NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF RABBIT MEAT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие сельскохозяйственные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по прочим сельскохозяйственным наукам, автор научной работы — Ruleva T.A., Sarbatova N. Yu., Shebela K. Yu.

Production of rabbit is a promising branch of animal husbandry. Rabbit meat is a dietary product, because it contains little fat, connective tissue, cholesterol, and sodium salts. Rabbit meat is rich in protein, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, vitamins PP, C, B6, B12, is close-grained and has a high digestibility. Rabbit meat retains its taste and nutritional advantages not only fresh, but also in smoked and canned forms. According to research, rabbit serves as a valuable food product for the manufacture of semi-finished products, pates, soups, sausages and corned beef. Food prepared from rabbit meat, is not only of high nutritional value, but also has the taste of qualities, tender and juicy texture. A large variety of dishes can be made of rabbit meat. Having given the biological value of rabbit meat, nutritionists advise to include it on the menu for people at any age. It is useful for children as a source of protein for the growing organism; for older people as a nutritious and easily digestible product; for women, who are recovering, as meat; for men as a valuable protein to support muscles in sport training. Nutritionists advise to use rabbit for people with gastritis and gastric ulcer, colitis and enter colitis, atherosclerosis and hypertension, kidney disease and diabetes. Pure rabbit is sometimes the only option of the beef diet for people with those kinds of allergies, who are contraindicated animal meat. Rabbit meat is known as hypoallergenic. The diet on rabbit meat helps to reduce allergies. But rabbit meat must be natural, without drugs, hormones, growth factors, antibiotics in the diet. Therefore, the value of rabbit is, that with increasing number of patients with allergies, sometimes the meat is the only available type of meat that has no contraindications, and can be recommended to everybody without exception. And the appearance of the meat on store shelves is a real godsend for allergy sufferers.

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Текст научной работы на тему «NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF RABBIT MEAT»

The whole recommendation of methodics allows complex, systematically, based on wide production and financial indicators, quality evaluate the level of effectiveness of innovation activity investigation in agricultural system and work out scientific basis of recommendation on its accomplishment indicators.

Table 2_


_Recommended correlation of growth tempo_

_1. Effigy of innovation production_

_2. investment of innovation_

_3. invest (the whole)_

_4. Pure profit_

_5. Gross domestic profit_

_6. Effigy of manufacturing_

_7. Quantity of manufacturing personnel in agriculture_

_8. Number of personal in agriculture_

Recommended relation to tempos of growth indication including supposed method evaluation effectiveness of innovation activities in agriculture.

In such way of important reserves increasing in effectiveness innovation activities in agriculture corresponds with methods in activation of investigation activities correlation diversification, source of financial investment, budget resources of different level, exemption credits leasing activation of fundamental and introduction of leading technological automation computerizing agricultural production. Besides that in system of government management innovation creation special investigation groups - as temporary and as contemporary. Main purpose of activities - temporary development and improvement methodical and organizational base of function regional innovation system of progress agriculture based on selection criteria of innovation projects.

From the point of view regional innovation system in our opinion may be rather effective in case of existence of temporary changes right privately, for changes of the market innovation. So, the existence of many factors, obstructing innovation development of Uzbekistan on measured system of governments support, these negative factors successfully realized. Practice observations of EU and the USA on the base of successfully development MAP countries consist of government support of agrarian sector. That' why development of MAP in Uzbekistan and its innovation progress government has to engage in appropriate way.


Ruleva T. A.

Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor Sarbatova N. Yu.,

Shebela K. Yu.

Russia, Krasnodar city, Kubansky State Agricultural University.

Abstract. Production of rabbit is a promising branch of animal husbandry. Rabbit meat is a dietary product, because it contains little fat, connective tissue, cholesterol, and sodium salts. Rabbit meat is rich in protein, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, vitamins PP, C, B6, B12, is close-grained and has a high digestibility. Rabbit meat retains its taste and nutritional advantages not only fresh, but also in smoked and canned forms. According to research, rabbit serves as a valuable food product for the manufacture of semi-finished products, pates, soups, sausages and corned beef.

Food prepared from rabbit meat, is not only of high nutritional value, but also has the taste of qualities, tender and juicy texture. A large variety of dishes can be made of rabbit meat. Having given the biological value of rabbit meat, nutritionists advise to include it on the menu for people at any age. It is useful for children as a source of protein for the growing organism; for older people as a nutritious and easily digestible product; for women, who are recovering, as meat; for men as a valuable protein to support muscles in sport training.

Nutritionists advise to use rabbit for people with gastritis and gastric ulcer, colitis and enter colitis, atherosclerosis and hypertension, kidney disease and diabetes. Pure rabbit is sometimes the only option of the beef diet for people with those kinds of allergies, who are contraindicated animal meat. Rabbit meat is known as hypoallergenic. The diet on rabbit meat helps to reduce allergies. But rabbit meat must be natural, without drugs, hormones, growth factors, antibiotics in the diet. Therefore, the value of rabbit is, that with increasing number ofpatients with allergies, sometimes the meat is the only available type of meat that has no contraindications, and can be recommended to everybody without exception. And the appearance of the meat on store shelves is a real godsend for allergy sufferers.

Keywords: rabbit meat, chemical composition of meat, the value of rabbit muscle tissue, dietary product.

Lately production of new improved food products that supply a man with proteins of full value, required nutritious substances, micro-elements and vitamins has become of much importance. Production of dietary meat and meat products enriched with vitamins is becoming topical [4].

Increasing the amount of animal husbandry products has been and still remains one of the most important tasks of the Russian agriculture the task that can be solved only by way of developing all its branches including rabbit breeding which is a reserve of producing fur and dietary nutritious meat.

The rabbit meat production is a perspective branch of animal husbandry. Rabbits are characterized with multiple pregnancies and early maturity. One doe rabbit can give the meat amount that more than 30 times bigger its own weight. The nutritious value of rabbit milk is so high that young animals grow fast; if a piglet gains its weight twice at two weeks, the young rabbit gains its weight two times on 6 day. At 30 days its weight increases by almost 10 times. Only bird out of farm animals can excels this indicator [3].

In Russia we have recently observed a rapid growth of rabbit meat production. At present in our country the main production of rabbit meat is done due to the farms, the profitability of which directly depends on type and cost of food supplies [3].

Rabbit meat is a dietary product because there is little fat, connective tissue, cholesterol and sodium salts. Rabbit meat is rich in protein, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, vitamins PP, C, B6, B12, is close-grained and has a high digestibility.

Rabbit meat is white with a pink shade, almost without aftertaste, soft and dense consistence, low-fat, fine-fibered, thin bones, low cholesterol and purine bases content that has a high ability to bind water [1].

Well-fed rabbits have some intramuscular seam fat that condition its tender consistence and meat "mottling". The connective tissue is not developed. Subcutaneous fat layers as stripes are most often observed in the withers and groin parts. The correlation of meat and bones in a carcass is favorable. The specific weight of bones is 15-17%.

The muscular tissue is the main meat part having the highest nutritious value. That is why the more muscular tissue, the higher its nutritious value is. On average in a rabbit carcass there is 84-85% of muscular tissue [5].

The fact that rabbit met is low in cholesterol is of great value. Food products made of rabbit meat are notable for not only high nutrition but also taste qualities such as tender and juicy texture. Taking into consideration the biological value of rabbit meat the nutritionists advise to include the meat in the menu of people of all age range. It is useful for children as protein source of the growing organism; for elderly people as nutritious and easily digestible product; for women, who are recovering, as meat; for men as a valuable protein to support muscles in sport training [1].

Evaluating the culinary merits by 100 point scale the rabbit meat takes one of the first places (83 балла), it is second only to turkey: broiler chickens have received 50 points, best sorts of bacon pork 60 points, beef 75 points. Rabbit meat is well combined with other meat sorts and products [4].

Thus rabbit meat is a recognized diet product.

The goals and tasks of the research is:

- to study the quality indicators and technological characteristics of rabbit meat;

- to ground the use of rabbit meat in technology of meat products;

- to research the physical-chemical composition and organoleptic characteristics of the meat;

- to make conclusions on the basis of the received results and suggestions of rabbit meat



№ 4(4), Vol.4, December 2015 69


1. Рациональное использование биологически ценных продуктов убоя животных в мясных технологиях [Текст] / Н. В. Тимошенко [и др.] // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 5.1. — С. 49-53.

2. Тимошенко Н. В. Использование пищевого волокна при корректировке мясосодержащей продукции для людей, имеющих избыточную массу тела [Текст] / Н. В. Тимошенко, А. М. Патиева, Е. П. Лисовицкая // Молодой ученый. — 2014. — № 18. — С. 294-297.

3. Разработка технологии функциональных мясных изделий для людей, предрасположенных или имеющих избыточную массу тела с использованием функционального мясного сырья и конжаковой камеди [Текст]/ Л.Ю. Куценко, Е.П. Лисовицкая, А.М. Патиева, С.В. Патиева// Вестник НГИЭИ. —2013. —№ 6. —С. 61-69.

4. Чернобай, Е. Н. Технология первичной переработки продуктов животноводства / Е. Н. Чернобай, О. В. Сычева, Н. Ю. Сарбатова. - Ставрополь: 2008. - 246 с.


Доктор биологических наук, профессор Шералиев Абдусаит Шералиевич,

Докторант Хайтбаева Нодира Сейтжановна

Ташкентский Государственный аграрный университет

Abstract. The fusarium of wheat reduces the yield to 31,1% and dramatically worsens the quality of crop in the territory of Karakalpakistan. Infected plants during the vegetation period aquires yellow colour, reduces the spike because of undeveloped crop. In the damaged plants appears small, starveling crop and the seed cover becomes rough and not silky. In fungological analyse of roots and stems of damaged plant you can find the fungi types belonging to the family Fusarium F.solani, F.oxysporum, F. verticiloidis.

Keywords: infection, fusarium, soil, rootage, grain, wheat, root.

В регионе бассейна Аральского моря микроорганизмы причиняют большой экономический ущерб сельскому хозяйству, снижают урожай, а иногда полностью губят его. Ежегодно 15 тысяч видов этих микроорганизмов, входящих в основной состав биоценозов, приводят к потере более 30% урожая.

Целый ряд опаснейших заболеваний у разнообразных культурных растений вызываются грибами из рода Fusarium Lk.et Fr. Фузариоз приводить гибель пораженных растений, снижаеть количество и качество урожая, а также является причиной интоксикации сельскохозяйственных продуктов, при употреблении которых происходят отправления, нередко кончающиеся смертью (Билай, 1965; Билай, Пидопличко, 1970; Саркисов и др., 1972).

В современных экологических условиях, при возрастающем влиянии антропогенного фактора на структуру биоценозов приспособляемость сапротрофных форм рода Fusarium к паразитическому образу жизни повышается. Эволюция их паразитизма наблюдается не только на растениях, но и в организмах животных и насекомых, где они выступают в качестве возбудителей различных заболеваний (Ковал, 1974,Шералиев 2001).

Фузариоз сельскохозяйственных культур в Узбекистане впервые был изучен Н.Г. Запрометовим (1952). Отдельные виды рода Fusarium изучались на хлопчатнике (Соловьева, 1964), кенафе (Хасанов, 1965), дыне (Песцова, 1974), шелковице (Шералиев, 1981,2001,2014), томате (Шералиев, 1995).

Фузариоз зерна - широко распространенное в мире заболевание, повсеместно снижающее урожай и качество сельскохозяйственной продукции. Фузариоза зерновых культур былы отмечены на Дальнем Востоке в 1880-1890-х годах и последние годы она широко распространено по всем территории России (Гаккаева, 2013).

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