интонационно. The teacher should be able to underline the important thought or to allocate a text part. Certain intonation is necessary and at expression of negative or positive reaction of the teacher on certain acts of the pupil. But all should be rather. Diction of the teacher in an audience and during out-of-class time can be as much as possible accurate, but not exaggerated.

The foreign students can gradually get used to a natural Russian pronunciation. It concerns also tempo of speech. If in the first month of employment it slow, measured in a month it needs to be increased because it is necessary for pupil to perceive speech in different situations, from purchases in shop before medical board passage to a polyclinic.

In different cultures there are certain restrictions on use of those or other nonverbal means, in particular, gestures and touches of the person to other person. Such unusual nonverbal means, as a touch can be a characteristic example. Its use in dialogue only with small

children and schoolboys of younger age is possible. The teacher not to each pupil will dare to put a palm in audiences of senior pupils on a hand or especially - on a head, the teenager can sharply react. Touches between the teacher of high school and students because there is a certain distance which is felt usually by both participants of dialogue are not accepted. It is necessary to be especially attentive in a foreign student's audience. It is known, that in different cultures to gestures and touches huge significance is attached. For example, the teacher who actively gesticulates in the course of dialogue, the Vietnamese students will consider as badly brought up and impolite person. Also is absolutely inadmissible to concern heads of the Vietnamese or its hair: according to east traditions, the head of the person is sacred, and any attempt of a touch to it can be understood as the insult. In a Muslim audience even casual touches also are impossible on religious canons.

Thus, the knowledge of features of each separate culture can help with formation of intercultural communications, and it is necessary for skilled teacher to remember it in the process of intercultural dialogue. Possession of nonverbal means concerns communicative abilities of the teacher and influences efficiency of its dialogue with the foreign students studying Russian.


1. Filimonova N., Godenko A., Romanyuk E. Pre-university training of foreign students as the beginning of the formation of cross-cultural communication // British Journal of Science, Education and Culture. Volume III. London University Press. №1(7), 2015. С. 499-505.

2. Романюк, Е.С. Невербальные средства межкультурного педагогического общения // Интернационализация региональных вузов: тенденции, стратегии, пути развития: ВолгГТУ. - Волгоград, 2012. - C. 395-400.

3. Кузнецов, И. Н.Язык мимики и жестов / И. Н. Кузнецов, А. А. Масалов. - Ростов-н/Д: Феникс, 2007. - 251с.- (Психологический практикум).

4. Тер-Минасова, С. Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация / С. Г. Тер-Минасова.- М., 2000, 642с.

5. Акопян, М. А. Профессиональная компетентность как качественная характеристика преподавателя вуза в условиях развития инновационного образования // Научное издание «Мир науки и инноваций», Вып. 1(1). Том 7, с. 7577.

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