CULTURE OF SPEECH AND RELATIONSHIP Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Tomanova A.D., Tastemir A.A., Makhambet M.M.

This paper identifies main features characteristic to modern linguistic situation, the working methods aimed at the formation of linguistic and communicative competence of future language teachers. Modeling speech situations is one of their effective exercises in the development of communication skills and mastery of the rules of modern language.

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Текст научной работы на тему «CULTURE OF SPEECH AND RELATIONSHIP»

УДК 81-11

Tomanova A.D. lecturer

department of foreign languages South Kazakhstan Medical Academy

Tastemir A.A. lecturer

department of foreign languages South Kazakhstan Medical Academy Makhambet M.M.


department of foreign languages South Kazakhstan Medical Academy Kazakhstan, Shymkent


Abstract: This paper identifies main features characteristic to modern linguistic situation, the working methods aimed at the formation of linguistic and communicative competence of future language teachers. Modeling speech situations is one of their effective exercises in the development of communication skills and mastery of the rules of modern language.

Keywords: pedagogical psychology, communication, culture, speech.

INTRODUCTION Communication (from Latin commUnicare, meaning "to share"[1]) is the act of conveying intended meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs and semiotic rules.

The main steps inherent to all communication are: [2]

1. The forming of communicative motivation or reason.

2. Message composition (further internal or technical elaboration on what exactly to express).

3. Message encoding (for example, into digital data, written text, speech, pictures, gestures and so on).

4. Transmission of the encoded message as a sequence of signals using a specific channel or medium.

5. Noise sources such as natural forces and in some cases human activity (both intentional and accidental) begin influencing the quality of signals propagating from the sender to one or more receivers.

6. Reception of signals and reassemblying of the encoded message from a sequence of received signals.

7. Decoding of the reassembled encoded message.

8. Interpretation and making sense of the presumed original message.

The scientific study of communication can be divided into:

• Information theory which studies the quantification, storage, and communication of information in general;

• Communication studies which concerns human communication;

• Biosemiotics which examines communication in and between living organisms in general.

The channel of communication can be visual, auditory, tactile (such as in Braille) and haptic, olfactory, electromagnetic, or biochemical.

Human communication is unique for its extensive use of abstract language. Development of civilization has been closely linked with progress in telecommunication.

Nonverbal communication describes the processes of conveying a type of information in the form of non-linguistic representations. Examples of nonverbal communication include haptic communication, chronemic

communication, gestures, body language, facial expressions, eye contact, and how one dresses. Nonverbal communication also relates to intent of a message. Examples of intent are voluntary, intentional movements like shaking a hand or winking, as well as involuntary, such as sweating. Speech also contains nonverbal elements known as paralanguage, e.g. rhythm, intonation, tempo, and stress. It affects communication most at the subconscious level and establishes trust. Likewise, written texts include nonverbal elements such as handwriting style, spatial arrangement of words and the use of emoticons to convey emotion.

Verbal communication is the spoken or written conveyance of a message. Human language can be defined as a system of symbols (sometimes known as lexemes) and the grammars (rules) by which the symbols are manipulated. The word "language" also refers to common properties of languages. Language learning normally occurs most intensively during human childhood. Most of the thousands of human languages use patterns of sound or gesture for symbols which enable communication with others around them. Languages tend to share certain properties, although there are exceptions. There is no defined line between a language and a dialect.

Communication is thus a process by which meaning is assigned and conveyed in an attempt to create shared understanding.

Business communication is used for a wide variety of activities including, but not limited to: strategic communications planning, media relations, public relations (which can include social media, broadcast and written communications, and more), brand management, reputation management, speech-writing, customer-client relations, and internal/employee communications.

Communications professionals often specialize in one or two of these areas but usually have at least a working knowledge of most of them. By far, the most important qualifications communications professionals can possess are

excellent writing ability, good 'people' skills, and the capacity to think critically and strategically.

Communication is one of the most relevant tools in political strategies, including persuasion and propaganda. In mass media research and online media research, the effort of strategist is that of getting a precise decoding, avoiding "message reactance", that is, message refusal.

Family communication is the study of the communication perspective in a broadly defined family, with intimacy and trusting relationship. The main goal of family communication is to understand the interactions of family and the pattern of behaviors of family members in different circumstances. Open and honest communication creates an atmosphere that allows family members to express their differences as well as love and admiration for one another. It also helps to understand the feelings of one another.

Family communication study looks at topics such as family rules, family roles or family dialectics and how those factors could affect the communication between family members. Researchers develop theories to understand communication behaviors. Family communication study also digs deep into certain time periods of family life such as marriage, parenthood or divorce and how communication stands in those situations. It is important for family members to understand communication as a trusted way which leads to a well constructed family.

In simple terms, interpersonal communication is the communication between one person and another (or others). It is often referred to as face-to-face communication between two (or more) people. Both verbal and nonverbal communication, or body language, play a part in how one person understands another. In verbal interpersonal communication there are two types of messages being sent: a content message and a relational message. Content messages are messages about the topic at hand and relational messages are messages about the relationship itself. This means that relational messages come across in how one says something and it demonstrates a person's feelings, whether positive or negative, towards the individual they are talking to, indicating not only how they feel about the topic at hand, but also how they feel about their relationship with the other individual.

The word 'culture' like most other sociological concepts has both a popular as well as sociological meaning. In ordinary conversation and even in different branches of knowledge, it is used differently. Often it is used for higher things of mind like art, music, literature and paintings. It is also used in the sense of 'cultured' or 'refinement' or to convey such things as social charm, enlightenment, intellectual excellence, sweetness, etc. All these connotations are loaded with value judgments. Sociologists as scientists do not use the term 'culture' in any sense of evaluation, i.e., good or bad, ethical or unethical, beautiful or ugly, cultured or uncultured or high and popular culture.

Sociologists use it in an objective or neutral sense, devoid of any sense of value judgment.

Sociologists use the term 'culture' to refer to the 'ways of life' of the people or of groups within a society. This way of life is expressed in group's norms, customs and values and in the shared expression (history) along with language. This is also reflected in the dress pattern, way of cooking and eating, birth, marriage and funeral customs, family life, patterns of work, religious ceremonies, festivals, leisure pursuits and so many other things.

Speech is the vocalized form of communication based upon the syntactic combination of lexicals and names that are drawn from very large (usually about 1,000 different words) vocabularies. Each spoken word is created out of the phonetic combination of a limited set of vowel and consonant speech sound units (phonemes). These vocabularies, the syntax that structures them, and their sets of speech sound units differ, creating many thousands of different, and mutually unintelligible, human languages. Most human speakers are able to communicate in two or more of them, hence being polyglots. The vocal abilities that enable humans to produce speech also enable them to sing.

Speech culture is based on standardized speech by which we mean speech compliance with the requirements set to the language within the specific language community during the particular historical period, observance of the rules of pronunciation, stress, language use in terms of lexical meaning, forming, making of syntactic constructions. Observations on the speech of high school students allow speaking of recession of their speech culture level. This is evidenced by difficulties experienced by perception and processing of text information, as a rule, of scientific content; rather frequently it is referred to insufficient formedness of Petrova S.V. [1]. Series the skills of organizing speech communication in a specific situation, lack of knowledge of etiquette formulas exclusive of the most frequently used ones; poor mastering of literary norms; wide use of jargonisms. All of this is yet more proof that it is necessary to perform targeted work aimed at formation and improvement of the speech culture in university students. Various aspects relating to the procedure of formation of the speech culture in higher school students are presented in the studies of outstanding linguists and methodology experts. The work on development of the speech culture is multi-dimensional; it has to be continuous and targeted. It makes sense to hold for the students' audience the round tables on the speech culture issues, conduct trainings aimed at mastering the norms of the literary language, simulation of speech situations.

One of the main tasks of teaching the language consists in forming a person featuring language, linguistic and communicative competences. In our opinion, stimulation representing a significant characteristic of the modern style of thinking plays an important role in this process. The modern approach to the issues of the speech development of students of higher educational institutions suggests formation in them of sustainable and conscious fundamentals of the

speech behavior. It is needed to foresee such situations in the educational process that determine the speech motivation, set the future teacher before the necessity of speech acts, and arouse in him the interest and striving to share his vision of the issue, suggest a solution. Today the term 'communicative situation' is being considered by representatives of different sciences: linguists, psychologists, sociologists, pedagogues, methodology experts; however, at the current stage there is still no shared vision of the definition of the concepts 'situation' and 'speech situation'. E.I. Passov defines a speech situation as a 'universal form of functioning of the communication process that exists as an integrated system of social status, role, pragmatic and moral relations between the communication parties that is reflected in their consciousness and arising on the basis of interaction of situational positions of communicators' [2, p.204]. As rightly noted by Kazartseva O.M., a 'speech act is possible only provided that a speech situation, a situation of communication has been established or created intentionally. Speech situations may be natural, i. e., established during the process of communication between people, or artificial, i.e., created for the purposes of education and speech development. The task of a pedagogue is to create during lessons such speech situations that would feature higher developmental potential and would generate in the students the motive of speaking'. In the modern methods of teaching the language at university the method of simulation of a speech act plays an important role along with the traditional teaching methods. It is implemented in the contextual exercises that are based on the dependence of the content and speech design of statement on the conditionally specified speech situation. As a rule, use of models is more peculiar to Texact sciences but during the speech culture classes aimed at formation of a linguistic identity simulation may be used for production of the own utterance. Any model of a speech situation incorporates the following components:

communication setting (environment) (official, unofficial);

addressee (number of listeners;

role (thematic) relations, communication relations);

purpose of conversation (communication, reporting, impact). Speech acts of people acting as some or other roles are stereotypic. Thus, by offering a student role to students we thereby offer a certain specific program of speech acts. Speech situations may be either standard or non-standard. The standard ones are characterized by repeating elements for implementation of which stereotypic language material is used. Standard speech situations contain much more material and standard language models that are used in the ready prepared form. The requirements to statement are the following: small volume, clear and concise nature of narration, accuracy and stylistic appropriateness of the language use, use of etiquette formulas. Thus, students may be proposed to prepare official-etiquette speaking on the following topics: 'Personal narrative', 'Meeting the delegation of foreign students at the airport', 'Organization of a

small excursion of the university and department', 'Introducing a visitor to a group of students', 'Congratulating a colleague on the award for professional accomplishments', 'Congratulating first graders and their parents on the Knowledge Day', etc. Speech situations most closely resemble the real-world conditions the students appear at during studying at a university or will experience in the future professional activity. Guidance on the speaking etiquette by Formanovskaya N. I. is used as the methodological support; it contains the variety of different etiquette clichés for diverse communicative situations [3 p.256]. For example, the ability to tell about self, present oneself having emphasized the own strengths and weakness is relevant to the future professional activity. This may be required in case of acquaintance, moving to a new group or team, entering an organization, employment. Such personal narrative is aimed at forming a favorable impression of a person in the conversation partners. An approximate narrative pattern may consist of the following clichés to be supplemented: My name is...; I am currently...; the person that inspires me ... (inspired).; Events inspiring me .; this is what I may be proud of ...; our family heirloom is.; I like .... best of all.; I don't like.; I'd refer ... to my strengths ...; I take ... as my weakness.; My professional motto is.; This is what I am striving for.; I build relationships with people .; I am expecting from the today's meeting .... In the course of execution of such tasks it is important that the bachelors form the ability to use speech stereotypes that are typical to situations of everyday communication. During speaking before the audience it is necessary to keep observing the norms of the literary language. A representative of any profession, especially teacher of a primary school the speech behavior of which is the example for his pupils shall remember of the liability that he bears as the language speaker. It is crucial to constantly improve the own communication skills; carefully select the linguistic means to be used. Nowadays those people are demanded who may arrange their speech behavior according to the rules of the literary language and professional requirements. The teacher's profession is oriented towards mastery of the native language, towards continuous and targeted improvement of the speech culture.

As we mentioned before, students with language problems may also have difficulty using language in social situations. For example, they may be unable to vary their conversation to match the person with whom they are talking or the context in which it is occurring. Students with language problems may also have difficulty taking turns while speaking during a conversation, recognizing when a listener is not understanding the message and taking action to clarify, and in general being a considerate speaker and listener [4, p.39]. As with problems in communicating clearly, problems in using language appropriately can seriously impede students' social development and peer relationships. General education teachers can intervene in the classroom to help such students socially.

A very good and useful example to the topic:

Brush up on your business etiquette by following these tips whch may include your schedule, a syllabus, and a map. Know the names and something about the people you need to talk to:

• Know how to shake hands.

• Be prepared with conversation starters.

• Understand business relationships.

• Remember the names of co-workers.

• If you are flying to the conference, follow proper air travel etiquette.

Reputation and Behavior

Guard your reputation at all times. Speak in a positive manner and remain loyal to your company. You never know who may be listening. There may be alcohol served at the conference, but know your limits. If you overindulge, you may say something you'll later regret. If in doubt, choose virgin drinks instead of alcohol.

Meeting behavior tips:

• Show up on time.

• During meetings, keep your attention focused on the speaker.

• Don't fidget or squirm.

• Ask questions that are relevant to the topic.

• Never interrupt the speaker or someone else who is asking a question.

• When you get up, push your chair in and pick up all your papers and personal_belongings.

• Thank the speaker, but don't monopolize his or her time.

Respect Others

Chances are, you'll be surrounded by other people who are there for the same reason you are. Show respect for everyone around you—from the lowest level employee to the CEO of a company you'd like to work for. When you see two people having a private conversation, give them some space and time to finish their conversation before joining them.

Follow proper hotel etiquette during your entire stay. You also need to treat conference and hotel staff with respect. Those people work hard to make sure everyone has what they need. Be generous with tips.


In conclusion, I would like to pay your attention to the point, that everything successful depends on a person's behavior and culture, manner, speaking etiquette, etc.

This century is a time of global reforms. The current stage of modernization of education put forward higher requirements for training speaking etiquette. This should be a creative minded person, communicative leader who can effectively influence the audience. Therefore, a prerequisite professionalism of a person is the high culture of his speech and writing.

The topicality of forming speech culture of the teacher in the profession is obvious. The obvious pedagogical value carries a speech culture of the teacher, which is a model of the native / non-native language, cultural voice of the younger generation.

Why do need to say too much about the culture of the voice of the teacher?

1) Language teacher - is a professional weapon, a tool with which completes and submits all thought. Because the specifics of the teaching profession is the constant activity of contact with other people. The work is aimed at the formation of the teacher the student's personality, the production of certain rules of behavior, intellectual development. The teacher must have not only psychological, specialized knowledge, but also the professional communication skills, which are based on speech culture, which includes the norm and verbal skills.

2) The teaching profession requires a broad general education and high moral qualities and professional skills. It is common knowledge that the teacher must be a person who goes ahead of the general education special because every day he has to deal with a variety of the phenomena of life, and these phenomena teacher should properly assess, to take the right decision for them and to make sure their point of view, accessing it children.

3) Speech culture is not a private matter of the teacher, and social need. Approved teacher speech errors discredit teacher education in general. If the error went unnoticed, the teacher is a guide barbarism.

4) It is necessary to talk about the culture of the teacher and speech and because the words spoken by the teacher, have a major psychological impact. For example: each actual element: greeting, handling, post lesson topics, staging evaluation, comment on the answer, praise and blame - should have its own specific voicing, targeting their perception of speech or action algorithms. And violation of the rules of language teacher can cause a negative reaction on the part of the student.

5) Talking about the culture of the teacher should be the voice and because speech culture requires the ability not only to regulatory and better to build it, but to speak

so that the source with the maximum fullness understood what was said.

Volume of understanding is a reflection of the qualities of speech teacher.

Thus, from the above that the teacher should have a voice culture, that is not only understand the importance of all elements of the language (words, different types of sentences, intonation), but remember, as they use them in a literary language.

Formation of speech culture of the teacher is an important component in the development of his general culture. The notion of «speech culture» is the concept of «ideal speech» sample, according to which should be built right speech teacher.

That speech culture of the teacher largely determines the quality of the educational process creates favorable conditions for learning, education and development of students at all levels of education. In order to improve its voice culture, the teacher must constantly work on themselves, raising the level of general culture, which will undoubtedly contribute to the growth of his teaching skills, and therefore the success of professional teaching.

society. As the result of reasoning the students arrived at the conclusion that it is popular to speak properly. They'd love to achieve excellence in mastering the literary language as it is a necessary tool, the key to achievement of both life and professional success by a personality. The participants of the round table also noted that the current linguistic situation is characterized by increase in the number of borrowings, liberalization of norms of the literary Russian language, use of swearwords. All of this allows speaking of recession of the speech culture level in the population. In the course the work the bachelors were proposed the tasks execution of which enabled identifying the status of the linguistic passport of the discussion participants. What can be positively estimated is that the first-year students adequately master the language norms, skills of conducting a business conversation, public speaking. As noted by the bachelors themselves, work on the speech correctness is not stopped at this stage. Study of the language at the university shall be aimed at further linguistic development of a person, improvement of skills ensuring fluency in the literary Russian language in different communicative situations. While reasoning of the actions that could promote to increase in the level of speech culture of Russian speakers, the round table participants stated the following suggestions: it is necessary to conduct the targeted language policy; by employment the requirements shall be applied to the candidates that represent the level of his proficiency in the native language. The issues of improvement of the speech culture are related to individual potencies of a person. Each of us may decide how to speak, which linguistic means to use, everyone is granted the freedom of choice. However, in this case freedom is associated with the liability for the language future, for cultural heritage of the country as well as with liability before the younger generation as very soon the today's students will come to school as teachers and will not only deal with the linguistic development of junior pupils but also set the example for them. The task of increasing the speech culture of the language speakers is creation of the optimal conditions in order to enable the free and responsible choice. One of the interesting and efficient methods of increasing the level of speech culture in future pedagogues is simulation of speech situations as students face the task of solving their communicative intensions within the specified communicative situation. In order to do that they need to take into account the stylistic orientation of the conversation, select the necessary etiquette formulas, make up the statement and pronounce it.

Hearts like doors will open with ease To very, very little keys And don't forgetthat two of these Are "I thank you" and "If you please". I'm sure such introductory remarks will open the way to the heart of every listener.

In general, I would like to concrete, formulate and conclude my speech with the quotation of the Professor of the Royal Society of Art, Director of the Canadian Poetry Project - David Bentley, "Good manners are an attribute and an indicator of a mature personality because they demonstrate adult consideration for our human beings".


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