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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Slovák Peter

The goal of our research was to find out how different is perception of the effectiveness helping professional in relation to the elderly client. What are the expectations of clients living at home and in social services facilities. We used quantitative research methods and statistical methods of data processing. Through selected questions in the questionnaire we gained answers in a quantitative form, which we then used to clarify the research objectives, research questions and clarification established hypotheses. Research results reflect the effect of helping professional, in the context of expectations in meeting needs and building relation from the side of individual elderly. Research clarifies mandatory limitations and shortcomings of the implementation relationship helping professional versus elderly client and therefore merits change of approach.

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Целью нашего исследования было выяснить, насколько отличается восприятие эффективности помогает профессиональным по отношению к пожилому клиенту. Каковы ожидания клиентов, живущих в домашних условиях и в учреждениях социального обслуживания. Мы использовали количественные методы исследования и статистические методы обработки данных. Через отдельных вопросов в анкете мы получили ответы в количественной форме, которую мы затем используются для разъяснения целей исследования, вопросов исследования и прояснения установлены гипотезы.Результаты исследования отражают эффект помогает профессионально, в контексте ожиданий в удовлетворении потребностей и созданию отношения со стороны частных лиц пожилого возраста. Исследование уточняет обязательные ограничения и недостатки отношений реализации помогает профессиональным по сравнению с пожилыми клиентом и поэтому заслуживает изменение подхода.


Национальная ассоциация ученых (НАУ) # 2 (29), 2017 25


Петр Словак

Доктор философских наук Университет св. Кирилла и Мефодия Факультет социальных наук Словакия


PhDr. Peter Slovak, PhD.

Doctor of Philosophy Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Faculty of Social science in Trnava



Целью нашего исследования было выяснить, насколько отличается восприятие эффективности помогает профессиональным по отношению к пожилому клиенту. Каковы ожидания клиентов, живущих в домашних условиях и в учреждениях социального обслуживания. Мы использовали количественные методы исследования и статистические методы обработки данных. Через отдельных вопросов в анкете мы получили ответы в количественной форме, которую мы затем используются для разъяснения целей исследования, вопросов исследования и прояснения установлены гипотезы.Результаты исследования отражают эффект помогает профессионально, в контексте ожиданий в удовлетворении потребностей и созданию отношения со стороны частных лиц пожилого возраста. Исследование уточняет обязательные ограничения и недостатки отношений реализации помогает профессиональным по сравнению с пожилыми клиентом и поэтому заслуживает изменение подхода.

Ключевые слова: Пожилой клиент. Оказание помощи профессионала. Вмешательство. Социальные службы.


The goal of our research was to find out how different is perception of the effectiveness helping professional in relation to the elderly client. What are the expectations of clients living at home and in social services facilities. We used quantitative research methods and statistical methods of data processing. Through selected questions in the questionnaire we gained answers in a quantitative form, which we then used to clarify the research objectives, research questions and clarification established hypotheses. Research results reflect the effect of helping professional, in the context of expectations in meeting needs and building relation from the side of individual elderly. Research clarifies mandatory limitations and shortcomings of the implementation relationship helping professional versus elderly client and therefore merits change of approach.

Key words: Elderly client. Helping professional. Intervention. Social services.

There are fundamental differences between formal and informal approach, respectively, under the care responsibility of stakeholders and activity from the perspective of users of social services. Formal aspect of care is associated with the roles and responsibilities of the welfare state. Services provided to elderly clients are considered a source of income, and seniors, as well as helping professionals in this view by market clients. Responsibility takes by informal care the individual and family. In this case doesn t arise the charges for

provided services, based on the eligible labor regulation and elderly clients are private sector actors


The question of perception of professional social services is determined by the environment in which the elderly client lives. The main disadvantages of institutional care is unnatural environment of the clients, the restriction of original social contacts, the limitations in activities of daily life. Also don t be able to conduct their own households and within the limitation of spending free

time activities. Instead, the home care are the main advantages the natural home environment, personal contact and care for elderly by family members, continuous interaction with relatives, perform routine housework, autonomous dedication to the leisure activities of their choice and conduct normal life despite health restrictions. Disadvantages of home care is to limit contact with experts who can provide immediate professional support, direct access to the compensatory devices, reducing the willingness of families to provide certain types of services such as sanitation services [6].

Compared to home care to institutional care deficiencies determined by the current physical -technical condition, personnel - professional un-derdevelopment in some social services devices. Differences are also by helping professional tasks in different environments. In institutional settings, the professional cares of finding appropriate leisure activities for seniors, monitoring and recommendations to clients for individual analysis, ensuring the development of individual skills and meet clients' needs, providing customers an immediate social and health care, as well as advice in social and personal area, in administrative acts connected with the stay in the facility of social services. Within the domestic environment helping professional checks the suitability of the environment for home stay, helps family members to ensure the client's needs, assists in ensuring the administrative procedures for public authorities and institutions, providing individual psychological support to clients. Effectiveness of action helping professional is being able to move closer to elderly client of social services. This dimension is positively perceived by elderly individuals. As underlined Bocakova (2015, p.152), currently we say about decentralization and de-institutionalization of social services. The aim for a person is to remain as long as possible at home [1]. This aspect will help better acceptance and perception of social worker.

Based on the theory of social services, we consider, that are implicit part of seniors life [3]. The same quality of social services associate with residential nursing care [4]. Our research is devoted to testing and interpretation of selected research-oriented hypothesis in the context of knowledge of the real view of working professionals in social services and counseling. We set and answered the research questions in the concept of the subjective satisfaction of the senior reliant on the provision of social services in comparation specific aspects of elderly care at home and in in-

stitutional environment. For the support the research we set out research questions that we confirmed from the results of processed research conducted questionnair form answered by the participants. The average age of all 119 participants in the sample is 79.10 years (average), and their distribution in terms of the current stay in a facility or home environment is approximately the same.

The first research question is focused on the frequency of contact seniors with helping professional in depending on the actual place of residence. The second research question was aimed at evaluation activities of professional in social services from the perspective of seniors in general. The third research question was aimed at identifying of the three groups the needs, that are most supply by social service professionals and advice from the perspective of seniors and the results according to the residence of seniors do not show significant differences as well as in other cases and the order of the individual needs of identified groups is approximately the same. The fourth research question was aimed at the assessment rate satisfying the needs of individual groups of experts of social services from the perspective of a senior using basic statistical indicators. The fifth research question was aimed at finding a satisfactory manner periodicity of meeting with the specialist social services and advice in the opinion of the elderly.

In the context of research questions we set out hypotheses. The first hypothesis concerns positive evaluation activities helping professional in generally based on the personal experience of participants. It related to the fact, if the participants are living at home or in a facility of social services, with the rate of assessment activities helping professionals is viewed more positively by those living in social service facilities such as the elderly living at home. Assumptions were tested by x2 test of independence and for the needs of statistical tests, we were followed by setting the following hypotheses.

H0: evaluation activities of social workers in general, based on personal experience of respondents and place of residence of the respondents (domestic environment or facility for t H1: evaluation of activities of social workers in general, based on personal experience of respondents and place of residence of the respondents (domestic environment or facility for the elderly) are interdepend-ent.he elderly) are independent of each other,

We have created a contingency table absolute frequency based on the responses of participants.

Table 1

Hypothesis! - Contingency table actual frequencies

Participants Evaluation activity of helping professional in general

very positive positive average together

in social service facilities 29,00 28,00 10,00 67,00

at home 6,00 25,00 21,00 52,00

Together 35,00 53,00 31,00 119,00

On the basis of the actual frequency distribution table, we calculated the expected frequency, as shown in the table.

Table 2

Hypothesis 1 - contingency table of expected frequencies

Participants Evaluation activity of helping professional in general

very positive positive average together

in social service facilities 19,71 29,84 17,45 67,00

at home 15,29 23,16 13,55 52,00

Together 35,00 53,00 31,00 119,00

Based on the values of actual and expected frequencies we quantify the value of the test statistic x2 follows:

, (29.00 - 19.71)2 (28.00 - 29.84) X2 =-ttt^T:-+

19.71 29.84

(25.00 - 23.16)2 (21. +-—-+ ■

2 (10.00 - 17.45)2 (6.00 - 15.29)2 +-ttttt:-+ -

17.45 00 - 13.55)2



The critical value x2 statistics on the level of significance a = 0,05 is 5,99 (Xo,95(2)=5,99) and so it is clear that the conditions for rejection of H0 is true for evaluating the activities of social workers in general, based on personal experience of respondents and place of residence of the respondents (domestic environment or facility for the elderly) are interdependent. The second part of the hypothesis of more positive activities of social workers in general in the elderly living in a social service than those living at home was tested using the average score when we addrd individual evaluations of respondents numeric values (very positive = 5, positive = 4, average = 3, negative = 2, very negative = 1) and consequently calculated average. Average rating by seniors living in institutional terms is 4.25 and the average rating of elderly living at home is 3.71. Therefore, the level

= 17.58


of rating activity helping professionals generally is perceived positively by those living in a social services facility, than those living in the home. Based on these calculations (testing hypotheses by x2 test of independence and the average score of the compared groups of seniors) we accepted the hypothesis first.

Similarly, we continued with Hypothesis 2, which we have established as follows. Facilitate satisfying natural needs by helping professional is related with the fact, that the elderly living at home or social services, with the rate of perceived technical and human assisting is by the elderly living in social services facilities more important than by the elderly living at home.

Based on the values of actual and expected frequencies we quantify the value of the test statistic x2 follows:

(28.00 - 22.19)2 (20.00 - 20.95)2 (5.00 - 9.86)2 (8.00 - 13.81)2 X2 =-^TT-+-^ttttz-+-—-+ ■

22.19 20.95 9.86 (14.00 - 13.05)2 (11.00 - 6.14)2 + --^rz-—+ --—-— = 10.33




Average rating of seniors living in social living at home and 3.91 it is true, that the rate of service facilities is 4.43 and the average elderly perceived positively assisting the elderly living in

facilities for the elderly is higher than that of seniors living at home. Also based on these statistics we accepted the hypothesis second.

Another hypothesis was associated with requested intervention from side the helping professional as frequency form of contact client with social services specialist, respectively social worker. This aspect is related to the fact, if the elderly living at home or facilities for the elderly,

, (46,00 - 33,22)2 (17,00 - 9,57)2 (0,00 - 7,32)2 (4,00 - 10,13)2 (0,00 - 6,76)2

y2 =--1---1---1---1--

A 33,22 9,57 7,32 10,13 6,76

(13,00 - 25,78)2 (0,00 - 7,43)2 (13,00 - 5,68)2 (14,00 - 7,87)2

and the frequency of client contact with a social worker is more common in senior than at home. According to statistical methodologies, we have created a contingency table of absolute frequencies based on respondents' answers. Based on the values of actual and expected frequencies we quantify the value of the test statistic x2 follows:


(12,00 - 5,24)2

+ ---— = 65,16





The critical value x2 statistics on the level of significance a = 0,05 je 5,99 (Xo,95(2)=5,99). Part of the hypothesis of a higher frequency of contact with client assisting professionals in seniors living in residential social services compared to seniors living at home was tested using the average score when we each evaluation by respondents again added numeric values (per day = 5, per week = 4, monthly = 3, quarterly = 2, year= 1) and consequently they calculated average. Average rating of seniors living in institutions for the elderly is 4.57 and the average rating of elderly living at home is 2.77, and it is true, that the frequency of client contact with a helping

professional is more common in facility for elderly than at home. Based on these calculations, hypothesis testing by x2 test of independence and the average score of the compared groups of seniors we accepted the hypothesis. Hypothesis 4 we set out as follows. The perception of the adequacy of the frequency and consistency of contact with clients, helping professionals related to the fact that the elderly living at home or social services, and this sufficiency is perceived intensively with clients living in a facility for seniors than seniors living at home. According to the methodology we created a contingency table of absolute frequencies based on respondents' answers.

Table 3

Hypothesis 4 - Contingency table actual frequencies

Participants The perception of the adequacy of the frequency and consistency of contact

totally agree rather agree neutral rather disagree together

in social service facilities 33,00 21,00 10,00 3,00 67,00

at home 5,00 24,00 13,00 10,00 52,00

Together 38,00 45,00 23,00 13,00 119,00

On the basis of the actual frequency distribution table, we calculated the expected frequency, as shown in the next table.

Национальная ассоциация ученых (НАУ) # 2 (29), 2017 29

Table 4

Hypothesis 4 - contingency table of expected frequencies

Participants The perception of the adequacy of the frequency and consistency of contact

totally agree rather agree neutral rather disagree together

in social service facilities 21,39 25,34 12,95 7,32 67,00

at home 16,61 19,66 10,05 5,68 52,00

Together 38,00 45,00 23,00 13,00 119,00

Part of the hypothesis, that the sufficiency is perceived more intensively with clients living in social services than those living at home, we tested using the average score, when we added to evaluations of individual respondents numeric values (strongly agree = 5 , rather agree = 4, neutral = 3, rather disagree = 2, totally disagree = 1) and consequently calculated average. Average rating of seniors living in institutions for the elderly is 4.25, average rating of seniors living at home is 3.46. It shows us that the sufficiency of the frequency and consistency of contact is perceived more intensively with clients living in a social services facility than those living at home. Based on the calculations of testing hypotheses by x2 test of independence and the average score of the compared groups of seniors we accepted the hypothesis four.

Cemez (2012) says, man during his life goes through several stages of development, each of which has its own specifics[2]. Senior care in institutional (formal type of care as complex services provided by qualified professionals that are controlled by the state or other organization) or at home (informal type of care provided most often by family or friends mostly the lay and intuitive basis) environment has its own specifics, and both types have their advantages and disadvantages. Social worker intervening in social services and counseling is there to stabilize the client, supported his inner balance and ensured the development of his personality at any time and space. To this should certainly help the methods, techniques and strategies in the approach to man as a unique structure inherent features and capabilities, but also gained. Evaluate each option to help the client is a complex process. Procedures, methods, techniques and styles of the professional assistance of clients of social services and counseling in a large extent also depends on the individual skill of expert approach to man, and set the relationship between professional and senior. The inner balance and congruence in personal survival and professional behavior in social services creates conditions for building balance and the client. He helps satisfy the needs of man be in contact with other

people, share with them information, ideas, opinions, and attitudes is in our opinion a prerequisite for intra-subject serenity at every stage of human life. Using suitably chosen emphatic but assertive communication can establish a relationship in which the client will understand that we are here for him and the more easily we will be able to offer him an adequate form of assistance services, which probably accept. Intervention must be implemented as positive interaction. If it really perceive as effect or interaction, then surely we will conduct professional practice with respect to the feedback response, intrapersonal approach to the survival of people, for which we have a significant responsibility.


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2. CEMEZ, A. 2012. Starnutie ako téma vo-lebnej kampane 2012. In BOCÁKOVÁ, O., HORVÁTH, P., (eds.) Starnutie populácie - celo-spolocensky problém. Trnava : FSV UCM. ISBN978-80-8105-397-9, s. 152 - 158.

3. DÁVIDEKOVÁ, M. 2014.- Sociálne sluzby. Trnava: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda, FSV, 2014. 180 s. ISBN 978-80-8105-579-9.

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5. HATÁR, C. 2012. Domáca verzus institu-cionálna starostlivosi o nesebestacnych seniorov alebo o medzigeneracnej solidarite inak. [online] [2016-1002] .<https: //www .pulib .sk/web/kniznica/ elpub/do kument/Balogova5/subor/hatar.pdf>.

6. HÁJEKOVÁ, Z. 2009. Uspokojovanie psy-chosociálnychpotrieb u starych ludí osetrovanych v domácom prostredí. Diplomová práca. Banská Bystrica: SZU, Fakulta zdravotníctva. 103 s.

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