ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ - ЛУЧШИЕ ИНВЕСТИЦИИ В БУДУЩЕЕ И РАЗВИТИЕ КОМПАНИИ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Кубичкова Дарина

В документе речь идет политики в области образования, образовательной политики. Приближает функции и принципы политики в области образования. Это подчеркивает важность образования для личности, но и для общества в целом.

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This article deals with an education, an educational policy. It focuses on the functions and principles of education policy. It stresses the importance of education not only for the individual, but also for the society as a whole.


of articles made of chestnuts during the autumn months, making of Christmas decorations, drawing Easter eggs, in the spring and over the summer it is the flower arrangement and above mentioned work in the vegetable garden.

The non-profit organization Oaza zivota takes exemplary care of its cliets, providing them with homely environment. Careworkers and staff of social service facility approach each client individually, atmosphere is friendly and relaxed. The client does not feel alone. The non-profit organization Oaza zivota helps its clients build the new friendships remain active regardless of age or health restrictions. Clients maintain friendly relations among themselves.

Society nowadays mainly focuses on people in their production age. Older people or people with health limitations are often marginalized or seen as unnecessary. We should realize these people were also once in productive stage of their life, they had interests, friends, and change of the status for them is one of the biggest life

change. We should encouraged and help organizations and institutions that focus on this this group of people to remain active in the thick of things, not allowing them to remain isolated from society and and we should seek the right way to reintegrate them into mainstream society.


1. Zakon NR SR c. 195/1998 Z. z. o socialnej pomoci v zneni neskorsich predpisov

2. Zakon NR SR c. 213/1997 Z.z. o neziskovych organizaciach poskytujucich vseobecne prospesne sluzby

3. Zakon NR SR c. 448/2008 Z. z. o socialnych sluzbach

4. Zakon NRSR c. 455/1991 Z.z. o zivnostenskom podnikani

5. Own research

6. Annual report- Oaza zivota n.o.




PhDr. Darina Kubickova, PhD.

Doctor of Philosophy Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Faculty of Social science in Trnava,



Дарина Кубичкова, Доктор философских наук, Университет св. Кирилла и Мефодия, Факультет социальных наук, Словакия АННОТАЦИЯ

В документе речь идет политики в области образования, образовательной политики. Приближает функции и принципы политики в области образования. Это подчеркивает важность образования для личности, но и для общества в целом. ABSTRACT

This article deals with an education, an educational policy. It focuses on the functions and principles of education policy. It stresses the importance of education not only for the individual, but also for the society as a whole.

Ключевые слова: образование. Политика в области образования. Принципы политики в области образования. Функциональная образовательная политика.

Keywords: аn education. The educational policy. The principles of educational policy. The functions of educational policy.

The educational policy has a great importance to every society. Strategic aims of education are defined by legislative framework of educational institutions, financing methods, determining the objectives and content of education and means of control. According to Kohoutova (2013) the educational policy has two functions [3]:

• pedagogical- it is the formation of personality of the individual, his moral and character attributes

• educational-hereprevails aninformative principle, knowledgeisshared withan individual. The Education is a qualification, that is, the ability to perform a particular job.

Knausova (2007) shows the following principles of education policy [5]:

• to guarantee an equal access to the education

• the enable the development of individual potential to the maximum extent

• to build the educational system

• the principle of individualism and differentiation

• the principle of internationalism- this is particularly the mutual recognition of diplomas, qualification certificates. The general strengthening of social solidarity is expected.

• the principle of equal opportunities- an access to education without any discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, nationality, etc.

• theprinciple of long-lifelearning- this is the professional re-qualification in relation with the radicalc hanges of Professional orientation depending on the opportunities and needs of the labor market. It also focuseson the education of seniors at theuniversities of the third age, Academies of Education, etc.

Krebs (2010) writes that the fundamental tool of education is policy planning, strategic management, defining learning objectives [6]:

• Legislation - the legal standards in the field of education.

• Legalization - the possibility of decision-making in

the context of the problems associated with education.

• Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms -the right to education for all.

Potucek (2005) states the following functions of education [10]:

• preventive function: the personal development of each individual, education is important for employability and security of existence.

• qualification function: represents the assumptions and the ability to exercise certain professions based on acquired expertise

• socializing function: under the influence of education, a man as a social beingisformed, he integrates into society

• economic function: education fulfills the production factor of economic growth

• pedagogical function: is a purposeful shaping of personality and character traits of people

• reformative function:dealswith an existing problem, such as education for healthy lifestyle

• educational function: this is the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Educating is a summary of education and training.

• Integration function: the creation and acquisition of attitudes and skills to various social situations in society.

• selective function: is a social prestige, material security, unequal access to employment

• protection and control functions: first of all primary and secondary schools carry out social control, supervision of underagestudents.

Petrasek (2007) states that in educational policy is necessary to use funds from the European Social Fund and the sources of the European Regional Development Fund [9].

At the present, as stated by Krebs (2010) education is considered as an appropriate or beneficial investment for the future and development of the society. The problem of the funding of schools by number of students still remains and therefore the quantity is more important than the quality [6]. Education statistics provide information on the activities of government, private, religious schools and school facilities. Mainly it includes details of nursery, primary, secondary and high schools, school meals, scholarships and school facilities. [1]

The entry to the European Union, Slovak republic has the opportunity to participate fully in all activities and initiatives in the field of education. Government wants the education system getting developed in content and also in the quality. However, public budgets at a time of global crisis faced solid cushions. This raises the question: will we have financial sources for funding the education that would be designed to meet the increased demands? It is therefore necessary to satisfy the financial needs and requirements of education, but also by a quality selection of applicants for study at universities, to prepare young, technically orientated generation of experts. It is also necessary to strengthen the legislative social and professional position of teachers in society. At the same time to create a favorable social atmosphere in solving the problems in this domain and significantly enhance the cooperation between state and public organizations.

In conditions of high school, the success of teaching depends on the social and cultural maturity educators but also on the educated ones. At the present, the educating

by democratic sentiments, but also by the recognition of different values in the current multilateral human culture. Gradually we go through preferring from monolithic culture to multi-cultural while also looking for similar cultural processes and value hierarchies that would be adequate to the current situation [4].

An important part of education is expressed by the quality of universities. It should be quality management system to build schools and to ensure of implementation of the qualitynot only at the appropriate level, but it is also necessary to create good conditions for successful progress and accreditation at national but also international level.

The internal circle of quality:The time factor plays a large role herethatneeds to beconcerned in terms of the contents and focus of science, pedagogical and education alprocess. If the higher education institution shouldbecontrolled in order to ensurethe quality of the desired level, there must be a system of aspects and quality criteria and methods for the evaluation and assessment. Therefore, it is necessary to create the interconnected system:

• system for the educational process

• system for research and development activities Regarding to the system of quality aspects of the

educational process and its evaluation, it should be overviewed throughout the educational portfolio of the school. Novák and Marcincin (2009) sets out the following essential aspects [8]:

o the characteristics of the assessment unit o the study programs o the students and the educational process o the educators and the educational process o the background of the educational process o the national and international cooperation o the endurance of quality management Each aspect should consist of sub-aspects such as: o thecharacteristics of the assessment units: this is the position in the system of colleges and universities, focus, goals, mission, profile, structure and organization, recognized rights and capabilities, the cost of the educational process, expected development

o thestudy programs: study programs, theorganization of the study, assessment of student's"procedure"

o the study programs: profile and employability of graduates in the labour market, the balance of the subjects, a range of lectures, exercises, seminars and «self-study». Further, the coverage of staff by theteachers, variousmobilities, internships, fellowships, ...

o thestudents and the educational process:these are the numbers and structure, the success rate and length of study, admissions, its results, involvement students in research, application of graduates in practice, learning environment, teaching and consulting assistance for students, complaints and suggestions from the students, feedback: student-teacher

o the educators and educational process: it includes the number and structure, staff and training, analysis, education, relationship educator-student, learning methods of teaching, the connectionsbetween the results of research and educationalprocess

o the background of the educational process: the balance of the requirements of the study programs, libraries, classrooms, and study rooms etc. The scholarships for the

study of disabledstudents, workingenvironment, learning tools, and their use, accommodation and eating options for students.

o thenational and international cooperation: teacher mobility, lecture visits, participation in projects, cooperation with other institutions of higher education, other information.

o themanagement and quality assurance: the main areas of focus of the quality system verification and inspection plan, the system of monitoring, evaluation and implementation of measures to improve the feedback status.

o External - externalcircle of thequality: According to Danko and Zeleny (2009) an evaluation committee for its activities can take advantage of the two main sources of information [2]:

• a self-assessment report

• a personal visit of the university faculties

o Theassessment commission may request the relevant university, faculty the completing the missing data of self-assessment report.

o In terms of personal visits, the interviews with teachers, educators, with researchers and students play a significant role. The final report should be discussed with the management of the HEI or faculty, and these should be expressed in this final report. The final report shall also include a set of recommendations for the commission in terms of improving the quality of accreditation for the HEI.

As stated by Tatar a Mesko (2009), the evaluation of the quality should influence the selections of institutions regarding to partnerships and its part within the frame of the european structures [11]. It should also be a factor in the valuation and recognition of academic degrees, facilitating mobility. The main question is how to assess quality across Europe. Closer eality of the transnational European evaluation system of the quality, will not be the international assessment of quality but an integrated system. The student exchange programs and their recognition will be widely built on the trust. The existence of a national system of quality will be the condition of the wider European cooperation. Also, Lenártová (2009) states that the systems of quality evaluation of socio-educational and scientific-research work of the universities in developed countries of the world are increasingly becoming one of the most important factors for the development of higher education [7]. She indicates that the evaluation is the process of measuring, valuation and evaluation of the results and the evaluation of the object. The task of the evaluation is

to know and monitor the quality of socio-educational and scientific-research activities of faculties. At the moment, the accreditation of higher education institutions is being processed. The accreditation is the process of checking and maintaining the quality of universities when a result of monitoring and evaluation are recognized as the meeting the minimum standards of acceptable study programs.


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