OÁZA ŽIVOTA - SOCIAL SERVICE FACILITY IN SENICA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rehuš Anton

Oáza života is a non-profit organization which provides elderly people comfortable living in social service facility. This organization is financed from several sources. Main supporter of this organization is Trnava municipal district followed by Bratislava municipal district but most of the revenues are gains Oáza života from its clients. Oáza života is one of the top rated social service and care facilities in region. Quality improvment of social services is subject to constant upgrading of expertise all workers, especially workers in direct contact with clients. The most common reason for placing the client to this type of facility is his/hers inability to properly take care of yourself and their family members at productive age.

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Oáza života является некоммерческой организацией, которая предоставляет пожилым людям комфортно жить в объекте социального обслуживания. Эта организация финансируется из нескольких источников. Главная сторонник этой организации Трнава муниципальный район с последующим Братислава муниципального района, но большинство из доходов являются доходы от OÁZA života своих клиентов. Oáza života является одним из популярнейших социальных услуг и дошкольных учреждений в регионе. Качество Improvment социальных услуг подлежит постоянной модернизации знаний всех работников, особенно работников в непосредственном контакте с клиентами. Наиболее распространенной причиной для размещения клиента к этому типу объекта является его / ее неспособность правильно заботиться о себе и членов их семей на продуктивного возраста



PhDr. Anton Rehus

Doctoral Student Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Faculty of Social science in Trnava



Антон Рexyш, Докторант, Университет св. Кирилла и Мефодия, Факультет социальных наук, Словакия


Oaza zivota является некоммерческой организацией, которая предоставляет пожилым людям комфортно жить в объекте социального обслуживания. Эта организация финансируется из нескольких источников. Главная сторонник этой организации Трнава муниципальный район с последующим Братислава муниципального района, но большинство из доходов являются доходы от OAZA zivota своих клиентов. Oaza zivota является одним из популярнейших социальных услуг и дошкольных учреждений в регионе. Качество Improvment социальных услуг подлежит постоянной модернизации знаний всех работников, особенно работников в непосредственном контакте с клиентами. Наиболее распространенной причиной для размещения клиента к этому типу объекта является его / ее неспособность правильно заботиться о себе и членов их семей на продуктивного возраста.


Oaza zivota is a non-profit organization which provides elderly people comfortable living in social service facility. This organization is financed from several sources. Main supporter of this organization is Trnava municipal district followed by Bratislava municipal district but most of the revenues are gains Oaza zivota from its clients. Oaza zivota is one of the top rated social service and care facilities in region. Quality improvment of social services is subject to constant upgrading of expertise all workers, especially workers in direct contact with clients. The most common reason for placing the client to this type of facility is his/hers inability to properly take care of yourself and their family members at productive age.

Ключевые слова: Социальная сервисный центр. Некоммерческая организация. Возраст. Здравоохранение. Работники по уходу.

Key words: Social service facility. Non- profit organization. Age. Health- care. Care workers.

The non -profit organization „Oáza zivota" (hereinafter referred to as "the non-profit organization") began its work on October 10th 2008, by decision of the District Office in Trnava, Department of Internal Affairs no. VVS / 2008/07478 and the subsequent entry in the register of non-profit organizations providing generally beneficial services under. no. VVS / NO - 120/2008.

Thestatutoryrepresentativeofthenon-profitorganization is JUDr. Miroslav Mecir. The main aim of activities is to provide general economic interest, in accordance with § 2 paragraph. 2 point. b of the Act no. 213/1997 Z.z. on non-profit organizations providing generally beneficial services, as amended, in the field of social assistance and humanitarian care, focusing on the social service facilities in accordance with Act No. 448/2008 Z.z. about Social Services [1], [2], [3]. The provision of social services is currently provided in social service facility run by the nonprofit organization in „Penzión Vlasta", Stefánikova street 1317/69 Senica - with 30 places. Main partner of the nonprofit organization is Department of Social Affairs Office of Trnava municipality district, that provides financial grants for actions under the above stated Act. As in 2015 the nonprofit organization Oáza zivota provides social services for six clients from Bratislava municipality district. Bratislava municipality district also participates in financing of social service facility. Cooperation between the Department of Social Affairs in Bratislava as well as the Department of Social Affairs in Trnava and the non-profit organization runs on very high level.

Because of the expiration of the five-year period there was a change in the structure of the Management Board

and change of non profit organization auditor during 2013. The Managment Board at its meeting held on 02.09.2013 elected new Board members for a term of 06.10.2013 -05.10.2018: Viera Mecirovâ, Lucia Cibulkova and Bozena Dusikovâ. Mrs. Viera Mecirovâ was elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Pavol Butas was elected as nonprofit organization auditor.

The annual budget is prepared by the Management Board.

Non-profit organization financing is secured from several sources, including [6]:

• 1. Revenue from clients

• 2. Revenue from Trnava municipality district and Bratislava municipality district

• 3. 2% tax

• 4. Rental of space

• 5. Gifts

• 6.Profits and interest

Social service facility is financed from sources above. These finances cover - accommodation, meals, salaries, energy, rent and other. Bookeeping is managed by outsourced company.

As of 30.08.2015 the non-profit organization records 15 employees, including 12 caregivers (two on mothernity leave), one driver - handyman /one operating officer, and one executive director. Four employees have signed performance contract. These employees provide auxiliary work such as cleaning, work in the garden and so on.

Quantity and quality improvment of social services is subject to constant upgrading of expertise all workers, especially workers in direct contact with clients. Employees

are sent to various training courses and seminars on issues related to the provision of social services. Every newly recruited employee has completed psychological tests of his or hers ability to perform work in the field under supervision of psychlogical clinic. Non-profit organization managed to create a stable working team with low staff turnover, which has a positive impact on improving the quality of social servicesas well as clients's well-being. Non-profit organization works closely with:

• SCK - enables applicants for caregiver/carer trainig in social service facility

• ZUS Senica elementary school: cultural - social events

• Domka n.o: offers students studying social work and nursing to work in the social service facility

A non-profit organization has not yet created a separate position of social worker. This job is performed by director and/ or operating staff. Within this area we provide comprehensive social agenda. In particular, the advice, decisions about handling, care, pensions have been dealt with clients and their private affairs when asked about this. The emphasis is on keeping in touch with relatives and guardians, we dealt with identity cards, umlauts pensions contacts with the courts, banking institutions, state and local government.

As mentioned earlier, the fundamental aim of nonprofit organization activities is the operation of facilities for persons dependent on the continuous long-term care pursuant to the Act no. 448/2008 Coll on social services on the amendment of Act no. 455/1991 Coll. on Trades (Trade Act), as amended. [4] These are clients with a combination of physical, mental or sensory disabilities who are dependent on others when responding to a security basal basic living conditions and necessary living activities by another person. The social service facility provides care for its clients all year round. The facility is located in the outskirts of the city.The building has undergone extensive renovation, insulation of the whole building, replacing windows. It is wheelchair accessible. The overall interior decoration recalls the utmost home. Clients are admitted to a final decision of reliance on the provision of social services and on their request for the service in social service facility. Upon adoption of client the contract is concluded. Day mode is fully adapted to the individual needs of each client. Social service facility is trying to break down stereotypes in all activities so as to minimize the characteristics typical of the operation of the institution. Clients perceive this environment in which they live very positively.

Social service facility currently have 30 clients. Most of them come from Trnava municipal district, there are also clients from Bratislava municipality distric. The average age of client is 78 years. 60 percent of clients are women. There is also one married couple living in the social service facility. The average length of stay is four years.

The most common reason for placing the client to this type of facility is his/hers inability to properly take care of yourself. This group includes, for example, clients with mental disabilities, clients bedridden. Then there are the clients who have lost their long-standing partner and find it difficult to live at home lonely so they choose often in agreement with the family to live in social service facility such as „Penzion Vlasta".

Clients are accommodated in single, double and triple rooms on the ground floor or first floor, equipped with

furniture, with Wireless Internet access and TV in every room. On the ground floor there is dining room, which can be also used as a lounge or as aspace available for different therapies. In warmer months therapies can also be performed outdoors. There is a comfortable seating as well as vegetable garden for those more active. Part of the facility is a dog. Special therapies are not yet available.

Catering - social service facility provides diet meals five to six times a day by the contractor - private school Senica. Food is balanced and prepared in accordance with nutritional standards. Menus are agreed upon on a doctor and the our delivery company is able quickly solve any comments and requests. As an example- the client who has diabetes always have well tailored diet.

Health care for clients of social service facility in Senica is provided by contractual family doctor in the facilty on a regular basis: For expert examinations clients are taken to nearby hospitals in Skalica, Myjava or Malacky. The social service facility keeps complete medical documentation of each client, the client's daily blood pressure measurements, pulse, daily record of the results of activities within individual development plans specifically made for each client, and another operational records also records of incidents in customer's behavior.

Additional services or services on demand for clients include: pedicure, manicure, cosmetics, hairdresser, etc. These services are paid by client himself/herself. Social service facilty provides on request other services on client demand. Family members can also visit without restriction. Mobile clients often spend weekends with their families.

The social service facility offers its clients variety of leisure activities within their capabilities, skills and health. Careworkers respect freedom of movement, choice of clothing and the overall appearence of clients. Requirements and interests of the clients, however, must comply with the non-profit organization facilitis . Great attention is paid to organization of meaningful leisure activities of its clients. Each client is treated individually (the preparation of an individual development plan), careworkers sensitively observe his/hers abilities, realities and interests and these interest are either continuously developed or maintained . Client's confidence is encouraged it reinforces his/ hers self-image, which is subsequently reflected in to the quality of living in social service facility. Many clients focus on spiritual acitivies therefore to clients who express an interest once a month a local Catholic priest visits clients at social service facility and treats them according to their need and wishes. If clients are interested to attend mass they are accompanied to the mass by staff. Masses take place in local Catholic church in Senica. Clients also participate in various cultural and social events organized in Senica. „Penzion Vlasta" organizes birthday parties with live music and birthday cake, trying to break down the sense of anonymity. Celebrations often involve family members or friends of clients. Over the summer the nonprofit organization Oaza zivota organizes barbecues for clients and their families. The atmosphere of these meetings is very cordial.

Within individual development plans, careworkers and staff focuse on practicing fine motor skills. This social service facility uses appropriate medical devices and technologies. As part of the therapy clients actively participate in „ do it yourself" activities. Themes of activities vary according to the seasons or holidays- manufacture

of articles made of chestnuts during the autumn months, making of Christmas decorations, drawing Easter eggs, in the spring and over the summer it is the flower arrangement and above mentioned work in the vegetable garden.

The non-profit organization Oaza zivota takes exemplary care of its cliets, providing them with homely environment. Careworkers and staff of social service facility approach each client individually, atmosphere is friendly and relaxed. The client does not feel alone. The non-profit organization Oaza zivota helps its clients build the new friendships remain active regardless of age or health restrictions. Clients maintain friendly relations among themselves.

Society nowadays mainly focuses on people in their production age. Older people or people with health limitations are often marginalized or seen as unnecessary. We should realize these people were also once in productive stage of their life, they had interests, friends, and change of the status for them is one of the biggest life

change. We should encouraged and help organizations and institutions that focus on this this group of people to remain active in the thick of things, not allowing them to remain isolated from society and and we should seek the right way to reintegrate them into mainstream society.


1. Zakon NR SR c. 195/1998 Z. z. o socialnej pomoci v zneni neskorsich predpisov

2. Zakon NR SR c. 213/1997 Z.z. o neziskovych organizaciach poskytujucich vseobecne prospesne sluzby

3. Zakon NR SR c. 448/2008 Z. z. o socialnych sluzbach

4. Zakon NRSR c. 455/1991 Z.z. o zivnostenskom podnikani

5. Own research

6. Annual report- Oaza zivota n.o.




PhDr. Darina Kubickova, PhD.

Doctor of Philosophy Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Faculty of Social science in Trnava,



Дарина Кубичкова, Доктор философских наук, Университет св. Кирилла и Мефодия, Факультет социальных наук, Словакия АННОТАЦИЯ

В документе речь идет политики в области образования, образовательной политики. Приближает функции и принципы политики в области образования. Это подчеркивает важность образования для личности, но и для общества в целом. ABSTRACT

This article deals with an education, an educational policy. It focuses on the functions and principles of education policy. It stresses the importance of education not only for the individual, but also for the society as a whole.

Ключевые слова: образование. Политика в области образования. Принципы политики в области образования. Функциональная образовательная политика.

Keywords: аn education. The educational policy. The principles of educational policy. The functions of educational policy.

The educational policy has a great importance to every society. Strategic aims of education are defined by legislative framework of educational institutions, financing methods, determining the objectives and content of education and means of control. According to Kohoutova (2013) the educational policy has two functions [3]:

• pedagogical- it is the formation of personality of the individual, his moral and character attributes

• educational-hereprevails aninformative principle, knowledgeisshared withan individual. The Education is a qualification, that is, the ability to perform a particular job.

Knausova (2007) shows the following principles of education policy [5]:

• to guarantee an equal access to the education

• the enable the development of individual potential to the maximum extent

• to build the educational system

• the principle of individualism and differentiation

• the principle of internationalism- this is particularly the mutual recognition of diplomas, qualification certificates. The general strengthening of social solidarity is expected.

• the principle of equal opportunities- an access to education without any discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, nationality, etc.

• theprinciple of long-lifelearning- this is the professional re-qualification in relation with the radicalc hanges of Professional orientation depending on the opportunities and needs of the labor market. It also focuseson the education of seniors at theuniversities of the third age, Academies of Education, etc.

Krebs (2010) writes that the fundamental tool of education is policy planning, strategic management, defining learning objectives [6]:

• Legislation - the legal standards in the field of education.

• Legalization - the possibility of decision-making in

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